Puffed, Stuffed, and Melted Murder

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Puffed, Stuffed, and Melted Murder Page 5

by Gretchen Allen

  “I just realized we don’t have a bit of dessert for you!” Julie exclaimed. “I can’t believe we overlooked something like that.”

  “Maybe Yvette can help out with that,” Serena suggested.

  “You don’t have to go through the trouble. I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Mitch protested.

  “I don’t mind at all,” Yvette said. “Let me know what you need, and I’ll make it happen.”

  “Anything would be great,” Mitch said, appearing grateful for the offer.

  “I’ll drop it by your house. How’s tomorrow?” Yvette asked.

  “Perfect,” Mitch agreed. “Thanks for everything ladies. We all appreciate it so much.”

  “Let me walk you out,” Julie said, eyeing Yvette and Serena.

  Chapter 10

  Stowing the broom in her hall closet, Yvette looked between her kitchen and living room for her next project. She’d already swept and dusted and didn’t much feel like washing the windows, so she decided to clean out her kitchen cabinets. It probably didn’t need to be done, but she was feeling restless and had struggled focusing on both her book and the latest reality TV show she’d been catching up on. She pulled the small step stool from the closet and carried it into the kitchen only stopping to turn on the music app on her phone.

  Standing on the stool, Yvette reached up into the top cabinet that housed her baking supplies. She began pulling them down and resting them on the counter, so she could wipe out the cabinet itself before putting everything back where it belonged. Barely getting anything accomplished, she heard a knock on her front door.

  Who could that be? She thought to herself as she climbed down.

  Yvette opened the door and stood in shock for a few moments before it registered that she needed to speak.

  “Drew? What are you doing here?” Yvette asked, trying to hide her disdain.

  “Good morning to you too, Yvette.” He smirked. “I was here to see Gavin, but he’s not home.”

  “So, you decided to stop here instead?” Yvette didn’t invite him inside. “I don’t know where he is, or when he’ll be home.”

  “That’s fine. I didn’t come here for that. Emma should be arriving soon.” He looked at his watch. “We have plans, so I figured I’d meet her here after she was through with you. Now that Gavin isn’t home, I thought I’d just say hello.”

  “I see. Well, I wasn’t aware that Emma was coming either, so forgive me if I came off as rude.” Yvette hadn’t meant to act that way, but truthfully, Drew Ross showing up at her home was the last thing she’d ever expected. “You said you were here to see Gavin? He mentioned he’d be working with you.”

  “Yes. That’s why I’m here. Emma has invited me to come to Florida with her while she works on getting her new shop up and running. She thought I’d enjoy the area and considering my career, I may be able to offer her some help here and there.”

  Yvette knew that Drew was a real estate agent, and had already thought it was odd that Gavin hired him to help set up the Adelaide Apartments, never mind Emma inviting him to Florida to help her set up the new Sundae Afternoon. She obviously already had an agent responsible for getting the building where the shop would be, so how much help could Drew really be at this point?

  “You’re going with Emma? What about Gavin?” Yvette asked, feeling a little protective of her friend.

  “Again, that’s why I’m here. I won’t be available to offer my assistance any longer.” Drew leaned against the door frame.

  “I’m certain Gavin was looking forward to your help. That’s unfortunate,” Yvette said.

  “I’ve hired someone in my absence. She’s a lovely young woman with some experience. I trust her completely and am positive she’ll provide exactly what Gavin hoped for.”

  “I see. Well, I suppose it’s none of my business. When did you say Emma was coming? I should probably call her.”

  Yvette wondered how long she’d have to entertain Drew before Emma showed up. It wasn’t as though Drew came off as a bad guy in everyday conversation, but he just wasn’t someone that she wanted to be friends with. She couldn’t fathom what Emma saw in him.

  “I’m sure she’s on her way. She’s dropping off the keys to her cabin. I’m certain that’s why she suggested we meet here after I spoke with Gavin. She probably wanted me here just in case.”

  “Just in case of what?” Yvette asked.

  “I presume there will be some sort of contract or written document for you to sign and she must want me here to oversee.”

  “Oversee? I’m sorry Drew, I have no idea what you are talking about. Emma agreed when I asked her to rent her cabin. She refused to accept money, and I can’t imagine she thinks my parents are going to trash her home, so I don’t see why a contract or anything of the sort would be needed.”

  “Hmmm. If you say so. Would you like me to wait in my car or...” Drew began.

  “Why don’t we sit out here and wait for her?” Yvette suggested, gesturing to the table on her porch. “I can get us some coffee while we wait.” She had no desire to spend any more time with Drew than necessary, but she wasn’t going to make him wait in his car, no matter how badly she wanted to. She couldn’t believe he thought Emma had asked him there to oversee a contract signing. If Emma had really wanted that, Yvette had no problem signing it, but she wouldn’t be able to help but hide her concern that Emma didn’t trust her or her family.

