An Eternal Family 1

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An Eternal Family 1 Page 4

by Stein Willard

  “How was your meeting?”

  “I don’t know. Longer than I expected?”

  Paloma smiled. “I’d noticed.”

  “I’m sorry.” She had tried to rush the dinner, but Alexandra had other plans. She not only ordered more wine, she also ordered dessert afterwards. By that time, the other woman had been a little more than tipsy and had flirted openly with Inger. Inger studied Paloma’s face. How was she going to tell Paloma that Alexandra had set up the meeting only to get Inger in a more private setting? It hadn’t taken long after Alexandra got drunk to determine that the woman had set her target on Inger as a potential mistress of some sort. If she told Paloma, she would definitely break Alexandra in half.

  “No problem. I had everything under control over here.”

  Inger brushed her fingertips over Paloma’s cheek. “I hate leaving you carrying the bulk of raising our child.”

  Paloma leaned into the caress. “I love it.”

  The sucking noises stopped abruptly and they both looked at Isis to find her fast asleep, the nipple having slipped out of her mouth. Inger smiled tenderly and rubbed the dark fuzz on her daughter’s head. The baby sighed deeply and curled into Inger’s body.

  “Do you think we should we put her in the crib?”

  “Not just yet,” Paloma said quickly, her large hand resting on the baby. “She had quite an evening. They were at it again tonight. This time, the humming was a little deeper and they held onto each other longer than usual.”

  “What did Molan have to say about that?”

  “Nothing, but he said he would give Syria a call.”

  Inger was still frowning as she caressed her baby’s cheek. There was so much going on that neither of them understood and sometimes, it really scared her. She wanted to have control over the threats that her child was facing. This guessing game was nerve-racking.

  “I want him to find out everything he can so we can be prepared for anything.”

  “It will be okay, darling,” Paloma said gently and rubbed Inger’s cheek. Inger was surprised to find that she was crying and blinked rapidly to stop the deluge that threatened. “Maybe you should place her in crib. I think she can sometimes sense my moods and I don’t want to wake her.”

  Paloma cradled Isis to her chest as she carried the baby over to the crib and laid her down. When she returned to the bed, Inger eagerly slipped into her arms. They lay like that for a while, before Inger broke the silence.

  “My meeting tonight was strange.”

  Paloma stiffened. “Strange, how?”

  Inger lifted her head and met the silver eyes. “Promise me you won’t get mad.”

  Inhaling deeply, Paloma stared long and hard at the ceiling. “Did you feel threatened?”


  “Good, then I promise not to get mad.” When she looked at Inger again, there was a dangerous glint in her eye. “Now, tell me.”

  Inger prayed that was the last of Alexandra she had seen. Paloma was not stupid and could easily sniff out the identity of her dinner date. The vampire was studying her with an unblinking stare.

  “I’m only telling you this because I hate to keep secrets from you.”

  “Which is commendable, my love,” Paloma said in her most haughty tone

  Inger grimaced at that. When Paloma got all vampy, she was difficult to handle. But since she had started to tell her, she couldn’t stop now.

  “I think she tried to seduce me. That’s why she setup the dinner meeting.”

  Paloma lay stiff as a board for moment. “Did you tell her you were married?”

  “I did.”

  Paloma unexpectedly grinned, leaving Inger to gape at her. That was not the reaction she had expected.

  “I feel sorry for her, because she’s not the one who’s getting to do this…” Paloma squeezed Inger’s plump breast. “…to you tonight.” She pulled Inger’s hips against hers with possessive hands.

  Inger’s mouth suddenly went dry. “Paloma…?”

  “Hush, my love. Let me show you what this delusional woman will never have.” She pushed her hand into Inger’s pajama pants, past her panties and through the course hair. Inger opened her legs wider as she allowed her wife easy access. She bit down on her lower lip when Paloma’s fingers brushed over her awakening clit.

  “Oh,” she gasped as Paloma entered her with one finger and deliberately brought it to her mouth to suckle on. Inger swallowed hard at the blatantly sexual act.

  “That is what I’ll be tasting tonight.” She yanked the pajama bottoms off and Inger found herself lying half-naked and trembling before her wife’s hungry stare. She threw her head back when Paloma proceed to attack her sex with her hot mouth.


  She’d have to find a place to sleep before dawn and then she’d make sure to wait for Syria to rise and stake her through the heart. The shadow trailed the vampire as she wove her way through the humans. If only Syria had followed her into the jungle earlier, she would’ve dealt with her and been done with it. She hated being amongst humans, because all she saw them for now, was food. Up ahead, she saw Syria slip into a dark alley. She hurried, faster than the eye could see into the alley, only to find it deserted. She cursed softly as she looked around. The nearby treetops and roofs were great places to hide. She walked deeper into the alley, scenting the air. Nothing. Syria had simply disappeared. At least she still knew where the partner was. Him, she could follow and he would lead her to Syria. Pulling the mantle tighter around her, she stalked from the alley.


