What is the Greater Good

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What is the Greater Good Page 9

by A M Lopez

  Everything Eva had seen since she had come back to Ranison, felt underwhelming and disappointing, as if they were shadows of her past self. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was the scenery that changed or her perception of it, though the answer was obvious. She had seen so many marvelous things since she left, it’s not surprising that nothing here could meet their level. Continuing her walk away, Eva was happy she had moved on and got things nothing here could ever compare to, her new experiences and awesome family.

  The rest of the team were settled in a Portuguese coffee shop, Gira Sol, awaiting her arrival. The twins were deep into their omelette’s, raving on the deliciousness. Before Eva could reach the red table, Connor quickly walked up to her and pulled her into a corner far from the team. Behind him was a window so he trapped her in between the wall and him, leaning in with furrowed brows. They were close, but not too close.

  "You okay?" His soft voice said to her.

  She looked into his cautious blue eyes, allowing herself for a moment to fall into them. "Yes." She whispered, not wanting to break the trance they were both in. "It was just a bit underwhelming, but very nostalgic. Reminded me of mom and dad."

  He placed a strand of hair behind her ear, his rough hand contrasting the gentleness of his motion. "From what you've told me about them, I think I would've liked them."

  "They would’ve liked you for sure. Always trying to be the hero and throwing yourself in the midst of danger." She gave him a pointed look.

  "Sometimes you have to throw yourself in the line of fire to prevent your world from burning down." His eyes twinkled mischievously.

  Eva's cheeks began to turn red like a firetruck. "You, smooth bastard."

  He leaned away and winked at her. "We should get going before the others think we eloped."

  What he said didn't sink in until they reached the team. Eva then elbowed him in the stomach but he didn't flinch. At all.

  The team was looking at them with smiles and smirks on their faces. With their feet planted on the sides of tables and chairs, they looked like they were about to attack Connor and Eva. Before any of them could do so, Aaron stood and dusted off her black pants.

  "Alright. Let's get going before my father comes and shoots me a disappointed message once more."

  Astrolabe murmured in agreement and left the coffee shop, leaving the soothing jazz music behind them. While they walked through the noisy streets, Eva noticed Allison was being quieter than usual.

  "What's up with you?" Eva questioned, falling in line with Allison.

  Allison glanced at her and shook her head. "Nothing, really. I'm just lost in my thoughts."

  Eva laughed. "Okay, there's definitely something wrong, you voice your thoughts instead of getting lost in them."

  Allison gave out a small chuckle before making eye contact, breaking out into real laughter. As they struggled to stand straight, let alone walk, the rest of the team looked back at them. Eva waved her hand, gesturing that everything was fine, and they returned to their conversations.

  Eva collected herself, only a few laughs falling from her lips. “Seriously though, what’s wrong?”

  Allison’s laughter died out, her smiling withering. “Nothing. I’m just wondering about . . . a lot of things right now. I’ll be fine, I just need some time.”

  Eva’s face softened and she smiled encouragingly at Allison. “Alright, but pinkie promise to talk to me later? We are best friends after all, but I understand needing space.”

  Allison turned her head away for a second as Eva held out her pinkie, then she faced the stealth agent with a grin.

  Locking their pinkies, she winked. “Pinkie promise.”

  Satisfied, Eva released her but as she turned forward, she saw movement. Glancing to where she saw it, one of Allison’s hands was hanging at her side. Eva could’ve sworn she saw something move, but as the team walked up to a building, she decided to forget about it and focus on the mission.

  The building they stopped in front of was two stories tall and painted beige with a black roof. It was obviously a house, though it looked brand new as if it wasn’t used. The lawn was bright green with spots of color, grass cut and plants watered. The team started down the light grey stone path that leaded to a little staircase, which connected to the house’s porch. A black door sat parallel to the stairs, a grey mat in front of it. Glancing to her right as she stepped onto the path, Eva saw a grey mailbox with the word ‘Hale’ written in white, cursive letters.

