Destined, A Lair Novel (Lair Series Book 4)

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Destined, A Lair Novel (Lair Series Book 4) Page 3

by A. m Madden

  “I know,” I said petulantly. “And I appreciate it, but the sooner we get the first time over with, the more we can practice until we are perfect.”

  “Who says the first time wouldn’t be perfect?” he asked, now completely naked. “You underestimate my porn-watching skills.”

  My eye roll was met with a sexy smile as I watched his bare ass disappear into his bathroom. He returned a few seconds later, holding a thick navy towel, then sidetracking to his overnight bag and retrieving a box of condoms.

  And that was when my nerves kicked in. Seeing the towel and knowing what it was meant for, seeing the condoms, made it very real.

  Silence stretched between us while he positioned the towel beneath me, tore into the box, and removed one foil packet. The sight of him rolling that rubber over his dick was one I’d never forget.

  Once done, he lay beside me and kissed me passionately. The moment our mouths connected all our pent-up desire came bubbling to the surface. Every touch, every kiss brought me dangerously closer to a point of no return, until he suddenly pulled away and switched gears.

  With our lips tethered, he trailed his hand down my body and into my panties. At first contact, he pulled away, and his eyes widened in surprise.

  “Holy fuck, Liv. When did you do this?”

  “Yesterday.” Arranging to be waxed had been fun, since I needed my mom’s consent, and the waxing itself felt like the fires of hell had risen between my legs. But seeing the look on his face now made it worth it.

  He hastily removed my panties and began caressing every part of me in awe. “You’re so smooth.” My hips responded, moving against his hand as he gently slid a finger inside. “I can’t wait to taste you there, but that has to wait, because I need to be inside you, Liv.”

  “I need you to be too.” He could probably feel my heart pounding when he positioned himself over me. “Now I’m nervous.”

  “Don’t be. We’ll go slow. Okay?”

  “Okay.” He rubbed himself against me, over and over, the sensation it caused contradicting my spiked heart rate. With his other hand, he held my head, forcing me to stare into his eyes. “You need to talk to me, though. If it hurts too much, I’ll stop.”

  I chose to nod instead of speaking, because my trembling voice would be a dead giveaway of how terrified I actually was.

  He resumed touching me with his fingers, circling my clit repeatedly. It had always been a quick way to get me primed in the past, and tonight was no different. A persistent throb pulsed through me like a live current until he slowly slid into me. That fingertip never stopped, as he inched his way in deeper—until a sharp pain hit, causing an involuntary wince, and stopping him in his tracks.

  “Talk to me, baby. Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” I breathed through the pain. “Don’t move. Give me a second.”

  He held himself still except for his fingertip circling again and his mouth kissing the side of my neck. The feel of his lips and touch contradicted the pain and caused me to clench around him.

  “Fuck, I feel that,” he said, his own expression twisting into a different form of agony.

  At first, the pain and pleasure battled, and then the sensations slowly morphed into an uncomfortable fullness. But each skim of his finger had that pleasure pulling ahead, until it took over the rest of me.

  It felt like an eternity later as I began to buck my hips.

  Shane lifted his head to stare into my eyes. Through his scowl I knew he was in his own form of torture. “Liv. I need to…” He sucked in a breath, leaving me to fill in the blanks.

  “I’m okay. You can move now.”

  Instantly, he resumed pushing himself into me. Our pelvises met, and he mimicked my motions. Short, slow thrusts brought with them a small stab of discomfort, followed by a surge of something else. During it, I tenderly traced his face, my emotions getting the best of me. The love I felt for him had nowhere to go except out through a slow, rolling tear. At seeing it, he tilted his head and hesitated.

  “I’m good, Shane.” I nodded encouragingly. “Keep going.”

  I kissed him deeply, and he groaned when our tongues met. When I dug my fingers into his hair, he closed his eyes. When I traced my tongue across his jaw to his ear, he uttered my name. When I sucked on his neck, he started to move faster.

