Taken by the Thief

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Taken by the Thief Page 9

by Eliza Lockhart

  “He put his hands up my top and played with my breasts.”

  Kostya came closer, looming over me as he reached a hand under and fondled me, thumb and finger finding my nipple and playing with them.

  “Like this?” he asked.

  “Not so adeptly, but in general, yes.”

  “What happened next?”

  “He tried to get into my panties. Said he wanted to just touch and put his fingers in me, but I knew it wouldn’t end there if I let him anywhere near that part of me, so I said no.”

  “And you regret it?”

  “Sort of. He’d have been more fun to lose my virginity to than the guy who eventually did claim it, but the next week he took a friend of mine and screwed her instead.”

  “Sounds like he didn’t deserve you,” Kostya replied, his hand still tugging on my nipple for a moment before he slid it down underneath me and grabbed my pussy. “I’d have had my fingers in you within five minutes of your no.”

  “You’d have ignored my no?”

  “Of course not. I’d have found a way to make you want it. By the time I had your panties off, you’d have been begging me to bypass the fingers and bury my cock inside you.” As Kostya spoke, he rubbed at my clit with the heel of his hand, immediately getting me far more turned on. Before I could even decide if I was close to an orgasm or not, he stopped.

  Getting back off me, he relinquished the physical contact until there was only the slightly anxiety-inducing feel of the whip on my ass.

  “Hmmm. Seems I can’t punish you for being picky about who gets to enjoy your perfectly hot and tight little cunt. Let’s see if we can find out what other naughty things you got up to when you were younger, princess.”

  “How did you get your first orgasm?”

  “I did it myself,” I replied, the memory coming to mind immediately. “After reading a book with a sex scene in. I wanted to see if it was possible to do what he did to her with my own fingers.”

  Kostya chuckled as I blushed.

  “Now, that is something naughty. Something deliciously so.” As he spoke he struck me with the whip, three times on each cheek, hard and fast, pain flaring from both the fresh assault and the damage from the rounds in the basement.

  As soon as he was done, he rolled me over, exposing my most intimate area. He rained down an array of smacks on my pussy, making me gasp with each one, the pain all from now. It was one part of me that had been left unscathed on the outside during the previous ordeal, but it suffered now, Kostya hitting the delicate skin harder and harder, until I was writhing, panting and more than ready to beg him to stop if I dared to.

  But I didn’t dare, and somehow my body was growing hotter, just as he’d told me I would. As suddenly as the aggressive whipping had begun, it stopped, my skin tingling painfully everywhere he’d struck.

  “Show me what you did to yourself,” he commanded as he released one arm. “I want to know how you made yourself come.”

  “I’m going to need both arms,” I said, but the other arm was never freed. “I had the finger of one hand inside me.”

  Suddenly gentle where he’d been rough, I felt him bring a fingertip to my wet entrance and hold it there.

  “I’ll do this bit,” he said before he pushed it into me.

  Trying not to be too self-conscious, I reached down with the free hand and masturbated the way I remembered doing back then. It felt good right away, Kostya deep within me while I stroked over my clit. But no sooner was I aroused enough to have another satisfying climax, than Kostya’s hands stopped me and he pulled out.

  I whimpered without thinking. Immediately I felt the sting of the whip, right over my clit. I bit down on the retort I wanted to give, hoping Kostya would explain what had prompted the initial withdrawal of contact, but he didn’t, instead resuming his fingering.

  Not sure what else to do, I carried on, but before I could get myself close to orgasm for a second time, he repeated the same denial of stimulation.

  “Please,” I said, unable to help myself despite knowing I was meant to be quiet.

  This time he whipped me three times, all dangerously close to the center of my pleasure, but none of them enough to tip me over the edge.

  Only when I’d calmed a little did he carry on and allow me to stroke myself back towards sweet oblivion, but this time, before I could hit my peak I heard him moan and felt the hot gush of liquid as he orgasmed over my sex, splatters catching my arm.

