The Waiting Game

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The Waiting Game Page 3

by Sierra Hill

  Deacon moves behind the front counter as I stand in front of it. The way he looks at me sends goosebumps skittering down my arms for no good reason. It’s weird, but I’ve noticed a shift between us, and I can’t quite put a finger on it. But I do know it started the night of my graduation party.

  The night he almost kissed me.

  But he didn’t, and we both moved on, never discussing what almost happened and neither one of us taking action to make it happen again.

  It’s obvious he doesn’t hold the same type of feeling for me as I do for him, otherwise something romantic would’ve happened between us by now. Anyway, it’s too late now since he’s now my boss and I need to let that idea go.

  But it’s so damn hard when all I want to do is kiss him. Deacon is the classic boy-next-door in looks, charm and hotness. Being around him gives me crazy ideas and very naughty ideas.

  I’m staring at his lips as he speaks, so when he places his elbows on the counter and clasps his hands together in a thoughtful pose, our lips nearly touch. I swallow and step back to avoid temptation.

  “Honestly, I didn’t think I’d like it as much as I do. I mean, of course I knew the business from working here every summer since I was fourteen. But the responsibility was always on my dad to run the thing and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do it. I’ve found that I really enjoy it and it’s going…well.”

  This is Deacon in a nutshell. He never boasts about anything, not even when he was named All-State Swimmer two years in a row in high school and earned a scholarship for his swimming abilities.

  Patting his hand, I give him a look that says, ‘don’t be an idiot,’ but say, “You’re far too humble, Deac. Your dad let the shop go because he knew you could handle it and look at it now. The place is thriving. You’ve remodeled, advertised, grown the business. You’re amazing.”

  Deacon turns his head and downplays the compliment with a wave of his hand.

  “Whatever. It’s just because I’ve put a lot of energy into this and have spent every waking hour making it work. I paid the price, though, with my lacking social life.”

  I take a step back and place my hands on my hips. “Lacking, huh? Well, good thing I’m here to help you remedy that this weekend. Let’s go out and get you laid.”

  It’s almost comical the way his eyes bug out when he turns his face to meet my gaze. He blinks a few times and stares at me like I’ve turned into a zombie or something. Until I realize he’s misinterpreted what I mean.

  Giving him the jazz hands, I shake my hands in front of me. “No, no, no…I didn’t mean me! World’s Best Wing woman right here.”

  His head drops to the counter as he punches some buttons on the cash register and mumbles something that sounds like, “Would that be so bad?”

  But then he returns his smile to me and accepts the invitation. “Sounds good. Shall we finish your orientation so I can put you to work?”

  Giving him the thumbs up sign, I grin widely, just as someone enters from the backroom. The guy looks to be in his late-teens, with disheveled white-blond hair, a round freckled face, and clothes that look like he slept in them last night.

  Without even turning his head, Deacon says with a wink, “Cody, I just changed the scheduled. You’re closing Saturday night and opening Sunday. I’ve got plans.”



  The week flew by in a blur as I continued to train Elle on the in’s and out’s of the store, merchandising and inventory, and completing safety and deposit intakes for customer rentals.

  I’ve never had so much fun conducting a new hire orientation before. With Elle, it’s just like old times and something about personalities just click. She understands my moods and dry sense of humor and is just an easy woman to be around. She’s no bullshit, no drama and makes even the tedious tasks seem fun.

  The only thing that has changed between us is my repressed level of attraction.

  Goddamn, I haven’t been this turned on by a woman’s presence in years. There were moments this week when I literally had to go hang out in the back storeroom because my hard-on was so obviously noticeable it looked like I had one of those water noodles stuffed in my pants.

  The question is, how the hell am I going to manage being around her tonight without blowing my cover?

  To complicate matters, she’s not just my long-time friend, but she’s also now my employee. What a cluster fuck for my overactive libido.

  The one girl I’ve waited for and have always wanted in a capacity more than friendship, is now completely off limits to me. There’s no chance in hell that I can make a move on her now, even on the off chance that she would be interested in me in that way.

