Love Most Inconvenient 2

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Love Most Inconvenient 2 Page 5

by D. J. Manly

  David was in the costume department.

  When Vincent walked in, David turned around and held up a satiny piece of red material cut into the shape of a heart. “Come here,” he instructed.

  Vince glanced at him warily. “What?”

  “Is this too small for you?” He brought the material down and pressed it against Vincent’s groin.

  “What in hell are you doing?” Vincent demanded, slapping David’s hand away.

  “We need a stripper.”


  “We lost our stripper for our Valentine’s stag. I’ve got the word out but it may be too late to get another one. It is for Valentine’s Day. So, can you do it?”

  “Me?” Vince waved his hands in the air. “Forget it. I’m no stripper.”

  “You don’t actually have to take everything off. In fact, you’ll be left with this at the end, so it’s not total nudity.”

  “What happened to the stripper again?”

  “He’s got mono.”

  Vince rolled his eyes. “Well, find someone else. They all can’t be booked.”

  “Maybe not, but he has to fit the description the client asked for. Come on, Vince, it will be great PR and—”

  “He has the body for it,” a voice added suddenly.

  Vincent didn’t turn around. He’d recognized the footsteps, and knew that voice like it was his own. He closed his eyes.

  “Hello, Vince, how are you?”

  David’s eyes widened. He looked at Vincent. “You have nerve,” he said, glaring at Doug.

  “Can you leave us please, David?” Doug asked. “I need to talk to my partner.”

  “He’s not your partner,” David replied, his voice hard, “in any way.”

  “It’s okay, David,” Vincent said, “leave us. I’ll get back to you on this. We’ll find someone.”

  “Damn,” Doug sneered at David, “guess you’ve lost your opportunity to see Vincent without his clothes.”

  David came up close to Doug and looked him in the face. “Yeah, that’s what you know.”

  “What in hell did he mean by that?” Doug demanded as soon as David had left the room.

  Vince finally gathered the strength to look at him. “Doug, what are you doing here?”

  “We need to talk.”

  “Talk about what?” Vincent walked across the room.

  Doug followed. “I’ve been a fool. I love you. I want to come home. I want things to be the way they were.”

  “It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?”

  “Did you know that David and Andrew…?”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Andrew still has feelings for David.”

  Vince looked up sharply. “How do you know that?”

  Doug shrugged. “It’s not important.”

  “Did he say that? Did he say he was going to try and win David back?”

  “What do you care?”

  “I … I should warn David, that’s all.”

  “Warn him about what? David loves Andrew. David wouldn’t stop calling Andrew on his cell when we were in Europe. He’d take him back in a heartbeat. I’m sure that’s what is going to happen. And you know what, I don’t care. I only want you.”

  Vincent stood there, stunned. How could David have made love to him like that when he still had feelings for Andrew?


  Vincent glanced at him.

  “I’m not expecting you to take me back today. Can we have dinner, talk? I want to start over. I’ll do anything to win back your love. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “You need to go,” Vincent said. He was shaking inside.

  “Are you going to give me the opportunity to…?”

  “I’m not giving you anything. Go, Doug, leave, and don’t come back.”

  He walked across the floor, his heart in turmoil. Was it true that David had been calling Andrew in Europe? If Doug was telling the truth, he couldn’t help wondering how long this had been going on. Maybe it had only been in the beginning, when Andrew first left.

  All this turned in his mind as he went looking for David. He finally found him in the kitchen. David was looking at pictures of wedding cakes with the bakery chef. Barbara was standing there too, pointing out this and that.

  “I like that one too, Barb,” David said, “but it’s not the right shape for a heart.”

  “I’m free now,” Vincent said from the door. “Come to my office when you’re finished.”

  David looked up and nodded.

  Vincent walked back down the hall; Barbara chased after him. “Vince.”

  “What is it?” he asked, glancing at her.

  “I have some new invoices for you to sign and … did I see that asshole Doug here a while ago?”

  “You did.”

