Her Two Cowboy Daddies: Menage Romance

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Her Two Cowboy Daddies: Menage Romance Page 4

by Julie Piper

  In a daze, she imagines Chris behind her, kneading her ass with both his hands as his warm lips take her clit, while she bends over Carter, taking his long, hard member into her mouth, sucking long and hard as he grips her hair. Then Chris and Carter come together and Carter takes Chris by hips, sinking himself deep into Chris while Paisley takes Chris’ throbbing cock into her waiting pussy. They find a rhythm, pumping each other harder and harder, building each other up until—

  Paisley gasps softly, her fingers pumping her swollen pussy furiously. “Oh god,” she pants softly as her orgasm rages through her. “Oh, Christ…”

  Slowly, the images of Chris and Carter fade from her mind and she’s left gasping against the wall of Mabel’s stall. Paisley swallows, licking her lips as she comes back to reality. She glances over at the mare. Mabel looks back at her, placidly munching hay as if she’s seen all this before.

  “Sorry, girl,” Paisley says, making a face. Taking a deep breath, she tries to clean up her rumpled clothes.

  It’s just a pipe dream though, she thinks as she works. Even if they are both into me, they’re not going to want to have a threesome with their best friend. That would be weird for them, right?

  Paisley sighs. Right.

  She’s just going to have to keep this dream to herself. Luckily, I’ve had plenty of practice with that.


  “Are you forgetting about the bank, Carter?” Chris asks as Carter heads for the door.

  Carter pauses, one hand on the doorframe.

  For once, Paisley, Chris, and Carter all came in for lunch at the same time. Carter made them clubhouse sandwiches and fiercely strong coffee that would “put hair on your chest” as he said to Paisley – who quickly replied that she was happy being hairless, thank you very much.

  But as soon as lunch is over, Carter is up and chomping at the bit, ready to get back to work. Paisley has her suspicions that Carter had definitely remembered about the bank and had been hoping to get out the door before Chris did.

  “The bank…” Carter echoes, squinting up at the ceiling like it’ll magically be able to explain what Chris means.

  “Mmhmm,” Chris replies with a wry smile. “Remember? How we have to change our mortgage payments? Remember, weeks ago when we made this appointment?”

  “Oh yeah…the mortgage…” Carter looks at Chris over his shoulder his hazel eyes wide and pleading. Carter hates paperwork. “Can’t you just go on your own?”

  Chris shakes his head patiently. “We both have to be there because we both have to sign. We talked about this.”

  Carter sighs, his shoulders slumping. “Right,” he replies. Then he pouts. “But it’s gonna take hours, Chris.”

  “Yep. All the more reason for you not to abandon me to face the loan sharks alone,” Chris retorts.

  Carter makes a face. “Well, when you put it like that…”

  Chris grins as his friend comes back from the door. “Go get changed into something that isn’t stained and we’ll get going.”

  “Yes, sir,” Carter teases, clapping a hand on Chris’ shoulder as he heads past him towards the bedrooms.

  Chris shakes his head fondly as Carter disappears up the stairs. “Sometimes, I swear he’s worse than a teenager.”

  “Are you guys having trouble with the mortgage?” Paisley asks. She doesn’t want to pry, but she’s also worried.

  Chris chuckles. “Not at all, sweetheart. Don’t worry. We’re actually going to up the payments. We can afford to right now and it’ll mean getting the mortgage out of the way sooner, hallelujah.”

  “Do you have much left on it?”

  “No, not really. With the money from my company, we were able to pay most of it. But then there’s the machines and the upkeep, etc., etc. But maybe another two years and we’ll be done. Then you’ll have to come back out and celebrate with us,” Chris grins.

  Paisley smiles back at him. “I can’t wait.”

  “I just wish the appointment wasn’t on your last full day. We’ve got a couple of other errands to run so we’ll probably end up being gone until the evening. Which kind of sucks, since I was hoping we’d get to have a nice dinner together before taking you to the airport tomorrow.”

