An Eternal Family 1

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An Eternal Family 1 Page 8

by Stein Willard

  “I might have another theory.” Paloma’s eyes were sharp as they studied her.

  “You’re on the roll today.”

  Paloma grimaced. “Make as much fun as you want, but in the absence of any facts, we need to come up with something to make sense of this.”

  “Ok. What is your theory on Jemima’s sudden coyness?” she muttered over the rim of her glass.

  “I think, since she’s turning human again, that she’s once again affected by your vampire magnetism.”

  Tahlia chuckled. “That’s your theory? We’ve been together for over thirty years now. In vampire terms that is a blink of an eye, but for her as a former human, it’s a lifetime.”

  Paloma shrugged. “To me, the look on Jemima’s face just now, was the look of a woman going through the first phases of a powerful attraction.” She drained her glass and walked over to the drinks cabinet.

  Tahlia sat quietly, her mind rushing as she tried to connect the dots and weave them into Paloma’s theory. She finally concluded that Paloma had been overexposed to Inger’s fixation with romantic literature and movies. Half the time, she even sounded like Inger. She finished her drink.

  There was no way that Jemima would be infatuated beyond usual with her after all these years. They had an argument and had not even touched each other since then. If there was something ‘coming off’ Jemima right now, it might be regret and maybe a bit of embarrassment. Nothing else. She looked up when Paloma joined her again, pushing a fresh drink in her hand.

  “But that was not why I came to talk you. In her previous updates from Brazil and Argentina, Syria had mentioned that Copernicus was looking for a man who could take them into the jungle. By her last update two nights ago, it sounded as if they might have found him and were going to see him.” She took a sip from her drink. “It is still unclear what Copernicus wants in the jungle, but I thought we should be prepared.”

  Tahlia placed her untouched drink on the coffee table, her whole body growing taut. She would hate for anything to happen to Jonas and Pierre. As it stands, she was immune to almost every possible toxin on the planet. “In that case, I can’t send Jonas and Pierre alone.” She rose and strode out of the lounge.



  Syria looked at the man. They all were the same. Macho, flawed in their belief of personal invulnerability. He was completely ill-equipped to take on someone like Chuey. No guns, muscles or a code of brotherhood would save them against that maniac. She didn’t know how she could get that through their skulls. They’d survive only if they realized that knowledge about what they were dealing with was their strongest weapon. She needed to speak to Copernicus. He was supposed to have briefed the men. She might not like the type of men they were, much, but she lived by a strict code now and that was to preserve human life. The Royals had imprinted that into her soul and she wasn’t planning on breaking that rule.

  “No, thanks,” she said curtly and went in search of Copernicus. She had spotted him talking to one of the men at the back of the convoy. They had managed to make good time and would reach the designated point in the next hour or so. When she had followed Chuey’s man earlier, they had both moved at three times the speed that the convoy was moving now. She prayed that they reached the point without any hiccups. Copernicus noted her approach and excused himself from the man. He was dressed in thin short-sleeved shirt to counter the heat of the jungle, but was still sweating like a pig.

  “Any problems?”

  “We are making good progress, but I’m worried that the men have not been adequately briefed of the danger we’re walking into.” She watched as Copernicus glanced at the tall, powerfully built men and then back at her.

  “They look perfect for whatever is waiting out there for us.”

  She glared at him for a moment, before she nodded. “Fine, if you say so. We’ll be another hour or two before we reached the rendezvous spot.” She stalked away, angry and frustrated with humans and their stupid sense of invincibility.


  Jonas opened the door and was a little surprised to find Tahlia standing on the other side.

  “Could we talk?”

  “Of course. Please, come in.”

  He noticed her looking around. The interior of the suite displayed the delicate touch of a woman. Bright potted flowers stood on various surfaces amidst various knickknacks they had collected on their various travels over the past months. The lounge was outfitted with a state-of-the-art TV and comfortable couches. A mural of a Greek themed island festival brightened up one side of the room. Thick angora carpets covered the floor, surrounding a large four-poster bed with drawn drapes. When he met Tahlia’s gaze again, hers were filled with appreciation.

