A Nurse for Mitch

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A Nurse for Mitch Page 7

by Marie Higgins

  She forced herself to relax. “Don’t worry yourself, Captain Lewis. Mitch is a nice man with a kind heart. He’s slowly gaining his memories.”

  The captain stayed silent for a moment as his bushy brows pulled together. “Mitch? That’s all he remembers of his name?”

  Lydia’s pulse quickened, hoping he wouldn’t figure it out. “Yes, that’s all he recalls. Why?”

  “Did you forget the conversation we had the other day about Lieutenant Peter Mitchell?”

  “How could I forget,” she exhaled heavily. “Your stories of the man nearly frightened me to death.”

  “And you remember my description of him?”

  “Yes, of course.” She turned to one of the empty beds and pretended to straighten it up.

  “The man doesn’t look like that, does he?”

  “No.” She peeked at the captain over her shoulder. “The man I’m helping is not the mean lieutenant you had described.”

  “Is he handsome and charming? Does he have green eyes?”

  Sighing, she slowly turned back to the soldier, crossing her arms over her bosom. “Captain Lewis, not every charmingly handsome man with green eyes needs to look like the Union deserter.”

  “I’m just trying to keep you safe, Nurse Lydia.”

  She smiled, trying to breathe easy again. “And I appreciate it.”

  His narrowed gaze stayed on her has he rubbed his hand along the back of his neck. Suddenly, his eyes widened. “Something else I remembered about the lieutenant. His two front bottom teeth are slightly crooked, and he has a scar on his upper lip.”

  Finally, Lydia was able to let relief pour over her. Her Mitch was not the Union deserter. He had neither of those features. As happiness filled her, she wanted to hurry home and tell Mitch – and her family – the good news. Yet, Mitch still had another life, and he still might be in love with Mrs. Steele.

  “Then let me relieve you by telling you that Mitch doesn’t have crooked bottom teeth or a scar on his lip.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth, she pictured the drunken man outside the hospital. His face was too dirty for her to consider him handsome, but his eyes were green, and his bottom front teeth were crooked… and he had a scar on his lip.

  Her body froze as she’d pictured the scene outside the hospital. The drunk man had been closely watching her talk with Mrs. Steele as if he were interested in their conversation. If the man outside the hospital was indeed the lieutenant, would he be after Mitch for some reason? After all, Mitch’s nightmares told him of a man who wanted him dead.

  Her heart dropped. She needed to get home fast. It was most important to get Mitch’s memory back as soon as possible.


  Mitch sat in a chair by the window, looking out at the beautiful yard. From time to time, he saw Oliva wandering through the flower garden. She lifted her gaze toward him and waved. Smiling, he lifted his hand in a small wave.

  Were Olivia and Lydia close sisters? It made him wonder if he came from a big family or not. Were his parents and siblings still alive? If they were, did they know he was missing? He was sure Lydia’s family would have been concerned about her welfare if something had happened to her.

  He looked into the sky as gray clouds stared gathering. A strong wind whipped through the trees, bending some of the branches. He couldn’t see Olivia now, and he hoped she’d had the sense to come into the house.

  The branches from the large oak tree by the house scraped its limbs against the roof. The scratchy noise sounded so familiar, but he couldn’t put his finger on why.

  He closed his eyes and concentrated on a memory that was trying to break free. Slowly, the scraping on the roof became clearer, and his mind opened.

  Mitch and six other men ran toward a stable. They were all out of breath, but kept on pushing forward. The sky grew darker by the second, and the wind blew against them, making it harder to run. As they neared the stable, the nearby branches from the surrounding trees scratched on the wood.

  The men ran in and closed the stable doors behind them. They looked for ways to bar it to keep other people out, but nothing in the stable was found that would hold.

  A man with orange-red hair moved to the window. He hitched a breath and pointed. “They’re coming!”

  Mitch felt helpless, especially when he moved his gaze from one man to the other. They were all exhausted from running, since they’d been doing that most of the day. The men after them were on horses, but Mitch and the others still found ways to hide or get away.

