The Holy Land

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The Holy Land Page 11

by Tristan H Brown

  If his memory served him correctly, then the reason both Tauren horns and Kitsune tail appeared, was due to his past interactions. His bouts with the many monstrous rabbits and his concern of the terrifying minotaur's. As for the Imp horns and metacarpus, he was completely unaware.

  His best guess was either the monster that he had encountered at the flame-lake or the coffins at the bottom. Both were significant and note-worthy times in his life, but he just couldn't comprehend how that monstrosity would have anything to do with imps or music composers. From the video games he had played in the past, imps were generally low-tier creatures.

  Wilhelm felt as though he was at a loss. Each choice seemed to be quite interesting, but he didn't want to make the wrong decision. He had learned his lesson from carelessly choosing the undertaker class.

  Not to mention the fact that his body still ached, which hindered and interrupted his thought process. Blood dripped from his open wounds and plummeted to the ground, forcing him to rip up parts of his loincloth and bandage them.

  He nearly looked like a mummy at this point, full of bandages and wounds. Whether or not he could decide upon an option quickly could potentially become a life and death matter. He required rest and immediate medical attention.

  With that in mind, a wry smile suddenly appeared on his lips as he inwardly crossed off both Tauren and imp horns. He wouldn't be able to blend back into society with gigantic tusks coming out of his forehead.

  On the other hand, imp horns increased his mana sensing capabilities, but that seemed to be quite useless at the moment. Not a single ability that required mana was currently in his arsenal, so he was very reluctant to choose a future that wasn't even guaranteed.

  As for the other two options, he was intrigued by both. On one side, he would gain dexterity and better balance, coupled with a conspicuous tail. On the other, he would receive more agility and better use of his hands.

  As it stood, both choices would benefit him tremendously. However, the possibilities of a sizeable foxlike tail inhabiting his body for the rest of his life irked him. And judging by what the system said, his subsequent evolution choices would be dependent on this one. The chance of becoming an actual foxlike creature didn't bode well with him.

  Thus, he eventually settled on the most mysterious of the bunch, Maestro's metacarpus and fingers. Once he reached this conclusion, his evolution point disappeared, and another announcement rang in his ears.

  [Maestro's metacarpus and fingers have been chosen; the host will be put into a deep slumber for ten hours]

  Before Wilhelm could react, unparalleled drowsiness assaulted him. His vision went black, and the last thing he could remember was a burning sensation on his hands.

  He then felt as though he was trapped in absolute darkness until a small light appeared.

  Distraught, he reached out towards the light as if his life depended on it. His fingers inched closer and closer until finally, he grasped the ball of light. Immediately, he could feel the sun's warmth and a fresh breeze blow past his face.

  A vast and endless savannah appeared in front of him. Strong gusts of wind swaggered the blades of grass, and the squirrels chittered from the trees behind him. Lovely birds swooped across the sky and sang a melodious tone.

  The strong scent of wildlife and crops invaded his nose as he stared at this incredulous scene. In front of him, a large, wooden piano resided. It seemed to shimmer and standout abnormally well within the surroundings.

  Suddenly, a sweet voice entered into his ears, "Doffy, your fingers are so beautiful. You were practically destined to become a pianist," A gorgeous maiden said from behind him, she carried a small book and smiled admirably.

  Wilhelm wanted to reply, but he couldn't. In fact, he soon figured out that he wasn't able to control the body he incorporated at all. "Doffy" responded with a nod of his head and blushed ever so slightly, to Wilhelms dismay.

  The young maiden chuckled at his response and began to teach Doffy how to play the piano. Every day, for months, they did the exact same thing. Even if it rained or was too hot, they never took a break. Eventually, the young boy surpassed the maiden and was unable to be taught by her anymore.

  Over time, their relationship seemed to distance itself, and Wilhelm was forced to watch every single moment of it. The young boy grew into a man, but he had lost the very thing he sought after, the love of his life. Every day, he would continue to play the piano in the same location, practicing.

  However, one day, the maiden returned. She carried a happy smile on her face as she hugged Doffy, assuring him of their mutual love. Happiness seemed to sprout within Doffy's heart as he didn't hesitate to propose to the lass, right then and there.

  Of course, she accepted, and they began to live a happy life in a nearby village, no worries to speak of. That is, until one day, a group of knights that rode on imposing horseback appeared. Thunder struck the grounds, and heavy rain fell onto the lands as if even God was weeping.

  No one knew why they came, but they slaughtered the villagers, only leaving Doffy. His tears streamed down his face as he held the love of his life in his arms. An unmatched sadness struck a chord within his heart. He wept and wept, yet, the lifeless body in his arms didn't react.

  Lost, Doffy found his way back to the piano that rested on a hilltop. His slender and beautiful fingers played a magnificent requiem. The sound seemed to block everything else out, leaving only peace and harmony.

