The Forsaken Crypts

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The Forsaken Crypts Page 30

by Terry C. Simpson

  The eight forsaken saw the group coming long before Frost or the others were within range to use abilities. Pointing, the forsaken yelled and charged. The victims who had been with them scurried back toward the alcoves.

  “Ahhhh. Companyyyy. Playthingggs. Perhaps, he sent you to test me? Or his enemies sent you to kill me?” Grenok stroked his chin, his fiery eyes regarding Frost and his group. “Either way, you will fail, but let us see what promise you hold, if you’re worthy of being added to my collection.” He stroked his leather kilt.

  Four priests Flickered ahead of the others, two with glowing chakrams and the other bearing a haladie. Behind them, two others drew dual katars and disappeared. The final two sprinted forward, long swords bared.

  “Drop Traps for the ones that Concealed.” Frost tracked the invisible priests by way of Echolocation even as Saba set her Traps. Gilda’s Stalagmite rose from the ground. “Those casters will be in range in a sec. Focus fire my target first.”

  But the four casters remained where they were, allowing the melee to sprint toward the group. The Concealed priests approached fast along either flank.

  Frost waited for the hidden forsaken to trip the Traps. Just a few more steps. Now.

  In that instant, the Concealed forms vanished also. The bodies of the two sword-bearers blurred.

  A Chain Snare and a Lightning Trap activated. Gilda’s Stalagmite exploded by way of Glacial Eruption, coating the floor in ice. The Traps broke the Concealment, but neither slowed nor stopped the incoming melee.

  Understanding dawned. The Concealed forsaken had used Shadowblink while the sword-bearers had relied on a similar movement-enhancing ability, perhaps Raging Rush or Onslaught. Skills whose effects made the user immune to stuns and movement impairment for their duration.

  “My Bulwark will get the forsaken on the left.” Meritus had barely uttered the words when his black-furred gargant Servitor Raging Rushed to intercept the enemy in question.

  Up ahead, Dante had charged in to engage the two sword-bearers. The sky-blue arc of Aether Cleave extended from his axe, cutting into the enemy. In the next instant, he Raging Rushed back toward the group, slamming into the second katar-wielding priest.

  “My target.” Frost ignored the rest of the fight around him, aiming at the forsaken mystic who was already flinging Mikander’s Tears and Blood at his battling counterparts. “I’m gonna stagger him. Y’all do the same to interrupt the other three while we focus fire the mystic the moment my stagger lands. Make sure you get the shadowmancer. The last thing we need are his Mimics or Mirages.”

  Beside the forsaken mystic, the sorcerers’ chakrams lit up brighter. Twin Aether Shields formed around a sorcerer’s forearms. A hooded Summoned Defiler appeared next to the shadowmancer.

  The enemy’s Fire and Ice Globes lit up the air. Shadow Globes, Shadow Flares, and Nether Lances darkened it. The attacks sped toward Frost and company.

  Aether Barriers sprang to life around Frost and the others like translucent bubbles tinted a faded blue. Frost unleashed a Korbitanium Projectile, Aether Shot, Korbitanium Projectile, Staggering Shot combo. He immediately began charging Homer, tapping The Stunner’s trigger to lock targets. His abilities, Gilda’s spells, and Saba’s arrows flitted across the distance.

  Enemy spells struck the Aether Barriers, exploding in a wave of sparks, melting upon contact, or staining the Barriers with a wash of blackness. The Barriers flickered and waned but held.

  Across the field, the sorcerer with the Aether Shields chose to defend the mystic, leaping in front the healer to block Frost’s attacks. The Shields guttered and went out when the first Projectiles and Aether Shot struck. Moments later, the ensuing Projectiles pierced the sorcerer’s chest. He stumbled to the side.

  Frost’s Staggering Shot found its target. The mystic stumbled away upon impact. Fire, Ice, and arrows exploded into her torso. A Stalagmite burst up from the ground, impaling her.

  Before the mystic fell, Frost used Homer, sending four Aether Missiles a piece toward the shadowmancer and the other sorcerer. Frost shifted his aim to the mystic’s would-be protector, blasted him with a repeat of the first combo, and finished him with a red-tinged Piercer. He pivoted to the other two casters, but they were dead.

