On the Wings of Love

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On the Wings of Love Page 14

by Alanna Lucas

  “I think Bernie has more energy than all of us in this room combined.”

  Laughter rippled through the air, startling little Becky.

  “I think it’s time we head home,” Ethan said as he rocked the child in his arms.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Rex whispered in Tessa’s ear before helping Mary and Ethan with the children. If all went according to plan, soon he and Tessa would be together, forever.

  Chapter 13

  Tessa was blissfully happy—there was no other way to put it. She could not remember the last time she’d been this happy, this content. Although hanging out with Rex’s nieces and nephew had been a little emotional at first, it seemed as if the past was finally letting her have some peace. Even a dozen ladies arguing over which Mr. Darcy was more handsome, Colin Firth or Matthew Macfadyen, could not damper her spirits.

  “But when he came out of the water with his shirt all wet… that was the best scene ever,” Mrs. Smith sighed, a soft dreamy look filling her eyes.

  “No,” one of the other ladies argued emphatically. “The scene where Darcy crosses the misty field. Now, that was perfection. I would have run across that field and straight into his arms,” the elderly woman giggled like a teen with her first crush.

  The ladies carried on all afternoon, drinking tea and discussing their favorite heroes, in both books and movies, and enjoying the food Bernie had prepared. Tessa was pleased her first real attempt at baking was a huge success. All that remained of her apple pie were crumbs.

  The clock chimed half past four just as Tessa’s phone began to vibrate in her back pocket. “Excuse me, ladies. I’ll make more tea and coffee.” She headed to the kitchen, answering her phone in the process.

  “Hey you,” Jillian greeted her. “How are things going?”

  “Things are perfect,” Tessa could not contain the joy in her heart or keep the smile off her face.

  “I told you.”

  “I know you did.”

  “I hope this means you’ll listen to me in the future.”

  “We’ll see,” Tessa teased.

  “Ha, ha, very funny. Glad things are good. We need to chat longer next time, but I gotta run. Love you.”

  “Love you, Jillian.”

  Tessa slipped the phone back into her pocket and went about preparing the tea and coffee. Most of their conversations these days were quick hello’s, neither seemed to have time for anything else. Whenever she asked Jillian how things were going, the standard response was “fine, just busy”. Tessa learned a long time ago not to pressure her friend into talking, it usually ended up in a fight. Jillian was as stubborn and headstrong as they came, and it was best just to give her time.

  Glancing at the tray, Tessa double-checked that she had everything before delivering the fresh cream, and another pot of peppermint tea to the ladies.

  “Coffee should be ready shortly. Is there anything else you would like?”

  Mrs. Smith clapped her hands together and asked with excitement, “Oh, do you still have the tea that smells like Crème brûlée?”

  Several heads bobbed and soft voices whispered in unison. “Oh, yes.”

  “I believe I do. It will just take a few minutes to prepare.” Tessa began to turn away when Rex entered the dainty space, her body instantly warming ten degrees just at the sight of him.

  A hushed silence filled the room followed by stares and even a couple of giggles from two of Bernie’s friends.

  “Good afternoon, ladies,” Rex flashed a wide smile, proving he really could be a rake who could melt a lady’s heart any day of the week. “Mind if I join you?” his voice held a slight tease.

  Excited giggles and laughter filled the air, accompanied by several blushes.

  If Tessa didn’t get Rex away from the ladies, who knew what would happen next? “Come on, you can help me in the kitchen.”

  It was no use. Now that Rex was here and had made the offer to join them, the ladies would not settle down. As Tessa passed the group of women, she heard one, who was the same age as Bernie, mutter, “I would like to see him in a wet shirt.”

  Rex glanced over his shoulder. His mouth dropped open with surprise.

  Tessa did not give him the chance to respond but pulled him into the kitchen. “Look what you started,” she said as Rex turned around and pulled her into a passionate embrace.

  The moment his lips touched hers, the kitchen, bookstore, and the dozen ladies chattering on the other side of the wall were all forgotten. He moved his mouth over hers, caressing, devouring, leaving her completely breathless and wanting more. But with a store full of patrons in the next room, it wasn’t the time or place to explore what her body desired.

