Love Is Danger (Club Aegis Book 3)

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Love Is Danger (Club Aegis Book 3) Page 14

by Christie Adams

  “Honey, there are two things to consider here—going to Aegis, and what we do when we get there. For the former, you need to feel comfortable being on display, because make no mistake—when we go to Aegis, you will be on display. As for the activities I mentioned…” He kissed her temple in a manner intended to reassure. “I have no desire to see your skin marked by a single tail or hot wax.”

  A finger under her chin and she was looking straight at him. Such beautiful eyes. So expressive. “Now, a flogger, on the other hand…”

  Her mouth opened in a startled O, matched by innocent wideness of her eyes. Then the innocence was gone, banished by an eagerness that took him by surprise. He was going to have to watch her, Cam realised. His Stacie was going to try to run before she could walk. He couldn’t allow that.

  “Not yet, baby. And don’t argue.”

  He half-expected a spirited discussion—to put it mildly—but instead he was pleased to see an acquiescent smile appear just before he kissed her.

  Damn, but he enjoyed kissing her.

  They sat in silence a while longer. Cam was mulling over the conversation, wondering how he might facilitate his sub’s introduction to the feast for the senses that was Aegis. As he’d warned her, she’d need to be comfortable with the idea of wearing very little around other people, some of whom would be dressed in as little as she was, or even less. Over the years he’d known several novice subs, and they’d all said the same thing—even though it appeared to be not that different from wearing a bikini on a beach, or even going topless, the first time was always more daunting than they’d anticipated.

  Of course. A visit to the spa would be ideal. A special session, preferably with Mari, at Alessandra’s place, in the extensive suite known simply as the Annexe. He would be there with her, and if she really hated being naked in front of a stranger, then he would ensure that she was dressed in a similar way to Beth when Alex took his wife to the club.

  He was smiling at the thought already. And the sooner he could arrange the spa appointment, the better.

  “Stacie? Are you busy on Saturday?”

  Whatever Cam’s reasons were for asking her about Saturday, Stacie’s curiosity about the matter was forgotten some time later, in the face of a level of sexual arousal that almost had her writhing in frustration—except she didn’t dare move without permission.

  She was naked and on her knees in front of Cam—a spectacularly sexy-looking Cam. He was wearing tight leather trousers and a matching leather waistcoat that was hanging open. Oh, the temptation of that broad chest and accompanying oh-so-lickable six-pack. She was almost drooling. The supple black outfit made him look sexy and dangerous—a living, breathing Adonis, dressed by Hades himself.

  With her hands behind her head, shoulders and elbows both pulled backwards so that her breasts were thrust proudly forward, she was keenly aware that her backside was still smarting from the sound spanking she’d received a short while ago.

  It was a delicious sensation—a sentiment with which her pussy was entirely in agreement. After the spanking, he’d kept her sprawled across his lap so that his fingers could explore her intimately and play with her clit. All the time he’d been talking to her about the news reports they’d watched on television a short time ago—and expected her to take an active part in the conversation, when all she could deal with was his hand between her thighs. He was a complete and utter fiend. Then, just as she was about to come, he’d set her on her feet and told her to kneel down with her legs apart.

  What she’d called him then was best left in her head.

  Stacie was acutely aware of the way her arousal was evident on the hardwood floor. None of her previous boyfriends had been capable of turning her on like that. Masturbation had never done it either, but for Cam she was so wet it was almost shameful. Especially with him looking blatantly at her pussy and the floor between her thighs.

  When she’d first knelt before him, he’d changed her posture to his liking, making small precise adjustments to the placing of her knees, the position of her chin, the angle of her arms, and then he’d settled comfortably into the armchair from where he’d been watching her ever since without saying a single word. The one time she’d attempted to speak, he’d merely raised his eyebrow to silence her.

