Arrogant Playboy

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Arrogant Playboy Page 4

by Wolf, Alex

  “I know she would. She would want me to do this. It makes it harder.”

  I need to change the subject. “My night wasn’t much better.”

  “Didn’t find that smoking gun you’re always looking for?”

  I shake my head. “No. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. You’ve gone above and beyond, and like you said, something else will come up. I’m good at what I do. Nobody will care about me being blackballed if I come up with another idea. It’s how the tech field works. You’re nothing until you have something they want.”

  “It was your life’s work. We have to fight for it.”

  “Some fights you can’t win, sweetie. I know I always told you to fight for everything, but sometimes you lose, and you have to know when to walk away so you can fight another day.”

  I’ve never seen him this down. He’s barely holding it together. “He showed up, at Giordano’s.”


  I stare at him like he just sprouted three heads.

  “Oh. Him.” Dad’s look morphs from sad to pissed off.

  He refuses to say Donavan’s name, like he’s Lord Voldemort.

  “Yep.” I pop the p.

  “Well, I guess you better get used to being around him, if you’re going to go work there.”

  I sigh. “Yeah.”

  “Just forget about my thing, Pais. It’s done. I want you to have a life. You’re in your prime years right now. You shouldn’t be worrying about me and Grandma and Grandpa.”

  “You’re repeating yourself.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s not right. Deserves being said twice.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Dad. And don’t worry about Grandma and Grandpa. Unlike some areas in my life, I have that one covered. They’ll be fine. Okay?”

  He nods. “Okay, kiddo.”

  “I just have to figure out a way to deal with you know who.”

  “I’m sure you will. You kicked his ass once. You’ll do it again.”

  I give Dad another big hug and nuzzle into his shoulder. “Thanks, Dad. You always know the right things to say.”

  We both snicker and I walk back to the couch. The throb between my legs returns with a vengeance, and I know it’s not going anywhere. It’s what thoughts of Donavan do to me.

  Yeah, I just need to figure out how to deal with this Donavan situation. No matter what happens, there’s no way in hell I will let any of those assholes walk all over me at The Hunter Group. They might call me a bitch, but it’s the same thing I had to do at Cooper and Associates.

  No mercy, ever.

  If Donavan gets in my way, I’ll crush his nuts under my heel. Right after I rub one out after Dad goes to bed.


  It’s been a week and I haven’t so much as heard a peep about the Paisley situation. Good, one less thing to worry about. Maybe Decker finally has a few brain cells firing.

  I head up the elevator, In My Time of Dying by Led Zeppelin blaring in my headphones.

  Finally, Paisley Williams is purged from my memory. She had a good run, stayed up there kicking around for a day or two or six. I may have jerked off thinking about the way I used to spank her little ass in my living room while staring out at the Manhattan skyline. It was a brief, fun trip down memory lane, but it’s out of my system now.

  Hell, I may even fuck one of these hot little interns walking around, just to piss Decker off for putting me through this. Or wait until one of them comes up from Dallas for training, then send her back home with tales of my dick for Weston to hear about.

  As soon as I walk through the elevator onto our floor, I see a familiar pair of legs and I have to compose myself, so I don’t throw my cup of coffee at the big granite The Hunter Group sign on the wall that’s twice as big as the old Collins & Associates.

  Decker is showing Paisley around the office, laughing and smiling, like they’ve been friends for years. He didn’t even tell me. Didn’t even shoot a fucking email like hey, we made our decision, prepare yourself when you walk in the office. Not a goddamn word. No phone conference with Weston, so I could tell him my reservations.

  Why do I still work here? Because it’s family. It’s what you do.

  He finally glances my way and the color drains from his face, but he straightens his tie and then leads her over to Quinn. Quinn smiles and takes over the grand tour and Decker stomps in my direction.

  I walk to my office and make him chase me all the way across the building because he fucking deserves it. At least I have a corner office in the criminal division with the best view of the city.

