Taken by the Thief

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by Eliza Lockhart

  Thief #2

  Taken by the Thief

  Eliza Lockhart

  Copyright © 2020 Eliza Lockhart

  All rights reserved.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, organisations, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

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  April 30th – 6:31am


  The feel of lips on my cheek stirred me from the doze I’d been in since the sun came up. A rough hand followed, pulling a blindfold across my eyes.

  “What time is it?” I asked, not struggling or resisting as he robbed me of my sight before I’d even begun to use it that morning.

  “Still almost two hours till breakfast,” Kostya replied, his voice deep, confident, as he reached for my breast from behind and pulled on a nipple.

  “Oh hell, that’s early,” I replied without thinking. Immediately he twisted and pinched. Pain flared through the delicate rosebud. Wincing, I hissed, letting him know he’d had the desired effect. I was admonished for my careless words.

  “You promised you’d do as you were told. Always.”

  “And you promised to take care of me.”

  “You were already awake. You’ve slept enough. I want to fuck you.”

  “You always want to fuck me,” I replied, knowing I’d get away with the truth.

  He chuckled and pulled back both himself and the bed covers. I was already naked, my hands already bound together, soft leather around each wrist hooked together with chains.

  I could hear but not see the clatter as he pulled them above my head, exposing my torso and rendering me entirely vulnerable. A moment later they were fixed in place, giving me no hope to stop him or take control, even if I’d wanted to.

  We had a safeword, or phrase, but I’d never used it except on the rare occasions when he asked me if I remembered it.

  There was a pause, making me wonder if he was staring at me, or if something was coming he wanted me in anticipation of. There was never any way to tell with Kostya. He did everything exactly the way he wanted, my body his, the way we’d agreed it.

  And the rest of the time I had freedom. To go where I wished and do as I pleased. It was a trade I was more than willing to make.

  “Tell me, Nadenka,” he said, sounding far more serious than he normally did. “Do you like the way I treat you? The way I bruise you and mark you? The way I claim you? How much I make you hurt?”

  I sucked in my breath as I felt his fingers trail over sore areas of skin, no doubt the welts from where he’d whipped me the night before. His tone made it obvious he expected a proper answer. A considered one.

  “I’m not sure I enjoy the pain when it’s actually happening. But I enjoy how it makes me feel. I like what follows it a lot.”

  “You like it when I fuck you.”


  “Sometimes I hurt you then too.”

  “But you always make me orgasm... eventually.” I smiled as I said the last word, wondering where this insecurity had come from. He’d never asked me if I minded any of it. He’d warned me, especially when he was in a bad mood. But he’d never asked if I minded, almost as if he was asking permission.

  Suddenly he seemed to snap out of whatever was bothering him, his mouth plunging down on mine as he pushed my legs apart and settled over me. I felt his hardness immediately, pressed against me.

  “Sometimes I want to hurt you so bad and see if you’ll still let me fuck you afterwards or if it will finally be enough, and other times I want to make you scream in desire and agony, taken so close to pleasure, and then denied again and again until you can’t take it anymore. And sometimes I want to give you everything, the whole world and more, for putting up with me.”

  I tilted my head up a little, bringing my mouth closer to his ear, near his chin as he kissed my neck.

  “And what do you want today, master?” I whispered. “I’m all yours.”

  I was giving him permission, knowing the words were dangerous, but even just hearing some of his wants had my body warming, responding, imagining what it might be like.

  “I don’t know today,” he replied. “I feel on the edge. Like any moment I could decide I need any one of them. Or maybe all of them, but I can’t quite begin.”

  “You’re as hard as hell. Why don’t you start by taking some relief, then you can play games with my body all you like while you get ready to go again,” I suggested, imagining him thrusting into my pussy. Immediately my legs clenched, trying to close, wetness forming.

  He chuckled and nuzzled at my neck, nipping with his teeth for a moment.

  “I bet you’d like to be fucked, wouldn’t you? I bet you’d like me deep up your cunt.”

  I didn’t reply, hearing the taunt in his voice, hearing his confidence come back. The games had begun. I was his toy and now I had to be really careful.

  “Answer me, Nadenka. Would you like me to fuck you now?”

  “Yes,” I replied, seeing no point in denying the truth.

  Instead of doing just that, he lifted himself up the bed, bringing his manhood to my face.

  “Open wide, princess,” he said. “And try to relax. You’re going to take all of me.”

  Not giving me a chance to respond, he pushed past my lips and into me.

  “Swallow,” he said as he reached the back of my throat. I tried to comply, fighting my own gag reflex as he pushed even further and deeper, his manhood large and throbbing.

  Still very much in control, he thrust in and out while I tried not to choke, swallowing every time my body tried to panic.

  Evidently already aroused, and enjoying claiming me in this new way, he soon orgasmed, pulling back into my mouth just in time to jet his hot salty cum over my tongue.

  I obeyed, eager to please, but also eager to see what followed. Not once had Kostya taken me without rewarding me in some way, and I was so ready to be screwed.