  Ellie’s voice chimes in the air and brings me back to the present. I’ve been rearranging some products shelves and Elle and Cody have been up front, helping customers. Although only the beginning of June, we’ve already seen an influx in sales and new vacation arrivals. It’s been very good for business and I’m hoping it stays that way through the summer.

  Taking on Elle as a second employee wasn’t risky, per se, but having both Cody and Elle as full-time could be a weight on my payroll. But the weather has been unusually warm so far, bringing in more customers than normal.

  “You ready to hit the road soon?”

  I’m stooped over a pile of inventory, sitting back on my heels as I turn my head over my shoulder to see Ellie standing there wearing her bright blue Powell’s logo T-shirt and khaki shorts. My eyes automatically stall at her long, toned legs before moving up to her face, her eyebrows quirked inquisitively.

  My words slur together as my brain tries to clear itself of inappropriate thoughts. “Yeahinjustaminute.”

  She laughs. “Everything okay with you today, boss? You still want to go out tonight?”

  Oh, did I mention she’s begun calling me boss and it sends my cock into overdrive every time with the sexual implications? Fuck, I want to hear her say that in the bedroom.

  I’ll show her who’s boss.

  I push up to a standing position, carrying the box in hand and walk past Elle, getting a whiff of her cinnamon and sugar scent. Honestly, I’m not sure I can trust myself around her tonight. It’s taken all my willpower and restraint this week to keep myself in check and hands to myself.

  Nevertheless, I give her a reassuring smile and bump her hip with mine as I move around her.

  “Yep, we’re all good. You can clock out now and I’ll swing by your place at seven.”

  Ellie gives me the thumbs up and is just about to leave when we hear my name being called from the front of the store.

  “Heeeeey, Deacon. Where ya been hiding, my little water bug?”

  My head swivels and I catch Ellie’s green eyes that have blown wide at the sound of her old high school nemesis, Bethany Stewart. She was unkind to Elle in high school, to say the least, and sadly hasn’t changed much since. Except with me, because I was dumb enough to sleep with her last summer.

  I wouldn’t say I was desperate when I hooked up with Bethany, but I was a little lonely. Living in this small beach town can really become a drag when you’re a young single guy. Bethany had just gotten divorced and was spending the summer living in her parents’ beachside cottage. It was a no-strings-attached fling and by fall she’d moved back to the city and it was over.

  Unfortunately, it sounds like she’s back in town and possibly hoping to pick up where we left off.

  Fuck. My. Life.

  Bethany rounds a sales clothing rack, her hips swinging wildly from side-to-side as she comes into view, her painted-red smile diminishing the minute she locks eyes with Ellie.

  I stare between the two women feeling I’m in the crosshairs of something big about to go down. Like an eruption of Mount St. Helens or a tsunami that’s about to hit land. Ellie’s gaze volleys between Bethany and me, and I can tell that she knows within a matter of a second with no words exchanged that Bethany and I have hooked up.

  And I feel like a comp
lete asshole.

  My hookup with Bethany was a secret and I never told Ellie about it. Had I shared it with Elle when it first happened, she probably would’ve given me a good ribbing because of how we both felt toward Bethany in high school. In all likelihood, Ellie would’ve understood and there’d be no hard feelings.

  But not so much now.

  Now Elle’s surprised gaze has turned into a mutinous glare directed toward me. I swallow and put on a cheery, shit-eating grin.

  “Oh, hey Bethany. I didn’t know you were back in town.”

  Bethany stops within an inch from colliding with me, tips her head to the side and fluffs her hair with an air of superiority that even has my hackles up. I steal a sideways look at Elle, who looks on as if she’s watching a train wreck.

  Bethany licks her red lips and leans into me, her fake boobs pressing into my chest and plants a kiss on my slack mouth.

  Shit, this is not good for any chance I may have had with Ellie. I don’t think I could recover from this duplicity.

