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Breaking Locke (Lawless MC Book 2)

Page 9

by K. C. Stone

  “I was thinking about how sexy you smell,” I tell him because the rest he doesn’t need to worry about.

  “And now what are you thinking?” He pushes, one hand roaming my body frying every nerve ending I have.

  “I was wondering if it would ever stop being so intense like this with us or will it be like this forever.” That is something I think about often. “I remember when we were younger and the intensity we had for each other, it seems the same as it is now, the way my body reacts to your touch,” I confess to him.

  “Yes,” he says, running his hands up and down my body. “Your skin is addicting, my hands are always eager to feel your softness under them, your smell,” he inhales deeply, “always makes me hard, a mixture of apples and honey,” he whispers, grabbing my face kissing me deeply. My body becoming pliable underneath his hands, caressing, stroking. I arch back into him, his fingers find my sweet spot and I shamelessly open for him yearning for him to continue his relentless assault, my body building, heat rising, my breath is coming in pants now. I am so close I can feel the wave of pleasure coursing through my body, my legs are trembling as I try to not scream for fear of waking the baby. His free hand covers my mouth, I bite down to muffle my scream as I ride out my wave of his hand.

  “You’re so beautiful like this, covered in sweat, the smell of passion and saltiness of your skin,” he whispers, licking and sucking my shoulder the way he makes me feel so powerful and alive, I could stay here like this forever.

  When we arrive in Ireland, everything is a blur. We leave the airport where we were met by six of Matthew’s brothers from the Dublin chapter. A slew of names that I would have to figure out some way to remember, sensing my anxiety Matthew grabs my hand giving me a reassuring squeeze. “It’s okay, baby, you got this,” he tells me.

  Little did he know I would rather deal with eight hundred angry bikers than face his mother after all these years. “It’s not the club I worry about,” I tell him meekly.

  “Oh, I know. I was talking about my mother.” He smiles, tossing me a wink.

  “Oh, shut it and give me the baby.” I snag Killian from him.

  “Hi, my baby, you love me don’t you?” I joke. “Unlike your mean old daddy.” I blow raspberries on his cheek inhaling his baby scent.

  I look back at Jules, I see the sadness in her eyes, and I know I will need to talk to her more. I just hope this trip will fill in a lot of holes for her about her father’s side. Her smile let me know she was happy for me, but the sadness was still there for all the memories she missed out on.

  “Tell Mommy that I do love her, she’s just being a chicken,” Matthew jokes, bringing me back to the moment. I look down at the baby, he looks more and more like Matthew every day.

  When we arrive at the clubhouse, it’s much like ours is, a large compound with two larger buildings built on it. We again are greeted by an even larger number of club members. When the van stops, the door opens, and Matthew gets out. He is met by who I am introduced to as their club president.

  “O’Brian, ma’am, and you are very welcome here,” he says, shaking my hand. His accent very thick. I can see now why when Matthew gets angry his accent comes out, I make a mental note next time in bed to get him to use his accent and that thought brings a smile to my face.

  “Nice to meet you.” I take his hand.

  “Brother, let me introduce you to the rest of my family, this is Cara as you already met her. These are our daughters, Juliane and Gracie, and this monster is Killian.” No matter how many times he has referred to us as a family it has never hit me like it did when he introduced us as one.

  I watch the interaction between Matthew and O’Brian, they exchange no words just looks and a single head nod. I need to remember to ask him about that later. I think to myself.

  “Come on,” he says, grabbing my hand taking me inside.

  Standing in the circle of the enormous, mean looking men stood a woman I had not seen since I was a teenage girl, my hands are sweating and if they get any sweatier Killian would slip right out.

  “Clear the room.” O’Brian commands and just like that we are standing completely alone, my body shaking was it from fear, or emotion I’m not sure. My surroundings start to fade away until I feel a single hand on my shoulder, I look over and see Jules trying to take Killian out of my arms.