  “Well, that definitely clears the head,” he said, amused by the pun. “Well done, princess.”

  “Did it help?” I asked, unable to hide my hopefulness. He laughed again, moving down so he could once more kiss and nibble at my neck.

  I gasped as his hands reached for my breasts, his fingers rolling my sensitive nubs between them.

  “You always help,” he whispered, before getting up, leaving me there. The cold rushed against my skin, every inch of me wanting to beg to have him back but not daring. Begging Kostya for something was almost a sure way not to get it. Patience, obedience—they got me what I wanted.

  “Now, princess, relax and open your legs.”

  I obeyed instantly, fear rippling through me along with desire. What was he planning? Robbed of sight, I could only wait and find out.

  A moment later I felt something small and cold trail up the inside of my leg, almost tickling, it was so light. Suddenly it pulled back and smacked back down again, the force of it making me wince but not cry out. He repeated it, going higher up the sensitive inside of my thigh until I was gasping and flinching with each hit.

  “Keep still. You know I don’t like it when you move.”

  I tried to obey, the threat in his voice clear. I didn’t want to ma
ke him angry. Kostya wouldn’t lose his cool, but I’d pay for it. I’d be denied, or hurt all the more. Each new hit brought more pain and more anticipation, my body responding, the wetness between my legs spreading until I was sure it was obvious to him how much I wanted him.

  Pushing the thought of what was to come away, I focused on keeping still, but he came closer and closer to my pussy, merely an inch away when he suddenly stopped. Only then did I realize how badly I was panting, little mewls rolling into each other as he began on the other thigh and worked upwards.

  “Quiet now. Show me how well you remember our first lesson,” he said, another smack soon following. Trying to obey, I bit down on my bottom lip, but with so little warning the smallest of whimpers slipped out first.

  “Princess? Do I need to take you through that lesson again?” he asked. “I can take you to our little hut later, remind you how you first had to suffer to learn.”

  I shook my head, setting my jaw against the no that had wanted to slip out.

  The next few smacks came quicker and harder, testing me, and a part of me wondered if he wanted me to fail. If he was looking for an excuse to really hurt me. But as the pain continued coming, less and less time between each downswing, I knew he didn’t need the excuse. If he wanted to hurt me, he was going to hurt me.

  “God, you’re wet. Do you want to be fucked?” he asked. I nodded, still not daring to speak.

  “What if I don’t want to fuck you? Do you still want it then?” I hesitated, trying to decide, but I shook my head right before another whip strike came, catching the very edge of my pussy. I screwed up my face desperate to not disobey him and equally as desperate to cry out.

  He hit me again, right on my lips, above my opening but not yet over my clitoris. I threw my head to the side, shuddering as I tried not to talk or move the rest of my body. The anticipation of where he’d hit next was almost enough to tip me over the edge into my own pain-induced orgasm, but he stopped, the bed moving a fraction as he climbed back on. Suddenly I felt his mouth pressing against my pussy, kissing the sting from the very spot he’d smacked.

  Bit by bit he worked his way down, his lips pressing briefly against each welt in reverse order until my skin tingled from the more gentle but pain-reminding contact.

  By the time he was done, my wetness had leaked out, coating the tops of my thighs and dribbling downwards. He slid back up the bed, lying beside me.

  His finger trailing down from my neck seemed like a painful torture of its own, the movement gentle yet deliberate. I was being claimed exactly the way he wanted. Always claimed.

  As his fingers reached the top of my pussy, instead of moving over my clit and tipping me over the edge, he moved to the side enough to bypass that part of my body and keep me desperate.

  “Please,” I whispered, no longer able to help it, his fingers beginning to push between my lips and slide downwards into the wet folds. Instantly he stopped.

  “Even if I don’t want to?”

  “Please,” I asked again, although quieter, less sure but unable to help it.

  Instead of giving me what I wanted, he pulled away, all contact gone. I reached for something with my hands, no longer able to keep still, but somehow not daring to move my lower half. I found the pillow and gripped on tight. If this bothered him, I couldn’t tell, too lost in my own frustration yet desperately trying not to move or cry out.

  Suddenly, I felt something at my opening, pausing to rub into my wetness before pushing deeper. Deeper it went as I gasped, full, almost completely stretched and unsure what was inside me.

  Assuming Kostya was holding it, using it on me, I bit down on my lip again. Slowly he moved it back and forth, almost teasing me with each in-and-out stroke, until it grew quicker and rougher, pushing deeper and harder. His fingers found my clit a moment later and the contact was enough. Within a second I’d tipped over the edge, my whole body shuddering as he continued to fuck me with some unknown object and rub my clit with his thumb.

  As I came down, panting but once more clear-headed, I felt him ease the object out, my body feeling almost bereft. Before I could even begin to wonder what might follow he came closer, his knees sitting just between mine and his mouth crushing down on one nipple.

