Stone In Love (Jersey Series #1)

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Stone In Love (Jersey Series #1) Page 11

by Sienna Skye

  “Hello, Julia. It’s so nice to see you again.”

  I turned to find that Victor guy from the gala standing behind me. The day just kept getting better and better. Maybe it was because I was on my home turf, maybe it was because I knew Hunter was within earshot, or maybe it was because I had simply had enough, but I was going to shut that fool down.

  “The guests are through those doors over there.”

  “I’m well aware. I followed you in here to say hello.”

  “You followed me? Well you have said hello, so please feel free to leave.”

  “You do have a smart mouth on you, don’t you?”

  “Let me straighten this out for you. I don’t care what kind of warped arrangement you have with my mother and stepfather. I am not some party favor for you to take home because you gave Parker your contribution. I thought my brother made that clear to you.”

  Hunter had told me about the warning he gave Victor at the gala. I had also found out I had been right with my assumption that my mother and stepfather were in on it. Apparently, this guy liked to have younger trophy women hanging on his arm when he went to business events. They couldn’t see the harm in me accompanying him to one. My head spun when Hunter told me and when I confronted my mother she looked at me like I had history of kicking puppies or something. I was floored when I told her I wasn’t so naïve to believe that was all he would want from me and she waved her hand. I was sure she thought I was being ridiculous, but whether it was for assuming he would be looking for me to sleep with him or if it was because I was appalled by the idea, I wasn’t quite certain. I didn’t really want to know, either. The whole situation played like some kind of bad made for cable TV movie.

  “Oh yes, your brother. He was quite quick to swoop in to rescue you and pull you away.”

  There was something odd in the way he said brother. I wasn’t sure what that was about, and I didn’t care enough to pursue it.

  “That was Morgan. I was referring to Hunter. I believe he had a conversation with you that night.”

  “Ahhh yes, your other savior. You seem to have no shortage of men coming to your rescue.”

  “The three of us are very close.” I left out the part that I was thankful that was true given the prize of a mother I was given.

  “Yes, very close, I am sure. And where is Morgan tonight? I don’t believe I have seen him.”

  “He’s not here.”


  “Yes, I am sure you are all broken up about it. Hunter and I are the only ones here.” I wasn’t quite sure why he was still hanging around, so I wanted to make sure he knew Hunter was not far away.

  And like clockwork, Hunter walked in. He looked between me and Victor and saw I was less than thrilled he was in the kitchen with me.

  “I thought I made this clear before. Stay away from my sister. I don’t care who the hell you think you are. Trust me when I say, to get to her, you will have to get through me.”

  “You and your brother sure are protective over the lovely Julia, aren’t you?” Victor simply smirked and walked out of the room. What a strange creepy man.

  Hunter was frustrated by the encounter and told me to go get changed because we were leaving. I reminded him we would have to hear about it from his father and he told me not to worry because he would deal with it. Worked for me. I never wanted to be there anyway.

  Kyle wasn’t kidding when he touted the party as being his best ever. Jason invited a bunch of people we went to school with and everyone was hanging out and looking to catch up. I was enjoying myself listening to what everyone was up to and as we reminisced about some of the crap we pulled in high school. Just like Hunter said earlier, there was also a new group of guests, all people who had gone to college with Kyle.

  By the time Morgan arrived, the party was well under way. There was a fire going and I had enough to drink that I was mellow and watching the flames dance. Morgan squeezed my shoulder as he walked past and when I met his gaze, he smiled and winked at me.

  The summer night, combined with music and alcohol had people feeling all sorts of friendly and coupling up. I glanced around at intertwined bodies wrapped up in various stages of passion. My eyes followed as some of the pairings wandered off to find some privacy. The public displays were starting to get me worked up and I was frustrated because Morgan and I wouldn’t be able to do the same. When I glanced over at him again, I saw some girl crawling all over him. She straddled his lap effectively shoving her extremely large boobs all in his face.

  Gah! Now what? I didn’t know what I should do. I couldn’t see Morgan’s face past those two flotation devices to know how he was reacting. He wouldn’t just let her do that while I was sitting there…would he? If I walked over there, it would be really obvious. My temper was rising dangerously quickly and just as I decided to say screw it let everybody know and walk over there, a large body walked over and blocked my view.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hey, Jace.”

  He sat down next to me and playfully nudged his leg against mine.

  “Do you know what is a mystery to me?”

  “What?” I was actually curious to hear what he was going to say, but my gaze still drifted off to watch the lap dance Morgan was receiving.

  “I am at a loss as to why the most beautiful woman here is sitting here all by herself.” He made a point of scanning the area while he swept his arm like he was announcing prizes on a game show. “It looks like most people here are enjoying some interpersonal relations, if even for just the night.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “It seems like a crime to me that you would sit here all by yourself. Looking rather lonely on top of it.”

  “I could very easily say the same about you, Jace. You’re all sorts of hot, plus you’ve got that military tough guy thing going on. Doesn’t make sense that you are sitting with me.” And I was serious. Rock hard body. His buzzed dark brown hair and those light blue eyes. The man was panty melting material.