  For a third time I was denied my release, his fingers slipping out of me yet again.

  “Please,” I whispered again, knowing there was a good chance I’d be whipped for it, but the pain never came.

  “I told you I could make you beg for it. Ask me nicely, princess. Ask me to finish you off.”

  “Please, Kostya. I need you to finish me. Please.”

  “Since you’ve pleased me so much, I’ll grant you your request,” he said, his fingers brushing over my clit before he slid two fingers inside me this time.

  I expected his other hand to follow, bringing me up to my peak, but his mouth came to my aid, his tongue darting across my most sensitive area again and again until I let out little mewls and writhed beneath him.

  As the pleasure grew I was less and less in control until I hit my peak again and lay panting in his arms.

  “Good girl,” he whispered in my ear as he pulled me in close and wrapped the bed covers around us. “You’ve earned a small reprieve. It’s time I let you rest. Perhaps our next round will be as interesting.”

  May 2nd - 6:51am


  Awake again, I looked towards Nadenka. I’d not slept well, nervous about how the day would go, but for now I watched the sun come up, break through the trees and then cast its golden hues across Nadenka’s sleeping face. Each time I’d woken I’d considered waking her as well, my body hungry for more of her, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

  After everything she’d been through she looked so peaceful, and I knew the sleep would do far more to heal her than I could manage by screwing her again. Already she trusted me more than I’d have expected, but it was just another element to her personality that made her remarkable. Vasily was a fool to think he could treat her the way he did, and her father was little better.

  Not that you’re any better either, my brain told me, reminding me what I’d done. No matter how many times Nadenka had told me I wasn’t a monster, that was still how I saw myself. I was built wrong. Or broken by my past. And this rollercoaster of a life I had become part of wasn’t over yet. Somehow I had to get through this next stage. And then maybe she would truly forgive me for everything.

  Trying not to think about what I’d done to her, I focused instead on what we needed to do next. It was more complicated than Nadenka realized, but hostage situations weren’t many people’s areas of expertise. Somehow we had to get this right and make it look like I was letting Nadenka go for just long enough they focused on getting her safe, while I was unharmed.

  Vasily was a loose canon, however. I’d have no way of knowing if he’d try and help Sokolov and win back Nadenka as his fiancée, or do something dangerous like attack one or both of us.

  As I thought of the various encounters I’d had with Nadenka and Vasily, I knew I wished I’d never met the Petrushkov don. He reminded me of the don I’d once called Father, and I’d walked away from him to never return.

  Before I could get a better handle on my thoughts, Nadenka stirred beside me and opened her eyes.

  “Morning, princess,” I said, smiling at her. I didn’t want her to worry, especially after all she’d given to make this work. I was going to see her back safely to her father and ensure no one ever treated her in a way she didn’t deserve ever again.

  Rolling over, she immediately pressed her naked body up against mine.

  “Good morning,” she said, lifting a hand and running it up my chest. It was clear she had one thing on her mind. I caught her fingers in mine and pressed a kiss to the tips.<
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  “We don’t have time,” I said. “If Vasily has done as asked and your father has transferred the territory, then we need to move fast.”

  Looking disappointed for only a second, she nodded and pulled back.

  “I was thinking about that. I think I should leave from here. Then you can head straight to Yazov’s safe house. We only need to wait until the transfer is done. That way no one can take advantage of you handing me over.”

  “I agree. It gives me more time to talk to Yazov and see what he turned up. I want to stop this from happening again. And I need to make sure everything transfers back to your father well. But we’ve worried him about you enough. You need to go home, and I’ll join you as soon as I can.”

  She sighed, but nodded. For a moment neither of us moved. I didn’t want to. She felt right in my arms, and it had been wonderful to spend the night as only we could.

  In all the dreams I’d had of my future and what I wanted to become, I’d never imagined a woman like Nadenka. I’d imagined women, but they were usually either women I could screw who looked pretty and did nothing else for me, or they were almost literal sex slaves, or just women I slept with and then never committed to.

