Stolen Dove: Stolen Hearts Series

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Stolen Dove: Stolen Hearts Series Page 6

by Blake, Carina

  Seven hours into the flight, I’ve managed to get everything organized. I steal another glance at her for the hundredth time, and she’s still sleeping. My head spins with the notion that she isn’t just sleeping, but she’s been doped up. I ask for a bottle of water and some medicine from the flight attendant.

  I gently wake her up and give her the meds and water. It takes her a moment to shake off the fog, and then she’s frantic.



  I feel warm and comfortable as I wake up. My eyes slowly open—and then fly open when I see I’m not in my bed but instead in a chair on a plane. Panic sets in, and I look around to see Victor. I try to remember everything from the night before. Damn, did I lose my virginity to a player last night? I look up, and he’s on his laptop. Did he drug me? I search my arms for needle marks and pain, but there’s nothing there.

  “Ah, little Dove. You are awake. How are you feeling?” He reaches up to touch me, and I flinch as I try to figure out what’s happening.

  “What’s going on? Where are we going? Why am I on a plane?” I screech, my eyes darting around the room and then back to him when he cups my chin, halting my movements instantly.

  His green eyes gently stare into mine like he’s trying to tame a wild animal. Like magic, I’m starting to settle down. “Calmate, mi esposa. We should be landing in Madrid in an hour.”

  My mind runs in circles as I process that information. “Madrid as in Madrid, Spain?”

  “Yes. I told you that you would be the mother of my children,” he says, as if it’s no big deal. I thought it was sex talk. People get off on dirty, wild shit.

  “What?” The room begins to sway, and everything goes dark.

  “Amor, por favor. Abra sus ojos. Mi esposa. Dove, wake up.” This time, I’m in Victor’s arms as I come to. Our eyes meet, and he releases a sigh of relief before his body tenses up.

  “I’m going to kill Avanti,” he snarls, his eyes darkening with rage, sliding me off his lap and onto the seat as he stands.

  “The guy who my father owed the money to?” I ask, sliding myself back into my own seat next to his.

  He freezes and then whips around to stare at me with his brow arched. “Wait. Tell me why you were there last night—exactly.”

  I scoff. “I think you know exactly why I was there. I had to whore off my virginity to a sick fuck so my father could get the money to pay off his debts and they wouldn’t kill us.”

  I sense a hint of remorse in his expression before it’s covered with indignation. “I’m going to ignore that comment about me because I can’t say my behavior was gentlemanly last night, but he threatened to kill you?”

  “Yes. That’s why I did it. I wouldn’t have done it to save my father, but I became a target, or rather a bargaining chip, the second I hit eighteen. Fresh meat, as they like to say.” He stares as if he’s going to spit venom, but I know it’s not directed at me. He’s angry about my situation, which makes no sense since he capitalized on it, and if he has his way soon, his investment will bear fruit.

  “I will take care of this.” He bites his bottom lip and then pulls out his phone, tapping away on the screen before tucking it back in his pocket and sitting down.

  “Isn’t the threat over? I mean, they got the money, right?”

  “Yes, the babaso did,” he practically spits.

  “Are you regretting giving away that much money for a lousy lay?” He grabs my cheeks a little roughly with one hand. It doesn’t hurt, but it has my attention. I’m daring a man who seems to be on the edge, and yet I can’t stop myself from pushing.

  Staring into my eyes with deadly anger, he snarls, “Don’t ever talk about yourself like that again. You are my wife and the mother of my children. I won’t allow anyone, including yourself, to demean you. Do you understand, little Dove?”

  I nod slightly and then remember to find my voice. “Yes.” He lets go as soon as I give him his answer and returns to his computer, typing furiously.

  “Are you hungry?” I am, but I’m afraid to eat in front of him. I look down at my body, and I’m still in just his dress shirt. My nipples hardened through the material, which I’m sure he notices. I have on that tiny scrap of panties my father made me wear, but I’m sure my ass cheeks are obscenely sticking out, or at least they would be if I was standing.

