Stay with Me (The WITSEC series Book 1)

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Stay with Me (The WITSEC series Book 1) Page 27

by Patricia Logan

  “You lied to me?” Luca heard his own voice rise at least a full octave.

  “There were some things I left out so I suppose you could interpret that as a lie by omission. You have to understand, Luca. I didn’t think it would matter because I didn’t think we’d see each other again. Now I know that’s not true so I want to sit down with you and clear the air.”

  Luca was mystified but he shut his mouth and stared out the window as Kane drove the rest of the way to his townhome, driving under the building to his space in the subterranean parking lot. As he pulled in and got out of the car, he didn’t wait for Luca to open his own door. Instead, he ran around and opened it for him. As soon as Luca stood up, Kane pulled him into his arms, against his big muscular body. His scent filled Luca’s nostrils and he could only groan.

  The man smelled so male like leather and musk, with just a touch of a spicy aftershave he couldn’t identify. He craned his neck and looked up into his face, the expression on it—one of wonder—as if he was surprised he liked being this close to him. Luca almost laughed. When his dick had been buried in him, they’d been a lot closer than this. Right now, though, all he wanted was to fall into the man and let him do whatever he wanted with him.

  “I’m gonna kiss you and then we’re going upstairs so that I can put you in my bed where we can talk.”

  Luca chuckled, wrapping his arms around Kane as he stared longingly at his face. “We’re gonna talk in bed, Detective? When there’s so many other fun things to do in bed?” He’d fallen so hard and fast for this man that his head was spinning and he honestly couldn’t think of a single place he’d rather be than in Kane Delancey’s bed.

  Kane smirked at him. “Taking first. Then… maybe, if you’re real lucky, we can explore those other things in bed.” Kane leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. It was just a promise of things to come but it still made Luca weak in the knees. He was pretty sure Kane had the power to break his heart should he want to do it and that scared the shit out of him. He blinked slowly, gazing up into Kane’s eyes as he broke the sweet kiss.

  “Jesus, Luca, your eyes are really special. The smoky gray with all those little blue flecks. Christ, only you have the power to destroy me.”

  Holy shit. The things the man says sometimes.

  Luca smiled at him, hating to end the moment but they were standing in a dirty garage after all. His stomach suddenly rumbled and Kane let go of him, chuckling.

  “Yeah, first, we have to eat. I haven’t had a morsel of food since yesterday,” Luca said. Kane locked the car and slung a big arm over his shoulders, turning him toward the stairwell leading into the building.

  “Fine. I’ll order a pizza and we’ll eat in bed,” Kane said.

  Luca grinned. The man had a one-track mind and he didn’t mind it one little bit.


  The pizza was amazing. It came from a place in nearby Burbank called Taste Chicago owned by actor Joe Mantegna. They had to wait a bit because Kane called a delivery service but when it arrived, Luca was thrilled. He had no idea pizza could taste like this. It was deep-dish and Kane ordered it with all the meat and toppings that would fit. Luca wasn’t a big meat eater, but he knew that with this man in his life, he’d no doubt be sharing more than one of these in the future… provided they had one.

  While they’d waited for the pizza to arrive, Luca had tried to get Kane to start talking but he’d insisted they wait until after. Instead, they’d tromped up to the loft bedroom and cleaned out the ferret enclosures. Kane had shown Luca just how much work it was to have ferrets in the house. Apparently, they could run freely through the house, but they were hard to litter train and they tended to tear things up if not watched closely. It was also clear to Luca just how much Kane loved his babies. He smiled and talked to them in low cooing tones as he changed their bedding and gave them fresh food and water. He checked the kits, even pointing out the smallest of Dorothy’s little ones. The tiny white ferret was no longer than his pinky finger and Luca fell in love.

  Watching Kane with his pets gave Luca even more to like about the man. He was now actively working not to fall in love with him. If he did, he somehow knew it wasn’t going to go well. The man was in the closet and Luca was so not in the closet but when the two of them were together like this, he actually wondered whether he could live with the situation. He also wondered what Kane had omitted. He was glad the when the pizza finally arrived so that he could concentrate on something else.