  Shifting his attention to the melee, Frost noted two were already down. The group made short work of the others. Motes of aether drifted into the air before zipping into Frost and the others.

  “Impressive, little ones.” Grenok chortled and applauded, the smack of his palms echoing. “Now, can you repeat that ten… fifteen more times?” Fangs showing as he smiled gleefully, Grenok raised his clawed hands to either side of his body, shifting his horned head from one side to the other.

  Following the demon’s gaze, Frost gasped. The floors, stairs, and balconies boiled with motion. Robed bodies. Priests from each level were on their way.

  “But first, you and I get to play.” Grenok dropped his hands and rolled his head from one side to the other. “I will even give you the advantage of a first strike.” He regarded them with lidded, bored-looking eyes.

  “I really hate this guy,” Dante grumbled. “He’s too damned cocky.”

  “We’re so screwed.” Saba swished her tail. “Having to beat him is bad enough, but to fight waves of forsaken adds too?”

  “Look on the bright side.” Frost peered at the alcoves. No priests had appeared yet. “At least the adds aren’t GUMS like the behemoths.” He smiled at Saba, who rolled her eyes.

  Frost turned his palms up and shrugged in response. He nodded to Dante. “You’re up. Everyone else, spread out. Grenok looks the type to have some nasty diseases or debuffs, so Meritus be ready with the dispels. Make sure your backs aren’t to that river of void energy. Remember the golden rule, people. Don’t stand in shit.”

  Dante strode forward to take up position ahead of the group. “I’m ready whenever you give the word, boss.”

  Frost nodded. “Meritus, you gotta keep up that Aether Infusion.”

  “No worries. I got you, homie. I’ll cast Korbash’s Retribution on Dante at some point also. That should go a long way for maintaining aether.”

  “Good idea.” Frost stroked his aether ring, his mind working, anticipation building. “Also, once we engage, have your Servitors head over to the bridge leading to the left alcove. The Bulwark can pick up adds there with your Shaman healing and the Duelist helping to kill. We’re gonna AOE them down on the opposite side first, then finish off yours. Gilda, you’re our best DPS. Go all out on Grenok.”

  “No doubt.” She cracked a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. Her skin was the grayest it had ever been. The sores were everywhere, leaking fluid.

  Frost’s chest tightened. The pain and burning came rushing back. He refused to look at his own condition. His body spoke on its own. As did his fear for himself and her. He’d subconsciously allowed himself to be absorbed by the moment, the strategizing, the thrill of the fight to come in order to escape the feeling.

  But now, the agony, the despair, returned twofold. He felt lightheaded. His chest and stomach hurt.

  In the next moment, he’d toppled over. Someone caught him.

  Were people yelling? Wake up? Why? I should just stay here and rest. Sleep. I wanna sleep so badly. When was the last time I had a good sleep?

  If you sleep now, chances are you won’t wake up.

  Just a little nap.

  You might not see your mother and Kai again. Gilda’ll be gone forever.

  Gilda? Mom and Kai?

  Frost snapped his eyes open. He was lying on the ground, his head resting on Gilda’s lap. She was stroking his cheek, whispering to him. His friends crowded around them.

  “Thank God.” Meritus pressed his palms together and looked to the heavens.

  “What-what happened?” Frost’s voice was hoarse, his
throat dry.

  “You just collapsed.” Gilda’s eyes were watery, the green flecked with black. “Meritus poured everything into his spells. And you just… opened your eyes.”

  “How… how long?”

  “A minute, maybe.” Gilda shrugged. “Less?”

  “Damn. Felt way longer. Help me up.”

  The burning sensation filled him now. And there was something else. Something crawling within him. It felt as if something lived inside and wanted out.

  They helped him to his feet. Frost used The Stunner to steady himself. Eyes closed, he drew in deep breaths, fighting a battle within himself, telling himself the pain and burning weren’t as bad as they felt. His head cleared. He opened his eyes.

  Thunderous guffaws echoed from Grenok. The demon paused, wheezing. He wiped at his eyes. “The mere sight of me made you faint. What shall you do when you feel my power?” He slapped his leg and laughed even louder.