  With some reluctance, she pulled away. “You really are quite the scoundrel.”

  “What? I was just having fun.” There it was again. That sweet boyish grin that made her go weak in the knees. He brushed a soft kiss across her lips.

  “What am I going to do with you?” she whispered across his mouth.

  “I can think of a few things.” His tongue flicked her lips, sending a shiver of desire racing through her as his hand possessively serpentined down her back. He whispered, “Doesn’t the store close in less than a half-hour?” His mouth returned to hers, bold and consuming. He deepened the kiss, doing wonderful things as he explored her mouth.

  “Ahem.” The interruption broke their kiss. “I think you two need a time out,” Bernie teased. “I came in here for more sugar.”

  “Sorry, Grams,” Rex said in an apologetic tone, then winked at Tessa.

  Playfully slapping his chest, Tessa scolded, then set him to work. “Behave yourself, Rex. Take in the coffee.” She pointed to the rose embossed silver tray. “And don’t forget the sugar. I’ll be out once the tea is ready.”

  “It’s okay, I’ll take it out to the ladies.” Bernie picked up the tray and returned to the book club meeting while Rex stayed behind, leaning seductively against the wall.

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?” He asked with a feigned look of hurt.

  “Never, but now is not the time.”

  He let out a teasing huff, brushed a quick kiss on her cheek, and then left the kitchen.

  Tessa knew the moment Rex reached the women, as half a dozen giggles wafted through the air. It sounded more like a bunch of tweens at the mall than a group of senior citizens.

  She took her time organizing the other serving tray. Since moving in with Bernie, Tessa had learned that presentation was everything.

  “Perfect.” Tessa picked up the elegant tray. The sweet aroma of crème and caramel filled her nostrils.

  Tessa had only managed to take two steps out of the kitchen when a woman entered the bookstore wearing a very expensive looking black tailored trench coat, three-inch high black heels, and a stylish black cloche hat, her long blond locks flowing down her back. If not for the squirming toddler in her arms, she looked like she belonged in a fashion magazine, not the quiet seaside town.

  “Natalia?” Bernie’s loud gasp halted all conversation.

  All eyes fixed on the newcomer.

  Rex whipped around, his back now toward Tessa. “Natalia?” Even from across the store, Tessa could hear the hurt and raw emotion in his voice.

  Natalia, as in Rex’s ex-wife? Tessa clenched her jaw tightly as panic flooded her body. What was she doing here? Tessa knew his ex had tried to text him, but Rex said he’d ignored those. Did she want him back? Don’t jump to conclusions.

  The bookstore began to whirl. Tessa shoved the tea tray onto the nearest counter. Breathe, just breathe.

  She couldn’t breathe. The hard lump in her throat was growing more painful with each passing second. Heat swallowed her whole. All sounds faded against the fierce pounding in her head. Breathe, just breathe. It’s not as bad as you think.

  Countless seconds later, the sound of Natalia’s voice penetrated the panic coursing through her body. “… with our son.”


  Tessa thou
ght she was going to pass out, or throw up, or possibly both. Rex has a son?

  “Hello Rex.”

  Rex was cemented in place. He hadn’t seen Natalia for three years. He hadn’t been able to get her to visit Devlin when they were married, why was she here now when they were divorced? What did she want?

  So stunned at the sight of his ex-wife standing in the doorway, he failed to notice the young child she was holding until he cried out, “Down.”

  And who was this child?

  He couldn’t fight back the angry words. “What in the hell are you doing here?”

  The child fought to get down. Natalia bounced him in her arms. “Shh.” Tears filled her eyes. “You wouldn’t respond to my texts, so you left me no other choice than to come here.” She inhaled deeply, pain creasing the corners of her eyes. “With our son.”

  Rex stood dumbfounded. “Our… our what?”

  “Our son.” She blinked away tears. Her voice quivered as she spoke. “We need to talk.”

