Arrogant Playboy

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Arrogant Playboy Page 10

by Wolf, Alex

  “Donavan…” My name rolls off her tongue as a breathy whisper.

  “Keep fighting this.” I lean down next to her ear. “I want you to. It’s not any fun if you don’t.”

  Her hips roll toward my hand, despite all the reservations I know are coursing through her brain. It’s an involuntary reaction, but I can sense she’s holding back and it’s taking everything she has to not give in.

  My hand slides up a little higher, over her panties. “I’ll drag you out there and kiss you in front of everyone. I dare you to give me a fucking reason. You’re wet right now, just thinking about it.”

  “Shit,” she says on a sigh.

  That’s right, Paisley. Submit, like you always do.

  “You’re not going to give up, are you?”

  I lean next to her ear. “Not a single fucking chance of that happening.”

  I wait for her to do what she does best—negotiate—because I know it’s coming next.

  Her eyes harden and roll up to meet mine. “One drink. Happy hour.”

  My cock strains against my slacks when I see the fire in her eyes. How was I so stupid to let this one get away? We were always perfect for each other, no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise. It’s always been her and nobody else.

  I grin, amused at her feeble attempt, and shake my head. My fingers dig into her ass so hard it might leave bruises. “This isn’t a negotiation. Dinner. I’ll be at your Dad’s house at six thirty.”

  Her eyes flutter closed, then roll up to meet mine and she nods, just barely.

  I release her ass and walk off.

  As I head toward the door, she exhales a light gasp, and I hear the heavy breaths leaving her slender, lithe body.

  I smile where she can’t see.

  Fight it all you want, Pais. This isn’t over between us. Not by a long shot.


  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I can still feel his fingertips where he grabbed me. God, it feels so damn good too. I wanted to rip his suit off and climb him like a rock wall.

  Even after everything he’s done, I still want him so damn bad any time he steps in a room. I can already see it playing out now. I go to dinner. He tells me everything and I sit there and still fawn over him, like we’re back in college, me practically worshipping the ground he walks on, forgiving him for everything.

  There’s just too much history there, and everything he’s done… I don’t trust myself with him. Why couldn’t he have just done things differently? We could be happily married already with a family and he threw it all away like it was nothing.

  I stare around the room, hyper-aware that I’m still breathing heavily.

  I have to put a stop to this before it gets out of hand, and I know just what to do to keep him away from me.

  I march through the door and straight to Decker’s office. His assistant, Quinn, shoves the book she’s studying under her desk when she sees me approach.

  I smile and gesture toward his office. The door is closed. “Does he have a minute?”

  Quinn reaches for the phone on her desk and holds up a hand, showing off her huge emerald engagement ring. She puts the phone to her ear. “Ms. Williams needs a word. Is it a good time?” She nods at no one in particular, then looks up at me. “Okay, I’ll send her in.”

  That’s all I need to hear, and I head toward his door and turn the knob. When I walk in, he’s perched behind his desk and Tate sits in a chair off to the side of him, like I interrupted their conversation.

  I stop in my tracks and glance back and forth at both of them. My eyes stop on Tate. “Sorry, I can come back.”

  Decker shakes his head. “No need.”

  I stare back and forth again, uneasy. “It’s kind of a private thing. Would be better one on one…”

  “Tate’s a partner. It’s fine. What is it?”

  I hold up both hands. “I just… I don’t want to upset anyone.”

  Both of them lean in toward me, suddenly taking much more of an interest.

  I shake my head. “It’s over already, I just...”

  Tate’s look is far more inquisitive and skeptical than Decker’s.

  “Why don’t you just tell us what’s on your mind,” says Decker.

  “It’s not a…” I pause to try and gather my thoughts. It’s not really necessary. This is all part of a performance. I need to look reluctant. “Look, I’m sure you have your PI looking into me.”

  Tate’s eyebrows quirk up.

  Decker stares, seemingly amused. “Why would you think that?”

  I shrug. “It’s what I would do.”

  Tate nods, just slightly. “I like her.”

  I glance to her then back at Decker. “Just please reserve judgment. I’m sure he hasn’t brought you anything, yet.”

  “Just spit it out, Ms. Williams. Are you insinuating our PI will find something, if he were investigating you, which I’m not saying he is?”

  I let out a sigh. I’ve built it up enough already, so I need to just get it out. “Your firm represented a company that sued my father. They ran him out of business.”

  Decker’s eyes widen and his face turns a light shade of red. “And you’re just telling us this now?”

  I stare down at the ground. “I really needed the job. I’m sorry.”


  I glance up quickly. It wasn’t the response I expected.

  His jaw clenches. “This is about Donavan. Has his name written all over it. You could’ve found a job at any firm in the city, with your resume.” He pauses and collects himself. “What else is Rick going to bring me?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing, I swear.”

  His eyes are two dark slits and I can practically feel them burning a hole through my chest. It seems all the Collins men have that look down to an art form.

  I swallow, hard. “I came to your firm because I wanted to work for the best, that was available to me anyway. It’s the truth, I swear. Call me narcissistic or whatever you want. I can’t not be the best at what I do. It’s a personal thing.”