  Cam was a study in relaxed, confident comfort, one long leg draped casually over the arm of the chair. He continued to observe her in silence. She’d been in this position for what felt like hours, but was really only a matter of minutes…and she was starting to feel more than a little uncomfortable. That was secondary, however, to her desire to please Cam—to show him that she could be as patient and focused as he needed her to be.

  “You look beautiful like that, baby,” he told her at last as he stood up and came towards her. He went down on one knee in front of her and cupped her cheek, so that he could run his thumb lightly over her lower lip. “You see? Patience isn’t such a bad thing, is it?”

  Stacie asked her question by the look in her eyes and the tilt of her head. His response was a warm smile and a nod. She heaved a sigh of relief. “I never realised that it could be so difficult not to speak. Sir,” she added after a slight pause.

  “You did well. We’re done with the scene now, Stacie. Give me your hands and let me help you up.”

  She did as he said, and luxuriated in the feeling of him rubbing life back into her arms and shoulders. His touch was firm but gentle, in a way that she was coming to know so well.

  “I’m going to carry you to the bedroom now, Stacie,” he told her. “When I pick you up, I want you to wrap your arms and legs around me.”

  She had only a moment to be puzzled by his instructions; when he held her tightly against his body in that position, she knew exactly why. Her mound was slammed hard against the wall of his formidable abs. She was mortified by the sudden desire to rub herself against him, but he wouldn’t allow her to ease away from him at all.

  And with his hands cupping her bottom she was only going to embarrass herself even further.

  “Look at me, honey,” he commanded softly. “Do you know how it makes a man feel to know his woman’s so wet for him and only him?”

  “Good?” she whispered.

  “That’s one way of putting it.”

  In the bedroom, he slowly lowered her till her feet touched the floor again. For Stacie the process was an excruciating torment as her pussy slid over the rock-hard erection beneath his leathers. She almost came from that alone.

  Without words, Cam ordered her to lie down on the bed. With that heavenly, familiar touch, he eased away the niggling aches that were just starting up in her legs. She was almost ready to melt when he lifted the duvet over her. She watched him pull the vest off, full of admiration for the way the muscles moved across his powerful shoulders. He really did have a beautiful back—the definition of his muscles was a living work of art—to go with the beautiful everything else about him. Her body was inwardly squirming in anticipation of having him close to her, his skin like hot, rough silk next to hers.

  The bed moved and then he was pulling her into his arms. With a deep, contented sigh, she nuzzled his chest. At that moment there wasn’t a better place on earth to be. “Cam?”


  “I’ve been thinking.” She paused, collecting her thoughts—Jen would be totally scandalised by what she was about to say. “I know we haven’t been seeing each other long, but…the thing is, I’ve never had unprotected sex. Never. I’m on birth control, and if there’s no other reason for using a condom—”

  “Stacie, you don’t have to do that—”

  “I don’t want anything between us,” she blurted out. “I’ve never wanted that with anyone else, Cam—just you. I want to feel you inside me.”

  Cam needed all his self-control not to pull Stacie on top of him and give her the cock she wanted. With a feral growl, he rolled over and grabbed a condom out of the drawer.

  Protect her. The words ran through his mind on an
infinite loop and served two purposes—firstly as a reminder of one aspect of his role in her life, and secondly, it helped to block out the siren call of her voluptuous beauty tempting him to throw caution, condoms and his principles to the winds. He should never have mentioned the regular health check-ups and blood tests that always came back clean. If he hadn’t, this goddamned stupid idea would never have entered her head.

  He was about to rip the pack open when a feminine hand closed over it. His eyes locked onto hers.

  “Please, Cam.” Her whispered words suggested an intensity of feeling that matched his own. “I can’t explain why—I just know I want to feel you inside me. I know it’s right…for both of us.”

  The declaration was repeated with a sincerity that spoke to the core of the man that he was—one soul bared to another.

  “Stacie, stop. You haven’t known me long enough for this.”

