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Breaking Locke (Lawless MC Book 2)

Page 12

by K. C. Stone

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  We didn’t waste any time once I arrived.

  “Take me to them now.” I look at Ezra waiting for me at the airport.

  “You got it,” he says, the tension is thick. We are all on edge, it’s unnerving the threat of the unknown.

  “What the fuck happened?” I ask. I know what Dom told me, but I need more.

  “Really, Boss, we were laying low, pulled everyone in for lockdown just like we discussed, only left when we had to. Some of the brothers had just come back from a run when we got hit. Fucking Dom, had a brilliant idea to post Tex and Bear on the roof, just for lookouts and good damn thing he did because when shit went down, they didn’t even think twice, they just started shooting at anything that moved,” he explains.

  “Well, they are fucking Rangers and snipers so that was a smart move on Dom’s part,” I tell him. That fucker is smart.

  “Yeah, thank fuck we didn’t lose anyone. Just some flesh wounds nothing super serious,” he tells me.

  “Viper and Dom ready for me?” I ask.

  “Yeah, they have been waiting to give you the rundown,” he says, pulling up.

  Damn it’s good to be home, the only thing missing is my family but soon enough they will be here too.

  I walk in, finding Viper and Dom propped up against the bar.

  “Let’s go,” I say, walking past them.

  Walking in, I noticed two men strapped to chairs bolted to the floor.

  “We thought waiting for you might be smart. This one I tried to get information out of but other than the fact that he’s covered in Kings’ tats he has not said much, and that one well, he has been harder to get information out of.” Dom shrugs.

  “Okay, so who the fuck wants to be the one to tell me why you tried to kill my boys?” I ask sarcastically, knowing damn well that they will not say anything.

  The man covered in Kings’ tats spits on the floor. “Okay, so, you want to be the first, got it,” I say, leaning into the hand that’s different shades of blues and blacks.

  “Who sent you?” I ask. Pressing down, I can feel the bones under my hand grind together, Dom must have really shattered that hand pretty good.

  His screams fill the room, I noticed the other man wince.

  “How about you, anything you want to share?” I inquire.

  “Fuck, man, I don’t know what you want me to say,” he rambles.

  “Who sent you after my club?” I ask him.

  “It’s simple, just tell me who and it will be over just like that,” I tell him. “If not, imagine all the torture that has occurred to this piece of shit over the past few days happening to you,” I sneer, my fingers itching to bring a little torture and a whole fucking lot of pain.

  “I take it you’re not a King, since you have none of their ink, tell me who do you belong to?” I ask, I have a slight idea.

  “None of your fucking business,” he fights back.

  “Aww, aren’t you cute acting tough,” Viper taunts from behind me.

  “We will just keep coming, my boss will not stop, not when he wants them,” he sneers out.

  I stand straight, anger fuels me; hate fills me, I will not stop until they bleed.

  I walk over to Viper and Dom. “You think he’s with Davies,” Viper questions.

  “You fucking telling me you think Bowery and Kings have teamed up to go after the girls,” I bark.

  My entire body is trembling with anger that will only be quenched with blood and death.

  “You a Bowery,” I ask.

  I get no response.

  “Yeah, you are, did your boss happen to tell you what me and my boys did to the last one of yours that we caught?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest, his reaction tells me everything I need to know.

  “I killed him, that was after my boys spent days torturing him, we severed his fingers from his hand and sent them to your boss, we also decided that it would be nice to cut off his dick,” I tell him.

  “Your boss didn’t tell you that part, did he?” Dom asks sarcastically.

  “Nope, I don’t think so boys because had he, I don’t think tough guy here would have just pissed his pants,” I joke.

  “Fuck, just kill him, actually kill them both. I got what I needed out of them,” I say, walking toward the door.

  “Fuck you, I can’t wait until John guts that bitch of yours,” the first man shoots off.

