Stay with Me (The WITSEC series Book 1)

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Stay with Me (The WITSEC series Book 1) Page 33

by Patricia Logan

  Kane ignored her and glanced back at Luca who now had his arms around the third man on the dance floor while the man he’d kissed spooned him from behind. The three men laughed and writhed on the dance floor in a sensual way that looked completely unpracticed and sexy as hell. Luca ground his dick against the man in his arms while the third man thrust his groin against Luca’s ass as the music thumped out a sensuous beat. Kane had an overwhelming urge to leave his date’s side, run out to the dance floor, and rip the two men away from Luca.

  “I can’t watch this anymore,” Kimber said and Kane tore his gaze away from the three men, looking down at her. The expression on her face was one of disgust and for a moment, he was shocked as he looked at her. The very thought of being disgusted when looking at Luca was simply ludicrous on its face. The man was anything but disgusting. In Kane’s mind, he was golden and beautiful, even in another man’s arms. He stared at Kimber and then blocked her face with his drink as he downed it, turning halfway around and thumping the empty glass on the bar. When he turned back to Kimber, she had both hands on her hips and she was glaring at him.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Why didn’t you take me to a straight club? I don’t need to see this kind of perversion.”


  “We should go,” Kane said, dragging his gaze back to the dance floor where Luca was now staring right at him. He’d stopped dancing and now stood on the dance floor while the other two men he was with were locked in an embrace, kissing each other with a whole lot of tongue. It wasn’t the fact that Luca was staring at him with an expression of complete and utter hurt, but instead the fact that he broke their gaze almost as soon as Kane caught sight of him. When Luca looked pointedly at Kimber and then back at him, the mask of pain vanished as complete resignation slid down over his beautiful features. The expression of hopelessness that shuttered Luca’s features was sudden and it made Kane’s heart ache.

  Kane felt like he’d been punched in the gut, but as Luca turned away and walked off the dance floor, leaving his two friends behind, Kane knew he had to do something. He leaned down to Kimber and whispered.

  “I need to use the bathroom.”

  He didn’t wait for her answer but took off in the same direction Luca had gone, weaving his way toward the back of the club. Kane had been to Carina’s many times and he knew there was a back door to the club. He took a moment to wonder if that’s where Luca had been headed but since the bathrooms were also in this direction, he knew he’d have to check them out as well. He pushed his way through the crowd, looking over the top of people for Luca’s dark head with natural blond highlights.

  Damn, Luca looked gorgeous tonight. He was wearing tight black jeans that hugged his narrow hips and a form-fitting turquoise shirt that clung to his abs, showing them off as he was dancing. His shiny black Doc Marten boots—as usual—were worn without socks. Kane had the sudden overwhelming urge to find Luca and rip every stitch off him. He desperately needed to find him. As he got close to the back of the bar, his endeavors were rewarded as he spotted a bright head ducking into the men’s room. Kane headed straight for it.

  As he stepped into the men’s room, he pulled up short, nearly crashing into Luca who was standing just inside the bathroom with both hands on his hips and a frown on his face. The very fact that Luca had known he would be following would have been almost funny if not for the look of anger and hurt in his features. Kane came to a halt in front of Luca and then reached out, grabbing both of his biceps and pulling him out of the pathway from the door to the urinals. As Luca nearly did a dolphin twist to get out of his grip, Kane was forced to let go. Luca staggered back against the counter and caught himself as he reached back, steadying himself on the marble.

  “What the hell, Delancey? Go back to your girl,” Luca said before Kane could even open his mouth.

  Kane grinned and stepped up to him, loving the spark of fire in Luca’s light eyes and the way they seemed even brighter whenever they were framed by the fucking black liner he always put around them whenever he went out at night. He leaned over Luca, bracing both hands on the counter on either side of his body as he bent toward him.

  “What makes you think she’s my girl and who are you to ask? I just watched you practically fuck two guys on the dance floor,” he growled close to Luca’s mouth, staring into his gorgeous gray-blue eyes.

  “They’re friends. I’m not fucking them,” Luca said, narrowing his eyes and sounding defensive. “Besides, why would you care anyway, Delancey? You haven’t called in two weeks.”

  Kane felt his heart do a tiny twist because the fact was, none of that was a lie. He hadn’t called and if he stopped to think about it, cornering him in the men’s room when Kimber was waiting at the bar was a pretty shitty thing to do to do. He let go of the countertop and straightened, staring down at Luca and giving a sharp nod.

  “I’m… sorry. You’re right,” he said quietly. “I just saw you out there with those two guys and I… didn’t like it,” he admitted.

  Luca’s mouth dropped open as he stared back at him like he had two heads. “Well, I’m not planning on doing anything with them. Corey wanted me to come out with him and then we spotted Brett and started dancing. It’s nothing. Corey will probably go home with Brett and…” His words trailed off.

  “And you’ll go home with someone else?” Kane couldn’t help but ask, knowing it was a shit thing to do.