  “Well, why don’t I make something? That way it’ll be ready when you guys get back. I mean,” she makes a face. “It won’t be anything fancy, but I’m not a bad cook. And that way we can still celebrate together.”

  “That would be great, Paise,” Chris grins. “Carter and I can grab a nice wine while we’re in town.”

  “Perfect,” Paisley replies. “Besides, cooking you guys dinner is the least I can do after everything you’ve done for me this summer.”

  Chris shakes his head as Carter comes back downstairs. “Like I said it would be, it’s been our pleasure, Paise.”

  “Ready?” Carter asks, looking grim.

  Chris chuckles. “We’re not going into battle, Carter. The bank is going to be happy to let us pay more.”

  “Banks are never happy,” is Carter’s gruff reply.

  Chris rolls his eyes. “See you tonight,” he says to Paisley. “Probably around seven or so.”

  Carter makes an unhappy noise and Paisley giggles. “I’ll be here,” she grins.

  “All right, come on, you,” Chris turns back to Carter, gently pushing him towards the door. “Let’s go before you change your mind and make a run for it.”

  “I wouldn’t—” Carter begins, but the door closes behind them before Paisley can hear the rest of his reply. Still chuckling, she finishes her coffee and puts her plate in the dishwasher.

  By the time she makes it back outside, Chris and Carter are long gone. Standing on the ranch house’s long verandah, she looks out towards the mountains and shakes her head. My last day already. I can’t believe it. She takes a deep breath. I don’t want to go back!

  Despite the hard work, the sexual tension, and her unrequited fantasies, Paisley doesn’t think she’s ever been happier than she has been here. She can hardly believe that soon she’ll be back in class in Davis, hundreds of miles from this magical place. The thought makes her sad.

  But who knows? Maybe I’ll be able to come visit again one day.

  Holding on to that thought, Paisley heads for barn. She still has lots of work left to do.


  That evening, after showering and changing out of her work clothes, Paisley gets busy in the kitchen. She’s decided to make lasagna, which, if she remembers correctly, is a favorite of Chris’. And anyone else with taste buds!

  The first time Paisley ate lasagna, she and Chris had been on their own – Megan was off at some party. Chris couldn’t believe that Paisley had never tried it before and ordered it from “the best Italian restaurant west of Chicago.” Paisley still remembers the cheese melting on her tongue. Megan had never let her eat pasta or pizza or anything too calorie heavy. “You’ll ruin your skin and your figure!” she’d scream at Paisley any time she caught her eating junk food. “And then no one will want you!”

  With memories filling her head, preparing the lasagna goes faster than expected and soon Paisley is sliding the finished product into the oven.

  “Well, now what?” she says out loud. Chris and Carter won’t be home for another hour, around the same time it’ll take for the lasagna to bake.

  With a shrug, Paisley makes herself a cup of tea and crosses into the living room to settle down on the couch to pass the time with her novel. The kitchen and living room are open-plan, separated only by a wide, granite-topped counter that doubles as a breakfast bar, so it won’t be too hard to come running if anything happens to the lasagna.

  As she reads, Paisley runs her fingers absentmindedly over her collarbone, back and forth, back and forth, until her skin starts to tingle. She’s only a few pages into her novel, but her thoughts are drifting. She imagines Chris sitting behind her, running his hands over her shoulders and down to clasp her breasts. Sh
e imagines Carter at her feet, his hands coming up her legs, spreading them so that he can kiss her inner thighs.

  Paisley glances at the clock and bites her lip. They won’t be home for nearly an hour, she thinks. I have time.

  Tossing her novel onto the coffee table, she leans back in the cushions, ready to start up again where she left off.

  With one hand, she massages her breasts, imagining Chris’ rough hands instead of her own. Arching her back, she imagines his mouth descending onto hers. Below, Carter spreads her legs, her fingers running up the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh, imitating the delicate track of Carter’s tongue as it seeks her eager opening.