  I fail to return Bethany’s kiss and take a gigantic step back, crashing into a well-stocked shelf full of water toys and sand buckets that topple all over the floor. Elle kneels down to pick up the mess, but I stop her.

  “I got it, Elle.”

  I touch her shoulder and she stares at me with pleading eyes. I know exactly what she’s trying to say. “Please get this bitch out of here.”

  Bethany must finally catch on to the reason for Ellie’s presence and says something only a bitchy, jealous, catty woman would say.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Ellie Green, back in town and working as a…” she flutters her hand, as if unsure of what to label her. “As a shop girl. How very quaint.” She emphasizes the T through her gritted teeth.

  Practically ignoring her, Ellie stands up and brushes off her knees. “I’m going to go clock out. I’ll meet up with you later. Oh, and hello to you, too, Bethany.”

  I nod as she turns to leave and then I hear Elle mutter, “At least I have a job, bitch.”

  Bethany obviously hears it too and huffs out a derisive noise but returns her attention to me, scaling a manicured nail down the center of my collarbone to my chest.

  “I see you must be short on good help these days. Lucky for her she has such good friends who take pity on her.”

  Her smirk is evil, like Cruella Deville. All she needs is the puppy fur coat to complete the look.

  I begin restocking the shelf, turning my back to her. “Knock it off, Beth. Ellie is just taking a temporary break this summer before moving on to her next job. So, exactly what can I help you with? I’m about ready to head home.”

  Wrong thing to say.

  “Oh, that’s perfect! I just dropped off my Mercedes at Lyle’s shop to have some work done and I could use a ride back home. You’ll drive me home, won’t you, sweetheart?”

  Everything within me wants to say no but I know Bethany and she won’t take no for an answer. Plus, it’s not in my nature to leave a woman stranded when I can be of help.

  Avoiding her overly-made-up face, I keep my attention focused on my task as I respond.

  “Yeah, sure, Bethany. But you’ll need to wait outside. I still have a few things to do before I leave.”

  She claps her hands in ecstatic delight and I cringe. She’s so annoying.

  “Thank you, Deacon. You’re such a sweetheart. I knew I could count on you.”

  A noise comes unbidden from my chest. “I’m just dropping you off, because I already have plans tonight.”

  Bethany snickers as I stand up and turn around. She sucks in her bottom lip with a look that clearly says, “I’m sure I can change your mind.”

  “Of course, darling. Just a ride.”



  I pace like an expectant father by the front door as I wait for Deacon to arrive.

  I’m being absolutely ridiculous. I know I am. But I can’t help it.

  Deacon texted me over an hour ago saying he’d be here soon, that he just had to drop Bethany off at her house.

  I have no idea why that has set me off so much or why Bethany’s appearance shook me to the core today. Sure, no one likes being confronted by their old high school nemesis and bully or being surprised with the flash of bad memories that their appearance evokes.

  But that’s not what has me in a snit.

  I mean, yes, I remember all the bitchy remarks she made to me when I was a teen. But back then, I shrugged it off and ignored it because I knew Kari and Deacon always had my back. I was a skinny, nerdy swim-team girl who didn’t hang out with the popular kids like Bethany.

  And neither did Deacon. But from the intimate familiarity in the tone she used with Deacon earlier, it sure seems that’s changed. It’s so obvious that Deacon and Bethany have hooked up.

  I knew it instantly, the moment she strutted in like she owned the place and owned Deacon. Only a woman who has carnal knowledge of a man would act so possessively over him in front of another woman.

  Dammit. Why am I so upset by this?

  Deacon and I are friends. Not even friends-with-benefits. We are neatly stashed in the friend zone and he has never made any outward attempt at changing that.

  He’s dated plenty of other women through the years. Aside from Kari, he dated Shayla. And three or four others who I now forget the names of. But regardless, I’ve never felt jealous over his exploits. In fact, he’s always told me about them. Whether it was a random hookup or he was getting serious – he shared it all and vice versa.