  That was it, the end, I walk over to him. “Guess what, I will kill John first, gut him and then I will destroy every member of your club, starting with your President, moving down the ranks. Not only will I kill them all but then I will make sure that John knows, when I kill him, that it was you that told me where he was, good chance he will kill your whole family,” I threaten. I wait for his reaction his eyes large, just as he opens his mouth, I run my knife across his throat hitting his artery spraying blood over the guy next to him, myself, and the wall.

  “Fuck with me and I will kill you. Fuck with my family, I will kill you then destroy your family,” I warn the other guy.

  “John took over Galenti’s old crew and his house in Brooklyn,” he confesses.

  “He wants Jules and Cara; his orders are to destroy you guys and take those two to him. Please don’t kill me,” he begs.

  “Too late,” I whisper in his ear as I plunge my blade into his chest twisting as he coughs and aspirates blood, causing some of it to trickle out his mouth.

  “What do you want to do?” Viper inquires, handing me a towel to clean up.

  “Just like I said, come up with a plan and then destroy them first. I’m going to shower, get everyone together, we need to plan this out,” I tell them, tossing the towel on the ground and heading out.

  Standing in the shower, I watch as the water turns a tinted red color, evidence of today washes down the drain. Trying to wrap my head around everything that’s happening and trying to figure out what the fuck Sal was into. We have gotten nowhere on this other than he borrowed money from Moretti but what else is going on? I will not rest until I fucking find out what is happening.

  I turn off the shower and get dressed heading downstairs, we need to figure out a plan, one that will make a lot of noise, make the bastards think twice before fucking with us.

  Chapter Thirty


  Sitting outside the Bowery Boy’s night club, we watch, it’s now seven in the morning. The place is dead except for members who we just watched file one by motherfucking one into the building. Pulling out my prepay, I call Axel.

  “Yo,” I hear Axel say at the other end. I pull the phone away from my ear; the fucker is panting; he’s all out of breath.

  “Boom” is all I say then hang up. Less than a minute later, he comes running low to the ground, just as he gets into the truck a series of loud explosions occurs one right after another in rapid succession. The grin that lights my face chills the devil inside.

  “You think that was over kill,” Axel inquires.

  “Nope, and the next one will be just as motherfucking bad, you fuck with mine and I will destroy you and yours,” I tell him. That has been something I have lived by since I took over this club and it will not stop now.

  “Shit, I love blowing shit up. Let’s go,” he bellows.

  The next plan is not so in your face, we only made that one loud because those fuckers lied to me and they did it to my face. I know they were in with John and I want that fucker terrified.

  “Where to now?” Ranger turns from the passenger seat.

  “We are headed to the Motel Six on West Street,” I pull open my phone and look at the numbers that were sent to me, “room two-thirty-one. This is a grab and go gentlemen, if he’s alone perfect but something tells me he’s not, more than likely he has pussy in that room and that may change our plans, the girl is not to be harmed, she’s to be brought back to the club so we grab them both, understand?” I explain, “Because if this girl is who I think she is then I want h
er alive, if not, and she’s a normal hooker, it is what it is, we can deal with that fall out later but something tells me that I will want her.”

  “Can I grab this fucker,” Ranger asks, “and can we grab something to eat, I’m fucking starved?”

  “We are grabbing Marcos Hernandez, none other than the King of Kings Boys. We need to be very careful,” I warn them because I need this dick alive, something tells me he’s my link to John.

  We pull around to the back of the motel, just as I suspected he had one single door man. Our little fireworks show from this morning has not reached him yet.

  Fuck yes, thank you, Axel, I think to myself. A quick nod to the second car pulling around the back, I signal for them to park as close to the side of the motel as possible.

  Dom walks up as we watch the door guy pace back and forth. “Seriously, this shithole is where he meets his lady, shit if I ever brought Jules here, she would kill me.” Dom shakes his head.

  “Shit, if you ever bring my daughter, or any other woman, to a shithole dive like this, I will fucking kill you.” Looking at him to fucking try me.