  Paisley moans, writhing on the couch. Her eyes closed, she imagines taking Chris into her mouth as Carter sucks her clit, his tongue expertly teasing the nub of flesh. Rubbing herself feverishly, she imitates Carter’s tongue as best she can. Her body spasms with pleasure, her first orgasm twanging through her and making her shiver.

  “More,” she gasps. “I want more.”

  She thrusts two fingers into her wet pussy, her mind turning them into Carter’s throbbing cock. She groans, spreading her legs wide as she pumps herself, imagining Chris’ moans as she sucks him off while Carter plows her.

  “Give me more, Chris,” she pants, her body arching and shivering. “Harder, Carter. Give it to me harder.”

  Paisley feels her body clenching, trembling on the brink of an orgasm. Then she hears:


  Her eyes fly open. Standing in the middle of the kitchen and staring at her open-mouthed are Chris and Carter.

  A million questions fly through her head all at once, but all Paisley can do is scream in horror and embarrassment. Tears of shame well in her eyes as all of her pleasure evaporates. She yanks her hand out of her shorts and stumbles off the couch.

  “Paisley!” Chris calls, but she’s already running madly for the stairs. “Paisley, don’t—”

  But Paisley doesn’t stop to listen. She bolts for her bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her. Her tears cloud her vision as she stumbles toward the bed.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, fuck,” she whispers, crawling under the covers and burying her head in the pillows. She’s not someone who usually swears – but then again, she’s also not someone who usually gets caught masturbating on her stepfather’s couch.

  How can I ever, ever explain this? she thinks, curling up into a miserable ball. Chris and Carter will never forgive me! I’ve ruined my relationship with them! I love being here with them so much and now I’ve gone and thrown it all away just because I couldn’t keep it all to myself. Oh god, they must hate me! Chris is probably going to throw me out and never speak to me again.

  At the thought of never seeing her stepfather again, Paisley breaks down into fresh tears.

  God, I’m just as stupid as my mother. Why did I have to go and do that? Why couldn’t I have just read my goddamn book?

  Burying deeper under her pillows, Paisley sobs.

  I’ve ruined everything.


  “Well, that was a lot less painful than I thought it would be,” Carter comments as Chris parks the Landrover near the barn.

  “And a lot faster,” Chris agrees.

  “Thank god. I’m starving,” Carter grins as he hops down out of the passenger seat.

  “Well, hopefully, dinner will be almost ready. I wonder what Paisley decided to make.”

  “As long as it’s not salad, I’m happy,” Carter replies, heaving a bag of groceries out of the back seat.

  Chris laughs as the two men head for the house.

  When they push open the front door, their hands full of grocery bags, the house is quiet.

  Carter looks at Chris questioningly, but Chris can only shrug. When they push open the door to the kitchen, however, everything becomes clear.

  Chris’ mouth falls open and, next to him, Carter looks just as shocked. But even if his mind is stunned, his body reacts to the scene in front of him. Less than twenty feet away from them, Paisley is lying on her back on the living room couch, her long, golden legs spread wide and quivering with exertion as she pumps herself with one hand. Her mouth is wide open with pleasure as she masturbates.

  Chris catches himself wishing her shorts weren’t blocking his view. He wants to see her fingers sliding into her wet, pink pussy. Hell, he doesn’t want to see it, he wants to be doing it.

  Next to him, Carter makes a small, strangled noise and one glance is all it takes to see that his body is reacting just as strongly as Chris’ is.

  Then Paisley moans, and what comes out of her mouth shocks them both.

  “Give me more, Chris,” she keens, her lithe body arching and shivering. “Harder, Carter. Give it to me harder.”

  The men turn to gape at each other. Did she just—?

  “Paisley?” Chris asks before he can stop himself. He desperately wants to know that he heard what he thinks he heard.

  But before he has the chance to ask, Paisley’s eyes fly open and she screams.

  “Paisley!” Chris calls, wanting to reassure her. “Paisley, don’t—” But he can’t get the words out fast enough before she vanishes up the stairs. Faintly, they hear her door slam shut.