  “I can’t keep going,” the red headed man said, slumping against a beam.

  “I’m too old for this,” another man said, swiping his hand through his salt and pepper colored hair. “I will try to hold them off while the rest of you find a way out.”

  A man with black hair and an equally black beard, clamped his hand on Mitch’s shoulder. “You’re the youngest out of all of us. You go and get help.”

  “I don’t think I can.” Mitch had a hard time catching his breath.

  “Fort Laramie is toward the east. Keep heading that way and you’ll find help.”

  Groaning, Mitch raked his fingers through his bushy hair. “Why don’t they just leave us alone?”

  The oldest man in the group released a loud laugh. “Son, you don’t understand men like Lieutenant Mitchell. He breaks the rules and yet if he’s caught, he punishes those who can testify against him.” He breathed slower. “I fear we are all dead men. We caught Mitchell robbing the bank, and when we brought it to Sheriff Tomlinson’s attention, unbeknownst to us, we had all signed a death wish.”

  Mitch moved closer to the window. The riders were nearly to the barn with Lieutenant Mitchell in the lead. Mitch recalled Mitchell’s scarred and evil sneer. Not wanting to mess with the man, Mitch had no other choice but to keep running. He couldn’t be like the rest of these men and give up so easily.

  “Try to keep them occupied while I sneak out the back,” Mitch said, praying he would find someone to help them. “And please, don’t let him win.”

  The other men nodded, but the sadness in their gazes let Mitch know they were giving up. He didn’t know how to convince them otherwise. True, their situation looked bleak, especially because none of the men carried weapons.

  “Look around for a weapon,” Mitch told them. “At least it’ll be something to help you protect yourself.”

  “Go, now!” The red headed man said. “They are here.”

  Mitch moved toward the back of the stable, searching for a door. He prayed he’d find help soon… or God help them, they’d all be dead.

  “Mitch? Wake up.”

  Lydia’s sweet voice brought Mitch out of his memory. He blinked quickly, trying to gain his bearings as he sat up in the chair and reached for her. “I remembered something.”

  “What?” She knelt beside the chair, holding his hands.

  “That man… Peter Mitchell that you mentioned this morning.” He swallowed to moisten his dry throat.

  “Yes, what about him?”

  “I’m not him. I remembered why I was in that large building with other men. We were hiding out in a stable. Lieutenant Mitchell and two of his men were after us because we caught them robbing a bank. They want to kill us before we can testify to what we saw.”

  Sighing heavily, she leaned over and kissed his knuckles of their clasped hands, keeping her face lowered. “Oh, Mitch. This is wonderful.”

  He frowned. Her voice didn’t sound as though it was wonderful. In fact, she almost sounded like she was ready to cry. “Lydia? What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. His heart clenched. Had she discovered something about it? Or… did she worry that once he gained his memory, he wouldn’t love her any longer?

  “Look at me.”

  She raised her head and tears were filling her eyes. “I’m being worried about nothing.”

  “Lydia, what are you worried about?” He cupped her face, using his thumbs to wipe away the tears on her chee
ks. “If you’re worried that I’m going to gain my memory and have different feelings for you, you’re wrong.” He lowered his gaze to her heart-shaped mouth. “Because Lydia Simmons, you make my heart skip whenever you’re around. I feel… whole when you are near me, and when you’re gone, I’m so empty inside.”

  More tears kept wetting her cheeks. “Mitch, what if… there is another woman who loves you – who you love?”

  “Oh, my lovely Lydia.” He pulled her up and to his lap. Thankfully, she came willingly. “I cannot imagine feeling this way about any other woman. And if by chance there is someone out there, why haven’t they come looking for me?”

  He leaned closer and brushed his lips across her briefly. “Lydia, I’m in love with you. I don’t want to be with another woman.” He withdrew enough to look into her lovely blue eyes. “I know you’re engaged, but will you consider me as a replacement? I promise to love you and never leave you.”

