Save the Last Dance

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Save the Last Dance Page 15

by Jami Davenport

  She loved dancing with him. They moved together as if they’d been dancing partners for several lifetimes. Eva would say they had.

  Rodrigo’s stubble rasped against her smooth cheek. His hot breath tickled her neck. He twirled her around and pulled her tightly to him. One long leg slipped between her thighs. He rubbed against her crotch in a deliberately enticing motion. Then he spun her out and away from him, stepping back and letting her go. She raised her hands high above her head and rotated her hips quickly from side to side.

  He wasn’t about to be outdone as he gyrated his supple hips, purposely bumping her. Grabbing her hands, he spun her out and back until she was plastered against his lean body. As he dipped her low, she hooked one leg around his hip. He drew her back to him until their lips were touching. Mariah’s leg was still wrapped around him as their hips rubbed together in a wild rhythm.

  The song ended; Mariah glanced around. The dance floor was deserted. The other dancers clapped and cheered. Her face turned red from more than embarrassment. Rodrigo just grinned. The man didn’t mind being in the spotlight one bit. He held Mariah’s hand and took a low bow. She followed his lead and bowed also.

  Turning, she threw her arms around him and held him tightly, laughing and giggling with excitement. Rodrigo picked her up and whirled her around in his arms, not letting her feet touch the floor.

  Exhausted, they collapsed into their chairs and sat out the next few dances in a companionable silence.

  Later, Mariah snuggled in his arms for a slow dance and wished this night would never end.

  “You feel good.” His husky voice reverberated with a raw need. She turned her face to look up at him, so many emotions coursed through her mind and body.

  “Rigo?” Her voice held a question she didn’t have the courage to ask. She caressed his face gently with her fingertips, marveling at the fact that her touch sent an uncontrollable shudder through his body. She’d never realized that such an innocent caress could be so sensual. Rodrigo tilted his head and kissed a path from her neck to her ear and along her jaw. His lips caught hers in a soft, tender kiss.

  She leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, absorbing his essence, his vitality, his energy into her being.

  She adored him.

  She wanted him.

  She loved him.

  She loved him?

  Cupid had shot a bull’s eye right in the middle of her foolish, gullible heart. She ought to be gunning for the little guy in the diaper who’d subjected her to the misery of love. Instead, she wanted to smother him with grateful kisses.

  Her inner admission didn’t surprise or shock her. She’d known it all along, just never voiced it even in her private thoughts. She loved him with the kind of love that fills a person with joy. It was nothing like the destructive emotions she’d experienced with Warren. But it was more dangerous in different way.

  She made her decision. Tonight, she’d give him the one thing he wanted most from her. Not because she expected anything in return, but because she loved him. She didn’t think it would take much to convince Rodrigo. Heck, he’d throw her over his shoulder and sprint for the boat. That image brought a smile to her lips.

  She was going to take Eva’s advice and live life for once, instead of fearing it.

  Hold onto your shorts, Rigo—not that you’re going to need them. It’s going to be a heck of a ride.

  * * *

  They danced every remaining dance together. Mariah’s endless energy almost wore Rico out. At times he barely kept up with her. Refusing to be the first to crack, he slipped the DJ a fifty. The man understood completely and took a break.

  Rico and Mariah sat down at their table. Rico leaned forward and took Mariah’s hands. She seemed mellow, relaxed, open. Before he could stop it, the question that burned in the back of his mind tumbled out of his mouth.

  “Mariah, what happened between you and Warren? You never talk about it. Eva said that I’m the only man who’s interested you in a few years.”

  She sighed and looked over his head at some faraway spot.

  Finally, her gaze swept back to him. “He was jealous—of everything and everyone, even wanted me to quit riding. I almost did for him. It would have been like cutting out a piece of my soul. When I wouldn’t do what he wanted, he started to get emotionally abusive. There was more to it, of course, but that explains it in a nutshell.” Mariah picked at the label on his beer.

  “The man sounds like a bastard.”