  Looking past her teammates at the door ahead, Eva rubbed her arm. The man behind that door could help them understand what Richard was planning and how to stop it. He may even hold the knowledge on how to stop Richard himself . . . then again, if the organization couldn’t figure it out, how would this man? Sighing, Eva forced herself back into the present because even if the path to the door felt like an eternity, it was actually less than a minute. Taking a deep breath, she focussed on the mission and let her anxious thoughts eb away.

  Stopping in front of the black door, Aaron turned to the rest of the team. “Ready?”

  Eva watched on as the team gave their leader an affirmative. Aaron’s gaze landed on her and a fire was burning in her eyes, fierce and deadly. All it took for things to start was Eva’s affirmative, which she gave with a slight upturn of her mouth, not quite a smile but close enough.

  Aaron turned to face the door, hitting the doorbell once. The team waited in silence, hearing noises from the house. The sound of footsteps walking up to the door and stopping was enough for the members of Astrolabe to stop breathing. They held their breath for a few seconds until they heard a soft sigh, the door opening slowly. In front of them stood a tall man with brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a white, long- sleeved button down with black pants, feet adorning black sneakers. A silver ring was on his left hand, his pale skin making it seem brighter than it was.

  His head was tilted, a questioning look in his gaze. As he took in the team in front of him, his eyes narrowed. Despite the different emotions contorting his face, Eva knew this was the same man they had seen in the hologram aboard Dawn, James Hale.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “How may I help you?" James' rough voice asked, arms crossed.

  Aaron stepped forward and said. "Hello Mr. Hale, I'm Aaron and this is my team Astrolabe." She gestured towards them. "We come from Headquarters."

  His eyes narrowed. "So, they decided to stick with that name for the whole organization?" He rolled his eyes. "Stupid."

  Eva looked to Connor and mouthed, "That's the name of the organization? I thought it was just the place."

  He mouthed back, "Probably just to be inconspicuous."

  Eva shrugged and looked back to Aaron who was already talking.

  "Yes, I find it that way too. However, we're in need of your help."

  James' eyes snapped to her face from having analyzed the team's. "Help? You expect me to help?" He gave a dark laugh, leaning against the doorway. "Meaning, after they took my wife away from me and left me to raise a child on my own, you want to ask for help?"

  Aaron hesitated. "There's a threat to every dimension. There's a man, Richard Wally Smith who --."

  "Who was dumb enough to let him out?" James put a slim finger on his chin. "Let me see. Probably the Director who is never satisfied with anything and asked to transfer him." He tilted his head to the side. "Am I right?"

  Aaron sighed and nodded. "That's not the point, he's been using-"

  James interrupted her again. "I don't care what he's using, you deal with it. My family and I will not be involved with this." He paused. "Don't come back." With that, James slammed the door in Aaron's face.

  "Do you think she's okay?" Arthur whispered not so silently to Dimitri who shushed him. They could hear Aaron audibly counting to ten and back.

  Aaron swiftly turned around. "Well, he doesn't want to help. We're going to have to do this another way."

  The team begun to question her, leaving on the stone walkway w
hen a shuffle was heard from Eva's right.

  "Guys?" Eva said, looking around but only seeing trees.

  The team continued to argue and Eva knew they wouldn't listen. So, she stayed back, allowing them to pass her. Once the shuffle grew louder, she hid behind a tree to watch. A blond movement caught her eye and she punched out from behind the tree hitting a strong body.

  "Oof!" A tall, blond haired boy fell on his side, green eyes widening when he saw Eva.

  The team had gotten far, but quickly ran back when they noticed Eva was gone.

  "What's going on here?" Connor stood next to her, towering over the boy that seemed to be the same age as them.

  "He was following us." Eva looked at his face. Something about him was familiar.

  Connor towered over him, looking him in the eye. "Who are you and why are you following us?"

  The boy glared at Connor, slowly getting up. "I'm Anston Hale."

  Eva widened her eyes as her past came rushing back into her mind. "Aw heck no. Goodbye, I'm leaving." Turning to go, she was stopped by Connor grabbing her arm and turning her back around.