  The melody seemed to tell a tale. How he met his love, how he loved her, and how he missed her. The world was cruel, and so his music adapted. Even when his stomach grumbled in protest, or when the whispers in his head told him to stop, he never relented.

  Like this, days went by, and his body slowly collapsed. No food or water, he kept playing until he breathed his final breath. He did not seek vengeance. No; instead, he decided to wallow in his own sorrow. He died with no one to mourn for him, no one to remember him, and no one to appreciate his great composition.

  "Don't waste your damn talent, boy! Get revenge, show the world your story, don't become complacent! What the fuck are you doing?" Wilhelm roared from inside, but to no avail, the young man died with a happy smile on his face.

  "How can you smile? Are you okay with such a life, a life filled with nothing but sorrow?" he protested. However, the dream ended, and Wilhelm could once again feel the aches all over his body. The musky air and dark cave presented itself.

  He could once again feel and move his body according to his will. He stood up in a hurry and could feel a moist feeling on the right side of his cheek. Shocked, he rubbed it with his hands, only to feel a trail of blood exit his right eye.

  "Tears?" Wilhelm whispered under his breath as he inspected his slender and sublime hand. As if it was perfectly sculptured by a master mason, nothing could compare.

  [Masterful hands (level 5) has been acquired]

  [Agility increased by two]

  [Strength increased by one]

  [MP increased by five]


  [Character Information]

  Name: Wilhelm Siegfried

  Race: Human

  Gender: Male

  Level: 8, [850/4000 EXP]

  Class: Undertaker (1) [20/100]

  Strength: 12

  Agility: 17

  Intelligence: 15

  Stamina: 12

  Magic Power: 0

  HP: 100/100

  MP: 5/5

  Skills: Krav Maga (level 10), indomitable will (level 1), superior intellect (level 2), Gun proficiency (level 10), Night-eye (class-skill), masterful hands (level 5),

  Items: None

  Allocatable stat points: 1

  Evolution points: 0

  Coins: 0


  Wilhelm surveyed his familiar surroundings and couldn't help but feel strange. The things he had just seen felt so real, yet distant. The emotions that Doffy felt, and the life he led. Whether it was his goals, dreams, fears,
or even fate, Wilhelm was aware of them all.

  A peculiar feeling arose within his heart as he scrutinized his new pair of hands. They looked relatively normal, besides their slender and unfathomably graceful appearance. He stood there with a blank look, unsure of how to proceed. His body was still wounded, and the ant carcasses remained.

  The dark and humid cave was a painful reminder of where he currently resided. The blood-filled ground and frigid weather felt colder than before. The bodies which were still fresh and his wounds that dripped with blood meant that only a small amount of time had passed. In contrast, Wilhelm felt as though a few months had transpired.

  He sighed, rubbing his forehead in a self-deprecating manner.

  The number of surreal events that had taken place in the last month were uncountable. Monsters, dungeons, and even twisted visions took place. None of that mattered much to Wilhelm, but the thought of burying the dozen or so ant bodies brought him much rage. How many more times would he be forced to dig graves?

  With these thoughts in mind, he begrudgingly used his knife to start digging. It wasn't because he wanted to, but because he felt compelled to do so. Like it was some kind of inevitable fate, there was no other choice.

  Wilhelm's tired and ragged body was kicked into second gear as he dug. His injuries were closing up a pace visible to the eye. Not only that, but a few more strands of black hair appeared on top of his head.

  Unfortunately, Wilhelm was far too focused on the burials to notice anything. He continued like this until one giant hole was created. Instead of making several, he figured that making just one would be easier.

  He pushed the ants into the pit and covered it back up with dirt and debris. Once that was complete, he fell to the ground and waited for the systems notification.

  [You have received 1200 experience for successfully burying twelve Formicidae]

  [12 burial points have been acquired]

  Wilhelm heaved a sigh of relief and dragged his mutilated body back to the flame-lake. He wanted to test out his new abilities and stats, but his body was much more critical at the moment. His wounds needed to be cleaned and wrapped, so that they would not be infected and cause diseases down the road.

  He followed the trail that he had marked with his fingernail and soon returned to the lake, where the sparkling-clean water greeted him with open arms. To the untrained eye, the lake looked inviting and beautiful, but to Wilhelm, it resembled death's door.

  He ground his teeth and slowly stepped inside the lake, one inch at a time. Right as his serrated skin touched the water, a stinging pain assaulted him. Similar to acid, it ridded his wounds of their impurities and slightly burned his skin.

  Although the flame-water usually felt fantastic on his skin, when it touched open cuts, it stung like hell. His blood permeated into the lake like a mist, and his wounds started to visibly close. It was almost miraculous, besides the excruciating pain that he felt.

  Wilhelm could only persist inside of the water for a short duration of time before the pain became unbearable. A groan escaped from his thin lips as he frantically escaped toward the ground. His body was soaked, and droplets of water dripped from his broad shoulders.