  Her lips trembled and she inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling. “Before I answer that question, let me ask you something.”

  “You can ask me anything, my sweet Lydia.” He caressed her cheek.

  “I want you to tell me if this name sounds familiar.” She paused for a brief moment. “Mrs. Steele.”

  Something in the back of his foggy mind told him that the name was familiar, but he didn’t know why. “I think it is, but I’m not remembering anything.”

  She nodded and took another deep breath. “What about the name… James Langston.”

  Voices echoed in his mind, but no images came with it. At first, the voices were children calling out for James to come play. Then the voices changed and sounded stern, almost like an upset parent, telling him to stop teasing his sister. Finally, another voice filled his thoughts, and when he heard the young woman sigh James and followed it with a kiss, he knew that James Langston was his name.

  Suddenly, his mind opened more. He grew up in Nebraska. His parents were still alive. He had an older sister, but he’d lost an older brother when he fought in the war against the states. His brother was a Union soldier. Pa couldn’t fight because of his crippled leg. James had been too young to enlist, and Ma couldn’t let him go because he needed to help his father – who was a preacher – with the family business… lumber.

  “Your name is James, isn’t it?”

  He chuckled and nodded. “Yes. I’m James Mitch Langston.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “Mitch is your middle name?”

  “Yes, but…” He shook his head. “I think I remembered the name Mitch from Peter Mitchell since he was the man who was after me and trying to kill me.”

  “What do you remember about that?”

  He wrapped both arms around her, holding her on his lap. He liked her being this close. If only they could be like this all the time.

  “Me and six other men had witnessed the lieutenant robbing a bank. We went to tell the sheriff, but we needed to give statements about what we witnessed. I’m now wondering if Mitchell and the sheriff were working together, because the next thing we knew, Mitchell and two of his henchmen were chasing us. We ran for days, hiding everywhere we could, until they surrounded us in a stable. While the six other men tried to distract Mitchell and his friends, I snuck out the back. I could hear their death cries as I was running for my life, heading to Fort Laramie.”

  Sadness etched on her expression as she cupped the side of his face. Heavens, his chest burst with emotion when she looked at him this way.

  “I thought I was free from Mitchell’s clutches, but he caught up to me, bashing me in the head with the butt of his rifle. I fell down a steep hill and landed in a farmer’s yard. The farmer and his wife cared for me and clothed me because that’s when I had lost my memory.” He smiled. “That’s why I wore over-sized clothes and small boots.” Anyway, in the middle of the night, I heard someone attacking the farm, and I escaped. I didn’t know what was going on, but I had a feeling someone was after me. I’m positive it was Peter Mitchell, even though I never saw him, but I’m sure he was the one who put a bullet in my shoulder.”

  “Mitch… I mean, James.” She licked her lips.

  “Lydia, I want you to call me Mitch.”

  She gave him a weak smile. “I will, but I think I met Peter Mitchell at the hospital today. I also think…” She sighed heavily. “I also think I found the woman who loves you, and I’m thinking you love her, too.”

  He frowned. “Who is that?”

  “Do you remember Mrs. Steele now? Because I met her at the hospital. She is looking for James Langston, and… she loves you very much.”

  His heart softened and he nodded. “Yes, you’re right. I do love her.”


  Lydia didn’t think she’d hear such heart-crushing words in her life. When Adam had left and they said their goodbyes, she’d been devastated then, but it was nothing compared to the gut-wrenching feeling she experienced at this very moment. Hadn’t she prepared herself for this moment, knowing that Mitch would remember that he had a woman he loved in his life? Yet, deep down in her heart, she’d hoped for something different. She had hoped that this would be the man who would stay in her life forever and ever.

  All she wanted to do was run to her bedroom, fall on her bed, and cry her eyes out for the rest of the day. But she must show him there was still a little dignity left inside her.

  She pushed away from him and tried moving off his lap, but his arms tightened and held her in place. She looked at his face, trying to read his expression, yet he looked as if he was trying not to laugh. Perhaps this was when she should slap his face and tell him to be a gentleman and release her.

