Echoes: A Second Skin Novel (Second Skin Book 6)

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Echoes: A Second Skin Novel (Second Skin Book 6) Page 12

by M Damon Baker

  “It’s different now, do you feel it?”

  Her comment drew Endreí up short, and he instantly understood what she meant. The strange feeling that had been itching at the back of his mind suddenly crystallized as he realized what it really was. Although Endreí couldn’t deny that he still had feelings for Kara, they weren’t the urgent, nearly undeniable cravings they’d once been. Tási’s curse no longer had the same powerful hold over them, and he knew that could mean only one thing.

  “I have to see for myself,” Endreí’s voice shook as his anticipation got the better of him.

  Kara clearly shared in his eagerness, and she led the way back towards their village at a faster pace than was perhaps wise. Still, they managed to climb high into a tree that overlooked their home well before dawn. From their vantage point, nearly the entire area inside the high walls was laid out for them, and although Kara could see little of it in the dim light, things were clear enough for Endreí.

  Scattered about the ground lay the prone figures of hundreds of unmoving bodies. Kara held on to Endreí’s arm as he began to describe the scene for her, squeezing him tightly while he relayed every detail of their unlikely victory. Many of the bandits had obviously been busy looting the valuable possessions they’d been forced to leave behind at the time of their demise, and he felt a particular surge of outrage as he took in the corpses of those who’d clearly been ransacking his own home. Endreí found it almost impossible to believe they’d managed to defeat Dreya’s army, even with the evidence staring him right in the face.

  He’d actually begun to allow himself to consider that his long nightmare might finally be over when the door to Nate’s cabin swung open, and several figures stepped outside. Turning towards the flicker of motion, Endreí made out the very distinct form of the Empress among the small crowd. A feeling of utter dread seized him as he watched her take in the devastation that lay all around the village, and he silently pulled the pair of small metal disks from his pocket, passing one of the concave objects to Kara as he placed the other against his ear. Each one was attuned to the metal sphere he’d buried at the center of the village and should be able to relay any words that were spoken by the band of survivors.

  Endreí looked over the small crowd carefully as they soundlessly milled about in an apparent state of shock. The two huge brutes, Jorum and Nedd, were there, as was the elven Bastion, whose name finally appeared in bold red letters as Endreí looked on: Stel. Three more elves were also among the survivors, a Curate with ‘Venna’ over her head, a Warden called Líann, and a Shadow named Insleí—the female version of his own name. Nearby, a human Warrior tagged with ‘Ella’ stood frozen in place, completely overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, while a Dwarven couple, Khorim and Broda, took in the scene with an almost calm sense of detachment. Eleven survivors out of over three hundred might have seemed like an incredible victory, but for some odd reason, Endreí felt only a growing sense of dread while he observed the tiny remnant of the once-mighty army.

  As he watched, Dreya nudged one of the bodies with the toe of her boot while the rest of her entourage took in the slaughter that surrounded them. Looking up from the corpse of the soldier at her feet, the Empress glared at Tási, and Endreí peered closer in disbelief when he thought he saw a burst of fire illuminating the depths of her piercing green eyes.

  “How the fuck did this happen, Tási?” Dreya’s accusatory tone was quite obvious.

  “I—I don’t know,” Tási took a step back as she stammered in response.

  “You told me they only wanted to leave,” Dreya stalked forward, pinning Tási against the wall of Nate’s cabin. “You even promised to use your boyfriend to bring them back. Now they’re gone, and my soldiers are all dead, Tási. All because I relied on you.”

  The distinct threat implied by the woman’s tone was clear: Tási had failed Dreya, and there would be a price to be paid for that transgression. Tási clearly recognized that fact for herself, and despite her own formidable power, she practically cowered in the face of Dreya’s wrath while the rest of the band of survivors took a step away, distancing themselves from the conflict that was about to erupt in their midst. The way the Empress’ eyes seemed to almost flare with an eerie light hinted to Endreí of some hidden reserve within her, and Tási’s reaction to her anger only served to confirm his intuition.