  “A little. What time is it?” I ask, pulling up the small throw he must have put on me.

  “About eight thirty at night.” I’m completely lost when it comes to time zones, but the last thing I remember, it was only nine at night. How did I go back in time? Or did I miss an entire day? Ugh. My head can’t handle this. I look over at his nearly pristine suit and wonder if he slept at all.

  “Oh, goodness. Have you slept?” I’m not sure why I ask, but I do. His face looks a little haggard, but he’s still sexy as hell. It should be a sin to look that good and be so damn bad. The dark scruff on his face has gotten a little thicker, and my fingers itch to reach over and rub it.

  “No. I only need a few hours a day, and I still have much to do when we land.” He seems more annoyed by his busy schedule, like kidnapping me was no big deal.

  “You know this is wrong, right? You’re kidnapping me,” I explain, trying to put up a fight like I’m not his puppet to do with as he pleases.

  “Mi pequena, I committed a crime when I paid to fuck away your innocence.” My hand comes up before I can think about it, and I slap his face with all my strength. I flinch back, waiting for him to return the favor. He cuffs my wrist and brings it to his face again. This time his mouth parts and his lips kiss my palm. “Forgive me. That was quite rude of me. I will let this one slide because that was crude of me, but if you raise your hand to me again, I will bend you over my knee and spank that pretty little ass of yours and fuck your soaking wet pussy until you cream for me. I will tolerate a lot from you, but I will not tolerate you hurting yourself.”

  “So, what am I, then? A girlfriend? A—” He presses a finger to my lips, silencing me, and shamefully it works.

  “You are my wife, of course.”

  “Wife? I don’t recall a wedding. What was in that drink they gave me?”

  “I do not know, but when I find out, I’ll have their heads. I’m a proud man, but even I know that what I did to you shouldn’t have you passed out for half a day.”

  “It tasted funny, but I’ve never had a drink before. My father had strict rules for me, which I’m sure you will too as well.”

  “That is correct. I will expect you to behave, but I will inform you that you are my wife, and that makes you an equal. When you give our staff an order, they will obey it. Unless it goes against my wishes.”

  “Of course.” I roll my eyes and sit back in my chair, attempting to avoid looking at him again. It’s so easy for me to become so captivated by his presence that I forget I’m his prisoner. I want his attention more than I should, craving it like nothing else.

  “You are being calm about this,” he says with a questioning glare.

  “What would you like me to do—scream? Hit you again?” I scoff and then continue. “I have no choice. It’s better than going home to what’s waiting for me there.” As much as I regret revealing that tidbit, it’s the truth.

  “You are going home. From now on, it’s our home,” he snaps.

  I close my eyes and try to ignore the way he makes me feel. I'm hungry, afraid, anxious, and despite everything, extremely attracted to Victor. I want to climb back into his lap, but I can't give him another way to control me. I don't have any idea how life will be with him, but I know what it could be if I went home. I've crossed a bridge and burned it to the ground, so there's no return in store. Where do I go from here? Can I escape Victor? Is he a mobster like Avanti?

  Will he abuse me if I defy him? He had a chance, but he didn't, although his threat to spank me didn't have the effect he intended. My woman bits clenched up as soon as he warned me. I'm almost tempted to forget myself again just to feel his han
d on my ass. Maybe I'm still on whatever drug they put in my drink.

  "How long until we arrive?" I ask. I’m not sure if he’s told me or not. My mind is practically mush around this arrogant asshole.

  He checks the time. "We're about thirty minutes from landing. Do you want something to eat or drink?"

  I’m hungry, but we’re almost landing. It’s not like I’ll have time to enjoy my food, and I most definitely don’t want to scarf it down in front of him. "Just some water. I'm feeling a little dehydrated." Which is the truth, actually. My mouth is parched.

  "Okay." He buzzes the flight attendant, who appears hastily. She looks to be as young as I am and pretty as hell with dark black hair and blue eyes so bright they almost look fake.