  When I get to my desk, I glance back at Decker and he’s marching his ass off through my department, people clearing out of the way. I haven’t seen anyone that mad coming at my office since I sued Tate’s client. Hah! What a fond memory. They deserved it. It was bad enough Decker merged the firm without discussing it with anyone. No partners. Nothing. He really needs to just retire because he’s pussy-whipped, afraid of everyone, and doesn’t communicate for shit. He’s a fucking doormat.

  As soon as I sit down, he flings the door open.

  “My office, now.”

  “Not going anywhere.” I hold my arms out like I just relaxed. “Haven’t even had my coffee yet.” I’m not going to his office. This is a pissing match and he doesn’t have the nut sack to win it. He just wants me to walk all the way back across, so he can prove who’s in control.

  It’s rookie shit and I’m not falling for his piss-poor attempt at psychological warfare.

  Finally, he huffs out an exasperated sigh and says, “Fine, you want to fucking do it here. Let’s do it here. Come on. Get it out of your system.”

  I shake my head. “Nothing to say. Clearly you made a decision.”

  He shakes a finger at me. “I knew you’d do this.”

  “Do what?”

  “React like this.”

  “What way is ‘this?’”

  “Like a fucking passive-aggressive baby.”

  “What other way should I react? You don’t listen to me. You knew I’d talk Weston out of it, and you couldn’t let that happen. You always get your way. Might as well say ‘bitch’ on my door instead of ‘managing partner.’ So, I just grin and bear it, like always.”

  “There he goes. I knew the dramatic Donavan would come out to play. Maybe you should’ve gone to Tisch at NYU for a liberal arts degree instead of Columbia law.”

  Blood rushes into my face for reasons he has no idea about. I have to tamp down the anger building inside. It can’t be healthy to be this pissed off nonstop, but Decker finds a way to get a rise out of me. Has since we were kids. I love my brothers. I really do, but our relationships are complicated. Most of the time, I want to choke the shit out of them, just until they pass out and shut up. Nothing life threatening.

  I’ve had to learn how to pick my battles.

  But you know what? Fuck them. I went to an Ivy League school and they didn’t, and somehow, I’m a pussy because of that? What, because I did better than they did?

  “You delivered the news. You can go now.”

  Decker stands there, a blank expression on his face. “Do you even want to know what’s happening?”

  “No. I got it. I’ll stop by and say hello to my new coworker after a while. I’m a little busy at the moment.”

  He starts to say something, then turns to the door, then looks back.

  I just can’t help myself. I know better than to take the bait. I know I should just shut the fuck up and deal with it, but I can’t. Under my breath, I say, “You just love pissing this place away, don’t you?”

  He shakes his head. “I fucking can’t with you right now.” He turns to walk away. “My wedding is in a month. I’m not dealing with this shit.”

  I stand up. “Yeah, and you need me to get along with you for that to happen. Or did you forget?” At Thanksgiving, Decker told us Tate wouldn’t agree to marry him until he resolved a huge issue between us. Which is why he named me a managing
partner, a title that has turned out to be worthless.

  Decker’s face goes hot as an iron and he spins around. “Are you trying to leverage my relationship to get your way? How pathetic can you be?” He stares at me like I’m beneath him. Like he’s righteous and I’m a piece of shit.

  My collar tightens around my neck and I bow up, jaw clenched. “Yeah, I’m the one always manipulating people. Justify your bullshit however you want. Just get out of my office.”

  “I came over here to discuss the situation and you can’t even calm down for two minutes. Thinking everyone else is reckless and you’re the only one who thinks through decisions. Fuck, you’re the biggest narcissist I’ve ever met, and that’s saying something around this building.” He relaxes a little and sighs. “I have Rick investigating her. He’s going to report directly to you. That’s what I came to say.”

  All the air sucks out of my lungs and I can’t do anything but stare. “What?”

  “Yeah, have him do whatever you want to alleviate any concerns. If you’re unsatisfied with what he finds, bring it to me, we’ll talk it through. Is that an acceptable compromise?”