  He gasped for breath, hugged his body, and rolled on the ground, grunting in pain. "god damn, that hurts so much!" He muttered out repeatedly, not a single care for the loud noise his grunts generated.

  This continued for a few minutes until the burning pain finally subsided. He slowly stood up from the ground; a deep frown etched onto his face. His eyes were squinted as he stroked his mighty beard in contemplation.

  Since his body was no longer bleeding, he could now think about much more pressing matters, such as his unallocated stat point. His stamina was high enough to rectify his old age completely, so he could start exploring a few of the other paths.

  His highest attribute was currently agility, which was at 17. As for his other stats... Intelligence, strength, and stamina were at fifteen, twelve, and twelve, respectively. Since his intelligence and agility were already so high, there was no need to increase them any further for the time being.

  On the other hand, he had not gained any strength for quite a while. The freaky ants' thick mandibles and exoskeletons were quite hard to penetrate with his current power, so it was only natural to put a few points into strength. He would start amassing agility in the future, but for now, survival was of most importance.

  Thinking to here, he glanced at this cracked dagger, which had broken in his last bout. It was no longer capable of withstanding his strength, as it was something taken from Earth. He was in dire need of a new weapon to go along with his latest skills.

  With this in mind, he didn't hesitate to place a point into strength and run out of the cave, so that he could test his "masterful hands" skill. Unlike last time, he would investigate a few of the other areas. He had no desire to fight another life and death battle with a huge squadron of monster ants.

  If his theory was correct, there were quite a few different types of monsters lurking on the bottom floor, each fighting for complete dominance. Some would be stronger than others, while a few would certainly be the weakest of the bunch. Besides, since the ants were confident enough to send small groups out to hunt and dig, they were undoubtedly one of the races at the top of the food chain.

  Wilhelm’s main goal was to find a lesser race to hunt so that he could gain experience without too much of a hurdle. Thus, he decided to follow the deep tracks in the ground, left by the minotaur’s. He hadn't dared to go this way previously, but he figured that the minotaur’s were long gone by now.

  Hopefully, he wouldn't encounter anything too dangerous. He was still a tad bit tired from his last duel. Or so, he hoped.


  Wilhelm cautiously followed the trail, making sure that no dangers lurked. The surroundings were dead-silent, only the sound of his breathing and footsteps reverberated throughout the narrow cave. Other than the minotaur footprints, there were no other signs of life.

  His shoulders slumped as beads of sweat trailed down his body, causing his loincloth to become damp with perspiration. His hunting bore no fruit and only resulted in a waste of time. His cracked dagger swayed at the side of his leg, as if it were depressed with no blood to be had. The humid temperature beat at him while he was down, and he could only return from whence he came.

  His empty stomach and parched mouth were insufferable as he strolled back. Not a single insect, let alone a beast even showed up. His previous worries were unwarranted, and he was beginning to wonder if his senses had dulled. When he had first set out, he could've sworn that there would be an opponent, or at the very least, some food.

  Wilhelm's brows furrowed as he spat onto the ground, resting his hands in the loincloth as if they were pockets. He let out a few grumbles as he walked, once again cursing the androgynous fairy and his bad luck, getting trapped inside of a dungeon. The thing that interested him the most, human interaction, was now impossible.

  His annoyed figure continued for a total of five minutes until he grew tired. A deep sigh escaped from his thin lips as he rested his back on the side of the cave. As a man who had once smoked a lot, he was dying for some nicotine, food, and even water right about now. As his back leaned against the wall, he could feel it crumble, ever so slightly.

  Like the straw that broke the camel’s back, it caused a chained reaction. More and more debris started to fall, causing Wilhelm to retreat backward. The sand was wafted into the air, impairing his already terrible sight. He covered his last remaining eye with his arm and waited for the plume of dust to subside.

  It took a few moments, but the cave finally stopped collapsing. The dust receded, and Wilhelm was once again able to perceive things, albeit, barely. A small entrance was created, just big enough for Wilhelms tall figure to move through. A glimmer of light could be seen from the hole—barely lit as if its flame could be extinguished at any second.

  Intrigued, Wilhelm stepped over the s
mall groove and entered the musky hole. The musky smell antagonized his nose as he entered. It smelled as if something had been decomposing for an entire millennium. Water dripped from a sharp piece of rock, dangling from the roof, threatening to fall at any given moment.

  The faint, blue light flickered in the distance, drawing Wilhelm closer. He stepped forward, stretching his hand out, but a dark premonition suddenly occurred to him. Immediately, he took a few steps back, raising his hands in a defensive position. The blue light fluttered, rising into the air and splitting in two.

  The small cavern was gradually lit, causing Wilhelm's remaining eye to nearly pop out of its socket. Skeletal remains, reminiscent of a human body, stood up. It's jaw and ribs ominously clacked together. Its eyes gleamed with a blue hue, looking down on Wilhelm as if he was merely passing wind.


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