  With an effort of sheer will, Frost forced everything but the fight and his purpose to the back of his mind. “Those priests are gonna be here any minute. Let’s start before I fall out again.”

  “You heard the boss.” Dante stared at Grenok, skin flaring from crimson to scarlet. “Time for some action. Pew, pew.”

  The words had scarcely left Dante’s mouth when the lion-faced gurash tank Raging Rushed toward the demon, covering sixty feet in an eyeblink. Yelling, he chopped into Grenok’s thigh, which was level with Dante’s head. Dante spun, and swung again, blade angled upward. A blue arc of aether swept up several feet into Grenok’s gut. An instant later, Dante shouted again, the blue becoming a full white half-moon, extending even farther, ripping a furrow across the demon’s chest.

  Grenok bellowed in pain. His arm swung down, claws extended.

  Dante crossed his arms in front of his face, let out a rage-filled cry, flung his arms apart, and stomped the ground. Cyan energy shot out from him in circle some forty feet or more. The ground beneath him cracked, sunk in on itself, and formed a crater. Stone and dirt blasted away.

  Frost recognized every skill Dante had used in that brief time. Soul Scream, Aether Cleave, Enfeebling Bellow, Scythe, Sentinel Shout, and that last was Gravity Crush.

  Grenok’s blow slowed as if passing through invisible sludge. Dante brought his axe up, catching the swipe on the haft. Frost winced, expecting Dante to be knocked away or pummeled into the ground, but Grenok’s claws slammed into the haft and stopped. It appeared comical that such a small weapon could stop an equally massive hand.

  Frost had already charged Aether Barrage, but before he could shout the command to begin DPS, forsaken dashed from the two alcoves, five per side. “Adds! Gimme a hand, Saba. Gilda, balls out on Grenok.”

  On the opposite alcove, Meritus’ black-furred gargant Bulwark had already engaged. The yurid Duelist remained at a distance, casting spells, while its sister, the Shaman, flung heals.

  Aiming at the forsaken on his side, Frost unleashed the Aether Barrage. Eight sky-blue beams rippled toward their targets. He immediately triggered Aether Fusillade’s four Piercer spread and then selected Concussion Blast. The red Piercers zoomed away. A second later the glowing white Blast was on its way.

  Saba loosed multiple arrows while Frost charged Aether Bomb and waited for the perfect timing. Her hands blurred. Her bowstring thrummed. Her Fire Arrows and Ice Arrows seemed to meld; such was the speed with which she worked.

  A couple of the priests managed to dodge the beams from Aether Barrage. A moment later, the combination of Fusillade and Concussion Blast detonated, flinging the creatures into the air. While the forsaken were suspended, the crackling ball of the Aether Bomb fell in an arc past them. They dropped as the ability exploded.

  Frost didn’t need to wait for the smoke, fire, and electrical energy to clear to know the priests had died. Motes of aether shot into him and the rest of the group, partially replenishing his stores.

  Keeping an eye on the alcoves, Frost joined the fray against Grenok, firing Projectiles, Aether Shots, and Piercers while waiting for other skills to become available after cooldown. He charged Aether Barrage again. Beside him, Saba’s bowstring thrummed.

  Dante’s Gravity Crush had dissipated, and the gurash was now resorting to dodging and parrying Grenok’s blows. At times, Dante Leaped into the air above clawed swipes that would split him in two.

  Multi-colored wisps drifted from the demon’s mottled skin, indicating Gilda had applied the Elemental Ignition debuff. Gilda was a cerulean and gray blur of constant motion as if she danced. She wove her hands in elaborate patterns while casting, chakrams leaving impressions in the air. The Elemental Snap buff rose from her in a muted glow.

  Stalagmites burst from the ground, stabbing into Grenok. Their twins coalesced in midair, piercing his chest. Gilda flung her hand forward, unleashing Fire and Ice Globes, quickly followed by an Infernal Spear, which had the appearance of a shaft of igneous rock imbued with lava’s hellish hues. But a second or two passed before a gigantic whirlwind of fire engulfed the demon.

  “GNATS! Always buzzing. I grow weary.” With flames swirling around him, Grenok made a back-handed throwing motion.

  Multiple Shadow Globes shot toward Frost and the others. Gilda’s Aether Barriers appeared and shattered when the Globes struck them. Grenok repeated the motion with his other arm.