  "What are you talking about?"

  Eva pointed her index finger at him. "How don't you remember? You went to my school for a while before everything happened." Connor's eyes remained clueless.

  Eva sighed and started to imitate her former teacher. "Anston Hale, may I know why you're late to my class today?" She deepened her voice. "Nah, Mrs. Rita, all is chill." She gestured to the boy. "This happened every day."

  Anston crossed his arms, his blue t-shirt tightening. "How do you know me? I don't remember you from my class at all."

  "Of course, you don't." She gripped Connor's arm. "Let's go."

  "Wait, wait, wait." Anston interrupted. "I want to help."

  Eva glared. "And how could you help? Last I remember, you were a narcissistic jock who couldn't even spell the word bed."

  Anston glared, brushing himself off. "Last I remembered I was dyslexic, but I would rather be known as an idiot instead of a freak."

  Eva froze, eyes wide. Connor wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her backwards. Aaron stepped into the space they previously occupied, a gentle expression on her face.

  "How do you plan to help us? Do you even know what we do?"

  Anston laughed bitterly. "My father never stops talking about the organization, even if everything he says is bad. You came here for a reason, tell me what you need and I can get it."

  Aaron raised a brow, turning back to her teammates. Eva was still silent, eyes down. Connor stayed by her side, his brows furrowed at Aaron's silent question. Arthur was smiling and gave her a nod. Dimitri scanned Anston before nodding at Aaron, silently approving.

  "What's the catch?" Allison asked, eyes narrowed.

  Anston shrugged. "Take me with you."

  "What?" Connor looked at Anston as if he was crazy.

  Arthur turned, sharing a look with Dimitri. "Why?"

  Anston tilted his head. "What do you mean why?"

  Dimitri stepped forward. "Why do you want to go with us?"

  Anston laughed, flexing his muscles. "These guns deserved to be used on an adventure, don't you think?"

  Eva broke out of her trance, scowling. "Really? That's your reasoning. Why do you expect--"

  Arthur cut in. "We think we should let him join."

  Eva's head snapped in his direction. "What?"

  Dimitri spoke up. “We think he has a good reason to leave—” Eva scoffed,. “ —even if he isn’t telling us it.”

  Eva quieted down, thinking about whether or not it was a good idea. Her thoughts wouldn’t stop, she just wanted to get his real reason and understand why. Yet, she couldn’t speak, afraid of making another assumption and being seen as the bad guy.

  Aaron sighed. “My team isn’t sure if this is a good idea, Anston.”

  Anston deflated, shoulders dropping and looking at the ground.

  “However.” Anston’s head snapped up, hope sparking in his eyes. “We need this information extremely bad and I cannot let anything get in the way of that. So, I am making an executive decision to accept your deal.”

  Anston smiled, bouncing on his feet. “You won’t regret it.”

  Eva looked at Aaron in shock. For as long as she knew her leader, Aaron had never pulled her rank on the rest of the team. Looking at her for some type of sign, Eva saw her fiercely determined gaze and tense parade rest stance. Eva saw her clenched hands that she held behind her back and the bags under her eyes. Aaron looked like a tired soldier, determined to complete their mission but exhaustion threatening to consume them whole. Aaron locked eyes with her and hesitantly she nodded back.

  “We are looking for any files that are about or have the mention of a project called the Xenia Proposal. Get us those and you can come with us.”

  Anston grinned, rubbing his hands together. “I got that in the bag. Where do you want me to meet up with you guys after I have the files?”

  “Our ship will be in Jacobson Park, even if you can’t see it. I assume you know where that is?”

  Anston nodded. “Of course, I know that park like the back of my hand.”

  "Alright, as soon as you do this, we can get going."

  Anston quickly nodded. "I'll see you in a couple." With that, he ran off, blond hair waving in the wind.

  Eva was left sputtering behind, and Connor looked down and wrapped his arms around her. His eyebrows were scrunched together as if wondering why she was so against him coming on board.