  "Señor Serrano?" she asks with a nervous smile. “Necesitas algo?” I don’t speak Spanish, so I have no idea what they’re saying to each other.

  "Señora Serrano necesita una botella de agua." She looks to me and then back to Victor with a straight face.

  "Si," she says, nodding and walking away and coming back a moment later with a sealed bottle of water. I take it from her and say, "Gracias."

  "Gracias, Delia. Es todo." She blushes and walks back the way she came. Oh my God, she’s crushing on him, or maybe they have a secret affair and she’s blushing because I’m right here so they can’t do what they probably always did. A vision of her in his arms runs through my head, and I push that terrible sight out of my mind before I pull her hair out.

  "Have you slept with her?" It’s out of my mouth before I can bite it back. Gosh, could I sound any more jealous?

  "No. She's the pilot's daughter,” he says, holding back a chuckle.

  "She's nervous around you. I think she has a crush,” I finish the last part in a whisper.

  "I have that effect on people.” His cocky response pisses me off.

  "Charming and disarming?" I huff out, and he has the nerve to chuckle.

  He reaches out, and I don’t flinch as he cups my face, brushing his thumb down my cheek. "No—dangerous. I don't deal in human trafficking, but Avanti and I are not good men."

  "I figured as much." Duh. He attended the party with the same intent of every asshole in there.

  ''Just so you know—if you were anyone else, you'd pay for that remark,” he bites out, letting his hand fall.

  "I get it. So after I give you an heir, will I be free to go?" I ask.

  "Never. Not until they put us in the ground, Dove." There is no hesitation in his response, which makes me wonder why, but I’m too chickenshit to ask anything else. I might not like the answer.

  "Wow. Okay."

  I ignore him for the rest of the flight until the young attendant returns. “We are about to land. Please buckle up.”

  Victor nods at her and before I can do it for myself, he’s snapping my seat belt into place. “I could have done that myself.” He shakes his head with a smirk before fixing his own and relaxing like I didn’t just protest. Asshole.

  We land, and that's when I notice that we weren't alone the whole time. Three men come from behind me. "Run the sweep."

  "Si," the one who's about the same build as Victor answers. Seeing my confusion, Victor stops him from leaving.

  "Dove, these men are our personal security. My right-hand man, Fernando."

  "Señora Serrano," he says, nodding.

  "These two are Julian and Marcelino. They're brothers. I trust them, but I will put this warning out to everyone. Dove is not to be touched unless it's a life or death situation. Dove, you'll never give these men a reason to even put their hands on you. Understood?"

  "Por supuesto," Fernando says while the others say yes.

  I roll my eyes but agree. "Of course. Although, I think you should know I don't know Spanish."

  "You'll learn, eventually."

  Again, I roll my eyes and move to leave, but Victor pulls me back. It feels so good to have his hands on me, but it happens so fast that it takes me by surprise. "They need to secure the area before we go,” he says, answering the unspoken question in my eyes.

  The men leave us while we wait to the side of the door. "Do you have people out to get you too?" The thought of someone coming after him immediately hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm not sure why. It's not even because I like the guy. Maybe it's because I don't want to do without that dick and mouth of his. They're like magic, and his touch makes my body hum.

  He takes my hand in his, holding it like we're a couple. "Not exactly, but in my world, most people aren't your friends."

  "That's fine. It's not like I have any friends anyway," I grumble.

  "Things aren't as bad as you think, Dove." He grazes my chin with his finger, and I want to bite it, to suck on it. I don’t know what I want because the man makes me crazy.

  "Yeah, says the man who essentially kidnapped me,” I say, lashing out.

  "You came willingly as I recall. It's not my fault that they slipped you something, which I didn't know until I realized that you slept too long." He does have a point. As far as he knows, I could have just been full of lust and eager to get away from my father. I was eye-fucking him from across the room like the rest of the women in the place.


  His phone buzzes, and he answers it. He's speaking fast in Spanish, so I just ignore it because fuck if I know what he's saying anyway. I failed Spanish in school.

  "It's time to go, esposa."

  "What does that mean?"