  Barbara followed Vincent into his office. “You told him to take a long walk off a short pier, I hope.”

  “Not in so many words, but don’t worry.” He sat down in his chair and held out his hand. “Where are the invoices?”

  “I’ll get them. And the new stock came in, and there’s a problem with that supplier again. We’re short on flour and shortening. John is kicking up a fuss.”

  “I’ll call them,” he said, running a hand through his hair.

  “Okay, I’ll get the invoices,” she said, bumping into David on the way out. “Hi sweetie,” she said.

  “Hi Barb,” David replied, but his voice lacked his usual spirit.

  “Close the door,” Vincent said.

  David closed the door and came in. He didn’t sit down. He stood looking at him. “Is this about the stripper?”

  “No. It’s not about the stripper. Did you call Andrew in Europe?”


  “Doug says you repeatedly called Andrew when he was in Europe.” Vincent’s voice rose.

  “And you care?”

  “You lied to me. I can’t trust you.”

  “I didn’t lie about anything. And it’s not any of your business who I called, or didn’t. You don’t even want me. I’m nothing to you.”

  “David,” Vincent said, “I never said you were nothing to me.”

  “You want Doug? Well, he’s back, on his knees. Go ahead. He wants to be in my place, in this job and in your bed. Let him. I sure hope he can make you happy finally, because apparently I can’t.”

  “I never said I was taking Doug back.”

  “You will.”

  “No, I won’t.”

  “Then who do you want? You don’t want me. You don’t want Doug. I thought you still loved him.”

  “I don’t love him anymore.”

  David lowered his head. “You don’t love me either.”

  Vincent swallowed. “I thought we decided to…”

  “You decided. You decided everything. I had no say in it.”

  “Did you call Andrew in Europe, or not?” He turned his back, looked out the window.

  “Yes,” he said. “I called him.”

  Vincent closed his eyes. “Why? I thought you said he was no good?”

  “He is no good. God damn it, Vince, he owed me money. I wanted him to … oh, you won’t believe me, anyway. It doesn’t matter.”

  “Tell me. I’ll believe you,” Vincent said, turning around.

  “He owed me money,” David said, looking at Vince. He actually took a step back when Vincent came closer. “Don’t,” he whispered. “I’d rather you didn’t touch me at all.” Tears sparked in his eyes.

  “I don’t understand. What did I do? I thought everything was okay between us. We’re friends, right?”

  The tears ran down his face. “I can’t work here anymore,” he said softly. “I’ll stay until after the Valentine’s thing, then I’m giving my notice.”

  Before Vincent could say anything, David tore out of the room.

  Vincent stood there stunned, not sure what had just happened.

  Barbara came in. “The invoices,” she said. “And what in fuck is wrong wi
th you?”

  “Nothing.” He held out his hand, “I’m fine. Barb,” he said. “David wants to leave. You need to convince him to stay.”

  She looked at him. “No, you need to convince him to stay.” She sighed, drew closer. “He’s in love with you, you blockhead. I see it every time he looks at you. Take a chance. You’ve been miserable ever since you took him home that night and fucked his brains out.”

  Vince’s eyes widened.

  “No need to pretend with me, kid. I’ve seen it all. Forget that shithead Doug, and take a chance. He’s the one, stupid.”

  “I took a chance, and look where it got me.”

  “You backed the wrong horse, that’s all. David did too, with that Andrew idiot. Andrew really worked him over, left him in debt. And he’s been prowling around again. He sent David flowers today.”


  “Yep. David threw them in the trash bin.”


  “Vince, you’re made for each other. Valentine’s is coming up. Come on, show him how you feel. You’re head over heels yourself. He’ll stay if you convince him you want him. Do something romantic.”

  Vincent smiled. Slowly, he nodded. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” Barb’s eyes widened. “You mean, you’re listening to me?”

  He nodded.


  Vincent laughed.

  “So, you going to tell him how you feel?”

  “I’m going to do better than that.”