  I want to tell him thank you, but I really shouldn’t have to. This should’ve all been talked about before he walked in here and acted like an asshole, goading me. Just so he could then play the victim and act like this. It’s ridiculous. At the same time, I take victories where I can get them. If there’s an issue, Rick will most definitely find it.

  Part of me wonders if he’ll find anything. She might be telling the truth about why she’s here, and then I’ll look like an even bigger jackass, but hell. It’s reckless to hire her. She worked directly for our biggest competition and she hates me.

  “Fine, that’ll work.”

  “She could be a major asset to our firm. You know that. But I want us to be careful.”

  I don’t say anything.

  Decker’s shoulders fall, just slightly. “I don’t like this tension between us, no matter how much you think I do. I want us to get along.”

  I blow out a breath and stare back at him. “I don’t like being pissed at you either. I just…yeah. You know how I feel. At least I make it clear from the start.”

  “Yeah.” Decker shuffles his feet, which tells me a compliment is coming, even though he sucks at giving them to me and doesn’t like it. He can praise everyone else all day long, but everything is just expected from me. “I do appreciate the work you’ve taken off my plate with your new role. It’s freed up a lot of time for the wedding, and with Jenny.”

  I am glad he’s getting more time with Jenny. If he’d just ask for favors like a normal fucking human instead of doing everything backhanded, I’d be more than happy to help. I love working my ass off. It’s what drives me. I’d take over everything if he’d let me, and I’d do a better job than he does.

  Sometimes it’s hard to even picture Jenny coming from him. They’re so alike and so different at the same time. She’s my niece and I love her more than just about anything else in the world. “Glad everything is working out. I really am.”

  He turns to walk off.

  “Even if you are a pussy.”

  He whips back around and I’m grinning my ass off.

  “You’re still an asshole.”

  “Yeah, I am. At least I can admit it. Now say you’re a pussy.”

  He’s laughing now. “I’ll kick your ass up and down this hall, and the other two at the same time. Don’t tempt me. And be nice to Paisley, or stay away, I don’t give a fuck which one it is. You’re welcome for the Rick shit, by the way.”

  I lean back, grinning, and fold my arms over my chest.

  Decker’s brows knit together. “The fuck you look so smug for?”

  “Tate made you do this, didn’t she?”

  His eyes widen, then narrow back on me. “What?”

  “The Rick thing. She has reservations too and made you do it to appease me. That’s why you did it. Don’t lie, brother. I’ll know if you are.”

  His jaw sets. “Just don’t piss off Paisley.”

  “Hah! She did.” I walk past him to go pay Rick a visit but shake my head at Decker as I pass by. “Trying to take credit for your woman’s good deed. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.”

  “Oh fuck off, Doc Holliday.” Decker marches off in the other direction.

  I head down toward Rick’s office. Maybe he’ll turn my day around after all. This dude is fucking awesome, and hilarious.

  I rap twice on his door but don’t bother waiting for an invitation. Rick’s reading some Christian book that looks like it just came in from Amazon. How to Know Your God Better or something.

  “You obeying the commandment that says you can’t fuck until you’re married?”

  Rick laughs, and his eyes dart up from the book. “The only Collins brother who hasn’t been neutered. What’s up?”

  “Decker give you all the details on Paisley Williams?”

  Rick goes back to reading. “Yep. I’ll get it done.”

  I lean down toward his desk. “Look, I want you to dig deep on this.”

  “How deep?”

  “Map her fucking genome deep. Full cavity, double penetration, voyeur, dark web shit. I want to know everything down to when she sneezes and what kind of porn she jerks it to.”

  Rick leans back in his chair, clearly amused. He nods. “Okay.”

  This is the part where he’s going to ask for a favor. That’s how Rick operates, even though we pay him out the ass. You always have to barter something, just for him to do his job well. And we all give him whatever he wants, because he’s the best at what he does.

  “What do you want?”


  “To the Bears suite? Done.”

