The Forsaken Crypts

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The Forsaken Crypts Page 2

by Terry C. Simpson

  With a tap of her finger, she could pass on the code stored in her head to Gridrunners like herself, waiting beneath the city. With the first protocol, they were truly on their way to righting so many wrongs. To ridding themselves of a threat to their lives. She raised her finger.

  And stopped.

  A little voice in the back of her mind said to wait. A second voice chided her.

  You worry too much. Nothing’s worth doing if there isn’t risk.

  Considering the importance of her work, the second voice was tempting. She almost gave in. Almost. Until she recalled a time she hadn’t listened to the first voice. A time she had almost lost her life. She’d been left with a memory of agony, knife wounds, and blood. Scars. Mental and physical.

  Struck by an idea borne of the Sanctum’s maze, she tapped the holo for the Grid and picked up the dark-tinted Smart Glasses. She didn’t like the idea of wearing them, but doing so was the fastest way for memorization. She put them on. Her mind and the Grid joined in a once weird synchronization that had now become common.

  Although her inner thoughts were her own, she could issue commands by mere gestures or by thought projected at the Grid. Recalling all the time she spent with Alphonso Taylor, and his admissions in the Sanctum, she asked for a list of old game companies beginning with NCSoft, EA, Ubisoft, Rockstar, and Blizzard. She checked the wikis of the companies’ games for any puzzles and secrets.

  Using her contacts from when she fenced goods, she managed to snag a collection of old games including the likes of World of Warcraft 2, Lineage 3, Overwatch: Endgame, Diablo Immortal, and a few others. Her hopes were partially dashed when she saw a few of them were online only with no current servers or versions accessible on the Grid. She settled in to play the others, starting with Diablo.

  It was odd playing a game that wasn’t in VR. More than odd, it was unsettling. The one saving grace was the ability to still use the Smart Glasses and virtual controls.

  After quite a bit of tinkering, she got the hang of the game. Soon, she was engrossed in ancient hack and slash glory.

  Blaze didn’t know what time it was when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She assumed it must have been hours. It certainly felt that way.

  She took a last look at the cow king in the game, smiled, and removed the Smart Glasses, severing her connection to the Grid. She rubbed her eyes for a sec then looked up.

  Two Equitane security officers loomed over her. Their hands rested on their sidearms.

  The taller one spoke, a familiar man with a too perfect goatee. He looked like he was pissed off. Blaze smiled at him. “They need you in the pod room. Right now.”


  Sidrie scares me. Be careful of her. Mom flipped the pencil over and erased the message.

  Leaning over the paper on the clipboard, one shaking hand partially hiding the words, she scribbled another sentence. As she worked, her biometric tattoo’s dark stain seemed to shift along the caramel skin of her arm.

  Your father had issues with her. He was scared too.

  She erased the words. After a furtive glance at the open bedroom door, the shift of her head causing her single brown ponytail to fall down her back, she scratched out another message, her hands moving faster this time. Desperate.

  We must avoid talking about it in here. You must always believe she’s either tracking you or has us or this apartment bugged. She might be watching now. And definitely recording us.

  All of our conversations going forward must appear normal. The one thing working in our favor is that she seems to need you. Or us.

  If she asks about this paper, tell the truth, that I was warning you to be careful of her. She knows I never really liked her.

  We’ll do whatever it takes, until we can find a way out of this. Okay?

  Mom erased everything. Hand shaking, she pulled the paper from the clipboard, tore it into tiny pieces, reached over to the tray sitting atop an AGC, and dropped it into the glass with the remnants of her orange juice. She looked to Dre with round, brown eyes. Eyes that brimmed with tears. Fear. She took a deep shuddering breath.

  Staring into those eyes, Dre took her hands in his. They were cold to the touch, but at least they stopped shaking. He ached inside with the need to tell her about Pops’ holo in Void Legion.

  “Whatever it takes,” he repeated.

  She squeezed his hand, if a bit weakly. “Good.” Though somewhat hoarse, her voice had improved from the day when he’d first returned from playing Void Legion to find her awake. She leaned back onto the bed whose upper portion was raised at an angle for her comfort.