  “And this lawsuit with your father?”

  “It’s all wrapped up and settled now, I just knew you’d find it eventually if you dug hard enough and I wanted to tell you first. I couldn’t stay in New York. I had to move back here for…” I take a deep breath, for dramatic effect. “My grandparents. They’re elderly. And to help my dad land on his feet after the lawsuit. I swear.”

  I see Tate’s eyes on me in my peripheral vision. She’s studying, watching every little move I make, every facial tic, measuring my breaths. I’ve been in courtrooms with wolves and she’s one of them, no doubt about it.

  Decker exhales a long breath. “Why didn’t you tell us about the lawsuit in the beginning?”

  “You would’ve sent me right out the door. I would’ve never had a chance.”

  Tate still sits there, observing.

  Decker mulls it over in his brain, making logical sense of this. I can see the wheels spinning in his head. Finally, he nods. “Okay. I get it.” He steeples his fingers on his desk. “I understand why you didn’t tell us up front. But…” He pauses. “If Rick comes to me with anything other than what you just told me, that’s it. Your contract with the firm is terminated. Are we clear?”

  I nod. “Absolutely, and you have nothing to worry about.”

  I can still feel Tate’s eyes on me. She’s skeptical, but she won’t say anything until I leave the room. An ominous feeling takes over my body, knowing she’s running a million calculations through her head and they all have to do with me. In a weird way, I can relate to her. I think I recognize a kindred spirit and she would worry me a little if I ever had to go up against her in court. She’s formidable.

  “Okay, well, I just came here to tell you that. Thank you for your time.” I turn to walk out.

  “Ms. Williams?”

  I do a half turn, so I’m looking at him from the side. “Yes?”

  “You’d better be
on your damn A game.”

  Tate still sits there, quiet.

  I nod and start to turn once more.

  “Oh and stay away from Donavan for a while. He won’t like this at all, and I have to tell him. Leave a little before five. I don’t give a shit what you’re working on. It can wait.”

  “Yes, sir.” I walk out.

  Once I’m past the threshold, I breathe out a sigh of relief.

  At least Donavan will stop pursuing me and bringing up all these old feelings and desires.

  I win. Again.


  It’s the end of the day and I can’t get out of this building fast enough. My heart races every time I think about Paisley. Squeezing her ass, the look in her eyes. Yeah, she thinks she’s done with me, but this is a new beginning.

  I still have it so bad for this woman I bump a meeting with a client to tomorrow. I never do that, ever. Fuck, what is she doing to me?

  I wanted to kiss her so damn bad in the breakroom. She’s completely submissive, like she always was, any time I touch her or so much as look in her direction even.

  I glance down at my watch and the minutes tick by like each one is an hour. I can’t remember the last time I left at five o’clock on the dot. It’s probably never happened, but today it is.

  I’m taking Paisley to dinner.

  That familiar rush floods my veins, nerves, excitement. It’s like I’m sixteen all over again with a crush on a girl.

  At four fifty-eight on the dot, my desk phone rings.

  I shake my head.

  Don’t answer it. It can wait.

  I ignore it. It stops for a moment, then rings again.

  Take the hint, motherfucker.

  It stops then rings again, and I glance down. It’s Decker’s goddamn mobile number. I’ll never get rid of him. He’ll blow up my cell phone the rest of the night, and clearly he knows I’m in the office or he would’ve called it first.

  “Shit.” I pick up the phone and put it to my ear. “What do you want?”

  “Need to see you in my office in five.”

  “I have somewhere…”

  “Non-negotiable. Be there.” He hangs up on me.

  I cradle the phone and glare down at it, nostrils flaring. “Asshole.”

  This shit better not take long. I gather up all my stuff and shove it in my briefcase, then start toward his office. Quinn’s still there, but I walk past her without acknowledging her because I don’t have time for Decker and whatever anal-retentive shit he has to say. I have an hour and a half until I pick up Paisley, take her to dinner, then kiss the breath right out of her lungs. Maybe even eat her pussy, if I play my cards right.

  I storm into his office and he’s just sitting down, like he came in specifically for this.

  “What is it? I’m running behind…”

  “Just sit down for a minute.”

  I walk up to the chair in front of his desk and set my briefcase down but remain standing. “I’m serious, I don’t have time…”

  “Sit. Please. I’ll make it as fast as I can.”

  Jesus Christ, he said please. That means it’s bad news. Decker doesn’t soften you up or utter that word unless shit is about to hit the fan.

  I take a seat because I know his stubborn ass won’t say anything until he’s steered the conversation exactly where he needs to and everything in the room is just as he wants it.

  He starts off slowly, flattering me, doing everything he can to lighten the tension in the room. My hands squeeze the arm rests on his chair until the whites of my knuckles show. Partially, because I know exactly what he’s doing, and partially because I have a pretty good idea of where this is headed.

  He finally drops the bomb, tells me all about Paisley coming into his office. Tells me exactly what time she came to the office, which uncoincidentally, was the second she left the breakroom.

  Heat rushes into my face and I finally point right at him. “I told you. And I guarantee she’s pissed about that lawsuit, but you believed her when she said she’s just fine with it.”