  “Let’s go, shitheads, I’m beat,” I tell them. Jet lag is really kicking my ass right now.

  I pull out my gun, screw on the silencer, and with a single shot I take out the door man. Now with no one in our way and two of us at the door we kick it in on three.

  “Son of a bitch,” he yells, pulling out of the woman he was screwing. She was now running her damn mouth.

  “Shut the fuck up both of you or I will shoot you in the damn head now,” I bark and they both look at me.

  “Let’s go, get dressed, we are going to have a nice chat.” I toss clothes at them. I nod for Axel, Dom, and Tech to stand on the opposite side of me. “Don’t even fucking think about it, we have you surrounded, and your pathetic door boy is dead. So, don’t make me shoot you, yet,” I tell him pissed because I just want to go home.

  “Fuck you, you have any idea what the fuck will happen to you if something happens to me,” he fumes.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you think, and I don’t give a fuck what your little piece a shit club thinks. I will end all of you motherfuckers, and just so you know, I will enjoy cutting John’s dick off and feeding it to him.” His reaction was what I was hoping for, her reaction was just a bonus. So, this is the bitch. I whip out the zip ties. “We are taking them both,” I say and immediately she starts running her mouth again.

  I lean in just close enough. “Shut the fuck up. I don’t like hitting women, but damn you’re getting on my fucking nerves,” I tell her and jump back quickly before she lunges at me.

  She stopped talking but the way her eyes kept shifting made me uneasy, both of them were sitting on the bed when I walked around to the bathroom, I turn the handle to find a mangled mess of black curly hair huddled into the corner. I push open the door with a bang slamming it against the wall causing striking hazel eyes to shoot up at me.

  “What the fuck?” I say, and she backs up closer into the corner crying out.

  I pull out my cell. “Come up and bring Gunner with you, we will need some assistance.”

  “You’re okay.” I reach out toward her, but she retracts like others do after being beaten.

  “Shit, look it’s okay, I will not hurt you,” I plead with her; I have no idea what they did to her but damn she looks rough.

  “What did you do to her?” I demand.

  “What the fuck do you care?” Marcos barks, both of them laughing it makes me sick.

  Her cries are terrifying, who knows what the hell they did to her.

  “You are okay. I will not hurt you,” I emphasize to her. She looks at me with broken hazel eyes as her whimpering stops. Tech and Gunner come barging into the bathroom causing her to scream out again.

  “Get out,” I yell.

  “Tech, I need to take those two, put them in the truck, and take them back to the compound, so you need to calm her down and do something with her,” I command.

  “What do I do with her?” he asks.

  “I don’t know, all I know is they did something to her, bring her back to the compound and we will have Doc take a look at her,” I tell him.

  We make it back to the compound. “Take them downstairs,” I tell them.

  “Tech, get her inside and call up Doc.” I look over and see she’s now huddled up in a blanket next to him, he looks at me and shrugs his shoulders.

  “Church in one hour, every one there,” I bark and head off to have a few moments of silence.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Juliane was sitting in the kitchen of her small cottage house right outside the compound walls. It’s the strangest thing once you go past the concrete barricades it gives the illusion that you’re in the countryside. Bright green grass meeting brilliant blue skies sitting in the middle is a small cottage plucked right out of a fairy tale.

  “I have been waiting to see when you were going to come visit me, instead of me going to see you guys,” she says, standing in the front of her wraparound porch.

  “Sorry, things have been a little crazy,” I tell her. “So me and Killian thought we would come for a visit.”

  “Would you like some tea?” she offered, setting an intricate gold and green pot on the table, we sat in silence for what felt like hours.

  “You know, I was absolutely against Matthew getting involved in the club, that was the whole reason we sent him to live with Hamish. I was terrified that he would become something like his father,” she says, staring far away into her teacup.