  “I’ll find them for you,” Tási’s voice faltered, and her hands visibly trembled as she sought to escape the fate Dreya had in store for her.

  “They’re gone, you fucking idiot,” Endreí watched as Dreya’s hand strayed perilously close to the hilt of her dagger. “Vanished into the wilds where we’ll never see them again.”

  “Yes, but I can track him,” Tási seemed to regain a sliver of her confidence when she spoke.

  Endreí felt his body stiffen when he heard the words, knowing exactly who the ‘him’ was that she was referring to. Kara shared his reaction, and she reached out, gripping him tightly as they both listened closely.

  “What do you mean, you can track him?” Dreya’s hand rested on the pommel of her blade, but she did not draw the weapon.

  “I kissed him,” an odd sense of accomplishment crept into her voice as she recalled that moment. “That allowed me to alter the Spell I placed on him. Not only will it make him love me now, but I can sense his presence too.”

  “I don’t know how far away he is,” Tási managed to meet Dreya’s gaze as she spoke with complete certainty. “But I do know what direction we need to travel to find him.”

  The blood ran out of Endreí’s veins as the words echoed in his ears, and while their meaning slowly sank in, Kara’s fingers began digging into his skin. They’d both felt differently that morning, and now he understood why. Although Kara may have been set free by Tási’s actions, Endreí had only been more tightly woven into the web she’d spun.

  “Where are they? Where are the people who did this to me?” Dreya growled with an almost unrestrained rage as she leaned even closer.

  Despite the distance between them and the fact that he was certain she couldn’t actually see where he was, Endreí watched in horror as Tási turned to face directly towards him. Raising her hand and pointing a single finger almost right at him, she seemed to seal his fate.

  “That way,” Tási uttered the two simple words with absolute assurance.

  “Everyone pack up your shit and get ready to head out,” Dreya’s hand finally left the hilt of her dagger, apparently offering Tási at least a moment of reprieve. But as the rest of the cadre of survivors moved to comply with her orders, she grabbed Tási’s collar and yanked hard, pulling them practically face-to-face.

  “I won’t let your incompetence destroy my ambitions,” the low whisper was barely audible to Endreí, but he could hear the rage in Dreya’s voice clearly enough. “I’m no fucking ranch-hand or farmer; we’re going to drag every last one of these people back here to serve us. This isn’t where it ends; it’s where I begin creating my Empire all over again.”

  “But make no mistake. Anyone who had a part in this will die,” Endreí glimpsed the sheer outrage in the woman’s stark green eyes as she loomed over Tási’s smaller form. “I will make them pay for what they’ve done—and if your boyfriend had anything to do with it, I’ll make you watch while I skin him alive.”

  The tone in Dreya’s voice left absolutely no doubt in Endreí’s mind that her threat was only a mere figure of speech. Should he fall into her hands, his end would be a very long and gruesome affair.

  “I want you to understand me very clearly,” Dreya’s hand flashed with a quick movement, clenching Tási’s throat and squeezing hard. Despite her obvious… discomfort, Tási offered no resistance, submitting meekly to the woman’s assault. “Your own pathetic life is at stake here as well. Either you find the people who did this, or I’ll take out my anger on you instead.”

  Having delivered her ultimatum, Dreya flung Tási aside almost casually, leaving the smaller woman to p
ick herself up off the ground as she strode back inside Nate’s cabin. Endreí knew that he needed to leave as quickly as possible, yet he felt his eyes being drawn to Tási as she stood up and stared in his direction once again. Unlike Dreya’s unrestrained anger, the look in Tási’s eyes was quite different but also equally clear to him. Although there was a mixture of both pain and regret in her expression, if Tási was forced to choose between his life and her own, Endreí had little doubt which way that pendulum would swing. As if confirming his thoughts, Endreí watched as she slowly shook her head before disappearing within the cabin to retrieve her things.

  “We have to go, right now,” Kara tugged at Endreí’s arm as she stirred him from the thoughts of his impending doom.