  Determination crossed over his face. I had no expectation that our first time would be pleasurable at all, but it surprisingly was. Of course, the way Shane touched my clit the entire time he was inside of me was the reason. But having this connection to him as his eyes stared directly into my soul made the experience so perfect that more tears came.

  “Don’t cry,” he said through grunts. “Please, Liv. You’re scaring me.”

  “No. It’s not what you think. This feels amazing.” I focused on the sensations flooding my body instead. They climbed higher and higher, consuming every part of me, before an orgasm ripped through me with full force. Spurred by it, Shane quickened his pumps, and a few more was all it took when he stilled, my name on his lips, while collapsing on me.

  “Liv, that was…” He stopped, lifting his head to search for any signs that I wasn’t okay. “How bad was it for you?”

  Bad? My skin felt tingly all over. My insides felt amazingly full. My heart pounded from the energy I’d just exerted. With a lazy smile I held his face to stare into his gorgeous eyes.

  “Shane, you not only found a way to lessen the pain… you found a way to rock my world.”

  Chapter Three


  We barely left my room in thirty-two hours. Sure, we did to pee, shower, and grab food, but otherwise Alivia and I had remained in our hot little bubble.

  Our night was perfect. She had always been mine, and now she was mine on a whole new level. I had come plenty of times in my new adult life, both at my own hand and at Alivia’s. But nothing could’ve prepared me for what I would feel sliding into her for the first time. The sensation had been so overwhelming I almost forgot all about her. The urge to piston my hips to chase that build consumed me. I had to focus all my energy to go slow while manipulating her clit to ensure she’d come hard.

  And once I’d come myself, well, fuck me. I’d instantly become addicted.

  After losing our virginity, we ended up doing it three times. My goal was to keep practicing so she could come vaginally and not rely on her clit. Yes, I’d been reading up on the subject.

  And if she hadn’t passed out or claimed to be sore, I probably would’ve continued all night. I know I could’ve kept going. Popping my proverbial cork had made me restless for more. But the moment her eyes slid open the next morning, I pounced. After each time, I’d press a warm washcloth between her legs, or eat her pussy to relieve the soreness. That began a pattern for the rest of the day, and all through the second night.

  We managed to talk a lot about the summer and what would come when we went to NYU. I played a few songs that I had written for her over the years, loving how she stared at me with such admiration. So far there were eight in total, and one day I’d record them for the rest of the world to hear. But really, it was all for my girl. Alivia was my biggest fan, and that devotion never failed to make me feel high on life.

  At some point yesterday afternoon, Chase had texted me to see if we were alive. Come midnight, Alivia felt bad we had ignored our friends for a solid twenty-four hours. I didn’t. Still, she made me promise today we would interact with them before we headed back home to begin another boring week as high school seniors.

  As the sun rose and spread golden rays into my room through the patio doors, I watched her sleep. Alivia was gorgeous, even with her mussed hair, rosy cheeks, and a mismatched pajama set that hid her sexy curves. Before her beauty had blossomed to what it was now, it had been her feisty personality that had won me over. I loved arguing with her, and even when she made me mad, I still felt that constant attraction lurking beneath the anger. Overall, she was a perfect match for me.

  How did I get so
fucking lucky?

  I guessed I had to thank her parents for hooking up backstage at a Devil’s Lair concert. Alivia had learned the true story of her coming to be only about a year ago. I’d never forget the night she’d called me in tears, reducing the entire encounter to nothing more than a groupie getting knocked up by a rock star.

  Doing my best to calm her down, I’d been quick to say it had been more than that. Fate was what had her parents coming together years later, building a relationship when Alivia was only five, and then falling in love. Trey had gained more than just a soul mate; he’d gained a family he never knew he wanted and now would kill to protect.

  And although her situation wasn’t exactly a one-of-a-kind tale, that had made Alivia even more disturbed by it all. I guessed no one could blame her. The thought of your father being a man-whore for so many years could traumatize any girl, much less one who had a boyfriend who aspired to be a rock star.