  Carter gives Chris a look.

  “What?” Chris asks, finally putting down the grocery bags. “It would have been rude to stand there watching until she finished!”

  “We both know that’s not why you spoke up,” Carter replies.

  Chris makes a face. “Well, I’m not the only one who feels that way,” he shoots back.

  Carter grins and shakes his head. “I won’t deny that she’s fucking hot.”

  “Right?” Chris shakes his head. “I’ve been feeling guilty about how attracted I am to her all summer.”

  “Seriously? All summer I’ve been thinking she was off-limits because she’s your stepdaughter!” Carter says.

  Chris chuckles. “I did too! But if she feels…if she was really…”

  “We should go talk to her,” says Carter. “Maybe we can still salvage this situation.”

  “Would you want…?” Chris lets the question hang. He knows Carter knows what he means.

  “Definitely,” says Carter, slinging an arm around Chris’ shoulders and squeezing him tightly. “What could be better than that?”

  Chris smiles, feeling a weight lifting from his shoulders.

  Upstairs, they can hear Paisley’s sobs through the door.

  “Poor kid,” Carter says. “Probably thinks we’re angry.”

  Chris shakes his head and knocks on the door.

  Paisley suddenly goes silent.

  “Paise,” Chris begins, his voice soft and gentle. “Can we come in? We should talk.”

  More silence.

  “Sweetheart, don’t be upset. We’re not. We just want to talk to you.”

  They hear rustling and then a low, pathetic voice says, “Please, just go away.”

  Carter chuckles softly. “Come on, Paisley,” he joins in. “Open up the door. We’re not angry. There’s no reason for you to be upset.”

  Suddenly the door opens and a bedraggled but no less beautiful Paisley stands in front of them. “No reason?” she yelps. “No reason? I can’t think of a better reason to be upset than getting—getting caught—oh god, I can’t even say it!” And she buries her face in her hands and tries to close the door again.

  But Chris shoulders it open again and the men force their way into the room.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart,” says Chris, gently prying Paisley’s hands away from her face. “Come on, look at us.”

  Paisley’s lips tremble as she looks up miserably through her tear-dappled eyelashes.

  “There we go,” Carter smiles, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “See? Nothing to be afraid of.”

  “But…but aren’t you mad?” she whispers.

  The men look at each other and smile,
shaking their heads. “No, sweetheart,” Chris tells her. “Not at all.” They look at each other again and he gets up his courage. “But were you really…were you really imagining us all together? All three of us?”

  Paisley moans and closes her eyes. But Chris is still holding her hands so she can’t hide her face.

  “Yes,” she finally whispers, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Yes, I was.”

  Carter wipes away her tears with his thumb. “Atta girl,” he says.

  “What?” Paisley says, surprised. She opens her eyes, blinking at them in confusion.

  Chris wraps his arms around her and Carter wraps his arms around them, hugging them close.

  “Well, it’s not like we haven’t been dreaming about you all summer,” Carter grins naughtily.

  “We both think you’re incredible, Paise,” Chris agrees, smoothing her hair back from her face. “We just didn’t think you’d be interested in two old guys like us.”

  Paisley swallows and says shakily, “I told you already. You’re not old, Chris!”

  He chuckles, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Carter takes one of her hands in his and brings it to his mouth, kissing her fingers, her palm, her wrist. Paisley bites her lip.

  “If you want,” he murmurs, “we could make all our dreams come true.”

  “I…But…” Paisley looks from one man to the other. “But you two…you don’t mind being together?”

  The men chuckle. “The truth is,” Chris says, “Carter and I have been together a long time. We met right after the divorce and Carter, well, he was my rock through all that. I never realized just how sexy men could be until I met him.”

  “It took me a while to convince him,” Carter agrees with a smile. “But once I got him into my bed, he never looked back.”

  “You mean, you’re…you’re together?” Paisley gasps. “Why didn’t you say?”

  The men shrug. “We’re private about it. People around here aren’t exactly the most open-minded.”


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