  “Go, I’ve got him,” she says and I look back at Matthew. He nods his head signaling agreement with Jules. I relinquish him and I dig deep finding my brave, taking a deep breath I grab Matthew’s hand as he leads me to her. Shit.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  This has been the day I have waited for since I was a teenager. I look at my mother standing there. I knew she would be here I didn’t tell Cara because she would focus so much on her being here, she would make herself sick. Dick move I know, but for her own sanity she didn’t need to know.

  “Mom,” I say, and she wraps her arms around my neck hugging me. It had been fifteen years since I had seen her last. She has not aged one bit, just as beautiful as she was when she was younger.

  Leaning in I whisper in her ear, “She’s afraid” and gently place a kiss on her wet cheek. I can tell she had been crying. Her smile tells me she understands and when she pulls away, she cups my cheek. “Don’t worry” was all she said, and she walks away from me.

  “Cara, my dear, my it’s been too long.” She pulls Cara into a hug and without hesitation Cara embraces her back.

  “I’m so sorry” was all she whispers and pulls away. I tuck her into me.

  “You’re so brave, my love,” I whispered into her hair.

  “Mom, I want you to meet your grandchildren.” I leave Cara’s side and stand next to Jules.

  “This is your granddaughter, Juliane.” I look down when I feel her fingers grab my hand, my heart squeezes, she is afraid just like her mother.

  “Juliane,” she says, and I can see where her thoughts were going. I nod my head letting her know we can talk about all of it later.

  “This is Gracie,” I say, introducing her, “and this is your grandson, Killian,” I say ready to get this whole conversation over with.

  “Guys this is your morai,” I introduce.

  “My Lord, I’m blessed with three beautiful grandchildren.”

  “Come” was all she said, when she grabs Cara’s hand walking them into another room.

  Cara turns. “Girls, will you give us a few minutes please?” she says, hoping they understand.

  “Sure, Mom, we are exhausted anyways,” Grace informs us.

  “Kelly!” O’Brian barked.

  “Yes, brother.” The man comes out of a side room.

  “Will you show them to the rooms where they will be staying?” O’Brian explains.

  “Fitz, go with the girls and help them, will you?” I ask, knowing he would anyways.

  “Sure thing, boss man,” he says, following them toward the other building.

  The four of us sit down so that Cara and I can give them the full rundown on what the hell has been going on. The first thing I notice when we sit is that my mother is standing behind O’Brian with her hand placed on his shoulder. What the fuck, I think to myself, that shit can be talked about at a later date.

  “You named her Juliane?” my mother asked and I know she was not directing that question at me.

  “Yes, Matthew and I had always said that if we had a daughter she was going to be named after you,” Cara tells her, looking down at her hands on the table.

  “Well, she’s beautiful. Thank god she looks like me,” my mother jokes and I can see how visibly calm Cara got.

  We catch everyone up on the events leading up to today. I’m fucking beat but now I know that I need to call the brothers back home to check in and make sure that everything is going well over there.

  I call Dom and it rings but no answer. That bastard better have a good fucking reason for not answering.

  “Yo,” Tech answers.

what the fuck is the VP doing that he can’t answer his phone?”

  “He’s currently on the prepay with Juice, hang on,” he says. I can tell he has pulled the phone away from his ear because his voice is now muffled but there seems to be a whole lot of motherfuckers and that bastard so I know something is wrong.

  “Hey, fuckers, feel like sharing please!” I yell into the damn phone.

  “Hello, you bastards talk to me. NOW!” I fucking roar into the phone.

  “Sorry, Boss, here is Dom,” he says before Dom gets on the phone.

  “Yo, Locke, so . . .” he says, and I interrupt him.

  “Listen, fucker, unless you’re dead you answer the motherfucking phone, I got your woman with me over here and if I need you then you better fucking answer the damn phone got it,” I bark at him.

  “Yeah, Boss, but I knew she was okay, she shot me a text. Like I was saying I just spoke to Juice, he informed me that he and a couple other hitters were reached out to by the Bowery Boys and the South Nine, they called the fucking hit, brother,” he says.