  The shock of her revelation caused all words to lodge in his throat. He had a son? Images of the last time he saw Natalia stormed his head. They’d just had a fight—she was angry and hurt, but he never suspected she was pregnant. He couldn’t have a son.

  “Perhaps I should explain.”

  Rex forced the words out, “Uh, yeah.”

  Natalia glanced about the room, her gaze settling on the ladies who were all staring at them. “Is there somewhere private where we can discuss this?”

  Grams must have heard the urgency in Natalia’s voice. Stepping forward, she tickled the toddler’s stomach. “Who’s this little guy? Perhaps he would like a c.o.o.k.i.e.?” Grams spelled out the word.

  Natalia inhaled deeply. “This is Alec. And yes, that would be fine.”

  Rex felt the breath rush out of his body. His father’s name was Alec.

  Grams’ head snapped up. She looked over at Rex, confusion drawing her grey brows together, and then back at Natalia. “Let me take him. You two go in the kitchen. Dorothy and I can close up.”

  Close up? Alarm surged through his body. Where was Tessa? He glanced around and met his grandmother’s gaze.

  Grams rested a gentle hand on his arm. “Tessa went up to the house,” she whispered into his ear, answering his unspoken question. She turned her attention to the child, taking him from Natalia’s arms, then turned to the ladies. “Thank you for coming this afternoon.” Grams speech went on, but all words faded, drowned under the weight of Natalia’s announcement. Why was the child named Alec? This couldn’t be his son.

  A dozen pairs of eyes watched as the scene began to unfold. Rex detested gossip. He stormed to the kitchen and waited for Natalia to follow. He would let Grams deal with the book club.

  He gripped the edge of the counter. The moment he heard the click click of Natalia’s heels on the black and white tile he growled out, “What do you mean that’s my son?”

  “I need to sit.” The chair scraped across the floor, followed by a long, labored sigh.

  Rex turned to face his ex, prepared to demand answers, but was taken aback by what he saw.

  Natalia looked thin, frail. Her normal bright brown eyes were dull, dreary, and weighed down with pain. Shocked over seeing his ex dissipated, clarity came slowly, bringing her into focus. Something gnawed at his gut. Something was wrong.

  Rex pulled out the chair beside her and sat down. Keeping his voice even, he asked, “What’s going on?”

  She inhaled deeply and then released a slow trembling breath. “I have stage four ovarian cancer.” She took in another shaky breath. “My surgery is scheduled for later this week at OHSU Knight Cancer Institute in Portland. It’s going to be a long road. My chances are not great. I can’t go through this alone.”

  Rex was too stunned for words. He’d dealt with patients, but now it was happening to someone he’d once been in love with. He struggled to put coherent thoughts together. “Didn’t you pay any attention to the symptoms?”

  Natalia raised her voice in defense, “I was too busy taking care of a toddler on my own.”

  Rex wanted to point out that she had only herself to blame for that but held his tongue. Being vicious was not his MO. “Why didn’t you come home sooner?”

  “I wanted to, but I was scared.” She let out a huff. “My friend and her husband from Boston finally convinced me. She’s the one who made the arrangements in Portland—her husband has connections. They’ve been helping out with Alec. Even with their help it took every ounce of energy, but I need to make arrangements…” Natalia’s dull brown eyes intensified. “… for our son.”

  Our son. The words sounded so foreign. He was still trying to come to terms with everything. There were so many unanswered questions. But the one that troubled him the most spewed from his mouth in a harsh demand. “Why didn’t you tell me about the child? Is that why you left?”

  “No. I had no idea.”

  He slammed his fist down on the table. “Is that supposed to somehow make this all better? How did you not know?”

  “I thought my period was late because of stress. I didn’t think anything about it. A couple of months later, once things had settled down, and it still hadn’t come, I went to the doctor.”

  “And you didn’t think to say anything once you did find out?” There was a critical tone to his voice that he didn’t even try to hide.

  “I didn’t want a messy custody battle. I couldn’t lose him.”

  “But it was okay to keep this information from me, the supposed father?”