  The difference was back then Dad, Trey, Hunter, and Scott had all set out to find fame as single men. Once their lucky break came, they were already living up to the rock star stereotype. Dad had given it all up when he’d met my mom on the climb toward stardom.

  Mom had auditioned as a backup singer for Devil’s Lair, gotten the job, and become friends with Dad until it turned into much more. They’d hidden it from their bandmates for months. In comparison to Trey, their story was tame.

  I explained to Alivia that, regardless of her dad’s past life, what mattered was the man he was now. Every one of them—Dad, Trey, Hunter, Uncle Evan, and Scott—were now all faithful husbands, devoted fathers, and cool-as-shit rock stars we both loved to be around. Well, maybe except for Scott. When you lined up Devil’s Lair, their tat-less, ginger-headed guitarist stuck out like a sore thumb.

  As much as the men in my life had influenced the man I’d become, having Alivia had influenced me more than any of them. Things were different for me. When I become famous… and I said when and not if, having a girlfriend from the onset would set the path I’d decide to take. The fame and money held little appeal. First and foremost was my passion for playing bass. It may have started as a small child, but with each year it grew as I did. It was as big a part of me as the heart in my chest or the brain in my head. Everything else that would come with fame was just frosting.

  Still, I couldn’t help imagining what my life would be like, and every visual involved Alivia.

  A soft sigh brought my attention back to her before she mumbled my name and turned over. I would love to start our day the way we’d ended it the night before but instead decided to let her sleep, knowing she was wiped out.

  Moving around my room as quietly as I could, I pulled on sweatpants and a T-shirt. A few minutes later, I slowly closed the door behind me and slipped out, leaving her sleeping in my bed.

  God, I loved the sound of that. This weekend gave me another clear picture of what life could be like with her. We wouldn’t have to worry about money. She could study, and I could play music. We’d fuck through the night, wrapped in each other, and wake the same way we fell asleep. With college months away, that future was almost upon us.

  Halfway down the steps the smell of bacon assaulted me. When I found Edna in the kitchen, she turned with a smile.

  “Good morning, Mr. Shane. Why up so early?”

  “Morning. I smelled your delicious breakfast.”

  “You must be starving,” she replied with an all-knowing wink. “Although, I see you ate up the baked ziti I made you yesterday.”

  I couldn’t help but grin, remembering Alivia and I attacking the dish cold while sitting on the floor with the fridge door wide open. Thankful Alivia wasn’t there to face mortification because Edna was so on to us, I nodded. “Yes, we did. It was delicious, Edna. Thank you.” Helping myself to a glass of orange juice, I patted her back. “I’ll be outside until those lazy-ass kids get up.”

  She laughed. “Just let me know when you’re ready for breakfast.”

  “Will do.” I sauntered out onto the deck with my drink in hand. It was a bit chilly for the end of May, and the cool air felt good against my skin. Plopping myself down on one of the many loungers closest to the house gave me a perfect view of the empty beach. The way the three-level deck that separated the house from the beach glistened with morning dew, and the way the brilliant blue surf seemed to caress the hard-packed sand, made for a gorgeous sight.

  This house had always been my happy place. A few years ago, a huge storm had hit the East Coast and sent many residents running inland. My parents had done a complete makeover to the house, repairing the damage and adding even more amazing amenities.

  They had also purchased the lot on either side of ours and had had a tall stone wall erected from street to ocean, with the only access to our house through an iron mechanical gate to ensure complete privacy. Automatic shutters now covered all the glass on the back of our house to protect from another storm. The pool and hot tub had been replaced, all three decks reinforced, and the pool house waterproofed.

  And if that weren’t enough, Dad had installed a state-of-the-art alarm system that enabled everyone in his family and band to get into any door of the house with a simple press of our thumb on the keypad. After it had been installed, Trey had busted his chops for days about being a Batman wannabe.