  “She has made a great difference.”

  Jonas smiled warmly. “That she has, my queen. Let’s move to the lounge.” Once seated, he waited for her to state the reason for her visit.

  “Something came up that made me rethink sending you and Pierre to Peru alone.” Jonas listened intently as she quickly filled him in on what Paloma had told her and what her reservations were.

  “Would you like to replace one of us?”

  “No, but I would like to make sure that you are protected against physical and biological threats. That said, I want to send two more people with you.”

  He nodded. They were quite close, the four them— Lecrac’s heirs. But Tahlia was the chosen one and he didn’t question her choices or orders. The few times he had felt the urge to do so, he had quickly cautioned himself with the knowledge that out of thousands of his converts, Lecrac had chosen Tahlia. The most powerful creature on the planet must’ve seen something remarkably distinct in Tahlia to have chosen her. Something that no one else had noticed.

  “I’m sending Izaura with you.” She waited for his reaction and when none was forthcoming, she continued. “She’s a great healer and will be able to attend to you should something happen; or at the least keep you hanging on until I could be at your side. Unsure of the dangers you’re about to encounter, I’m also ending a second warrior with you. She’ll not only be on hand to neutralize threats, but together with you and Pierre will protect Izaura. I haven’t spoken to her yet, but I’m sure she won’t turn us down.” Tahlia glanced at the bed. “Leonara will do anything for her sister.”

  Long after Tahlia had left, Jonas sat on the bed and looked at his beautiful lover. He had met and loved some really spectacular women in his long life, but none had crept up on him like this woman. She came to him at a time when his loneliness was threatening to cripple him. She cradled his heart in her small hands and provided him with a soft place to rest his weary head.

  Brilliant strategist that she was, Tahlia had managed to send him into sure danger with his ladylove by his side and strangely, he had an overwhelming sense of inner peace.


  With only a couple of yards to go before they reached the rendezvous point, Syria noticed that the men were more subdued and focused. During their last break, she had gone out ahead to scout their location and upon her return, had found the men hunkered around Copernicus. She was glad to see the talk had worked, for Harry, the leader of the group, sidled up to her.

  “Anything you want us to focus on when we meet with our target?”

  She liked that. The cockiness was gone and in its place was a firm, professional mien. “Keep your eyes open. The ground, trees, everything is foreign to us, but serves as a home advantage to them.”

  “Copy that.” He fell back and she could hear him whisper her instruction to the man next to him with the order to let it trickle down to the last man. She could smell Chuey and his men before they even reached the clearing. Chuey was dressed in full denim, but still looked completely untouched by the 40-degree Celsius heat as he stood in the center of the clearing. He smiled, a showing of teeth that held no emotion. He approached them and the men instantly moved to circle Copernicus.

  Bad move, Syria thought as she watched Chuey c
losely for his reaction. His smile widened and this time there was some emotion behind it. Anticipation. He held up his hands in mock surrender.

  “Senõr Bohme, you came.” His dark, flat eyes moved over the men and finally came to rest on her. “And you brought company. I like that. As you say in your movies, the more people; the merrier, si?”

  Syria didn’t have a weapon in plain view like the men and she noticed that seemed to have taken her off Chuey’s mental hit list. Or was it his menu, perhaps? His followers with their cadaver-like appearances seemed to zero in on the men with their eyes and Syria knew that come tonight, something was going down. Chuey glanced at her again and she made a mental note to keep her serum close for the duration of their trip. She was going to have to be alert at all times.

  “Good morning, Chuey. Thank you for meeting with us.” Copernicus sounded confident and Syria knew it had everything to do with the tall mercenaries and their big guns. Syria wanted to walk over to him and slap him to unclog his stupid ears. They had spoken about this. These men were nothing but cannon fodder in this supernatural war that was silently being waged around them. All that was missing was the bloodshed. But that was about to come. Soon.

