The Silent Minority

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The Silent Minority Page 18

by S. Poulos

teachings, and the photo issue, that the office of the Secretary of State felt that they had to issue a statement appealing for calm, saying that the WCFET would take in to consideration all the angles before they issued a recommendation.


  Inside the hall everything was just about ready for the press conference to start. The councilors, with their leader, the vice-chairman, accepted the idea for not pushing it any more than just a recommendation of proclaiming the Teacher a persona non grata for this country. By doing that, they would kill two birds with one stone. First, they would ban this man from re-entering the country, and this mild version of recommendation, for it was a mild one, compared with one the vice-chairman and his buddies wanted, could not possibly be refuted by the chairman, because he would have to go against the whole council, and secondly, against the whole country, for the people of the country through the manipulation of the media, more or less had made up their minds, apart from his sympathizers and well-to-do people.

  This time the seating was rearranged in a way so the Teacher would face the media instead of the panel. The chairman chaired the panel while only few councilors occupied their seats. The rest either did not want to take part any more, for they had already made up their decision, or else were busy in a room trying to draft the conclusive stages of the recommendation.

  The hall was packed again. Even some of the delegates that walked away the previous day returned, unwillingly to miss this important moment, the moment that the WCFET would hand out the charges.

  The chairman opened up the meeting apologized for the inconvenience again. He turned to the Teacher, and asked him if he was willing to answer all the questions the press would put on him.

  The Teacher acknowledged that he was participating willingly and asked the chairman if he could say something to the press before the start of the conference.

  The chairman gave him the go ahead signal, and the Teacher turned to the media and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, in order to save valuable time, for things that perhaps our viewers will find mundane, and detrimental to our goal, I have issued a resume, stating all my personal data. This will inform you with anything you want to know about my personal information.

  This paper is available in the administration office of this building."

  Everything was ready, the chairman gave the go ahead signal, and the press conference started.

  "You claim many things that are debatable. Some may agree with you, some may not. My question to you is the validity of it, for according to your resume, you have made no special studies, hence, where did you derive the knowledge from?"

  "For this, I can answer you only like this: Seek and you shall find."

  "Where do you get all the money from? You are traveling around the world; you stay in hotels, and use taxis, telephones, restaurants, where do you get the money from?"

  "From sympathizers... You see, there are some people out there that feel it easier to help this cause, rather than... say, donating to a political party, or a religious organization. Besides, our budget is minuscule."

  "Your budget maybe relatively small, but nevertheless, it must be a hefty amount of money. Which is the major organization or donor if you prefer, that supports you?"

  "Don't get me wrong my friend; we don't have a budget, with the strict sense of the word. We live with the barest. When I say, we don't think of an organization that backs us up, with rents, electricity, Internet, etc. When I say we, I mean me, and my travel companion-organizer. He takes care of things. For instance, the only bill we have is the mobile phone, which my friend uses for just about everything.

  "We never stay in hotels, unless we really have to, and that would be a modest one. We sleep and eat in friends' houses. They take us from airports, train stations, and bus stations and we use strictly economy class airfares, for I demand that. Once or twice, my friends did not take me seriously in this. They still are waiting for us, as we abandoned the trip because of it.

  You must understand; we look it as a necessary tool, that our friends provide for us so generously, and not for pleasure."

  "Are you going to respect the recommendation of the WCFET whatever is going to be?"

  "If you mean, am I going to respect the laws of this country? My answer is, yes, I am going to obey to the laws of this country."

  "In some countries, they are accusing you as being an agitator, that you provoke youth into defiance. What do you have to say about that?"

  "The only thing I provoke is the thought of man. I want man to think, analyze, and scrutinize anything concerning him, with spiritual matters. The only thing that I urge man to defy is slothfulness, sluggishness, and indolence of the spirit."

  "In some countries, you may be arrested, if you return there, for various reasons concerning your teachings. Are you purposely avoiding these countries or not? If yes, aren't you game enough to face the courts, if you feel so strongly about your work?"

  "It is not a matter of strength, or boldness to face the courts. It is a matter of priorities. I feel that I can serve man much better by informing him, rather than by being entangled in a juridical machinery of a country. If that happens, so be it, I will face the courts, and I will obey the law of that country."

  "Is there anything you want to say about your antagonists, about your opponents? I have been following your story for some time now. Why do you think there is so much antipathy towards you?"

  "I don't have antagonists, or, opponents; at least not worthy ones. I don't antagonize, or oppose anybody, I merely state. Instead of rebutting my statements, to refute, to disprove what they contain, they in plain rage and even hateful manner engage in a battle of slander and innuendoes against me. Those are only a few, but the rest, the majority, are persons with the attitude of mob mentality, puffed up by those ones I just mentioned, and the media, forming a blindfolded army in a battle, in a hateful raged battle, with no cause.

  "Those are the army, which one day they lay on the streets palm leaves, and the next day scream, crucify him."

  "You stated that earthman, in order to mature, incarnates here on Earth perhaps several times, or even more, if that is the case, why did God not create man, already mature, in order to avoid earthman going through this agonized procedure that includes birth, sickness, death, and more?"

  "To start with, living on Earth is not an agonized procedure, unless we make like that. Life appears to be as an agonized state as you just said, or as a wonderful state, according to the eyes of the beholder.

  "Now... as to why God, did not created earthman, perfect from the beginning, I will tell you this. God created perfect men, as many as he could; the rest, the 'leftovers', in order to mature; they have to go through the procedure you just mentioned. Despite what man thinks of himself, how great he is, and his capabilities, in spiritual matters, he is the 'leftover', the surplus, and the extra. He could not possibly be fully created as perfect beings, as is the case of our higher 'relatives', that have being perfectly created from the beginning when God decided to let his radiations burst out of his sphere, with the words, let it be light, or, the big bang, if you prefer."

  "Do we have relatives?"

  "'Relatives' derived from the similarity of the substance that we have, with those that have being immediately created. They are spiritual, somewhat different, but nevertheless spiritual. The reason that God did not make us perfect from the beginning is that even if he wanted to do it, he could not, because by doing that, he would have to overturn his laws, which from the beginning, were perfect."

  "What are these laws? What kind of laws are they?"

  "These laws stipulate that, that which can withstand more heat-pressure will be closer to the heat-power point. That which can stand less heat pressure, will be the furthest. You must understand that creation is finite, so there is beginning, and an end. The material world is the furthest, therefore, the most rigid, and cumbersome. Think of soup when it boils, in the middle closer to the heat, it is liquefied, whereas the edge w
here cooler conditions take place, is more rigid. Now in order for man to mature, he has to descend on this rigid environment, where with rubbing, kneading, and decision making, he matures. At least this is the purpose of it. Again, think of a seed. When a seed is on a table, nothing will happen to it no matter how many days, months, or years pass. When this seed falls on the fertile earth, then it will spring, grow, and blossom in to a flower, tree, or whatever."

  "There is a genuine interest around the world concerning minorities' rights. Where do you stand in this issue?"

  "I already stated that variation is the spice of life. Difference, through diversity, brings variety, which in its train brings invigoration, dynamism, and strength."

  "It may be so, but the opposite is happening. We see minorities gobbled by their adopted counties, losing their identity through assimilation, or, on the other hand, the newcomers provoke with their behavior the well to do citizens of the country they have adopted, by not participating, by acting as though they still live in their old countries, completely disregarding the customs of their adopted ones. They create ghettos to the point that xenophobia is alarmingly getting the upper hand in many countries. Who shall we blame in this case?"

  "To adopt a country for the rest of his life is something that no man should take lightly. I have

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