  Mariah nodded her agreement. “It gets worse.” She looked at Rico as if trying to assess whether or not to say more. “I’ve never told anyone the whole sordid story. I don’t know if you’ll understand.”

  “Try me, I’m a good listener.” He slid his chair next to hers and squeezed her shoulder.

  She stared at her hands, as if she wasn’t going to answer. He waited patiently. Finally, she lifted her head and the words poured out like water from a broken pipe, and fueled by a little liquid courage.

  “I know it sounds old-fashioned, but I always thought I’d be a virgin when I got married. Warren convinced me not to wait, we were getting married anyway he said. What difference did it make? So I gave in, and it was a disaster. I only slept with him a few times, and I dreaded each time. He had a cruel side that didn’t come out until we were intimate. He hurt me mentally and physically. Warren said I was frigid. That there was something wrong with me. A week before our wedding, I found him in bed with another woman. He blamed it on me. Said it was my fault that he had to get his enjoyment elsewhere. I threw his ring at him and ran out. That was the end of it. I’ve been afraid to get close to another man ever since.” Mariah looked away, tears filling her eyes. “What if he’s right?” She hesitated. “I can’t believe I’m telling this to you. I’ve had too much to drink.”

  Rico pulled her closer to comfort her, finding that he liked the feeling it gave him. “Rye, we’re friends, good friends. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable talking to me about anything. You were the inexperienced one. It was up to him to help you. He’s the one with the problem, not you. You’re such a compassionate caring person, I can’t imagine you’d be a bad lover.” Rico handed her the margarita the waiter just set on the table. “Here, have another drink. I like it when you’re not so worried about what you’re going to say.”

  Mariah gazed up at him and managed a smile. She even giggled. “Are you going to carry me back to the boat after I finish this drink?”

  “I could do that.” These tender emotions she elicited disturbed him. Lust, he could handle, but not this tenderness, this needing, this longing for her that transcended the physical. “We all have our scars, Rye.”

  “You, too?”

  “Oh, yeah, me, too. There was a woman I loved deeply. She left me when I needed her the most. It hurt. Now she’s married to my best friend and having his baby.” Rico swallowed the lump in his throat, hoping Mariah didn’t notice. She reached up and twined her fingers in the hand he’d draped across her shoulders.

  “We’re quite a pair, aren’t we?”

  Rico regarded her carefully. The music started again, rescuing him. He stood up and reached for her. “Let’s dance, Rye.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. Her breath feathered on his neck. Mariah swayed, and he tightened his grip to hold her up.

  “I could show you how wrong Warren was, Mariah. You’d enjoy it with me. I have a hunch that we would be damn good in bed together.”

  Mariah turned her head slightly, letting his lips graze her cheek. She met his eyes. “I think we would be.”

  “I know we would be. Let me make you moan with pleasure.” Rico left the rest of the sentence hanging out there in an open invitation.

  When the dance ended, he led her to their table. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. The moment of truth had come. He couldn’t take this evening any further until he put all his cards out on the table. Mariah deserved nothing less than the truth. Taking a deep
breath, he opened his eyes to find her staring at him with a concerned expression. His hold on her hand tightened, and he laid his head on her shoulder. Breathing in the smell of her perfume, he knew he would never again smell that particular scent again without thinking of her. Rico sighed deeply and lifted his head to study her face.

  “Mariah, I have to tell you the truth about me. Before this evening goes any further, you have to know....”

  Mariah’s green eyes met his. Her expression seemed intent and determined. She shook her head and held a finger to his lips to silence him. “No, I don’t want to know. Not tonight. Not now. I just want to see you as my Rodrigo, okay? Nobody else. Give me that tonight, please?”

  Their eyes locked, carrying on a silent conversation that needed no words. He rubbed his index finger absently across her palm and felt the little shiver of excitement that rushed through her.

  Rico nodded in silent agreement. He needed some fresh air. He needed to clear his mind of all these conflicting thoughts and emotions. She was right. For tonight, he just wanted to be Rodrigo. He didn’t want to be a former international superstar ruined by a drug scandal and teetering on the brink of financial ruin.