  Almost without conscious thought, Endreí climbed down the tree and followed Kara as she led the way towards where Rissa and the rest of their friends were waiting for them. He had no idea how much of a head start they would have over their pursuers, but as he trailed numbly alongside Kara, Endreí came to a harsh realization: it wouldn’t be enough.

  As they rushed through the trees, Endreí realized that no matter where he went, Tási would be able to follow. She would track him down, and the connection Tási had forged with him through her magic would inexorably lead Dreya to Rissa and the rest of his companions—if he let it.

  “No, I can’t go back with you,” Endreí stopped dead in his tracks, understanding exactly what he had to do.

  “The fuck you can’t,” Kara spun on him in an instant. “I know what you’re thinking, Endreí, and I won’t let you do it.”

  “You can’t stop me,” Endreí’s resolve was clear in his reply.

  “No, I can’t, but you can’t stop me either,” she answered, matching his strident tone. “I’m going wherever you go, and our chances of surviving this will only get better if everyone else is with us.”

  “You heard her, there’s no way for me to escape from Tási,” Endreí implored. “You’re not tied to me any longer, you don’t have to do this.”

  “I said it felt different this morning, Endreí,” Kara stepped closer. “Not that I wasn’t still in love with you.”

  Before he knew it, Kara’s lips were pressed against his, and she pulled him into her as they kissed. Despite all that had happened and the desperate need to flee as fast as they could, Endreí felt drawn to her just as strongly as ever. When she finally pulled away, Kara still held him close, staring deeply into Endreí’s eyes as she spoke again.

  “The magic that brought us together may be gone now, but my feelings for you are still the same,” Endreí felt the power of her words echo deep inside him. “Maybe it will fade in time, but knowing that what we have is real only makes me want it even more.”

  He couldn’t deny sharing that sentiment; the spell that had been put over them might have been broken, but that had done little to dampen the strong attraction he had towards Kara. Yet, at that same moment, Endreí also began to feel the first urges brought on by the changes to Tási’s magic, including the unhelpful thoughts it stirred within him.

  “We’re going to have a lot to figure out once this is all over,” Kara whispered as she mercifully took a step back. “But for right now, we have to get away.”

  Despite the danger it would bring down upon everyone else, Endreí gave in and followed as Kara resumed guiding him through the forest. Once they were reunited with everyone else, they had at least enough of a lead on their pursuers to relay the situation and hopefully convince them to abandon him to his fate. He might have no other choice, but Endreí would never forgive himself if he also led Rissa to her doom. Traveling once again at a pace that was perhaps unwise yet fully warranted under the circumstances, it only took a few hours before they reached the small campsite where the rest of their friends were waiting for them.

  “What happened? What went wrong?” Rissa’s voice was filled with alarm; her warm smile of greeting instantly fading away when she recognized the distress on Endreí’s face.

  “We didn’t get them all,” Kara replied for him. “Dreya and several others survived—they’re coming after us.”

  “Fuck ‘em,” Daisy’s dark eyes sparkled as she laughed in amusement. “Let them just try and find us out here.”

  It was a very Daze-like response, and under different circumstances, he would have shared in her sense of confidence. But rather than agree with her, Endreí’s shoulders sagged, and he stared down at the ground beneath his feet as he replied.

  “They can track—” he began before Kara quickly cut him off.

  “Us,” she glared back at Endreí, daring him to contradict her.

  “How?” Nate didn’t bother to hide his skepticism as his gaze shifted between Kara to Endreí.

  “I don’t fucking know,” Kara replied, lying both easily and convincingly to not only her husband but the rest of their friends as well. “Their leader said she was going to kill us all for what we did, and then Tási was able to point out right where you were waiting for us.”

  Endreí stood by in silent awe at Kara’s ability to weave little strands of truth within her blatant deception while also feeling incredibly guilty for allowing her to do so. Yet once she’d already misled them, his only other choice would’ve been to reveal her deceit, and he simply couldn’t bring himself to do that.

  “They’re not that far behind us, we have to move,” Kara waved vaguely at the forest they’d just traveled through, spurring the others into action.