  “I trust you…Sir. That’s all I need to know.”

  The context was different, but subs at the club trusted him because of his reputation there, because they understood the dynamics of Dominant/submissive relationships and respected the protocol of that world. Stacie trusted him…why?

  Lying beside her, leaning over her, he stroked her hair and feasted his eyes on her flushed cheeks and sparkling gaze. She was so special—so vital to him already. Questions about the future were starting to form at the back of his mind again…he already knew how he felt about her, what he wanted with her, and now he was starting to want it more, but what of her feelings?

  He moved fully over her, taking his weight on his hands. “Spread your legs for me, honey,” he commanded roughly. “Wrap them around me.”

  With her gorgeous legs cradling him, he took her with a single deep stroke, held still while he relished the hitherto unexplored sensations of having a woman on his naked cock.

  Not just any woman…my woman.

  Chapter 9

  Alessandra di Montecatini was a strikingly attractive woman, from her immaculately styled, cocoa-brown hair—currently in an elegant knot high on the back of her head, loose tendrils drawing the eye to the delicate sweep of her neck—to the soles of her Manolo Blahnik-shod feet.

  Italian-born, she was the widow of a senior MI6 officer, and every inch the Domme, even when she was in attendance at the spa, one of the many business enterprises in which she had an interest in and around London. Reputed to be in her early fifties, she was a stunning woman who looked a good decade younger.

  Cam smiled as she entered the office where he’d been waiting for her. Regal in bearing and all business, clad in a skirt suit that was designer chic at its best, she offered her hand, and in a courtly gesture Cam raised it to his lips to kiss the back of it—greeting her as one Dominant to another.

  “Why, Cam, what a pleasure it is to see you again,” she purred as she glided towards the less-formal area of her domain. With perfect grace she took a seat in one of the two high-backed Queen Anne armchairs, and with an elegantly understated gesture invited Cam to join her in the other. “Please, make yourself comfortable. Tell me—what can we do for you today? I must admit, I was quite intrigued when I was informed that you’d requested an appointment in the Annexe.”

  “Alessandra, my dear, it’s lovely to see you again—it’s been too long.” Cam unfastened his suit jacket and sat down, one leg crossed over the other. “I brought a very special guest with me today. And I apologise for the short notice.”

  She gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. “I’m just glad we were able to accommodate you. Yes, I saw your lovely guest. Is she yours?”

  He nodded. “She’s new to the lifestyle, still very much finding her feet, but she has courage. I’d like her to experience one of Mari’s special treatments.”

  Alessandra raised a questioning eyebrow. “A session with sweet Mari can be quite intense, caro. You think she’s ready for this?”

  “I do.” There was no doubt in Cam’s mind on that score. “Especially if I’m in there with her. She’s already asked me about Aegis, and while she’s way too much of a novice to go there as an active participant, I thought a session here might help her to acclimatise to being exposed to strangers in a safe environment.”

  At that, Alessandra’s expression became thoughtful. “This is the first time you’ve brought one of your subs here—and for a session with Mari too. I think, perhaps, your Stacie is a little more to you than you’re telling me, Master Cameron. How far do you want Mari to take her?”

  A good question—he’d been giving the matter a lot of thought since he’d made his initial decision. “With your permission, Mistress Alessandra, I want to challenge her limits. She has a set of safewords—red, yellow and green with the usual meanings—and I’d like Mari to use her skill to take her all the way to a climax.”

  Alessandra was the Dominant in a ménage relationship with two beautiful submissives, both bisexual, as she was herself. Mariposa and Gregory were both qualified to give all the usual spa treatments, but in addition they were trained to give a special intimate variation on some of those treatments in the most private area of the spa. It was known simply as the Annexe, and it was reserved for members of Club Aegis or anyone endorsed by a member of the club.

  “Of course,” she agreed graciously. “I’ll inform Mari of your requirements, and at the end of the session I’ll ensure that you have time alone with Stacie.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Alessandra.” Cam had every intention of taking his sub straight home after the session, where he could take care of her properly.