  “You kept your promise. I’m doing the same.” He gave a curt order to his men and they vanished into the greenery. Syria made sure that she filed away their scent. If any of them came within a mile of their group, she would smell them. “The shaman is expecting you. We should leave now.”

  The men looked at her and she made the first move towards Chuey. He waited until she was about a foot away from him.

  “You are a worthy adversary, demon. Remember, I have no problem with you.” He turned away and led the way into the jungle.

  She glanced over her shoulder at Copernicus and the men. With that thinly veiled challenge, Chuey had just made her work immensely difficult. She was going to do everything in her power to keep these men alive.


  Inger looked up; her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. She peered at Paloma from over the rim of her glasses as the vampire made a straight line for the crib to check in on the baby. She took her glasses off and observed Paloma. A tender look came over her face as she looked down at her sleeping daughter. She bit down on the ear of her glasses as her scrutiny turned into something more intense, something carnal. Paloma was dressed in black stretch pants and a tightfitting black shirt. Her ash blonde hair shrouded her face, but Inger had memorized that face. The high cheekbones, cleft chin and full lips. Paloma must’ve felt her scrutiny, for she looked up and pinned Inger with her startling silver eyes.

  “With everything going on around us, I’m still stunned by how much you stir me up when you walk into a room.”

  Paloma smiled faintly and with one final look at Isis, approached Inger. As soon as she was close enough, Inger threw her arms around Paloma’s waist and held on. She inhaled the earthy scent of her wife and smiled. It always smelled like rain around Paloma.

  “I just want to hold you like this forever,” she murmured as she rubbed Paloma’s stomach. “Today started off as one of the most nerve-racking experiences of my life.”

  Paloma pushed her fingers into Inger’s hair and gently scratched her scalp. “It will all be okay.”

  “As long as I have you, I know I’ll be fine.” She kissed Paloma’s clothed stomach. “I would like to lie down. Will you join me?”

  Paloma pulled her to her feet. “I will.”

  Nestled in Paloma’s arms, Inger lay quietly soaking up the closeness of her wife. Inger was the first to break the silence.

  “Do you think my mom will be okay?”

  “Definitely. There is a strong possibility that Aria’s DNA is somehow turning Jemima human again so she can sustain Aria’s augmented growth.” Inger lifted her head off Paloma’s shoulder. “For some reason the babies need to grow to the age of twenty-five very quickly and it seems that bottled milk will not be adequate for Aria to grow fast enough.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Then how will we really know?” She rolled away to lay on her back. “This doesn’t make sense at all. Vampires conceiving. Babies suddenly growing to almost twice their age overnight.” She exhaled loudly. “And then there are my parents.”

  “About that,” Paloma began and Inger quickly looked at her.


  “I think your parents will be just fine.” She squeezed Inger’s hand. “Maybe even better than fine.” She smiled when Inger hoisted herself on her elbow. “All you have to do is be there for them when they want to talk, but I’m sure that it will work out in the end.”

  Inger cupped Paloma’s cheek as she studied her face. “Should I even ask how you know that?”

  Inger yelped in surprise when Paloma moved over her with dazzling speed. “You seemed to have somehow lost faith in my word, wife.” She kissed Inger, causing her toes to curl in anticipation. “Perhaps you need reaffirmation of my ability to understand people and situations.” Revved up by the soulful kiss, Inger could only lie there and stare into Paloma’s glowing eyes. “Would you like that?”

  “Yes, please.” Her world was teetering on the brink of collapse with everything that was going on in her life right now, but at that moment, Inger couldn’t think of anything more right than having raw, monkey sex with her gorgeous vampire.

  With a predatory smile, Paloma sat back and began to unbutton her shirt. Her lusty intentions were visible in her eyes.