  “What the fuck!” I say into the phone, those pussies are fucking dead when I get my hands on them.

  “Yup, Juice said that they are planning a fucking hit, they know the girls are here or at least they were, and they plan to cash in soon,” he confirms.

  Those cowardly motherfucking bastards, I plan to dismantle that club and shit down every one of their throats.

  “Well, good news is they have no idea about them not being there, that means Ireland is a safe bet for them. I want you all on lockdown, don’t fucking leave. Get all the bikes you can done and then shut down the shop for a while. I will not risk those jackass wannabes killing innocent people and fucking up my bike shop,” I say.

  “Already on it, Boss. I also have the armory opened and rescheduled the designer lady that was coming to show Cara the plans for the add on,” he says.

  “Damn I forgot about her,” I say. “Good call. I’m going to give the guys here a heads up on what the fuck is going on. Keep in fucking touch and answer your damn phone,” I say, hanging up.

  “Everything good, brother?” I look up to see O’Brian coming into the room.

  “This shit never stops,” I say, rubbing my hand on the back of my neck. I’m stiff from sleeping like shit on the plane.

  “How is everything here?” I ask in return.

  “Well, brother, I didn’t want to bother you because of all the shit you got going on back in the States, but I do have something I want to run by you, do you have time?” he asks, leading me into church, shutting the doors behind us.

  “For the favor I pulled, brother, go for it,” I say, sitting in the first chair I come to.

  “So, not long ago we came across a situation, a brother of the club came to us and said that at the strip club he visits, he noticed some of the dancers looked like they had been roughed up. After we confronted the owner, I guess the prick had a fit and two days later, one of the dancers came to us and told us that after our brother had left, the owner decided to take his anger out on one of the girls,” he explains.

  “Something tells me that’s not the end of the story,” I say, leaning back in the chair. “Something tells me that I will not like the rest of your story either.”

  “No, you won’t. Two days after the dancer left with the owner, she was found dead. That’s why her friend showed up here because she thought the owner had something to do with it. So, I had the club look into it, turns out the guy is a real piece of shit. He’s suspected in a couple girls’ deaths, real nasty shit, mutilation and some fucked up kind of torture. Anyway, the guy keeps close tabs on the girls, but he also likes to deal drugs on the side. I have a theory that drugs are not the only thing that he’s selling in there. The place is a real shithole, my thoughts were to take it over, buy him out, and clean the place up. It could be an easy way to make easy money,” he finishes.

  “So, you want muscle, or what?” I ask because I still have no idea what the hell he’s trying to ask.

  “I want to send in one of your men, he has never seen them before. Then I want him to figure out a way to get him alone so I can make him my offer for the club.” He continues, “And if he doesn’t take my offer, I might just have to figure some other way to entice him and sway him to go with the idea.” He leans back crossing his leg over the other.

  “I’m down. We’ll help in any way we can, brother, you know that,” I say, standing up exhaustion taking over me. The only thing occupying my mind right now is wrapping my woman in my arms and sleeping for days.

  “Shit, brother. I’m sorry, you look beat get some rest and we can work out the details later,” he says, leading me out the way the girls went.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Firm arms wrap around me, forcing my back against something hard, cedarwood and sage engulf my senses. Images of Matthew splayed under me sucking and kissing his chest enter my dreams and I shift further, backing into him. Now the images have changed, now I’m the one laid out on the bed my wrists tied to the headboard and my legs splayed wide open. I’m completely exposed and Matthew is positioned above me, his fingers gripping my thighs, his lips grazing as he kisses me all the way up to my freshly shaved apex.

  “Baby, wake up, are you okay?” I’m rudely awakened, pulled from my dream just as I was about to finish.

  “What?” I ask still dazed my body is tingling, strung tight and my arousal is evident.

  “You were moaning in your sleep,” he says, looking at me.

