Making Out with the Billionaire

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Making Out with the Billionaire Page 15

by Swann, Marcella

  “You know what you being pregnant means?” He asked, standing and pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it aside.


  “It means that I don’t need to wear a condom. I get to feel you full monty, baby.”

  The space between her legs got slick at his words. There was something so naughty about the thought of him inside of her with no barrier separating them, and it thrilled her.

  Dorran started to unbuckle his belt, and she was torn between watching his chest muscles flex with the movement and staring at the bugle behind his zipper. He was so sexy, hotter than any man she’d ever been with.

  And he was hers.

  Kerry leaned back on her elbows and enjoyed the show as he undressed completely. Goosebumps broke out over his skin once he was completely nude, his erection jutting out at her. Kerry’s damp hair flowed down her shoulders and brushed against the tops of her breasts. It brought his attention to her hardened little nipples.

  Covering her body with his own, Dorran sucked and nibbled at her breasts, making her arch her back and groan. She was squirming beneath him by the time he started to trail kisses down her abdomen, so that he had to hold her in place when he reached the top her sex. Instead of diving right in, he changed direction, teasing her by kissing a line to her hip, then down her thigh.

  “Dorran, you’re killing me. Please.”

  He smirked, then used one hand to spread her legs wide, exposing her wet core to his hungry gaze.

  “So impatient,” he murmured against the skin of her inner thigh. “Don’t you know that good things come to those who wait?”

  Her response was an incoherent sound of frustration that had him reaching around, underneath her, and grabbing her ass. He took advantage of his grip to pull her sex to his face. Sticking out his tongue, he used it to penetrate her, diving between her folds to taste her properly.


  Her exclamation was loud, and Dorran worried for a moment that someone might hear and come investigate. But he didn’t let it stop him. If they were going to be interrupted, he was determined to show her a good time first.

  He got down and got serious about feasting on this woman he loved. Using his tongue, he licked her long and slow, making her quiver. God, he loved how responsive her body was. Inserting one finger inside of her, Dorran swirled his tongue around her clit.

  “Oh my god, Dorran. Don’t stop.”

  He didn’t plan to. Pumping his finger in and out of her, he took her little bud between his lips and sucked gently in the same rhythm. Kerry’s hips thrust, and he took that as a sign to add a second finger.

  His erection was throbbing almost painfully, desperate to be inside of her, but he wanted her to come apart on his mouth first. Using all his willpower to keep his hands away from his cock, he sucked her slightly harder while pumping faster.


  Kerry’s thighs tightened around his head, and he felt every muscle in her body tense as she reached her orgasm. His name was chanted over and over again, and primal feeling of pride filled his chest.

  When she was finished, Dorran stood. Looking down at Kerry, he took in her flushed skin and contented look. Emotion swelled, and he said the words again, simply because he wanted to.

  “I love you.”

  Kerry smiled. “Then, take me.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. Repositioning her body on the small hospital bed, Kerry got on her hands and knees, giving him a hell of a view.

  “Fuck, Kerry. Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  She looked over her shoulder and gave him a sultry smile. Unable to hold himself back for a second longer, he climbed onto the bed behind her, entering her body in one smooth thrust. They both cried out, sounds of pure pleasure as their joining.

  Dorran couldn’t believe how it good it felt to take her like this, without a condom dulling the sensation. He could already feel a tingling at the base of his cock, a sign of an orgasm approaching. He held it off with sheer force of will.

  Holding her hips tightly, Dorran rode her hard and fast, rocking the hospital bed and probably making way too much noise, but he didn’t give a damn. All that mattered right now was Kerry and the ecstasy radiating throughout his body. Leaning forward, he propped himself up over her back, caging in her body as his hips kept pumping. This angle allowed him to take her even deeper, and he went nuts, driving himself into her with wild abandon.

  “D-Dorran. I…I…”

  That was all she got out before coming so hard that she collapsed beneath him, burying her face in the pillow to stifle her loud moans. Her core contracted around him like a fist, and it was too good. He followed her over that cliff, freefalling into his own climax before she’d completed hers.

  He bit his lip hard to keep himself from making too much noise, but the sounds of his ragged breath filled the small room. When he’d finished, Dorran pulled himself out and picked up Kerry’s discarded towel from the floor. He used it to clean up the mess between her legs, then climbed into the bed beside her. It was too small, having been made to be used by no more than one person, but Dorran didn’t care. He liked being so close to her. In fact, sometimes he felt he couldn’t get close enough.

  Kerry cuddled up against him, her still damp hair fanning over his arm when he wrapped it around her. He could do this forever.

  That thought made him smile, and he was speaking before he even thought about it.

  “Will you marry me?”


  Kerry lifted her head and looked down at him, her eyes wide. Shit. He shouldn’t have said that. Not because he didn’t want to marry her, but because this wasn’t the right way to pop the question. They should be dressed, for one thing.

  And somewhere other than a hospital room.

  And he should be down on one knee.

  He didn’t even have a ring, for fuck’s sake. Dorran opened his mouth to somehow take the words back until he could plan a proper proposal, but Kerry’s next words stopped him.