  “That sounds fine. I take cream in my coffee, but milk will do if it’s all you have.” Drew nodded, and sat down at the table to wait.

  “I’ll see what I can do.” Yvette forced a smile and went inside.

  She went into the kitchen and hoped that there was enough coffee left in the pot, so she didn’t have to wait for more to brew. Thankfully, luck was on her side. She pulled out a mug from the cabinet and filled it, leaving room to spare for Drew’s cream.

  “Here you are. I brought extra cream, just in case.” Yvette sat the mug down in front of Drew.

  “I’m impressed,” he said.

  “So, I bet the weather in Florida is going to be a big change from here,” Yvette said, trying to make small talk.

  “I sure hope so,” Drew agreed. “I’m just lucky I get to go. I never have free time to do things like this.”

  “Well, you weren’t really free this time either,” Yvette pointed out.

  “I already told you I hired someone for Gavin. He’ll be just fine. I had a commercial sale that I thought was going to be a sure thing but at the last second the woman backed out. It was a big sale too and I wasn’t happy I was losing out, in fact, I was furious, but then Emma came along and invited me to Florida. I’d say the timing was perfect.”

  “I’m sorry you lost out on a sale. That has to be hard,” Yvette admitted.

  “I’m a pretty competitive guy and that would have put me over five million in sales. If that had happened, I’d have beat Pamela Leachman for top sales person. So yes, it wasn’t the greatest way to end the year.”

  “Oh, wow,” Yvette said, actually feeling bad for Drew.

  Drew phone dinged. “That’s Emma. She got held up at the farm with her brother, but says she’ll be here in about fifteen minutes.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll get us a few cookies to have with our coffee while we wait.”

  Yvette figured she could handle Drew for fifteen more minutes. He actually didn’t seem to be as bad as she thought. She was eager to get the keys for Emma’s cabin as her and Nate’s gift for each of their parents. Contract or not.

  Chapter 11

  After packing up her SUV with a small deep freezer and a variety of frozen treats for Mitch and Carrie’s family, Yvette began her ride to his house. She knew that bringing along a freezer was probably unnecessary, but she’d made sure there were enough dessert options for at least a week, and with all the other food that Serena and Julie had made, Yvette assumed that there wouldn’t be too much room leftover to store the ice cream.

  Mitch didn’t live too fa
r from Sundae Afternoon, so the drive to his house was quick. She had called him earlier that morning letting him know that she’d be arriving at ten. Yvette opened her door and planned to go to the house and let Mitch know she was there before she began carrying anything inside.

  “Mitch? Mitch, it’s me, Yvette,” she called, after knocking on the door a few times with no answer.

  Yvette knocked again and decided to try the knob. She wouldn’t enter the house, but maybe he’d be able to hear her better without the door blocking her voice.

  “Mitch! Are you home?”

  “In here!” Mitch yelled, his voice sounded distant, signaling he was somewhere across the house.

  Yvette opened the door further and let herself in. She slowly made her way through the living room. She could hear pans clattering from the kitchen, so she followed the noise.

  “Yikes. What’s going on in here?” Yvette asked when she entered the room.

  “I’m making pancakes,” Mitch replied, not looking up from the bowl he was stirring.

  “I can see that.” Yvette looked around the kitchen and saw a single plate of pancakes on the counter. But that wasn’t all. There was batter spilled all over the place, an empty container of milk on the table, and a bag of sugar sat sideways in the cabinet, pouring out onto the floor. To top it all off, Mitch looked frantic.

  “I don’t even know how to do this. I’m doing it all wrong. I’m out of milk, and the sugar is ruined.” Mitch covered his face with his hands.

  “Take a break for a few minutes. I have the ice cream in my car, so let’s go get that, and then I’ll help you. Sound okay?” Yvette said carefully.

  “Yes… Yes, okay.” Mitch nodded.

  Yvette led Mitch outside, looking back at him every now and then to make sure he was still okay. “Where is everyone?”


  “Yes. You said Carrie’s family was in town,” Yvette reminded him.

  “Right.” Mitch nodded. “They went out. All nine of them finally left me alone. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, I know why they’re here, but I’ve just been so overwhelmed. I want to be alone to process my feelings and I can’t and…” he trailed off.

  Yvette understood what Mitch was saying, and she considered dropping off the ice cream and leaving but something told her being alone wasn’t what Mitch needed at that moment. The two made three trips to the house and then back outside once more to carry the freezer together before they were finished.

  “I think that’s it. Now, how about we get everything I brought put away and I’ll help clean up the kitchen?”

  “No! I need to make more pancakes!” Mitch shouted.

  “Okay… Are you making them for Carrie’s family?” Yvette asked. “How many do you need?”

  “Not for them. I’m just making pancakes. I have no idea how else to make it up to my wife. I didn’t mean to hurt her and now she’s gone.” Mitch was near tears.

  “Hurt her?” Yvette’s heart skipped a little, feeling as though it had dropped to her stomach.