  The entire campsite was packed up within just a few scant moments, and they began marching through the woods. With no destination in mind, however, Kara led the way again, choosing her path apparently for the sole reason that it lay in the opposite direction that the rest of their people had gone in. Despite the comfort that being back with Rissa and his friends brought, as the day wound on, Endreí felt more and more guilty over how they’d been deceived.

  “She may have fooled everyone else, but I know Kara lied to us,” Rissa spoke softly as she walked next to him, finally breaking her near silence after a few hours. “Be honest with me, Endreí. What really happened?”

  “She didn’t lie, not exactly,” Endreí let out a deep breath, relieved to finally tell her the truth. “Dreya did promise to kill all of us, and Tási is able to track us as well—but only as long as I’m with you.”

  “She had a reason for kissing me the other day,” Endreí flinched as his stomach knotted up with the admission. “Somehow, it let her manipulate the curse she put on me; Tási knows where I am all the time now.”

  “What else. There’s something more you’re not telling me,” Rissa obviously sensed that he was holding out on her.

  “Tási isn’t just able to follow me,” Endreí glanced away, unable to look Rissa in the eye as he made his final confession. “She also altered her magic to make me… have feelings for her.”

  The silence that had gone on between them as they’d traveled took hold once more while Rissa absorbed what Endreí told her. Tási’s curse had led him astray before, and now not only was the woman pursuing them, but she’d set her hooks firmly in Endreí’s flesh with magic that Rissa knew he was almost powerless to resist. But Rissa wasn’t one to give up quite so easily, especially where Endreí was concerned. She’d already laid her own claims on him, and he was hers forever.

  “This changes nothing, Endreí,” Rissa declared with a distinct sense of resolve. “I told you that I’d kill her, and I will. Once she’s dead, everything will be fine, you’ll see.”

  Despite the conviction Rissa clearly felt, Endreí found himself doubting very much that things would ever be ‘fine’ again. The best his mind could come up with was a drawn-out chase before Dreya and her band of killers finally caught up with them. As they journeyed on, the late afternoon sun drew long shadows, casting ominous images wherever Endreí looked—each of them seeming to depict the cruel deaths that lay somewhere in their future. With no other choice but to keep moving forward, Endreí searched for some way o
ut as his mind continued to conjure up the endless series of tortures.

  When night began to fall, Endreí thought Kara would seek out some safe place to camp, but after pulling Rissa aside for a brief moment, Kara yielded her scouting duties to the twilight elf and took her place marching along with the others. Though he seldom called her by her full name, watching his wife effortlessly guide them through the darkness reminded him of the meaning of Melrissa: The Night Huntress. Despite her heavy armor, she was completely at home while picking her way through the shadows. With the rest of his friends unable to see quite as well in the dark, Endreí and the dwarven brothers aided them as best they could, fording a small creek and shepherding them through the more difficult patches and obstacles they came across as they followed in Rissa’s wake.

  Endreí understood Kara’s intentions clearly enough; Dreya didn’t know that they were aware of her pursuit. Although her desire for revenge was obviously intense, she’d have no reason to chase after them quite so rapidly. With any luck, their travel through the night would buy Endreí and the others a little breathing room, putting a few precious miles between the group and those who sought to end them.

  As the night went on, Endreí tried his best to sneak up alongside Kara, hoping to convince her to recant the false story she’d told the others. Yet she deftly avoided him at every turn, forcing him to eventually give up on the effort. She clearly understood his intentions, and her actions provided all the answer Endreí needed.

  Although they were nearly spent when the first rays of light broke through the morning haze, Kara switched places with Rissa almost seamlessly. The long journey had taken its toll, however, and they began to falter and stumble, lagging far behind her in their fatigue. Yet despite their obvious exhaustion, Kara continued on relentlessly through the morning, only stopping once the sun was well past its zenith. Collapsing in a heap, Endreí welcomed the cool earth beneath him as he laid out in the shade while Rissa broke out some rations for them to eat.


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