  It was quite a life we all had. Whenever I sat by myself, enjoying the spoils that came from being adopted by Jack and Leila Lair, I thought of my birth mom. From the letters she’d left before she’d died, this life I’d been gifted was exactly what she had hoped for me. I had no memories of my childhood before she died, but I knew Mom had struggled to take proper care of me. And it was times like now when I missed her so damn much. But having said that, I couldn’t have asked for a better family to become a part of.

  Hearing the glass door slide open behind me pulled me out of my thoughts.

  “He’s alive,” Chase said, plopping down much as I had on the lounge to my right while gripping a bottle of chocolate milk. He was such a child. “I worried you two fucked yourselves to death.”

  “Please don’t say that to Alivia,” I barked. Steering away from that topic, I asked, “What did you guys do yesterday?”

  “Oh, a little of this and that.” His smirk meant that the this and that wasn’t much different than what my day had consisted of. “It was rough, though. I’m not gonna lie. Having to navigate through all the spoils of your destiny… home theater, game room.” His hand waved across the space. “Heated pool, hot tub. It was fucking torture. Edna was great, though. She made sure we were well taken care of and didn’t starve to death.”

  “Yeah, you look very distressed over your ordeal,” I said on an eye roll. Anyone else would’ve felt guilty, but knowing Chase as well as I did, yesterday was a wet dream from start to finish. He’d been to our beach house a thousand times but had never had the place to himself. “Alone in a mansion being catered to and doted on while having your girl with you to fuck at whim is the kind of hell Greek tragedies are written about.”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “I don’t want to talk about it.”


  His chuckle was robust before he asked, “So what’s on the agenda today? More of the same? Can Liv even walk?”

  “Shut it, fuckhead,” I jabbed, while suppressing a smirk over the accuracy of his dig. “It’s none of your damn business.”

  “Fine, be that way.” He took another sip of his drink before adding, “Just answer me one thing?”

  “That depends on the thing.”

  “Was it worth the wait?” I’d had to deal with much whining from my best friend over the last year or so. According to him, fucking in the back seat of a car still constituted fucking, and geography shouldn’t matter.

  I really couldn’t blame him for not being able to wrap his brain around it, especially when he’d had sex and knew what I’d been missing. Because now that I also knew what I’d been missing, there was no fucking way I c
ould go celibate ever again.

  So was it worth the wait? I thought over my response, flipping through the long list of moments that had made the past day or so one of the best in my life, before saying, “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

  By the time the girls joined us, we were starving. After stuffing our faces full of Edna’s blueberry pancakes, bacon, and fruit salad, we separated from Chase and Kim to get into our bathing suits.

  Two seconds through the door, I convinced Alivia to have a quickie on my balcony. For me, the quickie part occurred because the entire situation had me coming far faster than I ever had. While behind her, I had to finger her clit to get her on the same page due to her panic over someone seeing us.

  “Liv, there isn’t a soul around, and the guest room is on the other side of the house. Concentrate,” I gritted out between pumps.

  She finally relaxed against me, accepting all the pleasure. A few minutes later, she clenched tightly around my cock and came, sending me hurtling right behind.

  “Okay, that was hot,” she admitted with a hard kiss on my lips.

  “Told you so.” I followed her into the bathroom, where we cleaned ourselves up to set out and meet our friends. “Where else can we fuck?” I thought out loud. “Who knows when we’ll get the chance to again?”

  “While you burn brain cells figuring it out, I’m going to get dressed.”

  She left me in the bathroom, and after peeing, I found her slipping into a tiny white bikini I’d never seen before.

  Funny, she was naked most of the weekend, but wearing that tiny thing had my mouth hanging open regardless. “You’re making it fucking hard to leave this room… literally.”

  “I could wear a trash bag and you’d be hard,” she countered with an eye roll while her fingers tied the strings at her hips. “Can we both admit the head below your waist controls you?”

  “Ha ha. How about I fuck the sarcasm right out of you?” I asked, untying the freshly tied strings and causing the white scrap to fall to the ground between her legs. “Oopsie.”


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