  "I'm fine, I'm fine." He looked at her disbelievingly. "We'll talk later." Nodding he let go and they both looked over to the rest of the team.

  They were already following Aaron to the park and the duo hurried to follow. Eva scurried up to Aaron.

  "You're not really going to go through with this, are you?" She pleaded, looking to Aaron's determined face.

  Aaron sighed, running her hand across her face. "I am and will go through with it fully."

  "What about your dad? What will he say about this?" Eva crossed her arms.

  Aaron glanced at her. "At this moment, I don't care about him."

  Eva silenced.


  Astrolabe was inside the ship, each in their own private rooms. Eva was laid back on her bed, with her eyes closed. Trying to catch up on her thoughts, a ping sounded from her watch. She groaned and raised her wrist, the blue screen appearing above it. There was a message from Connor.

  Come train with me?

  She squinted her eyes, not having her glasses on. Why should I?

  Her message turned blue, signaling he had read the message and a few seconds later his response came through.

  Let me rephrase that. We need to talk.

  Her eyebrows furrowed. Fine, heading up now.

  Eva reached over to her white nightstand where her glasses laid. Rolling off her bed, she slipped on her glasses. She redid her ponytail while walking out the door. Slumpily, she went up the stairs, her footsteps harsh against the noiseless stairs.

  When she finally reached his door, she pushed it open to find the lights on. Connor was on the far side of the room, leaning on the walls separating the gym and his bedroom. He inclined his head, and they headed inside.

  The small room was white with blue touches of decoration. Eva perched on his bed and he sat on his desk chair.

  Connor analyzed her face. "Spill."

  "Spill on what?" Eva avoided his gaze, looking down at the gray comforter. Eva knew that every time they needed to talk, it happened in here. Many times, before, she was in this situation where either one of them needed the therapy. This was comforting, yet now Eva did not want to say what was on her mind.

  "You know what I'm talking about, and you need to talk about it." He crossed his arms over one another and waited, gaze set on Eva.

  She sighed. "You know I don't want him on board."

  "That's highly obvious, but why?"

  Eva grabbed a gray pillow from behind her and hugged
it. "I guess I don't want any hint of my past life to come into my new one. Even if it is something as small and insignificant as an annoying jock I never talked to."

  Connor kept his gaze steady.

  "I know what you're going to say." She averted her eyes. "I'll apologize later. I didn't know he was dyslexic, but it was still wrong for me to say that. I was just confused and angry."

  Connor stood up and sat next to Eva on the bed, wrapping an arm around her. She leaned into him with a sigh.

  "I know. You just have to say that to him." Hesitantly, he said his next words. "We also need to talk about...you know..."

  Eva looked up at him with an eyebrow raised. "No, actually. What do we need to talk about?"

  Before he could respond, the intercom came on and Aaron's voice was heard.

  "Anston's heading here. Let's go outside to wait for him."

  Eva looked at Connor who sighed. "We'll talk later."

  He stood and nodded, leading her out of the room, already being on the main floor. Aaron was waiting for them in the front, the escalator already out.

  "Is the rest of the team coming out too?" Eva asked.

  Aaron shook her head. "They had to work on something, it's only us."

  Aaron, Connor, and Eva head down the escalator.

  "Dawn, please disguise." Aaron ordered, the team having stepped beneath a tree.

  "Sure thing." Dawn disappeared behind them, the background returning to normal.

  Footsteps sounded from their right side, and they looked over. Anston's sweaty face came running towards them. He was wearing the same clothes as before, but was breathing heavily. There was a blue backpack slung over his shoulder.

  "Hey! I got all the files I could." He stopped in front of them, slicking his hair back and giving the backpack to them.

  Aaron opened the bag, looked in and nodded.

  "Where's the ship?" He said, confused looking around.

  "Dawn, disband the device."

  "Dawn do this, Dawn do that and no please." Her sarcastic voice rang out.

  Anston jumped and looked at Aaron. "What was that?"

  "You'll see." Eva responded, inwardly happy she could finally say that to someone.


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