by S. Poulos
insist on trying to understand spiritual matters using material means. The results will be the same as when someone is trying to drill a hole in the water."
"Don't you recognize the importance, the significant role of science?" asked a scientist from the audience. "Without science, man would still live in holes."
"I do recognize the importance science plays is the development of man on this Earth," said the Teacher, "but the majority of scientific activities are wrong, and in many cases downright criminal. Only a few great scientists have not succumbed to their intellect."
There were whispers, movements and some lamentations at this point. Some of the scientists of various fields withdrew and for a moment there was total silence. A representative of the USA UFO Hunters Union grabbed the opportunity to intervene; and said, "I noticed that you use the term 'earthman'. Do you imply that there are other men somewhere which are not earthmen, men that live in other planets? If so, can we reach them, or can they reach us?"
"There are planets that are occupied by man," said the Teacher. "You will find the clue in John's apocalypses of the seven churches. As to whether we or they can reach us, the way you perceive it, no. They are of different content. Those less developed than us don't have the ability even if they wanted to. Technologically it would be impossible. Those ones who are evolved higher than us don't need technological means, because they can move ethereally. Man wouldn't be able to see them anyway, apart from some special cases."
A female representative of a sociology group requested permission from the panel and asked, "What do you think about this world strife phenomenon; this uneasiness, this revolt in man and nature? Why do you think its happening?"
"There is a pressure on Earth, never felt since the beginning. This pressure forces everything to come into fruition. Everything, whether it's ugly or beautiful, sick or healthy, bad or good, individual or state, mountain or river, everything must show their true face, everything must be exposed. This includes economies, the states, the religious organizations, the multinational companies, everything. It is happening now."
"This pressure that forces everything to react, surely you are talking about action and reaction, aren't you?"
"No, I am talking of a pressure that is implemented for the first time. When there is action, there is reaction, but now the reactions will happen much sooner. In some cases they will come instantly.
"In the past, reaction from an action would take years, even after earthly death, in many cases even when man reincarnated back to this Earth. In the near future, due to this pressure, the reaction will take months, days, or even occur instantly, and that will panic many."
"And what kind of form are these reactions going to take?"
"The bad will become worse, and the good will become better. Nothing will escape untouched! This pressure will force men to separate in to two ideological fields that will take the form of a political-ideological battlefield. On the one side will be the chronically dissatisfied, the bitter, and hateful ones, and on the other, the ones that will try to improve conditions here on Earth, unceasingly and silently persevering their noble goals. It will be one battleground with two armies, facing each other with unforeseen consequences, with a dreadful sign that will bring many to despair."
"And what will that be?"
"Mistrust!" said the Teacher. "Mistrust will reign everywhere. It will force the believers to lift their eyes and hands to the sky for mercy, and the others to swear and curse, and to be tenfold assured that there is no God after all."
"You said when man reincarnates back on Earth. Where do you derive this from?"
A bishop from the world orthodox council hollowed "Jesus never mentions anything about reincarnation."
"In his short time on Earth, Jesus spoke about the absolutely essential things man needed for that time. If he'd happened to live longer, no doubt he would have spoken about it to those who were ready for it. Most would not understand him anyway, as most of the earthmen don't accept it nowadays."
The bishop showed his annoyance with a gesture, but immediately a mathematician rose up and said loudly, "It doesn't stand. If we take as a base the scriptures, and the historical facts, subtract, and calculate how many men passed from this Earth in the past, we will came to the conclusion, that in the last hundred years billions were born, or reincarnated as you put it, where all this souls came from?.
"Most of the souls that incarnate on Earth do not belong here, but in different ethereal spheres, much heavier than ours. I can tell you only this. The time won't be long before the separation between the rightful occupiers of this Earth, and the invaders."
A representative of the Society of Paranormal Phenomena spoke up. "You said of the souls who incarnated on Earth. What is a soul? Is a soul that of what we call in our field, 'ghosts'?"
"The souls you call ghosts are souls that are for one reason or another bound here on Earth. When I use this term, I use it in a generic way. A soul is a spirit, which is covered in the ethereal, with ethereal garments, whereas man has the earthly garment, i.e. the physical garment. The paradox is that most of the experts are either dogmatic, i.e. religious organizations that turn away many skeptical men, or psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, etc. that do not acknowledge the existing of psyche. Any profession that starts with the word psyche has a peculiarity. Although the majority of them do not accept the existence of psyche, which means SOUL, they make their living out of it. It is preposterous, and touches the boundary of impostors. They could name themselves anything but that.
How can they deal with something they don't believe exists?"
"What about the spirit?" interrupted a psychiatrist? "Should we leave this to the priests or the mediums perhaps? And what is spirit anyway?"
"The only non-material on this world is spirit. Even the soul's garments in the beyond are material. Spirit comes from the highest created spheres and returns there, either as a full conscious being, or as a primeval seed as it started, because it failed in its mission. Spirit is the core of the man. It's different from all else.
"Do the animals have spirits?"
"The animals have soul but not spirit. As to whether we should leave it to the priests or mediums, I would say what I say to those who deal with the psyche. Spirit is free. How can a man teach another about free spirit, when one is bound to dogma, and the other one to intellect, which is material, but definitely not spiritual?"
"What is spiritual then?" The psychiatrist persisted "If we take as a face value your argument that all men are spiritual, how can we discriminate between a spiritual and a non-spiritual person, when both inner cores are spiritual?"
"I will describe a spiritual and a non-spiritual person as plain as can be," responded the Teacher. "Whoever has ears may listen. The inner core of all man is spirit. A spiritual person is one that uses spirit as should be used, and that is, to cooperate fully the brain with his spirit in order to form a base for the two, to form a harmonious co-existence. In that case, we don't have to call him a spiritual person anymore; the more appropriate name would be a balanced one. A non-spiritual person is an intellectual who will willingly disharmonize the cooperation between the brain and the spirit. Since he uses mainly his brain, and ignores the spirit, he becomes a one sided person, hence, an imbalanced one."
"So... you described the difference between a spiritual and an intellectual person," continued the psychiatrist. "I suppose you can even tell us now how they 'feel', the difference of how they see things around them. In short how they react daily with problems when they arise."
"I will tell you first how a spiritual person, a balanced one, reacts, or rather acts, and then explain how an intellectual, i.e. an imbalanced one reacts for comparison.
'A spiritual person has a deep inner feeling, a deep inner sense, he 'feels' things in the most natural way. He doesn't need to read, to learn, to study hard in order to understand something. He 'sees' the big picture. He sees the forest. He observes and automatically, he understands. I
f he meets a stranger, he 'feels' the intensions of the man opposite him, if he is in a board meeting, he strives for what is good for the whole, and not just for the company, if he is in a meeting concerning the defense of his country, his concern will be how to defend it, and not how to annihilate his opponents. When he reads a book or a newspaper, he 'reads' behind the lines, he 'feels' the essence of the story, and if he watches television or a movie, he is very selective, for if it is something that do not harmonize with his inner core, it doesn't satisfy him, and it may even become unbearable."
"Does it mean then that he is a saint?"
"No, that does not mean that he is a 'saint', for he may easily fall into intellectual temptations, and do the complete opposite of what his inner voice tells him to do. This is merely the state of his inner being."
"How about the intellectuals then?"
"The intellectual, or the imbalanced one, is an analyst. In order to understand things, he needs hard, demanding studies. He needs to read and learn. He needs hard facts. He does not see the painting, but the strokes that make it. He sees the tree, but not the forest. He is so much engrossed with his intellect that whenever spiritual matters appear on his path, he brushed them off quickly as useless humbug, or nonsense. He feels that the rest of the world should