  “Do you really want to get married?”

  “Yes.” There was no hesitation. “I want to get married to you. It’s not about the company or my family. I love you.”

  Kerry smiled broadly. “Then, my answer is yes.”

  Dorran’s smile matched her own. He’d never been so happy in his life. Without the words to express how happy she made him, Dorran kissed her, pouring every emotion he had into the action. He wanted her to know, without a doubt, what he felt for her.

  She was his everything.


  Kerry clutched a bouquet of calla lilies as she waited to hear the music that was her cue to walk out from behind the white screens that hid her from the guests nearby. Her ivory dress brushed the grass as she shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Are you nervous?” Her dad asked, watching her with a warmth in his eyes.

  “No, I’m excited. I can’t wait to marry Dorran.”

  It was true. It wasn’t nerves that filled her stomach, it was eagerness. She knew what she wanted, who she wanted, and it was finally time to make the dream come true. She looked down at her flat stomach and smiled. They waited this long because she didn’t want to be pregnant when they tied the knot.

  Suddenly the music changed, which must mean that the flower girls, her three-year-old twin nieces, must have made it to the end of the aisle. The wedding march started, and her dad held out his arm. She took it, giving him a genuine smile before turning forward, walking out with her head held high.

  She’d imagined this moment many times, always picturing what her dress would look like, how beautiful the decorations would be, what it would feel like to be the center of attention. But now, all she cared about was the man at the end of the aisle.


  He was waiting in his perfectly tailored suit, looking at her like she hung the moon. His hair was brushed back off his face, and his blue eyes shined. She found herself wanting to hurry to his side.<
br />
  As she walked beside her dad, she kept her eyes glued to her groom until she reached the end of the aisle, then her gaze shifted to the front row, where Violet was holding her little boy. William Robert Knight was born three months ago, and he was the light of her life. The blue-eyed baby had stolen Dorran’s heart as well, and it was possible that he was the most spoiled baby on the planet. Kerry was constantly trying to reign Dorran in, but she secretly loved that he doted on their child so much.

  Seeing that William was asleep, she turned her attention back to Dorran. Roxanne was her maid of honor, so she took the bouquet from Kerry while Dorran held her hands. The ceremony was quick, and Kerry repeated the words she was supposed to, even though she couldn’t focus on what they were. She was too lost in Dorran’s eyes.

  When the minister told Dorran to “kiss the bride,” Kerry didn’t wait for him to do it. She threw arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his, sealing their bond in the best way possible. There was light laughter among the guests, but she didn’t care. All that mattered now was that Dorran was her husband. He was her forever.

  The ceremony took place on a seaside cliff in Malibu, and the reception was on-site immediately after. They had a huge tent set up back from the edge, big enough to hold all two hundred of their guests. Everyone had come for the wedding, all of their family and friends.

  Both of Kerry’s parents were there, but she didn’t have to worry about any drama between the recently divorced couple. Her dad hadn’t been lying when he said it was amicable. They were great friends, and the only fighting that they were likely to do was arguing over who got to dote on William more.

  There was just something about her perfect little bundle of joy that made everyone want to shower him with love.

  “Congratulations, you two,” Roxanne said, pulling Kerry into a bone-crushing hug. “I’m so happy for you guys. You know, you’re a perfect match. I read it in the stars. Meant to be, for sure.”

  “Well, thanks for checking that for us,” Kerry said indulgently.

  “What was that about?” Dorran asked when Roxanne moved on.

  “Oh, that’s her new thing. Reading the stars. Or tea leaves. I think she even talked about getting a crystal ball the other day.”


  “Hey, don’t make fun of her. Remember, Rox had a huge role in the two of us getting together.”

  Kerry had come clean with Dorran about her plan to turn him into the perfect man, telling him everything from her meeting with Roxanne at bar, where she got the idea from talking to her friend, to her parent’s divorce helping her realize that perfect didn’t exist. She felt it was something he needed to know before they got married, clean slate and all that. It was the kind of thing she’d advise her clients to do to get their heads right. Fortunately for her, Dorran had found the whole thing hilarious.

  “We didn’t need Roxanne to get together. Didn’t you hear? It was written in the stars.”

  His teasing grin made a smile pull at Kerry’s mouth, but she nudged his ribs with her elbow anyway. “Be nice.”

  “I’m always nice,” he replied, rubbing his tender rib cage. “You’re the bully in this relationship.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “You literally just elbowed me in the ribs.”

  “That’s true, but someone has to keep you in line.”

  “Thank goodness you’re stepping up to take that over,” a voice interrupted from behind them, “because this old woman is exhausted.”

  Kerry turned to see Violet standing there with a smile on her face and William in her arms. He was awake and reached for Kerry with chubby little fists. His mouth opened and closed in rapid succession, and she recognized the gesture.

  “Excuse me, I have to go feed him.”

  Dorran watched his new wife walk to the back of the tent with their son her arms. Kerry preferred privacy when she breastfed, not because she was embarrassed by her breasts, but because she said it was a private bonding experience for her and William.