  Chapter Four

  The following days before Valentine’s Day were hectic, what with the final preparations for the big stag party. There were also the regular parties to handle as well. When David once again mentioned the stripper problem, Vincent told him he’d taken care of it.

  “But the client has very strict specifications,” David persisted. “Dark hair, tall, with your physique, muscular and … he has to look like you.”

  “Don’t worry,” Vincent said, “he will look exactly like me.”

  David wrinkled his nose. “Okay.”

  On the morning of Valentine’s Day, David was frazzled, running around from department to department. Vincent wanted to laugh when David rushed into his office at four o’clock and yelled, “Where have you been?”

  “I had some errands to do. Why?”

  “You are going to be there tonight?”

  “Of course I am. I’ll stop by after everything gets started.”

  “I need that stripper. He has to be fitted and I have to make sure he can get into that cake.”

  “He’ll fit in the suit and the cake. Don’t worry.”

  “Does he know the location, what time to be there?”

  “David,” Vincent said, “it’s all going to work out. I’m taking care of that. I’ll have him in the cake, dressed and ready to rock and roll.”

  “Okay,” he breathed.

  “Everything will go off without a hitch, tonight, and tomorrow.”

  “It’s big, Vince.”

  “I know. Now go and check on things. I’ll see you later.”

  David walked to the door. He paused. “Vince?”


  “What I said about leaving, well, maybe, I mean, I like my job, and…”

  “We’ll talk about that later.”

  He nodded and left the office.

  Vince checked his watch. He had butterflies in his stomach. He locked up his office and walked into the lobby. “Well,” he said to Barb, “it begins.”

  “I wish I could see his face tonight,” Barb smiled. She got up from behind her desk and hugged him. “You big lug.”

  He laughed. “Thanks. Now, pray I don’t make an idiot of myself.”

  “You’ve worked so hard.”

  “Did you get everything?”

  “Everything will be there.”

  “You’re the greatest,” he said as he stepped onto the elevator.

  “Damn right,” she called out, “and don’t you ever forget it.”

  * * * *

  When the knock came on his door at home, Vincent was surprised to find Doug standing on his doorstep. Oh no, not now. I don’t have time for this. “What do you want, Doug?”

  “Is that any way to speak to me?”

  “Actually, it’s better than you deserve,” he grumbled, looking over Doug’s shoulder to see a car drive up. “You’ve got to go. I have stuff to do.”

  Doug’s eyes widened when a perfectly toned blond-haired god wearing a Lycra bodysuit walked up the steps. “What in hell is this?”

  Sin Malone gave Doug an uninterested glance and then smiled at Vincent. “Hey babe, ready?”

  “Sure,” Vincent said, “come in. Give me a sec.” He nudged Doug out the door, and stood with him on the stoop. “Listen, you’ve got to go. I told you, I don’t want to see you anymore.”

  “You’re dumping me for that?”

  “You dumped me, remember, and it’s not him I want, believe me.”

  “There’s someone?”

  “No one you know, now go. Get out of here.”

  “What exactly is that guy doing here?’

  Vincent walked back inside. “Dancing,” he said, and closed the door.

  Sin Malone had been an exotic dancer for ten years. Sin put on some of the music he’d brought with him and began to warm up. Vincent did the same, going through the stretching routine he’d showed him. “Are you nervous?” he asked.

  “Scared shitless.”

  “This David is a lucky guy.”

  “I’m the lucky guy. I was just too dense to know it. I’m plunging into this all the way. I need to show him I really mean it. He knows this isn’t my style, so I figure he’ll believe me if I go to these lengths.”

  “Sweetie, you’re gorgeous. You could have been a dancer.”

  Vince laughed. “After tonight, I’ll dance for him in the bedroom, that’s it.”

  Sin chuckled. “Okay, let’s do it, stud. Come on baby, strut your stuff!”

  “I don’t know about this,” Vincent said doubtfully, holding up the red silk, heart-shaped G-string.

  * * * *

  When Vincent arrived at the club he went immediately to the back room to begin his transformation. The client, Sam Green, knocked on the door of the dressing room a few minutes later. He had a huge grin on his face. “So, you’re really going through with this after all?”