  Jace chuckled. “I would do my best to try to woo you tonight, but Morgan would skin me alive.”

  “I doubt that will happen. He is obviously too preoccupied with whoever that is with her tits shoved up in his face.” Not like I was bitter or anything.

  “Don’t be so sure about that. Listen, my man may be a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them. He is not going to choose fake over real.”

  What was he talking about? Boobs?

  I wasn’t sure if he had read my mind or if I had actually spoken out loud when he continued.

  “I’m not talking about boobs.” He nodded his head in the direction of Hunter and Morgan. “Those two are good looking and rich. That’s a combination that attracts a lot of women. And a lot of those women only care about those two things, not who they are as people. Those guys are smart though and they can see what is going on. And trust me, Morgan wouldn’t give up a good thing for that.”

  His words gave me pause. I didn’t have time to dwell on what he meant by that because he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. He whispered in my ear.

  “Do you trust me?”

  I nodded, and he stood up and took my hand, pulling me to my feet. I couldn’t help but to cast a glance sideways and sneak a look at Morgan. He had definitely seen Jace pulling me away. He looked a little surprised at first and then his eyes narrowed, but he didn’t move. That girl was still rubbing on him like a cat in heat.

  I followed Jace as he led me down a small path and to a building that was called a carriage house. Kyle’s parents primarily used it as a guest house, but it was put to a much different use when Kyle and Jason had one of their parties. I didn’t even want to think about what a black light could pick up in there.

  Jace closed the door behind us and he motioned for me to sit on the bed. He stood, casually leaning against the wall. I started to ask him what we were doing there, but he held up his hand to stop me.

  “Hold on there, love. Any second now.”
He stood there smiling and looking toward the door.

  I looked back and forth between him and the door trying to figure out what he was doing.

  Less than a minute later, the door burst open and Morgan barreled in, hot and angry. He stopped short when he saw Jace standing against the wall and smirking at him.

  Jace looked extremely pleased with himself. He walked toward Morgan.

  “I told her you weren’t stupid. Don’t make an ass out of me.” He handed something to Morgan. I couldn’t tell what it was, but Morgan slid it into his pocket. Jace left the carriage house, pulling the door closed behind him.

  I looked at Morgan. “Jace figured it out, huh?”

  “It would seem so. What’s going on Jules?”

  “Seriously? Are you really asking me that? Little Miss Big Tits was climbing all over you like you were a damn stripper pole.

  Morgan ran a hand through his hair. “We are figuring this out as we go along. We’re trying not to let anyone know we are together and to act as naturally as possible…”

  “Yeah, well I didn’t think I’d have to watch you making out with someone else.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I was not making out with her. What happened tonight, her climbing on my lap, has happened with other girls a hundred other times at parties. You know that. I didn’t know how I was supposed to handle it. Tossing her off would have drawn attention. I don’t fucking know. We’ll have to come up with something. But, I would never have kissed her or let it get too far. I wouldn’t hurt you like that. And I don’t want anyone else, but you. You have to know I wish you were the one cuddled up on me. Don’t you think I want all those guys to know you are off limits?”

  “I keep waiting for you to decide this isn’t worth the hassle anymore.” There. I said it. The fear that had been taking root and growing inside me.

  “What? That is not going to happen, Jules. Never.”

  “How can you be so sure about that?”

  He stepped forward then and took my face in his hands.

  “It’s simple. You are the only one for me. I love you.” He kissed the tip of my nose and then placed another kiss gently on my lips.

  My eyes filled with tears. He loved me. Like loved, loved me “Oh Morgan. I love you, too. So much.” This time I kissed him.

  “Come on, sweetheart. I am taking you some place where I can make love to you. Not here.”

  “Where are we going to go?”

  He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a key. “Jace’s place.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  One year later…


  Somehow, over the next year, Jules and I had managed to keep our relationship a secret. Trust me, it wasn’t easy. I was so head over heels in love with her it seemed ridiculous to me that we pulled it off. Of course, the fact our parents never paid us much mind anyway certainly didn’t hurt.

  I was away at my senior year of college for most of that year. As often as we could, we would plan to meet on weekends. Sometimes near my school and sometimes I would take her away somewhere. I liked not having to hide during those times. I could take her to dinner or to the movies and hold her hand and give her a kiss. It gave us a little sense of normalcy. I knew we had to do something to change things. The sneaking around was frustrating and I was afraid it would start taking its toll on us. But, I also knew my father would totally lose his shit if he found out we were together.

  Jules and I talked about it and finally decided that distance was the answer. Not from each other, but from everyone else. She liked two colleges she could transfer to and not lose any ground. One was in North Carolina and the other in Virginia. I had just graduated from college and a friend offered me a position in North Carolina. It was a chance for me to learn the ropes. Jules had gotten her acceptance to the school in North Carolina, so we decided that’s where we would go. We could get an apartment and have a chance to really have some time together.