  Cloaked, Syria stood in the darkest corner of the alley, studying her stalker. The face was hidden by an oversized hood, but even then; it was easy to determine that the vampire was female. She had slipped out of her room after Copernicus had left, too restless now that she knew that there was indeed someone tailing her. She had returned to the edge of the jungle, ‘feeling’ out the night. She determined that the vampire was still out there, bidding her time. As she had moved away from the jungle’s edge towards the center of the village, she had sensed the vampire following her. It was important that she knew what she was up against and drawing out the vampire had been her plan. One, which actually worked quite easily. That must mean that the vampire was either very young or was so overwhelmed by eagerness that she was committing some novice mistakes. Syria tended to go for the latter. The vampire had managed to stay off her radar for three months. No fledgling would be able to do that or at the least keep it up for so long.

  Dawn was still an a few hours away and she would’ve liked to see what Copernicus had been up to in her absence, but she didn’t want the vampire on her tail again. She could use the time to familiarize herself with the small town and its layout.


  Tahlia studied the woman intently, making her squirm in her chair. Melissa Hoover was not very old, maybe a couple of centuries give or take. She was dying from cancer and with still so much to offer the world, she had made it her life’s mission to find a way to extend her short life. Her indefatigable resolve and motivation had put her on the radar of the Royals. That, and the fact that she was a great scientist; a woman way ahead of her time. But at this very moment, she was trying the patience of someone who was known not to have any. Tahlia rose from the chair and walked to the door.

  “I wish I could help,” Melissa said with a slight tremor in her voice.

  Tahlia turned to fix cold black eyes on her. “You will.”

  “Milady, I know you…”

  “You forget we’re not talking about just any of your clients. You have an hour to make up your mind.” With that she left the office. The lab came to a standstill at her presence and Tahlia debated on whether she should ignore the attention or not. In the end, she decided to stop and make small talk. She found herself strangely invigorated when she stepped into the lift half an hour later. Her visit with the scientists and interns had been quite educational and promising. As the head of a powerful race, mother to three daughters and
partnered with a wife, she didn’t always get around to everything. Lucky for her Jonas, Pierre, and Paloma, with the help of strategically placed members helped her to keep her abreast of developments within their empire. However, it was quite refreshing to hear the unrevised versions. Maybe it was time for her to schedule site visits. For the past couple of decades; she had been completely focused on her marriage and family. Things were settling down now. Except of course for the reason she had visited the labs in the first place.

  The bunker was quiet as she entered. She stood for a moment listening; and smiled. Aria was still awake. She followed the garbled baby talk to the entertainment room. Her mood improved even further when she found Jemima and Viv visiting. She was immediately drawn to her daughter and she went to sit on the carpet next to the baby. It was such a treat to have a small child again. She had loved raising Inger and was sure that it was going to be the same with Aria and the other babies. She smiled when the baby’s bright blue eyes met hers. There it was again. That serious, contemplative look in her daughter’s eyes. Tahlia leaned closer and brushed a tender kiss over the soft cheek. When she pulled back, the look was still there, but this time, it was infused with such delight.

  “I love you; you little smart person,” Tahlia whispered as she held the baby’s level stare. “I bet one day we’ll have glorious conversations over a glass of wine.” The small hand reached out and made a grab for her chin. “Until that time, I’m your mother and I would love for you to act like a baby.” Behind her she heard Jemima’s phone ping and smiled. “Your mommy is going to be angry with me now, but I hope she understands that I’m concerned about her, too.” She knew when Jemima had finished reading her text, for Tahlia could feel the annoyed heat of her gaze on her. “Any news, my love?” she asked innocently.

  “Yes,” Jemima snapped. “Melissa asked to see us both.”

  “Oh, I wonder why?” She threw a glance over her shoulder at Jemima and met the fiery gaze of her wife.

  “Well, let’s go find out. She’s waiting for us in the lab.” With a hard click, she placed her glass on the table and stood. Viv looked warily between the two of them and held her arms out for Aria.

  “Pierre and I will look after her while you go to the lab.”

  Both Tahlia and Jemima gave her a grateful smile at her offer. Tahlia gave the baby and hug and a kiss before she handed her over to Viv. Jemima was already halfway to the lift when Tahlia caught up to her. They walked in silence and entered the lift. The moment the doors closed, Jemima turned to Tahlia.

  “I wasn’t keeping anything from you,” she said quietly.

  “But you were hiding your fear from me, Jemima. That I will not accept.” Tahlia turned to look straight ahead.

  “Is this what eternity with you will be like? I can’t have the time to work through my personal issues before you swoop in and take over? To be smothered for the rest of my existence?”

  The words, more than the biting tone, hurt Tahlia more than Jemima would ever know. Was that not what they had promised each other with their first kiss? To love each other unconditionally and to protect each other against all odds? To support each other through sickness and health? Now that had not been something that Tahlia had been worried about. Jemima had enough of Tahlia’s blood inside her veins to defeat a very powerful vampire. She was near indestructible. Maybe that was why Jemima wanted Tahlia to back off. She knew her power and didn’t need Tahlia’s protection anymore. If it was even possible, that realization almost crippled Tahlia. If she couldn’t protect Jemima, then what was her purpose as her spouse?