  He shakes his head. “No, man. I need tickets to Jesus of Nazareth, at the Chicago Center for Performing Arts.”

  I glance around, then down at his book. “Umm, okay. Shouldn’t be a problem.” I’ll tell my secretary to get them. Should be easy.

  He sighs and smiles. “Yeah, Mary’s a fan.”

  “Magdalene? Someone told me you were chasing her around. I didn’t believe them.” I lean in close. “You hit that?”

  He grins his ass off. “Oh no, not even close. Biding my time. Laying the groundwork.”

  What the fuck? I’ve never seen this guy chase a piece of ass longer than a day. He could easily fuck half the single women in the building. “Seriously?”

  He shrugs. “When the heart knows, it knows. She’s the one.”

  I have to get the hell out of this room. Didn’t he just make fun of my brothers for being neutered? And at least they’re getting laid. It feels like I’m in the Twilight Zone. “Whatever you say, man. I’ll get the tickets, just email me the date and time.”

  “Will do, BC.”

  I grit my teeth. I fucking hate when he calls me that, but he’s one man you want on your side at all times. Yes, it’s short for Baby Collins.

  As I’m walking toward the door he says, “Thinking about rekindling things?”

  I stop in my tracks. “What?” I don’t even turn around to look at him.

  “With Ms. Williams?”

  I just keep walking and hear his fucking laugh come from the office. How the hell does he do shit like that? He hasn’t even started looking into her yet. The asshole knows everything about everyone.

  I have to walk through finance, Dexter’s department, as I make my way over to my office. I spot Paisley, messing around with her desk, adjusting her computer monitors. My morning did just improve and I’m in a better mood, so I should stop by and at least say something, so other people see it. Regardless of my personal feelings, I have to set an example for the associates.

  I stand there, leaned up against her doorframe, while she’s bent over fussing with some cables. Fuck, her ass looks incredible when her charcoal pencil skirt rides up her toned thighs.

  When she sees me, it appears like she might shriek, but she cups a hand over her mouth.
/>   I raise my eyebrows.

  “How long have you been standing there?” She whisper-screams the words at me.

  “Not long. Just stopped by because they made me. So welcome to the firm and don’t let me know if you need anything.”

  I turn to walk away, but you can never get the last word with Paisley Williams.

  Oh no, it never happens, and I should know better.

  She rolls her eyes. I can’t see it, but I feel it. “Always gonna be bitter that I beat you, aren’t you, Collins?”

  I spin around slowly, already grinning. I think part of me wanted this to happen. In fact, I know I wanted it to happen. “It’s whatever. Water under the bridge.”

  She takes a few steps toward me and my heartbeat kicks up a notch. Fuck, she looks so damn hot with her button-down blouse, open just enough to get a peek at black lace underneath. I could easily turn her blinds down, lock the door, and bend her over the desk. Spank the shit out of her for talking to me the way she is. She’d keep it up. A woman like Paisley goads you. It’s how she wins. She gets under your skin until you make a mistake, or conversely, dominate her in the bedroom. She gets off on that shit.

  Her eyes, though. They’re light blue and the contrast to her dirty-blonde hair is almost too much to bear. I remember the way she used to suck my dick and stare up at me, looking all innocent. She doesn’t appear powerful, more like a girl next door, but that’s her secret weapon. She’s like that creature at the bottom of the ocean that pretends to look harmless, lures you in, and then the fangs come out and right before you die, you realize you were always the prey and never had the upper hand.

  Her eyes land on me, and I can see the gears spinning. She’s thinking. And when she thinks, it’s dangerous. You’re almost certainly going to lose, every damn time, even though I’d never tell her that.

  “You’re confident right now.” She puts a hand on her hip and looks amused, standing about four feet away. “I wonder why.”

  Why does she have to look so damn sexy right now? Even if we got along, this can’t happen. I need to stay on edge, keep my guard up around her, watch everything she does.

  I shrug, because what else can I do. I am confident right now. Rick’s going to find something, and this little problem will be wrapped up soon. Rick works fast.


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