  “He is your son! And that little boy means the world to me. I know it was wrong.” Natalia hung her head, avoiding eye contact. “Trust me, I know.”

  “How do you know he’s mine?” The cynicism in his tone echoed through the kitchen.

  Natalia swallowed hard, her eyes lifting, meeting his. The truth of her words pierced him. “I told you, I never cheated.”

  Silence thick as fog consumed them.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  He drew in slow steady breaths. If he didn’t control his anger, he would explode and probably say something to make the situation worse.

  “What do you want me to say? You come here and tell me that you knew were pregnant with our child, and yet still divorced me knowing this, stayed in Boston, that you have cancer and your chance of survival is slim.” Rex ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he stood and began to pace the room. It was a lot to take in in just a few minutes. “Dammit Natalia, what do you want me to say?” His voice grew louder with each word.

  “I want you to say that you’ll help raise our son. I want you to say that you’ll love him and care for him.” She slumped farther into the chair, resting her face in her hands. The seconds ticked by before she raised her head, her dull dark brown eyes brimming with tears. “I want you to say it’s not too late.”

  “You thought you could just walk back into my life, tell me we have a son, and expect us to be one big happy family.”

  “No… yes…” her voice softened. “I was hoping.”

  Confusion, anger, bitterness, and regret vied for his attention.

  “But most of all, I want you to say that you forgive me for keeping Alec’s birth from you.”

  What could he say? It wasn’t just his life that hung in the balance. An innocent child had been placed in the middle of this drama. His mother’s betrayal still burned in his heart. He didn’t want to be the one to inflict that kind of pain on a child. In the end, Rex settled on forgiveness. It was the right choice. “I forgive you,” he whispered. “But we… I’ve moved on.”

  Helping Tessa overcome her past had helped heal Rex in the process. He had learned to trust again, learned to enjoy the moment, and learned that Devlin was where his heart truly was. Rex didn’t want to lose her. What was she going to think of all this? Rex rubbed the back of his neck, the weight of everything suddenly bearing down on him.

  “And our son?” Worry laced Natalia’s every word.r />
  He slid back into his chair. His voice softened. “Where are your parents?”

  “In Nevada.” She let out a strained huff. “When I moved to Boston, I had an argument with my mother about the divorce. Holding true to form, she said some mean things. My father tried to intervene, but he’s never been able to reason with her. I haven’t spoken to them since, but I texted them to let them know I was returning to Devlin.”

  “So, they don’t know about their grandson?”

  “No. I know you have reason to doubt me, but he is your son. We can have a paternity test done…. But I need to know Alec is going to be okay.”

  “I will agree to a paternity test. If he is mine, I will raise him and if he’s not—”

  Natalia grabbed his hand and with a weak squeeze that startled him said, “Rex, he is your son. I don’t know if I will…” she swallowed hard before continuing, “I don’t want my mother to raise him. It breaks my heart to know that I will not be able to raise that sweet little boy. Please, promise me you’ll care for him.”

  His world had turned upside down. What was he supposed to say? Natalia might be a lot of things, but the love she showed for her son nearly broke his heart. In that moment, he said the first thing that came into his mind. “I promise he will be cared for.”

  “Thank you,” she sighed, the tension in her shoulders visibly easing.

  “Is it safe to come in?” Grams poked her head into the kitchen. “Alec is asleep,” she said as she came into the kitchen with the toddler in her arms.

  One look at Grams’ face said she was convinced the child was his, but Rex wasn’t going to jump to any conclusions. First things first, he needed to talk to Tessa. He couldn’t keep this from her. Dread settled in his gut. He knew how she felt about children. What would this do to their relationship?

  Natalia forced herself up from the chair, her body trembling from weakness. “I can take—”

  Grams cut off her sentence. “Sit down,” her voice was gentle, yet firm. “Are you staying at your parents?”

  “No. I’m not ready to…”

  “Where are you staying?” Grams swayed back and forth, rubbing Alec’s back. “I can help you while this all gets sorted out.”


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