  “Tahlia…?” Jemima began hesitantly. “I didn’t…”

  Tahlia turned to look at her and she could see in Jemima’s eyes that she had sensed her pain. “I’m sorry. I promise not to interfere again, unless you ask me to.”

  “No, I wanted to…” The elevator announced it had arrived at its destination and the doors opened. Jemima stepped out and she was a few feet away when she realized Tahlia was not with her. She turned and Tahlia shook her head.

  “You go and listen. I need some fresh air for now.” The doors closed on Jemima’s concerned face and Tahlia leaned against the side of the elevator. She’d go for a run outside the city. Maybe it might help clear her head a little. Not once in all these years had they gone to bed angry with each other. Tahlia wasn’t about to break that practice. It was only when she was outside, inhaling the cool air that she felt herself relax slightly. Yes, she needed a run.


  The loud call of a bird nearby startled Copernicus awake. He yawned as he looked next to him. Floriana was still asleep. He hadn’t planned on dozing off, but the short nap, had been sorely needed. He glanced at his watch. 2 a.m. Floriana should get ready. The river taxi left at 5 for Iquitos and from there she would get a flight to Lima and then on to Rio. He reached over and shook her shoulder, only for Floriana to roll onto her back. With a loud yelp, Copernicus shot off the bed to stand at few feet away. Floriana’s lifeless eyes were frozen in a look of absolute terror. Copernicus raked his hands over his face. Whatever had happened to Floriana, it was evident that her last moments had been terrifying. He stepped closer to inspect the body. .. The girl’s throat had been slashed, but there was not a drop of blood in sight. He reached for the phone to call the front desk and that was when he saw it. A crisp, white note lay next to the phone. With a trembling hand, he reached for it. It was short and ominous.

  Just some motivation for you when you meet with Medina, Senõr Bohme.

  The letter fluttered from his nerveless fingers and a moment later he made a dash for the bathroom. He dispatched what little was left of the previous evening’s meal, but he couldn’t stop heaving even when nothing else came up. When he finally, after five minutes of dry-heaving, managed to pull himself from the pot, he sat down flat on the cool bamboo floor. Syria had good reason to warn him earlier. It seemed as if Chuey had a more extensive reach than Hell’s Pit. Now that he knew who was behind Floriana’s murder, he couldn’t go to the authorities. What to do now? Syria was indisposed; the only drawback to having a vampire for a bodyguard. She must be gorging herself on the locals or lying in a sand pit, awaiting the break of dawn. For had she been near, Chuey’s henchman wouldn’t have slipped past her. He had to think fast and get rid of the body. He needed someone he could trust. He got up on rubbery legs to find his phone, making sure not to glance at the bed.


  “Jemima?” Melissa came to her feet when Jemima entered the office. She glanced past Jemima and then back at her. “Are you alone? I thought…”

  Jemima swallowed past the knot in her throat. Thinking of Tahlia would make her cry and once she started, she doubted she would stop easily. “Tahlia was called away at the last moment. She sends her apologies.”

  Melissa seemed to relax at the news. “Please, have a seat. I put a rush on your blood work and it came back about five minutes ago.” She picked up a document and scanned it. “The tests we’d conducted earlier came up clear.” She looked up from the document and Jemima knew instinctively that they must’ve found something in her blood. “However, there was something in your blood results. We can’t say for certain what it is, but we’re going to make it a priority to find out.”

  A priority? Tahlia should’ve been here to hear this. She would know what questions to ask. She was, after all, the most advanced vampire in existence. She would know what was…

  “Jemima! Do you need me to call someone?”

  She shook her head, realizing that she had been sitting with her head bowed. “No, just tell me exactly what it is you’ve found in my blood.” If Tahlia wasn’t here, then Jemima would have to learn to handle things. Finding out what was wrong with her, was something she needed to handle.

  Melissa nodded. “Vampires are regenerated beings, physically. That means we not only remain unchanged, but we also don’t create new cells. We live with the ones we’ve had from the moment we were turned to the moment we cease to exist.”
She blinked a few times. “Well, that doesn’t seem to apply to you anymore.”


  Hector Medina’s office, although in a more modern structure, than the rest of the prison, was not any better than the hovel the inmates called home. Copernicus was worried for his ten-thousand dollar suit as he was invited to take a seat on a chair that had been stacked with dusty files. He took a careful seat and looked at the man sitting opposite from him. It was 4 a.m. and he looked disheveled and reeked of cheap female perfume. His large belly was straining against the buttons of the shirt and his blazer was two sizes too small for his bulk. Nonetheless, the man was necessary to achieve his goal and after Chuey’s little show earlier, Copernicus would dance the foxtrot with the man, if it was a prerequisite to get that maniac out of prison. He chose this early hour to meet with the man, before a new rotation of guards came on duty. The less people that knew of Chuey’s release, the better.

  “You’ve met with Chuey?” The man sounded impressed and a bit incredulous at the same time.

  “Thank you for meeting with me at this hour, Senõr Medina.” The man nodded, but his whole demeanor said otherwise. “Yes, we met Chuey. I must say he was quite accommodating.”


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