  A shrill cry pierced the sex charged moment and Inger closed her eyes in despair. Their daughter had the absolute worse timing in the world. She spared Paloma a final glance, before she shimmied out from under her to attend to her daughter. Her misery faded away like mist at the sight of wet blue eyes and two tiny arms reaching out for her.

  “Oh, honeybun,” she gushed as she lifted Isis in her arms and carried her to the bed where Paloma lay, her shirt still halfway unbuttoned. “Look who’s here, too.” Isis grinned and swung her arms in the air excitedly at the sight of her other mother. Paloma cradled the small head in her large hand and Inger realized that both blondes were staring intently at her as she popped the buttons on her blouse. She chuckled.

  Like mother; like daughter.


  Leonara’s eyes snapped open and in one motion, reached for her sword as she rolled from the bed. She slowly lowered her sword and blinked at her guest. The queen stood a few feet away, her eyes hooded as they studied her. Leonara quickly lay her sword down on the bed. She always dreaded being in this woman’s presence. And with good reason. The atmosphere in her room suddenly felt dark and somewhat menacing, compared to its usual airy, tranquility. She bowed her head.

  “Greetings, my queen.”

  Tahlia was quiet and when Leo looked up, she found the vampire taking in the room. Leo had always been proud her space. She’d admit it was more functional than decorative, but that was her take on life. If it wasn’t useful, then it was discarded. She rarely had seen any need for something beautiful enough to showcase. She grimaced inwardly. Point was, she hadn’t witnessed beauty in a very long time. Her room was sparse. A bed, a desk and chair, two nightstands and two paintings on the wall. One was of the small farm her father had owned. That one, she had drawn from memory about five centuries ago, fearful that the image might fade the longer she lived. The other was of Izaura. Her eyes swung back to the queen. Only rigorous training and centuries of composure kept her from reacting when she realized the queen stood much closer than she had earlier. They were of equal height, but that was where the similarities ended. Whereas Leo had been called fearsome before, Tahlia was magnificently chilling. Not many creatures could intimidate her, but this woman did so without even trying.

  “Leonara. How have you been?”

  Very good, until you showed up. “Well, my queen. Thank you.”

  Tahlia stared at her for a moment longer before she moved away to go stand before the painting of Izaura. “I need your help
, Leonara.”

  Leo swallowed. Tahlia, the Dark Queen of all vampires needed her help? The woman was omnipotent. Everyone knew that. She didn’t need help. Others came to her for help. She realized she hadn’t answered Tahlia.

  She held her fist over her heart and bowed low. “I’m at your service, my queen.”

  Tahlia approached her then, her eyes sharp. “I need you to protect Izaura.”

  Leo felt a shiver chase down her spine. Izaura? Did something happen? She couldn’t question Tahlia, not if she wanted to receive another sound thrashing at the woman’s hand. Tahlia must’ve noticed her inner turmoil, for her eyes suddenly turned incredibly tender.

  “Nothing happened. Nor will I allow anything to happen to Izaura, now that she is part of my family. That is why I’m here.”

  A soft exhale slipped from between Leo’s lips. Izaura was safe. As Tahlia’s charge, anyone stupid enough to mess with her would be dealt with fast and brutally. She had first-hand experience of the woman’s wrath when you tampered with her family. A heaviness, she had not known she had been carrying for the past centuries seemed to roll off her shoulders. She would always care and worry about Izaura, but it helped to know that she was under the protection of a much more powerful creature now.

  “What would you like me to do, my queen?”

  Tahlia filled her in on the trip and Leo realized that her involvement extended beyond protecting Izaura. Her soul mate’s survival was also linked to this mission. She had promised herself she would stay away for the next twenty-five years as Tahlia had hinted at their last meeting after the birth of the babies. For a vampire, twenty-five years was but a long eye blink. But Leo found it exceptionally difficult to keep away now that she knew her salvation was so close.

  “When are we leaving?” Even if Izaura had not been part of the group, she would’ve wanted to be part of this operation.

  “Tonight. You will return to New York with me.”


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