  Vincent nodded with a faint smile. “Well, I guess, if I don’t chicken out.”

  Green had been wonderful about all this. “Come on, Vincent,” he said, “you’ve gone this far, you can’t back out now. From the moment you called me and told me about you and David, well, I was so thrilled to be a part of this. And you know that Tee will be so happy when he finds out. It’s a real Valentine’s event. Love, love, and love.”

  Vincent laughed. “Yeah, well.” He placed the material against his groin, looking up as John entered suddenly, wheeling in the big cake.

  “Hey, boss,” he said, grinning. “David is here, by the way.”

  “You didn’t say anything?”

  “Of course not. Anyway, I got to get back to the kitchen. The back room is filled with red roses like you asked, and we received the Swiss chocolate.”

  “Good. I know David likes real chocolate.”

  “You remember how you get in and out of that thing, right?” John asked.

  Vincent nodded. “I think so.”

  John laughed and waved. “Oh, and you look pretty cute. If I wasn’t straight…”

  Vincent laughed. “Get out of here.”

  Sam came over then and shook his hand. “Good luck, Williams. I’ve seen him, your David; he’s a cutie. Great ass.”

  Vince nodded. “Yeah, I know.”

  “I’ll leave you to get naked. And I can’t say I’m not looking forward to ah … you’re a hunk and you’re hung. Tee will love you.”

  Vincent laughed, and gave him a little salute. “Events aims to please.”

  Samuel Green
blew him a kiss and left.

  Vincent stripped off his clothes and put on the heart-shaped G-string, drawing the string up in back. He rubbed his skin with some of that oil Sin had given him. He placed his hands on his hips and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked pretty hot but he felt absolutely ridiculous. He hoped to hell David still wanted him. He walked over to the fake cake and opened it in back. Someone would come to wheel him out into the middle of the floor. When he was ready, he had only to push the lever and he’d rise out of the top on a little platform. There were steps going down the back. He looked at the clock, and waited.

  When he heard some noise, he quickly got into the cake. He couldn’t risk the chance that David would be the one to come and get him. It would ruin everything. As it turned out, it was two of the waiters hired to serve that night. “Is the guy even in there?” one asked, knocking on the cake.

  “Yeah,” he said from inside, “I’m in here. Just ah … wheel me out, okay, into the middle of the floor. Are there a lot of people?”

  “Oh yeah,” one said. “It’s packed, most of them loaded, and horny.”

  “Terrific,” he muttered, closing his eyes. “And David, the head planner, is he out there?”


  “Your boss!”

  “Oh yeah, the cute one. He was,” the other one said.

  “Hey,” another voice said, “can we see you? Are you naked?”

  “No, you can’t see me. And if you want to keep your jobs, you’ll just wheel me out there now,” he snapped.

  “Okay,” one said, and he started to move.

  David, you better damn well be out there.

  He heard a drum roll; the crowd, which had been boisterous and noisy, quieted. Someone yelled out, “Yeah!”

  The music he’d requested began to play, a really raunchy rock tune called I Want Your Sex Forever. He took a deep breath, and pressed the lever. As he rose to the top, he told himself to do as Sin told him, to imagine that he was dancing for only one man in the room, the man he really wanted. “Imagine you’ve picked him out of a crowd; he doesn’t know you. But you want him. And by the end of the night, your dancing will seduce him totally, make him yours forever.”

  Vincent arrived on the top of that cake, strutting across it like a pro. He shimmied down the steps and began dancing, imitating all the moves Sin had taught him. The crowd whooped and hollered but Vincent hardly heard them. His eyes scanned their faces for David. Where was he? David. He moved his hips seductively in front of the rock star Tee Armstrong, who reached up to trail his fingers over Vincent’s chest, blew him a kiss. Vincent moved on, flexing his muscles, showing off his ass, winking to the men in the crowd and driving them wild. Then, he saw him.


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