  Mitch popped his head up, looking worried. “Hurt her… right. Like, I hurt her feelings. Remember? You were there at the breakfast,” he rambled.

  “Okay. What do we need to do then?” Yvette asked, still not sure how to react. “I can run to the store and buy more milk and sugar.” She eyed the mess in the kitchen once again.

  “Please don’t leave. I don’t know what I’d do if I was alone right now. The guilt is unbearable.” Mitch sat down in a chair and immediately jumped back up again.

  Yvette forced herself to believe that Mitch was just grieving and was upset that his last encounter with Carrie was an argument. Not that he’d gotten so upset and pushed her down a flight of stairs, and was feeling regret for hurting his wife.

  “Okay, I won’t. Do you have more milk and sugar?” Yvette was hopeful.

  “I don’t know,” Mitch answered, sitting back down again. He was clearly feeling anxious.

  “Do you mind if I take a look?” she asked.

  “Go right ahead. I need all the help I can get.”

  Yvette opened the fridge and found just about everything but milk. She went to the cabinet where the bag of sugar was spilling over and moved a few things around. Mitch had no milk and no sugar. For someone who didn’t have either item and didn’t want Yvette to go to the store for him, it was proving difficult to get the job done.

  “I really don’t mind picking up what you need at the store,” Yvette offered again.

  “Am I being crazy? The last time I saw Carrie was over pancakes. I feel like I need to make pancakes. But, it’s probably not going to help… is it?” Mitch sighed.

  “Wait!” Yvette exclaimed. “I have the best idea. I’m not sure if making pancakes will help you feel better, but at least I can make it happen and make it fun while we do it.”

  “I told you not to worry about going to the store. Can you just stay with me a while until everyone gets back?” Mitch begged.

  “I’m not going to the store, but we’re still making pancakes. And yes, I’ll stay with you until they come back.” Yvette agreed. “Now, let’s go find some of that Vanilla Bean ice cream I brought with me.”

  “Ice cream? For what?” Mitch made a face.

  “You don’t have milk and you don’t have sugar. Ice cream has both of those things. Let’s melt it down and use that in place of the milk and sugar,” Yvette explained with a smile on her face.

  “You can do that?” Mitch asked incredulously.

  “I dunno, but we’re about to find out!”

  Yvette still wanted to be cautious around Mitch since some of the things that he said had been a little odd. But she’d never be able to live with herself if he was just grieving and not paying attention to what he was saying or how he was saying it. If Yvette left him alone and something happened, she’d feel terrible. So, instead, she was going to utilize her creativity when it came to everything ice cream, and make some pancakes.

  Mitch came out of the garage where he’d plugged in the freezer that Yvette had brought with her, carrying a small bucket of Vanilla Bean ice cream. “So, how do we melt it?” he asked.

  “I don’t know… How about we put it near the wood stove? Not too close because we don’t want it to get hot but if we put in nearby, it shouldn’t take too long to melt,” Yvette guessed.

  “Okay.” Mitch set the bucket on a small table near the wood stove. “What else?”

  “We need flour, baking powder, salt, eggs, and a little vanilla,” Yvette checked of her mental ingredient list.

  “I have all of those!” Mitch grinned and went to the cabinet to retrieve what he needed.

  Not long after, the kitchen was clean, and the ice cream was melted perfectly. Mitch mixed all the ingredients together and held the bowl, so Yvette could pour in the ice cream. He stirred it until it was the proper consistency and poured the batter onto the griddle he’d been using previously.

  “Let’s hope this works!” Yvette crossed her fingers.

  “What? You haven’t tried this before?” Mitch gasped.

  “I’m shocked! You rattled it off like you were an old pro.”

  Yvette and Mitch watched the pancake cook until the top began to bubble. Mitch tucked a spatula under the pancake and flipped it over with a flick of the wrist. When the other side was complete, he removed it from the griddle and flipped it over once more and then onto a plate.

  “It looks delicious!” Yvette was excited. “Let’s try it!”

  Mitch handed her a fork and took one for himself. They each cut a small piece from the pancake and tried their creation.

  “This has to go on your menu!” Mitch said, cutting into the pancake again.

  Chapter 12

  Yvette looked at her parents, excited that everything with Emma and Drew had gone well. Emma never once mentioned a contract, or that Drew had come along to oversee anything. As far as Yvette was concerned, Drew had been trying to exert power and nothing more. Once Emma got
to her house, she handed Yvette the keys and told her to tell everyone to have fun. She didn’t even ask how long they’d be staying. Drew stayed quiet the entire time and never even mentioned the contract himself, letting Yvette know just what she had expected. Drew was all bark and no bite.

  “So, how’s life? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” Yvette asked her dad.

  “Everything’s good. I finally got started on the ice cream tables for the rest of the Sundae Afternoon shops. I’m just so thrilled that Emma enjoyed them.”


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