  Growing up in the don world as well, and losing her mother at such a young age, had made Nadenka different. She was stronger, more practical, and she was bright. She knew when she needed to give up control and when she needed to make a stand. And she wasn’t afraid to go after something she wanted. It was a combination I’d almost not believed possible. Letting her walk out of my life for even a few seconds was going to be difficult.

  But I had a ransom to finish negotiating and I needed to make sure we’d got what we wanted. This needed to stop Vasily for good.

  “Come on,” I said, when she still didn’t move. “We really need to go.”

  Once more she sighed before nodding. Pulling back the covers, I scooted her over to the edge of the bed and helped her get to her feet. Already, after just a single night’s sleep, her body was recovering, and many of the angry red welts had faded, bruises had lost their dark look, fading to a dark yellow, and the scabs had lost their shiny gleam.

  I allowed myself another brief moment to marvel at the confident way she showed her body off as she wandered through to the bathroom.

  “I’m going to need some clothes,” she said, coming back. It took all my self-control not to stare at her breasts, but look at her face.

  “You’ll have to borrow some of mine,” I replied, pointing to a small chest of drawers on the far wall. Unable to waste any more time, I went over to it as well and pulled us both out fresh t-shirts and underwear. She found a smaller pair of pants, and before long her skin was all covered up. My clothes weren’t the most flattering if I looked at her superficially but there was still something endearing and lovely about the way my t-shirt hung off her frame and she smiled while holding my pants in place.

  “It’ll get me home,” she said. “And give me something to hold onto of yours until you’re with me again.”

  “I’m really hoping it won’t be more than a few hours.”

  She nodded as we headed downstairs, both seeking the kitchen and the promise of food. Feeling a little nervous about the events of the day, I wasn’t sure I could eat much and just grabbed some fruit, but Nadenka wanted to tuck into everything.

  “As much as I love having you here, you need to go. And I have work to do.”

  “Has the territory been transferred to you then?” she asked. I pulled out my phone and tapped away to check before lifting my head and dropping it back down, my eyes glued to my screen.

  It took me a few minutes to find all the information, but it looked like it was all handled. Her father had told all the residents, and the horse track was holding off, declaring itself officially open, with so many possible horses to provide for.

  “Right. I need to get back to Father’s, but you’ll need to drop me somewhere closer.”

  “I was just thinking about where might be good,” I replied.

  “It can’t be too close to the house or my father will try and shoot you.”

  “His guards more likely, but yes. We could go to the club? They still have your car keys. Then I can talk to Yazov right away.”

  Although I said it like a question, we both knew it wasn’t really. Yazov’s club was meant to be neutral territory, and there were no other good options within the city. It was a risk, to them and Yazov, but a necessary one.

  Despite the danger of being seen or found there I pushed my fear aaway, and walked out to the car. Nadenka climbed into the passenger seat, and for a moment I couldn’t make myself turn the key in the ignition. I didn’t want to leave. Right now, no one knew where we were. We could stay and just be us. No strings, no expectations, no fear.

  “We need to go back. People need us. My father needs me,” Nadenka said, reaching out a hand for me and making it clear she knew what I was thinking. I patted it a moment and used the momentum to start the car and pull off.

  Neither of us spoke much as we headed back into Moscow. I took a roundabout route, as always, and ended up coming in from the opposite side.

  This early in the morning the parking lot was almost entirely empty. Nadenka’s car had been moved over to one side, tucked up by the building, where Yazov would be able to see it from the window of his top-floor office.

  And as if on cue, he appeared before I’d managed to pluck up the courage to lead Nadenka inside. He held out the keys.

  “I have to admit, I wasn’t sure the pair of you had that in you, but you’ve convinced at least half the city that something is going on they don’t expect. You’d best finish the job, Nadenka, and return home.”

  “Do you have what I need?” I asked as she took the key Yazov offered.

