Breaking Locke (Lawless MC Book 2)

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Breaking Locke (Lawless MC Book 2) Page 6

by K. C. Stone

“Prez, we need you,” the person on the other side bellows.

  I open the door. “Come on in Tech,” I say, inviting the monster of a man in.

  “Hey, Boss, I have something. I am going to hunt down Dom and the others, but we need to meet in thirty if possible,” Tech says.

  “Yeah, it’s about damn time,” Locke replies, and I know he must be relieved even though I will be kept in the dark until they tell me.

  Leaning in, he kisses me chastely once more. “I will need you to meet with the plan developers today, once you give approval they will meet with contractors and start breaking ground since this came up.”

  “Wait, why should I do that? Shouldn’t you approve them since this is your club?” I say and damn if he didn’t distract me again by kissing me so hard, I automatically leaned into him.

  Wrapping me in his arms he looked me right in the eyes. “Yes, but that building will be for families and shit when and if we need to do lockdown. What better person to help build it than my ol’ lady,” he says and the look he gives me is so hopeful. I know he worries because of everything that has happened these past few months, hell or even years, but I love this man.

  I pull him into me, kissing him with everything I have, telling him that everything will be okay.

  His smile when we pulled away tells me the same.

  “Also, find Jules and possibly Grace we have more brothers coming in, so we need rooms ready, they arrive in the next few days,” he says, grabbing his gun and heading out.

  “How many of the boys will be arriving?” I ask, knowing that is all I need to know; I don’t need a reason why.

  “Six” was all he said before walking out the door. Leaving me flustered and no way to fix it.

  On second thought I know how to fix it but looking at my watch, fuck, I don’t have time. I will have to bank that thought for another day. Pulling out my phone I shoot a text to Jules and to Grace to meet me at our place. I have to meet with the developer plus get rooms ready, I will need someone to watch the baby.

  I stood there thinking about my life and how completely content I was just being with him. I know what he does, what his lifestyle includes but something inside me doesn’t give a damn, it is about time I was happy, and he was my happy.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Sitting around the table I look back and forth at the men around me. These men are brothers I have fought with, fucked with, and bled for. These bastards would die for me, they would kill for me, they have killed for me and I have killed for them. I trust every one of them with everything in me but most of all I trust them with Cara and my kids. So, when one of them informs me one of Sal’s goons has been lurking around my compound risking my family when he has no fucking right to, well that shit doesn’t sit well with me.

  “Do we know what he wants?” I ask. “That is the million-dollar fucking question isn’t it, brothers. We have too much family around here for us to not pay attention to shit like this,” I questioned.

  “We have him in the cold room, right now he isn’t saying much but that will change once I wake him,” Mac informs me.

  “Good, do that, find out what that fucker wanted, if he does not tell you everything, I want you to bring in Dom maybe he can get information out of him,” I demand.

  “Are you calling lockdown?” Mac asked.

  “No, not yet I don’t want to cause more fucking chaos than there already is, I will just tell Cara and the girls to stay close, to not leave unless they have to, and if they do I want two brothers with them,” I say, giving everyone orders, dismissing everyone.

  Once everyone has left, I sit in the silence, I just need a moment to mentally sort through all the shit in my head. Spinning the glass in front of me still full of scotch, I peer into the amber liquid.

  “Something I can help you with?” I was so focused on my thoughts I did not hear her come in.

  “No, just a matter of compartmentalizing. How did the meeting go?” I ask her.

  “I changed some of the planning designs, added my own touches to it,” she says, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Where is Killian?” I ask.

  “He is with Jules, having some bonding time,” she says.

  “Cara, my love, you can make any changes you wish, like I said it can be your little project,” I say, pulling her into my lap. The way her touch feels against my skin always settles me. She always knows when I need her, as if the connection between us tells her when I do.

  She runs her fingers through my hair gently applying pressure eliciting a groan that resembles a growl deep from my chest.

  “God, I love the way your hands feel on me,” I tell her, pressing my forehead to hers, breathing in her scent.

  “That’s all you like touching you, my hands,” she whispers, brushing her lips across mine. The cherry taste of her lips sparks a feverish fire in me that I feel will never be extinguished.

  Gripping her head, I urge her lips to part making room for my tongue, a clashing of teeth and tongues. Tasting, touching, willing her to open up to me. Almost as if on command she lifts causing a momentary sadness feeling our bodies disconnect, as fast as it was there it was gone again when she straddles me, grinding her core against mine. My hands roam her body as hers continue to pull at mine, the thin vail of control I am holding on to snaps when her hands abandon my hair and run a trail across my stomach under my shirt, I grip her ass with both hands firm enough to hopefully leave marks later as I carry her to the door and lock it.

  The act causes her to pull away, for a split second I think she is stopping instead she grabs the hem of her shirt and rips it off tossing it to the floor. Topless and perched on the table’s edge, I trail kisses from her collarbone down as I finger her nipples.

  “Hmmm, is it okay if we do this in here,” she asks, her breathing erratic. The scent of her arousal is thick and heavenly in the air as she leans back on the table.