  Luca frowned and canted his head toward the door. “You won’t take your girl home?” Kane opened his mouth to speak when Luca held up a hand, placing two fingers over his lips. He shook his head. “Don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.” To his horror, Kane heard the way Luca’s voice trembled. He suddenly felt even more sick to his stomach. He’d hurt him by not calling and then been an utter asshole by asking a woman out to Carina’s knowing there was a possibility he would run into Luca here. It had been a dick move. He didn’t need to prove to anyone that he was straight and the fact was, Luca hadn’t cared when he reminded him that he was. Luca never expected Kane to take him out in public where they might be seen by his friends… he’d been fine to stay in bed with him and fuck like he was Kane’s dirty little secret.

  All Kane could bring himself to do was shrug. “I’m sorry.”

  Luca sniffed and stared at him, offering a ghost of a smile. “No reason to be sorry, Delancey. You never led me on. It was fun until it wasn’t.” He looked away and then took a step to walk around him but Kane couldn’t let him go like that. He reached out and grabbed his bicep, pulling Luca up short. When he turned gray-blue eyes up to him, they were clouded and his lip was trembling.

  “I’m… sorry,” Kane said, weakly. It wasn’t what he wanted to say but it’s all that came out.

  Luca blinked watery eyes at him as Kane let go of his arm. “Me too, Delancey. Take care.”

  Kane opened his mouth to say something else but before he could, Luca broke eye contact and was walking away. Kane watched him disappear through the doorway and when the door closed, it felt like a thunder crashing in his own ears.

  Other Books by Patricia Logan:

  The Armadillo Series:

  Leather Nights

  Undercover Nights

  Warrior Nights (MMM Menage)

  The Westburg Series:

  Captive Lover

  A Very Good Year

  The Cowboy Queen

  The Silvers Series:

  Silver Bullets

  Silver Secrets (MMF Ménage)

  Silver Ties (BDSM) (Should be read before the Master’s Boys series)

  Silver Linings (BDSM) (Should be read after the Master’s Boys and Invitation Only series)

  The Master’s Boys (Serial) (BDSM):








  The Invitation Only (Serial) (BDSM):



  Heathr />



  The Assassins Series:

  Verified Kill

  Confirmed Kill

  Demonstrated Kill

  The Bound by Love Series (Black Point Books-Publisher) (BDSM):

  Say my Name

  The Bears’ Surrender

  I Dare You

  Civil War Romance (BDSM):

  The Slave’s Mask


  The Marine Bodyguard Series:

  The Superstar

  The Thief

  The Brat (Should be read before the Death and Destruction series)

  The Death and Destruction Series:

  Death and Destruction

  Flash and Bang

  Slip and Slide

  Locked and Loaded

  Point and Shoot

  Thunder and Lightning

  Body and Soul

  Endings and Beginnings

  Spies and Allies

  The Hard Riders Series:

  Buttermilk Ranch

  The Paladin Shifters Series:

  The Tiger King

  Thin Blue Line Series:

  Thin Blue

  Order and Anarchy

  Crime and Chaos

  The Lei Crime Series in the Kindle World:

  Unforeseen Danger (MM Young Adult 18- Romance)

  Stand Alone Novel:

  Gypsy Knight (Medieval MMF Ménage)

  Stand Alone Shorts:

  Hot Summer Hogs (BDSM) Featuring characters from Leather Nights and a special appearance from Zack Teak

  Over the Road (MMM Menage) Featuring characters from Warrior Nights

  Love Letters Featuring characters from Captive Lover and Leather Nights

  Wounded Warriors

  Chasing Deuce (MMM Menage)

  Falling for Rafe (With the amazing Rain Carrington) (BDSM) Featuring characters from my Master’s Boys series and Rain’s Honky Tonk series

  Free on my blog:

  Dinner with Frankie (Vesper’s First Date) Part 1

  In French:

  L’Amant Captif (Captive Lover)

  Une Tres Bonne Annee (A Very Good Year)

  La Reine du Cowboy (The Cowboy Queen)

  Liens d’argent (Silver Ties)

  In Spanish:

  Lazos de plata (Silver Ties)

  In Italian:

  Catene d’argento (Silver Ties)














  Trame d’argento (Silver Linings)

  Inseguendo Deuce (Chasing Deuce)

  Prigioniero d’amore (Captive Lover)

  Un’ottima annata (A Very Good Year)

  The Cowboy Queen

  Professione Killer (Verified Kill)

  Sentenza di morte (Confirmed Kill)

  La Congiura (Demonstrated Kill)

  The Superstar

  Il Ladro

  Il Moccioso

  Buttermilk Ranch

  La Maschera dello Schiavo (The Slave’s Mask)

  Morte e’distruzione (Death and Destruction)

  Fuochi d’Artificio (Flash and Bang)

  Dissesto e Frana (Slip and Slide)

  Carichi e Pronti (Locked and Loaded)

  Tuoni e Fulmini (Thunder and Lightning)

  Proiettili d’Argento (Silver Bullets)

  About the Author

  International bestselling author Patricia Logan, resides in Los Angeles, California. The author of several #1 bestselling erotic romances in English, Italian, French, and Spanish lives in a small house with a large family. When she’s not writing her next thriller romance, she’s watching her grandchildren grow up way too soon and raising kids who make her proud every day. One of her favorite tasks is coaxing nose kisses from cats who insist on flopping on her keyboard while she types. Married to a wonderful man for over 30 years, she counts herself lucky to be surrounded by people who love her and give her stories to tell every day.

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  Email her at [email protected]. She loves to hear from readers more than anything and will respond to all emails.




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