When the trolls slammed into the side of the unsuspecting orcs with their naturally heavily armored bodies, swinging their massive swords and axes, they punched deep into the thousands of orcs lining the valley in front of the palisade. That finally got the orcs attention away from the tiny dwarfs and cowardly humans hiding behind their puny walls for now they had a worthy foe. The orcs turned as one from the walls advancing in a rush against the trolls leaving the main gate free of orcs.
Hreidmar looked around confused as what to do when Leadyl yelled down from the tower at him to get his attention. “Hreidmar trolls are helping us! Hreidmar can you hear me?” The noise of battle was near deafening from the battle cries of the trolls and grunts and growls of the orcs interspersed with the sound of clashing steel and screams of pain and rage. “Hreidmar you must open the gates and charge the orcs from behind the trolls are outnumbered we must help them do you understand?” He shook his head yes jumping from the makeshift battlements standing in front of the main gates waving his gigantic yet beautiful battle-ax with Maiko standing proudly next to him. Soldiers hurriedly left the walls in droves to line up behind him with anyone else that could hold a weapon.
Leadyl knew she had to hurry if she wanted to stand on his other side. About to climb down the tower when sunlight flashing on steel drew her attention to the south wall she could see elves by the thousands running with their elven swords high swinging around the wall hitting the backside of the orcs. Flying carelessly down the ladder she ran through the crush of soldiers, then the dwarfs reaching Hreidmar before he ordered the gates opened. Yelling over the din of battle, she told him the good news. Nodding his head in gratitude, he faced toward the main gates with his bloody ax in hand. Leadyl drew her sword and with her staff in her left hand and sword in her right, she prepared for battle.
The gates were flung wide and with an ancient Norse battle cry (not sure, where that came from) Hreidmar with the dwarfs echoing it charged through the gates. Leadyl running as fast as she could pointed her staff like a spear and sent a withering blast of light ripping a gaping hole into the side of the main body of orcs throwing orc body parts and blood through the air. She discovered quickly that her robes are magically impervious to the blood and gore splashing everywhere; nothing could penetrate them nor stick to them. The battle raged now fiercer than ever. What no one knew was the knights and heavy cavalry had broken through the orc line and were now harrying them from the east side essentially catching them in a square box of death. Leadyl knew the orc mentality would not allow any surrender; they would all have to die this day. She did not have time to reflect on how this loss of life even orc life sickened her, for she was fighting for her very life next to Hreidmar the Magnificent.
Games of the Powerful Page 76