  “No, it’s okay.” I try to play it off.

  “Oh, I know what you were dreaming about, me weren’t you?” he asks and I blush because how could he know what the hell was happening in my dreams. With a wink he leans up over me, he has me pinned underneath him my arms up over my head causing my breasts to push together. I can’t see what he’s doing but something inside me tells me I’m going to love the outcome.

  “What are you doing up there?” I say just as I feel the material tighten against my skin. It’s soft and silky, a smile brightens my face, he’s using my robe tie.

  “Shh, don’t move too much, it will only get tighter if you do,” he whispers, tossing me a wink. “Was I doing this?” he teases as he trails his tongue down my neck pulling the cup to my bra down exposing an erect pink bud.

  “Yes, and more,” I moan as I arch into him, his hands roaming, pulling. I’m so turned on I can explode any second, the minute he bites down on my nipple I scream. Just when I think the wave is over, he slams into me triggering another climax.

  “Fuck, baby, keep going, you’re squeezing me, and it feels amazing,” he whispers, and my brain is fried, the only thing I’m focused on is the way he feels against my skin.

  The next morning, I roll over and come face to face with Killian who is sound asleep and I can’t help but laugh. He and Matthew are sleeping in the exact same position. My two favorite men, they wormed their way into my heart so quickly.

  “Morning, babe, did you sleep okay?” His wink makes me laugh.

  “Yes, I did actually, it was deliciously pleasing,” I joke, watching him laugh is one of my favorite things to do. “So, what do you have planned today?” I asked.

  His stretch caused the blanket to pool at his waist, his sculpted body speckled with reddish-blonde chest hair, his killer smile that ends at outrageously deep dimples, all of that’s mine, and I thank God every day I got a second chance with him.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asks, bringing me back to the now.

  “Just how lucky I am that I have you back in my life and that you took me back at all.” I lean in kissing him on his lips, tasting some of last night still on his lips. It only spurs me on to deepen the kiss, pulling away I try and catch my breath.

  “I have got to get my hormones in check around you,” I kid but only a little. His smile melts me and just as I go in for another kiss, I notice Killian is awake and watching us.

  “Morning, baby
boy, you want breakfast?” I lean in and pick him up.

  “I told you not to pull,” he says, grabbing my free hand. I look down to see what he is talking about.

  “Nice, I might have to make those permanent,” I say, looking at the bright red thin abrasion on each wrist, giving him my biggest smile as I leave the room.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  We’re sitting in church giving the rundown to the brothers about where they’re at back home and also the situation with the night club. We decide to head to the club tonight and scope stuff out, just maybe get a little information.

  “O’Brian, this is your club so you can take lead on this one,” I say.

  “Sounds good, Fitz will take lead. Do what you need to do so that you can get close to the owner. Find out what you can, hopefully that will lead us to what the hell is going on. One of the girls came by and gave us the owners schedule so we know when he’s working the floor,” O’Brian informed us.

  “Remember be lookouts only, no need to flash fists unless something is going on. Our goal is to make sure the girls are safe, either way I want him alive,” he finishes.

  “Sounds good, anything I should know about the clubs here that’s different than the States?” Fitz asked.

  “No idea, I have never been to a club over there but here the girls can be a little wild,” he chuckles.

  “Fuck yes, I like them wild.” He laughs rubbing his hands together like a kid in the candy store.

  “Listen, fucker, worry more about your job, less about getting your dick wet, got me.” I point my finger at him.

  “Yeah, work first, dick later,” O’Brian chimes in.

  “Yeah, yeah I know,” he says in agreement.

  Sitting at the club I watch from a booth in the corner, the dancers perched high on the poles as the music flows. None of them hold a candle to Cara but they are not terrible looking. One of the waitresses comes up and drops off a drink. She’s a short redheaded girl, maybe twenty. I can see in her eyes that she looks tired and on her top lip, near the corner of her mouth, was a single laceration. When she noticed me looking at her, she instantly dropped her smile.


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