  The woman laughed delicately…knowingly. “You think so, Cam? Your sub is really quite delightful, and once you’ve seen her dissolve beneath Mari’s touch, I can guarantee that you’ll want time alone with her there and then…especially since I’ve replaced the chaise longue with something that’s large enough for two.” She gave a casual shrug that belied the mischievous lift of her mouth. “Maybe even three, depending on how well they know each other.”

  The Domme rose with her customary grace. “Let me have a few minutes to give Mari her instructions, then go to Room Six. You know the way.”


  Stacie cast an anxious glance over her shoulder, watching Cam as he went in the opposite direction, his destination the office of the elegant Italian woman whose portrait behind the spa’s reception desk proclaimed her to be the establishment’s owner. The impression she’d got from his demeanour suggested clearly that he knew her very well. She told herself not to be jealous, but a frisson of insecurity ensured that she wasn’t in any mood to listen. How could a man as devastatingly attractive as Cam be interested in a dull little nobody like her, when he knew women as stunning as the spa’s owner and could have any female he wanted?

  She sighed. What on earth had possessed her to agree to this crazy idea? And why in the name of heaven would she need a safeword for a massage, of all things? For a massage from Cam, then maybe—who knew where that would lead!—but in a place like this?

  “Miss Matheson? If you would like to change behind the screen, you’ll find a robe ready for you. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Stacie turned her attention back to the beautiful young woman who had escorted her to the treatment room and who—as far as Stacie knew—would be the one to administer whatever extravagance Cam had ordered for her. The staff badge pinned to her white vest-style top declared her name to be Mariposa—Spanish for “butterfly”—and Stacie had to admit that it suited the dark-eyed Latin beauty down to the ground.

  Didn’t Cam know any ugly women?

  The door clicked shut. Stacie found the robe and quickly changed into it, grateful that she’d delayed her shower until shortly before Cam was due to pick her up. While she was waiting, she took the opportunity to look around the treatment room. With its subtle décor, dimmable lighting and pleasant ambience, it was the ideal place to relax and be pampered. The air held the gentle fragrance of the scented oils and lotions used in the treatments and a CD was al
ready playing on the compact player, the music gentle and relaxing.

  The treatment table occupied a central position, of course, all shiny chrome and thickly padded white leather, draped in pristine white towels. Stacie had to admit that it did look pretty comfortable. In the corner, there stood a gleaming high-tech shower cubicle.

  By far the most curious feature in the room was the daybed, though to call it that barely did it justice. The large raised platform with its thick mattress looked like a jumbo-sized chaise longue crossed with some sort of Turkish divan, but it had a seating area that had the width of a bed. Two, perhaps three, people could occupy it with ease. It was littered with an assortment of jewel-coloured cushions. Logically, it was out of place in a room like this, yet somehow it seemed to belong. What its purpose was, Stacie had no idea.

  The one thing she wasn’t too enamoured of, though, was the huge mirror on one wall—combined with the smaller one on the opposite wall, it was showing her far too much of herself that was…well, what was generally well out of sight.

  “Miss Matheson? If you’d like to remove the robe and make yourself comfortable on the table, face down, we can start.”

  Having dimmed the lights, Mariposa laid a solid wedge-shaped cushion on the massage table, with the taper towards the small pillow for her head. Stacie almost groaned aloud when she worked out what she’d look like.

  You can always safeword out of this.

  With no sign of Cam, was that still an option?

  And that wasn’t all—Stacie had been to places like this once or twice in the past and had always availed herself of the use of disposable underwear. On this occasion, however, that luxury didn’t appear to be on offer. Still, they were all girls together…the masseuse was a professional, she must have seen naked bodies of both sexes, in all shapes and sizes. Stacie would be just one more face—er, body—in the crowd.


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