  “Come on, Luca. Let’s go have that talk now.” Kane stood up from the small dining table and held out a hand.

  Luca looked up, slowly reaching to take it, almost dreading whatever Kane had to say. Over the last two hours, he’d thought of all sorts of horrible things that Kane could possibly have omitted. He cleared his throat and stood up, following Kane down the hall to the bedroom feeling dread churning in his stomach. He felt almost instantly better when he caught Kane’s strong scent in the room. He adored the way the man smelled.

  Kane turned around and drew Luca into his arms, pulling him hard against his chest and kissing him ravenously. In moments, Luca’s body was burning up in flames. Kane’s tongue thrust into his mouth, sucking, licking, tasting every inch of it. Luca couldn’t breathe. His cock instantly turned to stone and it was all he could do to breathe. The strength and sheer dominance of the man was overwhelming… and everything he craved.

  Luca ran his hands up and under Kane’s shirt, touching the soft hair growing over the wide expanse of his chest. He didn’t think he’d ever been happier that a man didn’t wax. He’d slept with plenty of guys who thought that was the thing to do, but he loved the natural feel of a man with a hairy chest. It was just another thing to love about him. Kane groaned as Luca took hold of his nipples, pinching them until they were tight little buds. When Kane finally lifted his mouth from Luca’s lips he was panting hard as he looked down at him. His eyes had turned dark, just a shade of gray deeper than his own but also with flecks of sky-blue. He was utterly stunning as he stared at Luca like he was the most important man on earth.

  “I don’t think we’re gonna get much talking done like this,” Luca gasped.

  Kane grinned and then reached down and yanked Luca’s T-shirt up and off in one swift move. “I should have known better. Right now, I need this.” Kane slid both hands down Luca’s stomach where he gripped the button of his jeans, popping it open with ease before sliding the zipper down. Next, his jeans were peeled down his thighs followed by his boxer briefs. Luca’s cock sprang free, already leaking with precome. He watched in amazement as Kane slid to his knees in front of him, holding his ass with both hands as he looked up into Luca’s face.

  “I’ve never…”

  “It’s okay, Kane. You don’t have to,” Luca said, barely able to get the words out before Kane leaned in and had his lips wrapped around the head of his cock. His tongue slid into his foreskin and then found his slit. Luca almost came then and there.

  “Oh, God!” he gasped.

  Kane looked up at him and smiled around his cock. He slowly pulled off and then sat back on his heels, staring up at Luca.

  “Am I doing it wrong?” he asked innocently.

  Luca wasn’t fooled for a second. He immediately leaned down and grabbed two handfuls of Kane’s hair and brought him back to his cock. The moment Kane slid his mouth over the head, he chuckled but began sucking in earnest. Luca was in heaven. For a first timer, the detective had a pretty fucking good idea what he was supposed to do. He absently wondered how much gay porn the man had watched to be this good at rocking Luca’s world.

  Luca wasn’t a small man but Kane did a pretty damn good job of swallowing most of him. He even managed to firm his lips as he withdrew each time, coaxing moans out of Luca. Luca tightened his fingers in Kane’s hair as he felt the tingling sensation of an approaching orgasm.

  “Stop!” he gasped. “I’m gonna…”

  Kane pulled off instantly but h
e grabbed Luca’s shaft and pumped him hard, dragging a mind-blowing climax out of him. Luca shouted as he shot his load all over Kane’s chin, cheeks, and lips. He was about to apologize for giving the man a facial after his first blowjob when Kane’s pointed tongue snaked out and licked up several drops. Luca nearly fainted at the sight of it. Instead, he sank to his knees and framed Kane’s cheeks with both hands, leaning forward and kissing him deeply, smearing his come between them, tasting his own release. When he finally pulled his lips away, he licked Kane’s chin and cheeks, cleaning him thoroughly as the man literally purred with huge vibrating groans.

  When he was finished, he leaned back and quickly tore off his shoes and kicked off his jeans and briefs as Kane stripped himself. Just watching Kane’s incredible body come into focus almost sent him over the edge. All at once, his cock was stiff and ready to go again as Kane pulled him onto the bed, rolling him into the center of it as he dug through the drawer where the ridiculous sex toys lay. Luca was relieved when only a bottle of lube and box of condoms landed on the bed this time.