  I shivered again as he nipped me, the pain helping to bring me back down, but the closeness of his body and the hardness I could feel between us making it clear we weren’t done. He was going to want more.

  Within another second I felt him at my opening and then his cock was driving deep within me.

  “Quiet while I claim you, princess. If you’re good I’ll let you come again.”

  I nodded, knowing the implied other side to his promise. If I wasn’t I would be punished. And it seemed Kostya was in a punishing mood. He pulled back and slammed into me so hard I could barely process what had happened before he did it again. Already being wet took away most of the pain, but I still knew this was about his pleasure, not mine.

  His thrusts grew more ragged and frantic, stirring the heat within me again until he exploded, almost roaring, his cock jetting his seed deep inside me. Panting, he came down from the high, each subsequent thrust giving me more of the hot liquid until he was entirely spent.

  For a moment he simply lay down on top of me, almost crushing me, his body clearly exhausted until he lifted up, supporting himself with his arms.

  “God, princess. Where have you been the last few years? You’re so wonderfully fuckable.”

  “I’ve been stuck in a house with nothing but my pets for company,” I replied, sensing the shift in his mood. Silence was no longer required.

  “Yes, your stupid father. Thinking he can keep you safe by stopping you from having any kind of life.”

  “He’s not stupid...” I replied, suddenly feeling defensive, my body cooling.

  Kostya didn’t seem to mind my indignance. Pulling me in close, he kissed my cheek.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, but he didn’t think through the consequences of keeping you so restricted. All it did was make you sneak out and keep secrets.”

  “Granted, I’ll give you that one.”

  “Good. Now I believe I promised to give you something as well.” Kostya shifted again, my body still bound and blindfolded, helpless as his mouth pressed kisses down my skin.

  Lower and lower he moved, stopping at both breasts to suck and nibble until I was hot and hungry once more. Lower and lower he went until his mouth pressed over my clit. Almost clamping down around my most sensitive spot, he flicked his tongue across it, assaulting it again and again in quick movements only to leave me wanting between.

  It was a form of torture all of its own. Not enough to orgasm with any speed, but enough to make me desperate to do just that. All too soon I was writhing beneath him.

  Suddenly he pulled away, chuckling.

  “Do you want me to carry on?” he asked as I whimpered. Instinctively, I nodded.

  “Say it this time, princess,” he almost growled. “Beg me.”

  “Please. Please don’t stop,” I replied, doing exactly as I was commanded. As his mouth returned I moaned, lost in pleasure as his tongue moved without ceasing and tipped me over the edge into oblivion.

  Slowly I came down, his mouth still there until I was done.

  A little sad to be stopping, Kostya let out a groan and removed my blindfold.

  “It’s only twenty minutes till breakfast time,” he said, also undoing the leather cuffs around both wrists. “You should shower so your father doesn’t take one look at you and realize his daughter is being taught to enjoy sick depraved kinky sex twice every day.”

  He got up as I did, grabbing his robe as I headed to the bathroom.

  “You don’t seem to be concerned about my father’s reaction to the man teaching her.”

  “Oh, everyone already knows I’m sick and depraved,” Kostya said over his shoulder as he walked away. “But you, my dear, have a reputation for being a little less than enthusiastic to engage with the
opposite sex.”


  “Do you have any plans today, Father?” I asked as I put my knife and fork together. Looking up at him, I noticed that he was distracted, the newspaper in his hand.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I looked to Kostya instead, but he was being his usual less-than-interested self at the breakfast table. He worked for my father some of the time now and the rest of the time he spent acting as my chaperon.

  While I waited for them to be done so I could go somewhere, the guard knocked and entered. Father merely looked up, confident his men would have only disturbed him at breakfast because it was important.

  With him was Vasily. Fear rippled up my back at the very sight of him, but he focused on my father first, practically bowing.

  “Good day, Mr. Petrushkov. We have not had the pleasure of seeing your face in some time,” Father said, offering the most powerful don in Moscow a seat at his table.

  Delighted, Vasily sat down beside me. I didn’t even try to hide my reaction as I shuffled a little further away.

  “Thank you. I’m rarely able to get time for breakfast these days. Work keeps me busy,” Vasily said.

  “Nonsense. There should always be time for breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day.”

  I rolled my eyes, grateful Vasily shielded me from my father’s eyes, but I caught Kostya looking my way and saw the corners of his mouth twitch up.

  Only once Father had been acknowledged and thanked did Vasily give his attention to the rest of his company. He gave Kostya a quick nod, looking to me before Kostya could do anything to respond.

  “Nadenka, you’re looking very lively this morning. You have a wonderful color in your cheeks. Have you bought new makeup or done some exercise?”

  I smiled and shook my head, trying desperately not to laugh.

  “Neither,” I replied. “But thank you.”

  I gave him my best fake smile and reached for a drink to give me a moment to focus and not smirk.

  Immediately Father asked Vasily how business was going, both talking in a sort of code they didn’t think anyone understood about the types of things they did to make money. All of it was illegal but I’d known that for years.


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