  “Shit, babe, I don’t give a damn, let someone try and stop me,” I tell her, the sight of her sprawled out on my club’s table shoots me in the chest.

  Her hair fanned out in dark waves on top of the mahogany wood she is pure beauty. Little does she know that having her like this has been a fantasy of mine since we were kids. I deftly unhook her bra with one hand tossing her a wink, pulling a laugh from her making me hard as a rock. Laying her back against the table, her dark hair against her olive skin tone contrasting her rosy pink nipples, I am a goner. I encase one of her taut buds between my teeth and gently bite down causing her to arch her back forcing them further.

  “Wait,” she pants. I rise off of her, she stands unbuttoning her jeans and shimmies out of them. I drop mine as well, she looks up at me pupils blown, she sinks her nails into my chest forcing me back into my chair, she climbs on top of me, I grip her hips my fingers digging in, god I hope I leave marks, I think to myself.

  “Mark me,” she whispers. That’s all I need to hear when she impales herself on top of me, I sink my teeth into her shoulder stifling a groan and causing her to moan.

  “Fuck, baby, that’s it,” I urge her on, it hasn’t been like this with anyone. The only time I felt pleasure like this has only ever been with Cara.

  She continues to ride out her pleasure, chasing mine. Her nails pierce my skin causing me to explode inside of her, triggering her to shutter around me, both of us panting, a thin layer of sweat covering our skin. We both sit there trying to steady ourselves.

  “Do you think they know what we did in here?” she says, breaking the silence.

  “I don’t give a shit. Hell, I will tell every motherfucker that comes by,” I joke and she slaps my chest. “You will do no such thing, Matthew McKenzie,” she scolds me, the commotion outside the door has us getting dressed.

  “What the hell is going on?” I demand, opening the doors to find Ranger and some lady in a heated discussion.

  “Nothing, Locke, it is all good,” Ranger replies.

  “Ms. Jones, is everythin
g okay?” Cara asks, all thoughts to what others were thinking have now left us.

  “So, why don’t you tell me what the fuck is happening?” I bark, and all trace of post sex bliss vanished.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Shit what the hell happened from the time I came in here until the time we opened the door.

  “Is everything okay, Ms. Jones?” I ask the architect because when I left her everything seemed to be just fine. We had plans to meet again in a few days after she makes the changes I gave her.

  “Yes, Mrs. McKenzie everything is fine. I didn’t mean to disturb you, this must be your husband,” she says and I am terrified to look toward Locke, this is the second time she has addressed me as Mrs. McKenzie and I have yet to correct her and now she did it in front of Matthew.

  “Yes, I am her husband,” he says, and I can see the faint smile on his face, just a slight tilt to his smile nobody else probably has caught.

  Fuck, I will never live it down, I think to myself.

  “Call me Locke,” he tells her, and she is slightly confused.

  “Okay, Mr. Locke,” she says, “I would like to go over . . .”

  “Not Mr. Locke, it’s just Locke,” he tells her, she still looks confused.

  “Come in,” I suggest, “we can go over everything again for Mr. McKenzie.” I show her in, leading her to the opposite side of the table that we had just occupied.

  “So, show me what my wife had decided to change,” he says, closing the door behind him. Coming and placing his arm around my waist, the flex of his fingers lets me know he will address it later, but the smirk on his face says I will enjoy it.

  After she shows the plans and Locke agrees to them, I show her out of the room just as Ranger meets us at the doors.

  “Missy, can I please speak to you for a moment?” he pleads.

  “Why, Ranger, we have nothing to say to each other,” she retorts.

  “I am sorry, do you two know each other?” I ask and when I look at Missy, the way she is glaring at Ranger, I know what I need to do.

  “Torren, do you know each other?” I ask one more time.

  “Yes, we do. Now please, Missy, I just need to talk to you for a moment,” he pleads.

  “I can’t. I’m busy, I have to get back to the office,” she replies and turns on her heels leaving him standing there.

  “Torren, come in here,” I say, placing my hand gently on his arm letting him know I just need to talk.

  He turns and enters the room. “Listen . . .” Locke turns to look at me.

  “I have shit to do so, babe, I’m going to leave you to deal with whatever drama is unfolding but next time keep that shit out there,” he demands and I can tell by his tone he is annoyed.

  “Yes, love,” I say, reaching up kissing his lips gently, easing his annoyance.

  “So, Torren, want to tell me how you know Ms. Jones?” I ask because it is never a good thing to mix business with pleasure.

  “I met her at the hospital when I went to go see Ramona about doing my Santa shit this year for the kids. She was there, brought gifts so we can hand them out. I asked Ramona to give me her number and I was going to text her. I even spoke to Dom about her but shit got crazy here,” he says, kicking the chair leg.

  “I see, so, you screwed up, dropped the ball, and now she thinks you weren’t interested in her, just playing her,” I say because that is exactly how it sounds but I can tell by the look in his eye that he regrets it.

  “I slept with her,” he says.

  “Well just so you know I don’t give a damn what happened, she is building the addition to the compound, and if you really want to make it up to her, she will be back in a week so you might want to get started kissing ass. Because Matthew will fucking flip if he hears you acting the way you did today,” I tell him, heading out the doors leaving him standing there.