  “It’s funny now because we didn’t even think about the fact that Hamish was a part of the club, that he would take Matthew under his wing. So, when I heard that he became a prospect, I was angry and terrified of the man he would become,” she tells me.

  “Why may I ask were you so worried?” I inquire. “Matthew talks about his father but only in passing, I know it’s not a topic he likes to discuss.”

  “Matthew’s father, Harrison, he was just as strikingly good looking as Hamish and Matthew. When we were younger, Hamish and Harrison would fool people into thinking they were twins, there was always a band of ladies and the like following them around. Harrison loved the attention, Hamish not so much, he never really liked it. As they both got older, both boys joined the club. They lived for the parties and the girls, all of it, Harrison more so than his brother but what one did the other did as well. I actually fell for Hamish before I fell for Harrison.

  “What happened?” I asked, watching her fidget with the cup in her hands, her eyes telling me she’s fighting an internal struggle.

  “Hamish had his eyes set for only one girl, Lady Liberty. He’d dreamed about going to the States for years, that’s all he ever talked about, opening his own shop there, how he would have more opportunities there. One night he asked me to go with him.” She sits there for a second thinking about precious moments from the past before she finishes. “I could not see myself in America, I loved Ireland and I still do, so I stayed and he left. Harrison and I grew closer but the club began to take over his life and eventually our relationship became second to it.”

  Something tells me there is far more to the story.

  “When we had Matthew, I was so excited that he looked just like them, hoping in some way it would fix things. In the end, it only made it worse in some ways. After he was born Harrison started staying away for days at a time, anytime I tried to be loving he would turn away from me, he wouldn’t touch me. As Matthew grew older Harrison’s drinking and partying bled over into our home life, he became abusive, so angry. When I would speak to Hamish, he would beg for me to move to the States but at that point in time so much had changed. I hated the club life, resented it for what it did to my husband and to my family.

  “One day Harrison was drinking, it was about four in the afternoon, we had been arguing about his drinking. He would say hateful things about how I wished he was Hamish and how he wished I would go to Amer
ica, once he even accused Matthew of being Hamish’s child. That jackass couldn’t count I guess, or he was just angry. Some days he could not stand to look at me and I knew about the girls, I knew about everything. He lived his life and Matthew and I lived ours. That day, he was just so angry, that he went to strike me just as Matthew had just walked in from school.”

  “No,” I cry out. I could never imagine my kids walking in on something like that.

  “Sadly yes.” She continued, “Matthew stepped in and ended up hitting Harrison back. After that, I knew he couldn’t stay here but if we both were to leave who knows what would have happened. So, I sent Matthew to Hamish hoping he would grow up to be different and he did. He grew up to be nothing like his father, instead, he turned out to be like Hamish.” A small smile played on her face almost like she was glad and honestly, I was glad that he became the man he is.

  My heart broke for her and for Matthew, I know he would never put me through anything like that but then again, I know he struggled with being nothing like his father. Listening to her, that she would never be with a man that she truly loved, I could never imagine my life without Matthew.

  “You look confused,” she says to me.

  “Well, I am. If you hated the club so bad why are you with O’Brian?” I rushed out and the look on her face tells me she was trying to keep that information private, at least from me and Matthew.

  “He knows and he’s okay with it. So, what happened?” I asked my question again.

  “Aidan came to me one evening . . .”

  “Aidan?” I interrupted.

  “Aidan O’Brian.” She smiled as she said his name. “He came to the house asking to speak to me, I of course, let him in. Would you deny the President of a biker club? The first thing that alarmed me was he expressed concern for Harrison, he kept talking about his drinking and the partying, said that his behavior had changed. I pointed my finger at him and I told him that it was his fault, the club’s fault, they partied every night. That was when I found out that he was not at the club and the women that he would pick up had no involvement with the club. We spent hours talking about where things went wrong. Three days later, my husband died of a heart attack while sitting in his car by the water’s edge at the moors.”


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