  “Lydia, before you go, I must explain something.”

  Why did he think she wanted to hear about this other woman? Couldn’t he see this was tearing her apart? “Then be quick about it.”

  “I do have strong feelings for Mrs. Steele… Charlotte. I’ve had them for many years.”

  “Were the two of you betrothed when you were younger?”

  “Absolutely not.” He scowled playfully. “Why would I want to marry my older sister?”

  She gasped as her mind slowly comprehended what he was telling her. A smile tugged on her mouth as happiness, once again, filled her to the rim. “Mrs. Steele is your sister?”

  He nodded and his green eyes twinkled. “Charlotte, and yes, she’s my sister.” He chuckled lightly. “We called her the New Hampshire Bride, because that was where she was living during the war and where she fell in love with Terrick Steele.”

  A sob caught in Lydia’s throat and she couldn’t contain her joy. She wrapped her arms around Mitch and buried her face in his neck. He kissed her forehead as his hands caressed her back.

  “Lydia? Will you believe me now when I tell you that you are the only woman I’ve felt this way about? I’m in love with you and I don’t want this feeling to end.”

  When she and Adam were courting, he had declared his love, but she never felt like melting… not like she did now. Adam had never shown her his love, he’d just said the words. With Mitch, she had felt his love, which in turn had softened her heart and opened it to allow her to freely return his feelings.

  “Mitch.” She lifted her gaze and looked upon his handsome face. “I do believe you, and I’m also in love with you.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “And I never want you to leave me.”

  He covered her mouth with his, and the kiss immediately turned passionate. The way he held her let her know his feelings because he touched her with such respect and love. She should have known there was a difference between kissing a man who she wanted to love and kissing a man whom she truly loved.

  As much as she wanted to continue this passionate moment, there were other important things that needed to be done first. Besides, after dark was the best time to kiss Mitch and not worry about being disturbed.

  She broke the kiss and quickly moved off his lap. Confusion filled his expression, but she smiled and took hold of his ha
nds, having him stand. “As much as I hate to break up our kiss, I need to get you to where your sister is staying. She needs to know you are all right.”

  Lydia scanned his attire and grinned. “I’m glad to see that Samuel’s clothes fit you better than those other clothes.”

  “Yes, they do… and the shoes fit better, too.”

  “Then let’s go. I’m sure your sister is as anxious as you are.”

  He cupped her face and briefly kissed her on the mouth. “Lydia, you are the most wonderful woman I know. Is it any wonder I love you so much?”

  She turned her face and kissed his palm. “Just as I think you are an amazing man.”

  It was difficult not to show her affection to Mitch as they walked out of the room and made their way out of the house to climb in her buggy. Her uncle and cousins were still at their jobs, and her aunt… well, Lydia really suspected the older woman was slowly losing her mind, which Lydia might have to figure out how to help her… but that would come later. When Henrietta saw Mitch and Lydia together, the housekeeper’s eyes nearly popped out of her head and she grinned so wide it stretched clear across her chubby face.

  Lydia tried not to laugh. The housekeeper must have seen the gleam on Lydia’s face when she looked at Mitch, and she already could see the look of love in his eyes when he looked at her. Their relationship would be hard to hide. Yet, why did they need to hide it? Mitch had his memories, and as soon as Lydia wrote a letter to Adam, she would be freed for his proposal. There was no reason the whole town couldn’t know about how she and Mitch felt about each other.

  Since Mitch was healing quite nicely, she allowed him to take the reins as he drove them toward the hotel at the other end of town. She hadn’t realized how nice it was to sit next to a man in a buggy and let him lead the horse. She’d been doing it since she first started working at the hospital.

  She glanced at Mitch’s profile. His sandy brown hair waved slightly, and his rugged good looks would always make her sigh with happiness. He hadn’t officially proposed marriage to her, but she knew it would happen soon. However, she prayed he allowed her to continue nursing after they were wed. Being a nurse was what she’d wanted to do since she was a young girl wearing pigtails.


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