  Kane looked down at him and Luca watched his eyes roam over his face as if he was memorizing his features. All Luca could do was hold his breath. He’d missed the man so much but he’d deliberately put him out of his thoughts so he could guard his heart. He was helpless when it came to Kane Delancey. He didn’t think he’d ever had the hots for someone this badly and he knew when this night was over, there probably wouldn’t be another. All he could do was live in the moment and not wish with all his heart that being in the big man’s bed was the only place he ever wanted to be. He felt his thoughts turning dark and realized he had to lighten the mood. He smiled widely.

  “How do you want me?”

  Kane smirked. “Every way I can have you, baby.”

  Luca started to get up so that he could flip over. Looking into Kane’s eyes would betray his own emotions and if he wanted to keep the man just a little while, he knew he had to make this only about sex. It’s all Kane really wanted anyway. Kane reached out and put the palm of his big hand on Luca’s chest, pushing him back down.

  “I want to look into your eyes as I fuck you, Luca. God, I’ve missed your eyes,” he rumbled.

  Jesus, the things the man says.

  Luca nodded, forcing himself to breathe. “That works for me.” He opened his legs wide and Kane crawled in between. When he lifted his legs and put them over Kane’s shoulders, he seemed to like that position, judging by the smile on his face. Kane grabbed a condom and rolled it on and like he’d been doing it his whole adult life, he flipped the bottle of lube open and drizzled some onto his fingers before reaching down and beginning to open Luca up. He was a quick study. There was no more instruction needed when it came to prep and within a minute of slow and thorough stretching, Luca was ready.

  “Come on. Do it already,” he gasped out. Kane chuckled and squeezed more lube onto his dick as Luca watched him stroke himself. He moved into position and pressed the wide head of his cock against his entrance. Luca held his breath. As Kane slowly began pressing in, Luca’s gaze locked with his. The man’s eyes were a stormy silver-gray with only a trace of blue that had darkened with desire.

  “You’re so tight, baby. I’d forgotten.” Kane grunted and Luca held his breath, struggling to relax. Kane was strong and dominant but at the same time he was being so gentle at the moment. As he pushed in, Kane leaned down and kissed him, taking his mouth ravenously, making him think of anything and everything but the painful invasion. The man really knew how to kiss him. When he was finally sheathed fully, Kane broke the kiss and looked down at him.

  “You’re so beautiful, Luca. How can I live without you?”

  Luca stared up at him, wondering the same thing. “Don’t talk. Just fuck me,” he gasped.

  Kane kissed him as he began to thrust, moving slowly at first and then picking up the pace. Luca closed his eyes and gripped the bed clothes, holding on for dear life as he moaned out his pleasure as his climax built. Kane made a grunting sound with every thrust as he pounded into him and when he sat back, changing the angle, and dropping Luca’s legs from his shoulders, it was almost a relief. He wrapped his legs around Kane’s hips, pressing his heels into the hard muscles of his ass. Feeling the rhythmic flexing of his ass as he fucked him was really something. There was nothing soft on the man and Luca loved it.

  “Luca, God, baby, I’m so close. You gotta come,” Kane gasped into his mouth before kissing him again.

  Luca had no problem with that. He’d been on edge since the moment he’d climbed back into Kane Delancey’s bed. He nodded as Kane broke the kiss and leaned up, taking him in hand between them. Kane stroked him hard and Luca cried out as he came forcefully, splattering between them even as Kane grunted and slammed into him, throbbing inside his body, filling the condom. The look of a fully-sated man was something Luca never got enough of but seeing that expression on Kane’s face was incredible. It meant something to be able to bring that much happiness to a man like that.

  As they came down from their orgasms, Luca unwound his legs and Kane flopped over him, pushing himself up on his elbows to take both of Luca’s cheeks into his hands and stare into his eyes.

  “I’ll never get enough of you. You have completely bewitched me. What is it about you that makes me useless for anyone else?” Kane’s deep voice made Luca shiver.