  Aiming at Grenok’s chest, Frost unleashed Fusillade and prepared to dodge the black Shadow Globe hurtling toward him. He made to Leap away but something snagged his ankle. Panic rose in his chest. A glance down revealed dark shackles with darker chains extending back to Grenok.

  The Shadow Globe slammed into Frost. Crying out in pain, he staggered. He felt as if he might collapse.

  A moment later, the weakness and pain vanished. As did the shackles around his feet. The glow of Mikander’s Tears drifted up from him. Aether Infusion gave him a fresh burst of energy. Frost charged Homer.

  Grenok thrust a hand out, his palm facing the group. Blackness suffused it. Nether Lances shot forth, spears of pure shadow.

  This time, Frost was able to Leap sideways. A Lance exploded into the area he’d vacated. Energy crackled around the spot like black electricity.

  “Good dispel, Meritus.” Frost said in group chat.

  “Thanks, but I could’ve been faster.”

  “Looks like we might have to stun him to get a break,” Frost mused.

  “Immune.” Dante activated Gravity Crush once more.


  Before Frost could formulate his thoughts, roars announced two more forsaken groups. He and Saba took up position again. This time, Frost used the already charged Homer.

  He and Gilda made short work of the adds. In fact, the fight was so quick that a few Aether Missiles and a single Piercer from Fusillade had no targets. The wayward abilities exploded into the stalactites above. Crystalline spikes crashed into the floor along the bridges, sending up a cloud of dust and leaving fissures in the stone.

  When the motes of aether seeped into Frost, he became aware of Overload’s availability. He smiled triumphantly. “If you have an offensive Overload ability, use it.”

  Frost activated Stand and Deliver. His first skill was Aether Barrage, which instantly brought the Stunner to its maximum cyclic rate. Projectiles and Aether Shots roared from the cannon’s muzzle, illuminating the air like a battle in a war movie.

  Relying on Stand and Deliver’s ability to diminish cast and recharge times, he engaged Aether Fusillade, Aether Bombs, and Divergence. The Stunner vibrated in his arms, its discharge a constant drone. Heat emanated from the barrel. He settled into firing Piercer on its new two second recharge time, alternating with Projectiles and Aether Shots.

  Saba’s attacks joined his. Her Arrow Battery Overload skill had turned her strikes into a veritable storm of empowered and elemental arrows.r />
  Lacking an offensive Overload ability, Gilda had cast Aether Pulse. The humming man-sized purple ball of coruscating arcane elements spun end over end. Her rotation of Globes and Infernal Lances followed.

  Explosions rocked Grenok. Pockets of flame bloomed all over him, as well as those tinged with aether energy’s crackling electrical residue. His body became a titanic silhouette swallowed by a whirlwind of smoke and flame.

  The demon cried out. But this time there was no denying the agony in his voice. Heart leaping with the prospect of imminent victory, Frost continued to squeeze the trigger, going all out.

  The cries faded. Smoke and fire dissipated.

  Frost stopped firing. He expected the demon topple. He could barely hold in his elation.

  “My turn.” Grenok’s fangs showed in a lopsided grin.


  Grenok thrust his hand out, palm up. The demon made a fist.

  Something snatched at Frost. It dragged him, Gilda, Saba, Meritus, and the Servitors to a central point in front the demon but behind Dante.

  Still grinning, Grenok raised his foot. Gravity Crush sprang up around Dante. Grenok slammed his foot into the floor with a resounding boom.

  Darkness and dust blasted away from Grenok in a circle. The floor itself rose up to form a tsunami of stone, rippling outward.

  Frost made to Leap, but he couldn’t. He found himself frozen in place, his body refusing to obey his mind’s demands.

  The wave of stone and earth slammed into Frost and the others, breaking around Aether Barriers Gilda had somehow conjured in the last instant. But the Barriers could withstand only so much. Pain shot through Frost. The debris and darkness rolled over him, and then it was gone, rumbling on its way across the entire area.

  Where Grenok stood was awash with Gravity Crush’s cyan field. Dante was going toe to toe with the demon.

  A clamor rose from the alcoves. Two new groups of forsaken were halfway across the bridges.


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