  He didn’t want to think about the pressures on him and the demands on his time. Demands that always took precedence over a personal life. Demands that would force him to leave this woman that warmed his soul with her very presence.

  What was it all worth? He wasn’t sure yet. He couldn’t answer that question. Right now, looking at Mariah, he didn’t think there was any force on earth that could make him leave her. Yet, things could look very different in the morning. They always did.

  Rico asked the waiter for the bill.

  “Are we leaving?” She didn’t sound disappointed.

  Rico nodded. Why was she smiling? He was too distracted by his mission to get out of there to pay much attention. The waiter handed him the bill. Rico counted out a few bills and tossed them carelessly on the table. He waited with impatience for Mariah to grab her purse. He ignored her struggle to keep pace with him as he strode out into the night air and down the dimly lit sidewalk to the marina.

  Rico felt smothered and frightened by a fear he couldn’t name. He was Rico Sanchez. A normal life didn’t exist for him. He’d sold that right years ago in order to be an entertainer, a celebrity. He’d given up who he was for a dream which had turned into a living nightmare. Even now, the press still hounded him. The tabloids paid money for stories about him, mostly dirt, of course. Even in exile, his notoriety continued.

  He’d always dedicated himself to his career, first his music, now his business interests. Nothing was left over for a woman like Mariah. Nothing. He needed a woman for arm candy, to raise his children, to be his hostess. Not one that demanded equal time and energy or bound him to her through an emotional connection.

  He fought to breathe, to find a way to force himself to relax. He needed to get a handle on his feelings toward this woman. She made him feel again, made the emptiness go away. But emotions came with a steep price.

  And he’d paid that price before.

  Chapter 11—The Moment

  “Rodrigo, please, slow down!” Mariah teetered precariously on her spiked heels as she stumbled down the marina ramp. Rodrigo stopped and turned to look at her like a man who’d been beamed down to the planet and had no idea where he was or what he was doing there.

  “Uh, I’m sorry.” He avoided her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” She wrapped her arms around him. He stiffened, his hands clenched into fists at his sides, his entire body wound tighter than a spring.

  Mariah stepped away, puzzled by his behavior. “Let’s go to the boat. It’s late.” He nodded wordlessly and walked beside her, not touching her.

  They boarded the boat in silence. She tossed her purse on the couch. The time had come to do what she needed to do. She’d fallen for him, and she wanted to show him how much. Maybe he didn’t love her, but he was attracted to her—for tonight that would have to be enough.

  Rodrigo locked the door, keeping his back to her. Mariah stood behind him, waiting on pins and needles. Backing up, he bumped into her and turned to face her. His perplexed expression told her that he didn’t expect her to be standing so close. She placed her hand on his arm, squeezing it, as her heart pounded and her breath lodged in her throat.

  He looked away. A muscle ticked in his jaw.

  “You’re not going to make me sleep alone, are you?” Her voice trembled, betraying her doubts and fears.

  Rodrigo’s head snapped around, and his mouth dropped open. His brown eyes captured hers, and she met his gaze. He almost seemed—uncertain.


  “Will you be my Latin lover tonight?”

  A combination of emotions did a rumba across his face. “I’d be honored to be your lover, Mariah.”

  She smiled, no backing out now.

  “Are you sure?” Rodrigo croaked.

  “I think so.” Mariah’s voice was quiet. “I—I feel like my stomach has taken up sky diving and my knees have come unhinged. I don’t think it’s the margaritas talking either.”

  Moving closer until only a whisper of air separated them, he brushed his lips across her hair. “I’ll take care of you. This will be a night neither of us will ever forget, baby. I promise you.” Rodrigo licked his lips. His pupils dilated, and a fine sheen of sweat broke out on his skin. He stroked her shoulders, as his eyes studied her.

  “Teach me how to make love, Rodrigo. Teach me how to please you.” Her trembling hand touched the collar of his shirt. “Show me how good it should feel.” She lowered her eyes and gazed at him through her long lashes. “Do you still want me?”