  But he never mentioned a fling with Bethany and that’s what hurts the most. Why the hell did he never tell me about her?

  And why, for the love of all that’s holy, did he ever sleep with that bitchy woman in the first place?

  She was an evil, mean girl in high school. A bitch of epic proportions. She was even nasty to Deacon, making fun of his shaved legs that were required as a swimmer. In fact, one time as an April Fool’s joke in our senior year, she led the task of taping up his locker with hundreds of pink razors.

  I mean, who does that and then not even ten years later, sleeps with the guy?

  Headlights shine through the front window, lighting up the darkness and scattering my negative thoughts away as I grab my clutch and keys from the hall table.

  “Bye Mom. Night Dad. Don’t wait up!” I holler from the doorway, as they both sing out their own goodbyes from their spots in the family room.

  My parents have been great to allow me to live back in their home again. I’m sure it’s a difficult thing for any parent to do, to have their adult child back under their roof, but I think we’ve worked through the glitches pretty well.

  Closing and locking the door behind me, I turn and run smack into Deacon’s chest.


  Deacon’s arms clutch around my shoulders and I take a moment to sniff his clean, crisp scent. He smells of laundry detergent and soap. Freshly showered.

  “Oh, hey,” he greets, stepping back and dropping his hands so I feel the loss of his warmth immediately.

  And then I remember I’m kind of mad at him for making me wait and putting Bethany first, and I nearly scowl.

  “I was going to pop my head in and say hi to your parents.”

  I shove my purse under my armpit and hook of my thumb toward the door. “Nah, some other time. They’re watching Law & Order: SVU. You wouldn’t want to interrupt their favorite show.”

  He laughs at what he thinks is a joke, but in all reality, they take that show very seriously. Have for almost twenty years. I don’t think they’ve ever missed an episode.

  Deacon places a hand at the small of my back and I shiver. Not from the chill in the air, but from the delicious feel of his palm against my lower back.

  Although it’s June, the temps on the Oregon coast this time of year can be pretty chilly at night. During the day you’re lucky if you hit a high of seventy. And in the evenings, it can dip down to the low fifties. The trick is dressing
in layers, which I have become an expert at. I drape my jean jacket over my shoulders in an effort to stave off the goosebumps and remove his distracting touch from my body.

  He allows me to walk in front of him as we approach the car. Deacon leans down to open the passenger side door for me, brushing my shoulder with his chest.

  My body reacts as electric sparks shoot through my veins, causing even more goosebumps to ripple over my sensitive flesh.

  As I maneuver myself in the seat, adjusting the seatbelt strap over my lap, Deacon remains at the door looking down at me. It’s as if he wants to say something but hesitates until he finally shuts the door and walks around the front of the car.

  “Ellie,” he begins as he takes his seat in the driver spot, closing his door and turning toward me. “I wanted to talk about earlier.”

  I adamantly shake my head, holding up my hand for him to stop. “None of my business.”

  He grabs for my hand and places it on my thigh, the end of his pinky finger dusting at the skin of my leg.

  “Yes, it is. I feel like a shithead for not telling you about her. It was only a few times last summer. It was so stupid of me. I knew better than to get involved with her. But it ended when she left town and I haven’t given her another thought until she walked in today. I swear, it meant nothing.”

  And then it dawns on me. Maybe Deacon fell for her and was hurt when she left. Maybe he wants to start something up with Bethany.

  “Deac, it’s fine. Granted, she’s not my most favorite of people, but I won’t stand in your way if you want to date her.”

  Deacon laughs hard, a big burst of sound rumbling from his chest. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? I don’t want anything more to do with her. It was a foolish and stupid thing for me to do. It was only sex.”

  He removes his hand and turns toward the front, grabbing the steering wheel with both hands.

  “I’ll admit, I wasn’t in the best place last summer. I was lonely. You were with Tom, and I guess I needed someone, and she was just, there.” He says the word with distaste and remorse.


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