  “You look so handsome,” his grandma said, pulling his attention back to her by smoothing a wrinkle in the arm of her tuxedo.

  “Thanks. And you’re beautiful as always. Can I have this dance?”

  He held his hand out to her until she took, and then he led her to the dancefloor.

  His grandmother wasn’t quite as much of a go-getter as she used to be. Her blood pressure issues had peaked six months ago and ended up giving her a stroke. It had been the most terrifying day of his life. He’d been so afraid that he would lose her forever, but they’d gotten lucky. Not only had she survived, but she’d come out of it with minimal damage to her body. She’d come out of it with numbness in her left arm, all the way down to the hand, but was otherwise unaffected.

  She had decided to slow down a bit and was no longer involved in the day-to-day running of the company. In truth, she was no longer needed so often. Dorran had really turned things around for himself, and that included work. He was more dedicated than ever and was heavily involved with research and development to create something new that would rock the industry.

  He and Stan had come to an agreement. Dorran kept his title as CEO of the company, but Stan was his right-hand man. There was still an impulsive need to compete with his little brother, but he had it mostly under control. They were a team these days, so a win for one was a win for both. With the two of them at the helm, the company was flourishing.

  As his dance with Violet ended, Dorran saw Kerry walked back into the tent, carrying William over her shoulder and pat his back in an attempt to burp him. He watched her as she made her way through the crowd, stopping to talk to everyone she came across, and open and friendly smile on her face.

  Damn, he loved her.

  It was hard to believe that she was his wife now. To have and to hold for the rest of his life.

  “Mr. Dorran, Mr. Dorran, have you had a caricature done yet?”

  Bobby appeared his side, tugging on his sleeve and pointing toward the caricaturist set up in one corner of the tent. It was something Dorran had brought in, in hopes that it would help keep the children at the reception happy and distracted.

  “No, I haven’t. Lead the way, Champ.”

  Bobby looked like a different kid these days. His skin had a healthy glow, and there weren’t even dark circles under his eyes. He still acted the same, all high energy and excitement about life.

  Dorran was just glad that the chemotherapy and experimental surgery he’d undergone had worked. Bobby was in remission, and Dorran had thrown him a huge party to celebrate.

  Dorran posed with Bobby for a quick drawing, and afterward, he tracked down Kerry, talking to her sister while her parents played with William.

  “Excuse me, Mrs. Knight,” he said, earning himself a grin from her. “Can I have a word with you in private?”

  “Sure,” she stood, then turned to her parents. “You guys can keep an eye on him, right?”

  They both waved her off without looking away from the baby.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” she said. We walked away from them a few paces. “What’s going on?”

  “We have a serious problem here.”

  Kerry looked around, trying to scope out the trouble he was talking about. “What is it?”

  “We’ve been married for an hour now and have yet to consummate the marriage.”

  Kerry slapped his arm playfully. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “You love it.”

  “Yeah,” she said. “I do.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and planted a kiss on his lips. “And I love you more.”

  Dorran arched his eyebrows and lifted a finger. “Wait.”

  He ran off and grabbed something and came back with it behind his back.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said that I love . . . you . . . more.”

  Dorran whipped out the spray bottle from behind his back and sprayed her face with a fine mist.

; Kerry tried to wipe away the misty air around her. “What are you doing?”

  In one fluid motion, Dorran swept her off her feet and pulled her close, his large frame enveloping Kerry. “No, Mrs. Knight. You are sorely mistaken, for no humanoid could love another humanoid more than I . . . love . . . you.”

  Sneak Peek

  Thank you so much for reading Making Out with the Billionaire. I’ve got a special treat for you: two chapters from the first book in my Tech Titans series, Hard Drive. Enjoy the read and make sure to get to the end to find out how you can get one of my books for FREE .

  Hard Drive Chapter 1


  Gigi Stevens had never seen a party so over-the-top gonzo.

  Palm trees, jungle vines swinging from the ceiling, and animatronic dinosaurs so large and lifelike they could be used in the next Jurassic Park film. If the DJ’s steady assault of concussive beats weren’t enough to elevate Gigi’s heart rate, then the sight of velociraptors and a roaming T-Rex most certainly were.

  Granted, since moving to San Francisco she’d attended only a few of the tech industry’s notorious gatherings, thrown by nouveau riche code nerds who’d hit it big with apps or games or search engines, socially awkward guys who might chronologically be pushing thirty, but who were emotionally still scouring the pages of D&D monster manuals in their parents’ basements.

  Tonight’s party was different, however. And the party was different because the man throwing the party was different.

  Damian Black, she thought. Or should I call you by your full name, the one given to you by the tabloids? Damian Black, the Bad Boy Playboy of Silicon Valley.


  Gigi whirled in the direction of the shout. Speaking of full names, she thought.

  Judy Mixson was making her way through the throng, holding champagne flutes high in each hand, trying not to spill their golden contents. When she finally reached Gigi, she handed her a flute and said, loudly, over the music, “A bit of the bubbly, my dear.”


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