  I just wanted to be able to get my shit together and be able to stand on my own two feet. Then I wouldn’t really care what anyone thought. If they weren’t happy for us, screw them. Hunter had been talking about him and I starting our own software company once we had some experience under our belts. I just needed to buy us some time.

  It was the Fourth of July holiday after I had graduated. My father and Victoria were away on vacation and Hunter was down the shore with our friends. I chose to stay home with Jules. Earlier in the week, she had been sick with a pretty bad stomach virus. She couldn’t keep anything down and she kept burning up with a fever. Hunter couldn’t take it anymore and took her to the doctor. She was on the mend. The fever had finally broken, and she was eating again, but she still wasn’t up to going down the shore.

  After lunch, she went to rest on the couch and was knocked out within a few minutes. I was swimming laps in the pool while she napped.

  I caught her bare feet walking over toward the pool and stopped swimming mid stroke. She was wearing some little dress cover up thing. I didn’t know what the hell women called those things, I just knew it covered up what I wanted to see. She sat down on the edge of the pool, gently kicking her legs in the water.

  “Sorry I crashed. I was just so beat.”

  “Don’t be sorry. You needed the rest.” I waded over to her and folded my arms across her lap. “I’m glad to see you’ve got some color back in your cheeks.” Her face looked too drawn to me, but I wasn’t going to mention that.

  I rested my head on my arms and she ran her fingers lazily through my wet hair. I had missed being close to her, just touching her. While she was sick, I would sneak into her room to check on her. That fever worried me. Then I would just sit there and run my hand over her head and watch her sleep.

  “I feel bad you stayed back to stay with me.”

  “I just want to be wherever you are. You know, that whole in sickness and in health thing.”

  “I’m pretty sure that only counts when you’re married.”

  “Nuh uh. It counts for us, too.” But she made me think. There was no way we were ready to get married, but when I thought about where I saw myself in the future, it was with her. When we were ready, yeah, I wanted us to get married. I wanted to put little fat babies in her belly. I guess I had known that for a while, I just never really put the words to it until that minute.

  I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my cheek on her lap. A few moments later, I could feel a change in the rhythm of her fingers in my hair, hear the change in her breathing. Jules made seduction an art form. In the way she touched me. The words she spoke to me in that sexy, sexy voice. But it was her eyes…those gorgeous sapphire eyes…that always did me in. They would be this scorching hot mix of heat and passion with a glint of naughtiness. I didn’t stand a chance of fighting against it. Not that I would ever want to. I knew if I looked at her, I would see her desire and need.



  “I miss you.”

  “I’m right here darlin’.”

  “Morgan.” I lifted my head so I could look at her.

  My cock instantly hardened when I saw that look in her eyes. I reached up to lift that cover up off of her. She was wearing that pink bikini that I loved so much. I placed slow kisses up the inside of one thigh. Then I started on the other. My hands were squeezing her ass as I ran my tongue up her abdomen. I bit her belly button ring and tugged gently. She was wriggling, growing impatient, but I took my time. My hands on either side of her, I pushed myself out of the water a little and whispered in her ear.

  “Take your bottoms off.” On my way back down I bit on her nipple through her bikini top. Her hands grabbed the back of my head and pushed me toward her. I chuckled at her eagerness. I nibbled again before helping her get out of her bottoms. “Scoot forward.”

  Her butt was at the edge of the pool and I put her legs over my shoulder. Ever so softly, I placed kisses over her mound, teasing, knowing it would drive her crazy with want. I nipped at he
r skin and heard her moan. Between family being around and her being sick, it had been far too long since we had been together. I knew what my girl liked. What drove her crazy with desire. As hard as I was for her, I wasn’t going to make this a quickie. I licked up her slit, savoring her scent, her taste.

  “Morgan please.”

  “Please what?” I wanted to hear her say it.

  “You know what I want.”

  “I don’t think I do.”

  “Liar.” Her frustrated tone made me laugh. It turned me the fuck on to hear her tell me what she wanted. To hear the dirty words come from her lips.

  “Tell me. I want to hear the words.”

  “Lick my clit, damn it. Suck on it.”

  “That’s better.”

  I licked her clit just how she liked it. Slow, in a circle, and with lots of pressure. I could smell how wet she was getting. Felt her wetness on my lips. I pulled her clit between my lips and sucked. Her hips bucked. She grabbed at my head and groaned. She was so close to going over the edge and I gently bit down on her clit. She went off like a rocket. Screaming my name over and over again.

  When she finally caught her breath, she quirked an eyebrow at me. “That was so freaking intense. The biting was new.”

  “I thought you might like that. I know how crazy it makes you when I bite on your neck and on your nipples.” I pulled my trunks off and tossed them next to her discarded clothes. “Take your top off.”

  I pulled her into the water and wrapped her legs around me.

  “I want it hard and rough.”

  Sweet Jesus I loved that woman.

  If the lady wanted it hard and rough, she’d get it hard and rough. She gasped as I slammed my cock into her. My hands dug into her ass and I took her with hard even strokes.


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