  Dre glanced over to Kai. His little sister was sitting at the bottom of the bed with her Holotab, watching Munsters and Minions. She wore pajamas imprinted with the show’s yellow and purple creatures. Giggling, she covered her mouth.

  Their new accommodations, an apartment on the hundred and eightieth floor of Equitane Towers, was complete with three bedrooms, a large living room, kitchen, expensive furniture, and anything else they might need. The apartment’s systems were controlled by an AI named Rachel. They even had a maid in the form of an MX4 droid named Mariel. The whiff of stew chicken emanated from the kitchen.

  Their current circumstances seemed a dream. However, despite its Upper Ward location, the apartment was little more than an expensive prison.

  Dre braced himself, fighting down fear at the question he was about to ask. “What happens if we’re deported? Will they take Kai? And what happens with the FPC, then?”

  Mom looked up into Dre’s face, brown eyes steady. “We just have to hope Sidrie keeps her word. We’re in no position to prepare for the alternative. Everything’s gonna work out. Okay?” Mom squeezed his hand.

  Dre let out a shuddering breath. “Okay.”

  “Mrs. Taylor,” Mariel’s voice called from the bedroom door.

  Dre looked up. The droid was wearing a short-sleeved deep blue dress and had a white apron tied around her waist. As with all droids from MX4 models and up, she appeared almost human, particularly her synthetic skin and red hair, which was done in a bun.

  “What is it, Mariel?” Mom glanced over.

  “Lunch will be ready in twenty minutes, ma’am.” Mariel offered a smile that showed off perfect white teeth.

  “Thank you.” Mom dipped her head. “We’ll be along shortly.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Still smiling, Mariel nodded demurely, turned, and left.

  Dre regarded Mom with a frown. “You sure you should be walking around?”

  “I certainly don’t plan on staying in bed. Besides, a little exercise would be good for me.”

  “Is that what the doctors said?”

  Mom chuckled. “You sound like me with the questions.” Stroking the top of his hand, she offered an encouraging nod. “I really meant what I said yesterday. The crash wasn’t your fault. It was me who told you to drive. Praise the Lord that Alphonso’s old company had someone working in the area.

  “And although it was them who were involved in the accident, we might not be alive otherwise. Sometimes, what seems a curse is a blessing in disguise.”

  Dre stiffened at the mention of the crash. Stroking his Two Ring, he fought back the painful memory. His shoulders sagged. He replaced his melancholy with the thought of the crash being more than a simple accident. It had been one of Sidrie’s ploys.

  A fire rekindled in his belly. “I know. But I can’t help feeling bad. We coulda all died.”

  “But we didn’t. Silver linings. Take them when you can.”

  “I’ll try, Mom.” Dre reached over and rubbed her round belly. “How’s Regi and Rayne?”

  Mom shifted her hand to below the prominent swell. She practically beamed now. “The doctors said they’re healthy. Which I believe, from the way they were kicking my ass like usual this mor

  Dre cracked a smile seeing her like this. And at the idea of the twins’ health. “How long before they’re here?”

  “Just over another month.” Mom’s expression grew distant. Then fresh joy creased her features. “Thinking of them makes me remember when you and Kai were babies. It also makes me want you here, not in that damned game. What did you call it again?”

  “Void Legion.”

  Mom shook her head. “Nice name, but I still don’t like it.”

  “But–” Dre began.

  “But your gift for gaming is the reason they gave us the care we needed.” Mom sighed. “The reason the twins and I are still alive. Why Kai’s alive.” Her gaze was on Kai, who was giggling again.

  So far, Sidrie had kept her part of the deal. Dre wondered if she would do the rest. He agonized over it, had constant images of himself and Mom’s deportation. Or of Mom being turned over to the Family Planning Corps for breaking the Better Tomorrow Law. Vigorously rubbing his Two Ring, he fought against those nightmare scenarios by telling himself Sidrie would keep her word. She would do the right thing.

  “Why do I get the feeling that you just want to play?” Mom arched a brow.