  “I thought you never wanted me in your bed again. You said yourself it was a one-time thing,” Luca said, trying not to sound hurt even though he was confused as hell.

  Kane sighed and shook his head, leaning down to kiss him, still holding both cheeks. When he finally lifted his head, he stared down into his eyes.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know. I just… it was like as much as I want to push you away because I know you can’t possibly be good for me, there’s this burning desire to keep you close and claim you. I need to make you mine, keep you here with me all the time.” Kane stared at him a moment more before letting his hands drop and leaning up. Kane slowly pulled out of him, saying nothing, just holding onto the condom and then grabbing a tissue box to deal with it. He handed the box to him and Luca cleaned himself as Kane got off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

  When he came back, he was holding a washcloth and he crawled back onto the bed and leaned over to do a more thorough job of cleaning Luca up with the warm towel. The gesture was so intimate and kind, it blew Luca’s mind. He couldn’t figure Kane out. He was a combination of gruff police detective and gentle lover and it was that combination that got his engine revving in a big way. Kane put the washcloth on the bedside table and then he lay down beside him again, pulling him into his arms. He kissed the top of his head as Luca cuddled up against his big body.

  “I need to tell you something but I need you to stay right here like this,” he said.

  “Okay,” Luca said hesitantly, suddenly remembering that there was something Kane had wanted to tell him—confess to him? Whatever it was, he needed Luca in his arms.

  “I’m not who you think I am, Luca,” Kane began.

  Luca frowned and pulled away only far enough that he could look up and search his face for the truth. “Who are you then?” He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer.

  “I’m not a police detective with the LAPD.”

  “What?” Luca jolted, trying to yank himself away but unable to move with Kane’s arms around him.

  “Shh… easy. It’s not what you think, Luca,” he said in low tones. Luca knew he was deliberately trying to soothe him with the tone of his voice.

  “You’re not a cop?” Luca’s heart beat wildly.

  “I’m not LAPD. I’m actually a federal agent and right now, I’m using the detective’s shield because I need it for the case I’m working on,” Kane said calmly. The look in his eyes was sincere.

  “Does Kelly know or is she an imposter too?” Luca asked, not knowing why that was the most important thing to know about all of this.

  Kane shook his head
, chuckling as he loosened his grip on Luca. Luca instantly scrambled away and pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping them with his arms as he watched Kane sit up too.

  “Yes, Luca. Kelly knows and no, she’s not an imposter. She’s a Brentwood LAPD police detective who has agreed to help me with my federal case.”

  “Oh, okay. So, you said you’re a federal officer. What? FBI?” Luca asked, still eyeballing him skeptically.

  Kane smiled. “Federal agent, Luca, and no, I’m not FBI though they are working with me on this case. I’m actually a special agent with Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.”

  “ATF? You’re ATF!” Luca narrowed his eyes as he glared at him. “How many guns did you let drug dealers buy in the Gunwalking scandal, Mr. ATF? Hmm?”

  Kane chuckled. “That was like ten years ago, Luca. I wasn’t with the agency then. I was still overseas in the Marine Corps.”

  “Oh,” Luca said, feeling kind of deflated and really foolish. He had the utmost respect for men and women who served in the armed forces, especially ones who saw combat like Kane must have if he was overseas as a Marine.

  “Anyway, a case came up where I needed the cover ID of a cop so my SAC paired me up with Kelly at the LAPD. She’s been helping me out.”

  “So, you’re not really investigating the diamond theft at my store? You’re acting like it but you’re really not?”

  Kane frowned. “Yes, we actually are investigating the robbery. My work as an agent actually happens alongside investigations of other kinds with the LAPD.”

  “Show me your badge,” Luca said.

  “What?” Kane looked completely confused.

  “Show me your ATF badge or I’m going to get out of this bed and run away right now!” Luca nearly shouted. He had no idea why his heart was pounding this hard. All of a sudden, he felt faint.

  Kane got off the bed and moved quickly to his bureau where he yanked open the top drawer. He pulled out a wallet and then returned to the bed, shoving the leather billfold at him.


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