  I sigh with a hint of disgust like I don’t like it, but that’s a lie because my body is alive with desire from just the sound of his voice. He leads me out into the dark of night. I look up and see the stars are beaming. It’s beautiful.

  "And warmer than New York,” I add.

  "We do have a slightly warmer climate here. Please be careful." As soon as we hit the last step, I find myself in his arms and I gasp. "I completely forgot about what you're wearing."

  "Just your shirt and my panties."

  "Yes. I just saw your ass. I refuse to have others see you like this. Your body is for my eyes only."

  He helps me into the back seat and then removes his sports coat, placing it over my legs. I look at him like he's crazy.

  "There's still a rearview mirror in here." He's serious about anyone seeing parts of me. I don’t know how to process all of this.

  His phone rings and he answers it, smiling as he speaks to a woman on the other end. I pretend that I'm not bothered or trying to listen, even though I don't understand most of what they’re saying. The only thing I pick up is the basic yes and no. Damn it. All my life I’ve felt alone, and now the painful reality that this will always be my life suddenly feels like more than I can bear.

  I turn my head and stare out the window as we pass the city lights and move into farmland, holding back my tears. It's quiet and dark, something I never experienced while in New York. I hated the city because of the hustle and bustle and the money required to enjoy the benefits the city had to offer. I always wished to move out, and here I am. Instead of being happy, I wish for the noise of the city to drown out my thoughts of my fake husband and his plans for making his heir.

  I have a million questions, but as soon as he hangs up with one caller, he takes another. Then he shoots off messages. I want to scream and jump out of the moving vehicle, but what good would that do me? I'll have to find a way to escape later. Right now, I'll do my best to be the obedient woman he's hoping for. When the time is right, I'll make a break for it, although I'll need to get a hold of some of his money first. I wonder how hard that will be.

  "Planning your escape?" he whispers. I spin so quickly with wide eyes that I'm shocked when he's inches from my face.

  "No,” I lie.

  "Bullshit. I see the wheels spinning in your head. You can leave. Fernando, para por favor." He pulls over on the side of the road. "You can go." He leans over me and opens the door.

  "Where can I go? I've nothing but your shirt on my back."
/>   "That's not my problem. Do you want to run out practically naked, or are you going to behave and come along like a good wife?" He’s pissed, and I haven’t even threatened to leave.

  "I'm going with you, aren't I?" I sneer.

  He nods and closes the door. "Let's go," he says, tapping Fernando's seat.

  He has a self-satisfied smile on his face like he's proved a point. Asshole.

  He leans in, making me shiver as his breath kisses my neck. "Wife, it's probably for the best that you keep those thoughts to yourself. I might be an asshole, but I'm your husband. I expect you to respect me in front of my men. Comprendes? Understand?"

  "Yes,” I huff.

  "Good." His lips brush my pulse, and my heart picks up its pace. "You may hate me, but your body knows a good thing when it feels it. I can't wait to slip my cock deep inside you again. I have a feeling you want that too." He swipes his tongue up my neck as his hand skims over my thigh. I can't hold back the moan. As soon as I do, he backs off and straightens up.

  I do my best to pretend that I'm not offended. I roll my eyes for the thousandth time in the past day and scoff. He grasps my chin hard. "I want you this second, but I refuse to let anyone hear or see your pleasure. You belong to me and me alone." He kisses my cheek and lets go. I turn to face the window to hide my smile.

  I may hate him, but I hunger for his hands and body on me, doing dirty things until I’m screaming for release. My pussy's humming, aching for more. Even when he's rough with me, I'm turned on. There are no words for how aroused I am. Can I be happy with just his orgasms? I don't know. Maybe I'll be able to get a hobby. I'm sure he'll be too busy most days for me and won't give a shit what I do as long as it's not with any other man. That I understand clear as day.

  The vehicle slows and then turns to stop in front of a large stone wall and iron gate. There are two men guarding the area, and they open it when they see Fernando. We drive past them with a nod, and the gate slides back in place the second our vehicle passes through.


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