  A ghost of a smile touched his lips. “Cuz you know me. Gaming’s always been part o’ my life.”

  “Don’t remind me. I once tried to talk to your father about it becoming a bad habit, but he wasn’t trying to hear me.”

  “Bad habit might be an understatement.” Dre snorted. “When I couldn’t game, it was like I couldn’t breathe.”

  Mom shook her head slightly. “And you got all moody. Pouting all the time like a big baby. When are you going back in?” Even as he made to speak, she continued, “And that’s another thing I don’t like… those pods you mentioned and the time you’ll be gone.”

  “They aren’t so bad.” Dre shrugged. “As for when I’m going back in… I kept my part o’ the deal, so Sidrie’s gotta keep her word and gimme a decent amount o’ time with you and Kai. But if you really don’t want me to play at all, then I won’t. I’d rather be here with y’all.”

  “So, who’s the girl?” Mom abruptly switched gears, knowing brown eyes focused on him.

  “Girl?” Dre frowned before he understood. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Clearing his throat, he looked away from Mom.

  “Is that why you can’t look at me?” Mom’s tone dripped with mirth. She lowered her voice. “I can smell her on you.”

  Dre snapped his head around, eyes wide. “Smell?”

  “Her perfume.” Mom wrinkled her nose. “And something else. Something I wouldn’t say with your sister so near.” Mom jutted her chin toward Kai.

  Heat flushed across Dre’s neck, face, and ears. One thing came to mind. “Nah, you can’t smell… stop it.” Without thinking, he sniffed but came up empty.

  Mom covered her mouth, cheeks puffed up, her eyes sparkling as she tried to hold back her laughter. “I sure can. And I hope you were safe about it. Your father said he had the talk with you when you turned fifteen and again at sixteen.”

  “I was as safe as I coulda been.” Dre remembered the talk all too well. He hoped Mom interpreted anything she saw on his face or his reactions as him telling the truth.

  “It’s alright.” Mom sighed “I’m not mad. Even if I think you’re too young. My mother had me when she was your age and I turned out fine.” Dre opened his mouth. “And don’t mention how you’ll be seventeen in a few weeks. This day had to come sooner or later. I’d just rather it had been later. I’m not ready for grandkids. Keep that in mind.”

  “Yes, Mom.” Dre hung his head. He couldn’t believe they were having this conversation.

  “What’s her name?”

  Dre lifted his head. “Blaze.”

  “Blaze? That’s her real name?”

  “It’s what she goes by.”

  “A gamer like you, I suppose.” Mom raised a questioning brow. He nodded. “At some point you’re gonna have to let me meet her.” Mom gestured toward the room. “This isn’t the ideal place or situation, but it’s what we’ve got to work with. I’d rather meet her than not.”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  “With that out of the way.” A mischievous smile creased Mom’s features. “I think you should go take a shower before we eat lunch.”

  “Alright.” Blushing, he hurried off toward the bathroom, only too happy to get away from the conversation and Mom’s knowing smile and eyes.

  Thinking of Just Blaze got him to wondering what she was doing. His heart fluttered every time he thought about her. If he closed his eyes, he could feel her, smell her, taste her, see her toned body, honey-colored skin, small beautiful face with a dainty chin and angled eyes. Long box braids. An Asian picture of beauty. Exotic.

  Unlike himself.

  He shook his head, wondering what she’d seen in him. The only thing they had in common as far as looks would be that his skin color wasn’t far off from hers. He was maybe a shade darker. More caramel. But he knew his face all too well and didn’t need to look in a mirror to picture his blob of a nose and average features.

  When Dre entered the bathroom, Rachel spoke. The AI’s voice was soft. Melodic. “Welcome, sir. Should I run a bath or shower.”

  “Shower.” He closed the door behind him. “And play some hip-hop. Jay-Z’s album. Four Four Four.” It was Pops’ favorite classic from 2017 that Dre had grown to love.

  The first song, Kill Jay-Z, pipped into the bathroom. The music was low and clear and sounded as if it were everywhere.

  “Water temperature?” Rachel chimed, her question followed by the shushing sound of the shower.