  When I think about what my life was like before when I was with Sal, I remember making a point to stay away from the drama of the club, now with Matthew I find myself in the center. I feel alive for the first time in a very long time, I feel like me, I feel like I can finally breathe. I know they are keeping stuff from us, stuff that is going on here, club business.

  I want to talk to Matthew. I want to make sure the ladies are protected even when we can’t have guys with us. I never want any of my girls to fall victim again.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Sometimes I fucking hate being the President, I love my club but the bullshit you have to deal with never stops. Sometimes a man just wants to be balls deep in his woman and say fuck the world but when you are the boss that shit will not fly.

  The guy lurking outside my fucking club’s compound, I found out was a runner for Sal and now works for the next Joe Blow that tried to take over his seat. So, I make my way down to the cellar and see what information I can get out of him, I am sick of bastards messing with my club.

  “What has he told you?” I asked Dom when I entered the room.

  “Nothing new, he is a piss ant for the new Prez of the Outlaws. Blah blah blah,” he says, handing me a blade.

  “Damn, you worked him over didn’t you?” I asked because the guy’s face looks like hamburger meat.

  “The fucker said that since Sal is dead the new Prez plans on being the big shit that Sal was too much of a pussy for. I asked him what he meant he refused to tell me, so I beat it out of him,” Dom says like that is something he does daily, well hell fucking lately it feels like he does it daily.

  “So, you think this new big bad Prez of yours will do what Sal wouldn’t do. That still doesn’t tell me what the fuck you were doing sneaking around my fucking club,” I say to him.

  “I told you, we are doing what that pussy of a Prez wouldn’t, your club has something that belongs to us and we want it back.” His words are slurred now but something he says is not sitting right with me.

  “What do you think we have that belongs to you guys?” I ask because something inside me tells me I already know.

  “You will know in time, when our Prez is ready to sit down with you until then, when you see Sal’s ol’ lady ask her how her bitch of a daughter is doing, John sends his best,” he sneers, the smile on his face knowing full well he is a dead man no matter what happens, either we kill him, or they do.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are threatening my family?” I growl, the look he gave me tells me everything I need to know.

  The look in his eye questioned me, it made no sense why it would, to the rest of the world Cara was Sal’s widow with Jules and Grace his sad broken-hearted abandoned daughters. Little did they know that she was in fact mine, and Jules was never his. That thought made me smile through my rage.

  I lean into him and just for grins I decided to fill him in on some family history seeing he will be dying here anyway. “See that is the issue I have, she is not Sal’s daughter, but I guess that information you didn’t have, did you?” I ask him, he looks at me with disgust.

  “You lie, that asshole worshiped that bitch nobody was ever good enough for her,” he spits.

  Dom jumps up grabbing a handful of his hair yanking it to the side. “Call my woman a bitch one more time and I will run this blade across your throat,” he barks.

  “Dom wait,” I commanded. I lean back into the guy. “See that is where you’re wrong, Jules was never Sal’s daughter, she is mine,” I reply coolly as I can, watching realization hit him, fear swarms his face.

  “Such a shame you will never tell a soul that information, I will make sure your Prez knows that you will not be returning,” I say to him as I nod slightly to Dom, giving him the go ahead, I got all the information I needed.

  Dom steps forward slowly screwing on his silencer “You fucked with the wrong family, you fucked with the wrong club, for that you will pay with blood and I will be sure to send a nice little souvenir to your club as a warning to stay the fuck away!!” he boomed.

  Dom pulls the trigger
firing one shot in his hand and I watch as a couple fingers hit the ground, perfect, I think to myself picking up the severed digits. His screams only causing Dom to pull the trigger twice hitting him in the chest, shutting the fucker up.

  “So, what now, we have more people after all the girls or are they just after Cara and Jules?” Dom questions.

  “Fuck if I know, what I do know is that they will not be safe here with all these assholes after them. We need to find out just how deep Sal was in it,” I say, knowing I will need to talk to Cara we need something to go on, anything really. I doubt she will know but I have to ask her.

  “Fuck it, you clean up and let me talk to Cara and then you, me, Cara, and Jules will need to have a talk,” I say, looking to Dom.

  “After that I will call church and we can give everyone a rundown, Viper have everyone at church in two hours.” I continue, “Tech go and dig up whatever you can on Sal I want you to dig fucking as deep as you can, take one of the brothers, shit you can have as many as you want, and Ranger call Juice on the prepay see if he has heard anything especially after Sal’s death, fucking find out any information you can.” The round of “yes, Boss” indicates everyone has their next task and now I have to go figure this shit out.

  I stand by the door watching Cara as she rocks Killian in the glider I bought her shortly after he arrived. The conversation with the building designer still floating around in my head, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie rolling it around in my head it sounds perfect. Her face was absolutely gorgeous when she thought I would be upset; does she not know how much I love her. What I would do to not only claim her as my woman but to claim her by name as well? Have I not shown her how much I love her? I resolve that we will be having both of those conversations tonight, one might take the sting off of the other because what I have to offer might not go over well.

  “You know how beautiful you look?” I say, leaning down I place a chaste kiss across her lips.


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