  “Are you joking? I feel like a school boy on his first hot date. I want it to be so perfect for you, so special. Oh God, I’ve wanted you in so many ways I can’t even begin to articulate them in my mind. I’ve wanted to bury myself inside you from the day I met you.”

  Mariah rubbed against his hardness, dragging a moan from deep in his throat. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She closed her eyes and nuzzled the skin exposed by his open collar.

  “I don’t think I’ll have much to teach you.”

  Lifting one foot, she stroked his calf with her leg then wrapped it around his thigh, her new favorite trick. With a muffled groan, his lips latched onto her neck. She tilted her head to give him better access. He branded her skin with his hungry mouth, planting kisses on her neck and shoulders. She’d have marks tomorrow, but who cared. Panting, he pulled his head back to regard her with serious intent.

  “Baby, you know I can’t promise you a future, don’t you? I can’t even promise you anything beyond next week. My life is in too much turmoil to drag another person into it.”

  Mariah raked her mouth across his stubble until she reached his lips. “I’m not asking you for a diamond ring, Rigo. I’m asking for tonight. Just tonight. I don’t care about tomorrow or the future. You’re here with me now, and I want you.” And stupid girl that she was, she’d fallen in love with him.

  Mariah rubbed her mouth against his, erasing the last bit of his token resistance. He took over and claimed her, writing his name all over her. Instinctively, she matched his passion with her innocent desire, giving back as good as she got.

  Time, stress, other people and things slipped away in the dark of the night, leaving just the two of them. This man unleashed deep emotions long dormant inside her. She closed her eyes as she felt his mouth move away from her lips down to her neck and shoulders. He lowered the straps on her dress. His big hands rubbed the points of her shoulders. One hand slipped behind her back. She heard her zipper and felt the dress loosen around her body.

  Her body ceased to function normally. Everything ran on overload.

  Rodrigo hooked his index finger in her bodice in her modest cleavage. He pulled downward in slow motion, exposing her creamy skin. The dress hung momentarily on her aroused nipples. With one more tug, it pooled around
her hips. His fingers grazed her skin, pausing to circle her belly button. She gasped, her lungs no longer operating.

  Rodrigo paused and surveyed her half-naked body with an approving smile. Lowering his head, he teased a pink nipple, flicking it with his tongue then licking. His thumb and forefinger rolled and pinched her other nipple. Mariah grabbed his head and pulled him closer. He caught her nipple in his mouth, playing it with his tongue. She clutched him tighter. He sucked harder, taking in more of her while his tongue caressed the tip lightly.

  His hungry lips and his feather-light tongue drove her out of her mind. She was dying. Wild and loose and without shame, she wanted more. Needed more. She never imagined that she could feel this out of control and turned on. She moaned with desire and begged him not to stop. The room circled around her like she was on a carousel. The floor disappeared under her feet. He switched breasts, kissing a path to the other one. Panting, Mariah looked down. One erect nipple glistened with his saliva, the other was swallowed by his mouth.

  One last nudge from Rodrigo and the dress fell unnoticed to the floor in a heap around her bare ankles. He brought his mouth back to hers. One hand still teased her breast. The other rubbed her hip bone. Whimpering, she arched her back.

  “I’ve been waiting my entire lifetime for this moment.”

  Mariah didn’t answer, couldn’t answer. She massaged his chest with her breasts, enticing him to continue. He took her up on her offer and planted more kisses on her neck, at times nipping her lightly or using his experienced tongue.

  “What do you want me to do to you, Mariah?” His voice was husky with lust.

  Mariah hesitated, overtaken by churning emotions. Standing on tiptoes, she kissed him deeply, plundering his mouth with her tongue. He let her have her way with him. She drew him closer to her, wanting to find a way to slip through his defenses into his very heart, his very soul.

  His fingers, his aftershave, his gravelly voice, his skin bombarded her senses. Her gaze fluttered upward to his eyes, her voice soft and seductive. “What do you want to do to me, big guy?”


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