  “I can tell you what I’ve got inside. I don’t like prying eyes. And you two shouldn’t be seen together any longer than necessary.”

  It felt strange to see Nadenka walk off, neither of us daring to instigate any kind of affectionate goodbye in case we were seen there.

  Yazov seemed to deliberately watch her go.

  “I hope you understand, I have to make it appear like I’m just a middle man and a neutral location, but come inside. We’ve got a lot to talk over. It’s not all good news, I’m afraid.”

  I raised my eyebrows, but I knew there was no point asking. Whatever the problem was, I’d find out soon enough.



  I tried not to cry as I walked away from Kostya. Not being able to say goodbye properly was not something I’d expected, but with Yazov there and the reminder that we shouldn’t be seen doing anything that didn’t fit the narrative until the whole deal could be sealed, I had no choice.

  Outwardly I appeared calm as I got into my car and started the engine, but internally I wanted to scream. I wasn’t ready to leave Kostya. And I definitely wasn’t ready to return to the real world and my life with my father. No doubt I was going to be in big trouble for sneaking out yet again. I think the events would make it easy for me to claim I’d learned my lesson, however.

  Trying to look less composed so father would believe my charade, I drove straight home.

  As soon as the guards on the gate saw my car, they pulled out radios and talked to others somewhere in the house. I didn’t even need to ask or slow as the gate swung wide open, admitting me to the grounds and giving me a clear path to the house.

  As I passed the guard hut on the inside of the gate, I was waved onward, the guards not seeming to know whether to greet me or hurry me on back to my father.

  Father himself came rushing out of the house as I brought the car into the parking space at the front. No sooner was I out of the car than his arms were wrapped around me.

  “Oh, my Nadenka. You’re alive and here. I can’t...” He stopped talking and I tried to pull back from the suffocating embrace.

  “I’m okay, Father. I’m not as hurt as I could be. Kostya didn’t hurt me as badly
as it looked.”

  “I don’t care, Nadenka. Come inside. I’m not letting you out of my sight, and I don’t care what you think.”

  I smiled, in some way now grateful for the level of concern he showed. He loved me the only way he knew how.

  “You need some fresh clothes and a doctor. And rest. And you need to speak to your fiancé. He’s been working with me, trying to get every last detail of this mess sorted. I almost called the police and asked them for help with something very important. But he’s kept a level head and worked tirelessly to get you out.”

  “Vasily has...” I trailed off as Father took me into the hall and I saw the very person we’d been talking about.

  “Nadenka, my love. I’m so glad you’re okay,” he said as he smothered me with fake kisses and hugs.

  I endured it for a few seconds before I decided that I couldn’t handle it any longer. Gently, I extricated myself from the hell of being caught by the eldest Petrushkov.

  “Thank you for all your assistance in this, Vasily, but I think I’d like to talk to Father now. I think it’s probably best if you head home for a day or two, let me recover, and then we can talk.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready to go anywhere yet. Not after a man invited into this home kidnapped my fiancée and tortured her for two days straight.” Vasily’s eyes blazed.

  “Now, now, Vasily,” my father replied before I could. “I know we talked about how angry I was that Nadenka snuck off again, but I must insist a doctor checks her over before we do anything else.”

  I looked between the two men, not sure what sort of agreement was going on between them, but starting to feel like I wouldn’t like what they’d decided.

  Father ushered me through to his study, however, and although the room had often been one where I’d been told off, today it felt like a refuge. From the conversation that followed between him and his chief guard, it sounded like a doctor had already been summoned, but I was more than a little distracted from asking by the panic running through me.

  In my head I’d imagined coming home, my father being too relieved to be cross, and then me gently explaining to him that it had been a set-up to ensure Father got back the territory Vasily was trying to steal. I would then tell him that I could prove it, and Kostya could prove it, and persuade my father to go to Yazov’s club or let Kostya know he could show up to answer for his part in it.


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