  Decker sits there, shaking his head, like he knows what’s coming and he’s bracing for it. “Get it all out. Come on, just say it all instead of sitting back on your throne of judgment.” He mocks me with his tone.

  I stand up and pace back and forth. I can’t believe he let this happen. “What is there to say? I told you—”

  His eyes angle up to mine and he cuts me off. “You done yet?”

  I stop mid-stride and my jaw ticks. What a fucking asshole. Just stay calm. I shrug. “You’ve made up your mind about whatever you’re going to do, so why did you even call me in here?” Does he think he’ll get my approval or something? Or that he can win me over? I’ll never understand him.

  “The lawsuit is settled. I already looked at it. We did what we had to for the client. Every law firm in the country would’ve done the same thing. She knows it’s not personal, better than anyone.”


  “What do you mean okay? I know you have more to say than that.”

  I shrug again. “It doesn’t matter. You’ll do anything to prove you’re right, instead of admit you made a mistake.”

  “Grow up.”

  “I’m the only one thinking like an adult in this office.” I pause and inhale a huge breath, anything to keep from melting down. I take a step back and look away, so I don’t want to punch Decker in his goddamn mouth.

  “What’s the deal with you two?”

  “What?” I whip around.

  “Tate said there’s a history there. What’s going on?”

  I finally walk back over and take a seat, knowing the date tonight won’t happen so I have all the time in the world. I give Decker the Cliffs notes version of our relationship, going all the way back to college. Why? I don’t know. Maybe I did need to just get everything out, because it felt like an unnecessary burden just lifted off my shoulders.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell us about her if you were that serious?”

  “Had my reasons.”

  Decker nods and thankfully doesn’t press for more information I don’t want to give.

  As I sit there and talk to him, my mind clears, and all the dots start to connect. I swear to God dealing with Paisley Williams, how she is now, is a fucking game of three-dimensional chess. She did this to put distance between us. It was her trump card. She’s using work to deal with personal shit, and it had nothing to do with her dad. I made her nervous in the breakroom. She’s afraid of being hurt. She knew she’d have to wait a while to break this news to the firm. If she did it during her interview, even Decker wouldn’t be dumb enough to hire her. I gave her the perfect opportunity to make this move.

  “You okay?”

  I glance up, and Decker’s staring right at me. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just fuck… I wish you’d listen to me once in a while.”

  “I do listen to you. Your personal shit clouded your judgment. Dex says she’s been killing it. A real asset to the firm.”

  I snicker in the most sarcastic manner possible, unable to tell Decker my professional concerns are gone, because if I do that, he wins. “Or she wants you to think that.”

  “Everything’s a damn conspiracy with you. Sometimes people are just people and don’t have hidden agendas. She seems like she really wants to be here, and her reasons are convincing.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.” I stand up. “Maybe normal people, but not in our world. Everyone wants something and if we don’t fight, they’ll take everything.”

  “I protect what’s ours.”

  I gather my briefcase and walk toward the door, then stop before I exit. “Right. Like you protected our name. Used to be right out there.” I point to the entrance wall, beyond Quinn’s desk, right where it says The Hunter Group. “Now, it isn’t.”

  I walk out before he can say anything else.

  By the time I take three steps, the conversation with Decker has already faded far away from my mind. The wheels are churni
ng with nothing but Paisley Williams on a loop, over and over. What’s my next move?

  I need to do something, and I need to do what she least expects. She’s not going to fucking beat me. It won’t happen. Her motivation for going to Decker was to get out of our date, to put distance between us. I feel it in my bones.

  So, she’s going to get a goddamn date. Nice try, Pais, but I’m not losing this time.

  You’re mine. See you at six-thirty.


  I pull down the street to Dad’s house, practically bouncing in my seat. I found a perfect condo, right down the road from work with a gorgeous view of the lake. It just happened to be the last place I viewed after I left a little early, on Decker’s orders.

  I pull into Dad’s driveway and can’t even remember the drive home because I couldn’t stop thinking about the condo. What’s even better is they’ll let me rent, month-to-month, until I make a decision about buying it. It’s perfect. If my situation changes, I can bail at any time. If I need to stay longer, I can buy it and flip it for a profit when it’s time to leave. If I ever need to leave.

  I grab my phone and check it on the way to the front door.

  Six forty-five.

  I was supposed to meet with Donavan fifteen minutes ago, but that’s not happening. Despite the fact I got what I wanted, my stomach still tightens. All I can think about is what could’ve been with us, and no matter how hard I try to suppress it, it’s still there, in the deep recesses of my mind, in the corners of every cell in my body, refusing to let me flush it from my system.

  You’ll finally have your own place.

  I do my best to focus on my happiness and good fortune, and rid myself of that strong, possessive hand gripping my ass in the breakroom.

  “Dad, you’ll never believe…” I turn the knob, open the door, and freeze in my tracks. My jaw has to be on the floor, but honestly, I have no idea what my face looks like right now. All I can do is stare at the scene in front of me.

  Dad, in his recliner, glaring at the couch. On the couch sits Donavan fucking Collins, giving the glare right back to Dad. I don’t know if I’ve ever been this uncomfortable in my life.


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