  “Lukewarm.” He closed the door behind him and got undressed. Immediately, the musky fetor of old sex hit him. He sighed. I knew I shoulda bathed at the hotel. But both he and Blaze had been in a hurry. Him, to return to Mom. Her, to deliver the protocol.

  Remembering his hair, Dre opened a nearby linen and amenities closet, hoping to find a durag to cover his waves. There was none. With a sigh, he crossed the warm ivory-tiled floor to the large shower positioned beside the bathtub, both sectioned off and enclosed in translucent glass. He slid aside the glass door, stepped under the shower, and closed the door.

  Jets of water shot from the shower heads along the three walls. Relishing its warmth and soothing feel, he thought of Blaze and Void Legion as he recited the lyrics to Kill Jay-Z. He couldn’t wait to get back in game and see Pops, experience SR in all its glory, and explore the wonderful world Pops had helped to build. And he was even more excited at the prospect of playing with Blaze again. He could picture her character, Gilda Mordian, even now.

  “Add soap for a few moments.” His voice echoed.

  “Scent?” Rachel asked.

  “Start with vanilla. Finish with mint.”

  In the next instant, the water became foamy and filled with the bouquet of vanilla. While lathering, his train of thoughts drifted to Pops’ revelation that Dre was the first gameborn. He fully intended to experiment, discerning how his learning and activities in-game translated to the real world.

  He had so many questions about TNT and Uncle Kim’s Whole Brain Emulation work. Though himself and Pops were examples of the tech at work, Dre still found the ideas near unbelievable. They were those things you saw in a movie that you thought might always be fiction.

  He couldn’t begin to fathom all the applications, but the mere thought of becoming smarter, stronger, faster, and more skilled in a shorter period of time was extremely enticing. The possibilities seemed endless.

  No wonder Sidrie killed for it.

  He shuddered. His thoughts made him wonder about the protocol downloaded through his Two Ring, the black aether ring replica Pops had bought him. The code was there, in the back of his mind, a set of instructions he c
ould recite despite his ignorance of the meaning or function.

  He stopped lathering. Shit. The protocol. Blaze. Had she gone to deliver it already? An anxious flutter rippled through him. He prayed she hadn’t. Particularly if Mom’s suspicions of Sidrie’s surveillance proved to be true.

  He tilted his head to the side, thinking of Blaze’s last few words, whispered in his ears. Did she know? He let out a slow breath, trying to drive away the dread rising within. But it lingered.

  On edge, Dre hurriedly rinsed, grabbed a towel from the linen closet, and dried off. He rushed to his room with the towel wrapped around his waist. Standing in front a closet filled with clothes to fit his medium build, he chose faded denim jeans, a plain black Tee, got dressed, and headed for the dining area. He’d enjoy a quick lunch with Mom and Kai then go looking for Blaze to warn her. Her apartment on the floor below his would be a start.

  Mom and Kai were already seated at the frosty-colored dining table. Mariel was placing dishes atop its glass surface. A righteous aroma rose from the combination of brown stewed chicken, rice and peas, and asparagus. A glass pitcher in the middle of the table was filled with sparkling water.

  Dre’s stomach grumbled. He licked his lips. He was on the verge of taking a seat when the doorbell chimed. “I got it, Mariel.” He crossed the room, turned down the long hall, and headed for the front door, hoping it was Blaze.

  Dre took a look at the holo projection hovering from a panel beside the door, displaying the hall outside. Staring directly into the camera with those dark, predatory eyes, Sidrie Malikah was standing beside a short stern-faced man in a blue suit who carried a small folder in one hand. Stomach knotting, Dre stroked his Two Ring. The sight of the man and Sidrie left a sour taste in his mouth.


  Two days with his family is more than enough, Sidrie Malikah thought.

  In truth, she would have cut Andre’s time even shorter if not for the Void Legion update. Having the first protocol made her want them all as soon as possible. They were the keys to how Simulated Reality, Tissue Nanotransfection, and Whole Brain Emulation could work together. They were the keys to Equitane’s future, to her future.


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