A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 9

by Henrietta Harding

  “You must at least ask them,” Gwendolen protested. “You never know until you ask.”

  “Fine, I shall ask them once the guests have gone for the night. I will write to you in the morning with their answer.” Caroline laughed with their friends as they all talked about this Sir Roberts and what type of man he must be if he had been awarded a tittle due to his bravery.

  When the dinner came to an end and everyone took a small reprieve before the dancing, Caroline started to become nervous. Normally she loved to dance. But the idea of being stuck with Lord Canton as a dance partner again didn’t settle well with her.

  She wondered that if by the end of the second set that the Earl would have become too tired to dance a third set. But as the night continued and she enjoyed dancing with her other partners, she saw that Lord Canton had chosen to sit out the other two sets to save the last with her.

  As Caroline thanked her dance partner from the second set and made her way over to her parents to rest between sets, Lord Canton was quick to join them. She looked at the man, knowing that he was eager to be close to her while she couldn’t stand just the sight of the man.

  “Caroline, dear. Did you know that Lord Canton recently donated to an orphanage in town?” Lady Goldman said, capturing Caroline’s attention and forcing her to smile instead of staring at Lord Canton with cold eyes.

  “No, I had not. I saw no mention of it in the papers,” Caroline replied, eyeing Lord Canton sceptically.

  “The papers don’t report on everything,” Lord Canton said with a smirk. “I had come across an orphan begging in the streets and couldn’t stand the sight of the lad. I knew I just had to do something.”

  “You’ve always been so compassionate and considerate to others, even when they might not deserve it,” Lord Goldman said, looking at Caroline with narrowed eyes.

  She and her father had argued several times on her continuous refusal of Lord Canton. What her friends didn’t know was that Lord Canton had proposed to her more than once.

  “Mother, have you heard any rumours about a Sir Roberts? The young ladies and I were discussing this man during dessert. He sounds like quite a heroic person,” Caroline said, wanting to change the subject immediately.

  “Yes, my fellow ladies have mentioned it to me this evening. Seems as though the man came from nowhere and really made a name for himself in the Navy. I am not familiar with any family with the last name of Roberts,” Lady Goldman mentioned.

  “Nor am I,” Lord Canton added, continuing to try to be part of the conversation.

  “Seems the man was responsible for helping his crew take down several pirate ships. His good deeds were rewarded by the King himself,” Caroline said, speaking directly to Lord Canton as he seemed unwilling to simply leave her be. Therefore, she was quick to show the Earl how his actions didn’t compare to this mysterious Sir Roberts.

  “How heroic,” Lord Canton commented. At the sound of music, Caroline was reminded of the third set. When Lord Canton extended his hand towards her, she took it lightly, knowing her father had already promised that she’d dance the third set with him. Without a word in reply, Caroline allowed the man to lead her to the dance floor as she positioned herself with the other ladies, standing across from him and wanting the ground to open and swallow her up.

  As the dance began, Caroline tried to imagine she was anywhere but in her family’s home, dancing with a man she did not like. Her thoughts raced to replace her reality, and like many times when she felt she was facing such an unbearable fate, she thought of him.

  She remembered the way William used to hold her tight and kiss her passionately. She liked to imagine what her life would have been like, had she made it to Scotland with William and they had been married. The life they would have created for each other. The children they would have had by now. All her thoughts helped her forget the dance and who her partner was as she stepped lightly on her feet, the dance familiar to her. She smiled to herself, thinking that had she married William, her life would be perfect right now.

  When the dance finally came to an end, Lord Canton held her hand, boldly keeping her hand in his for much longer than what was proper. Caroline eyed him, wondering what he was up to as she tried to pull her hand from his and he was clearly refusing. Eventually, he placed her hand on his arm and began to lead her through the room, out the open doors, and onto the veranda surrounding the estate. With the spring giving way to summer, the air was still hot and sticky with the day’s sun.

  “What do you want?” Caroline demanded as she finally wiggled her hand free from his grip. “How dare you be so bold with me.”

  “Come now, Caroline. We are very much past simple acquaintances. And now that you are nineteen, it’s time we stop playing games and make things official,” Lord Canton said, turning to her so that his face reflected the candlelight from inside, like bright shadows of flame upon his face. It made him look even more dissatisfying than before.

  “What makes you think I’ll finally accept you?” Caroline asked, crossing her arms across her chest as though to ward him off.

  “Aren’t you tired, Caroline? All the balls, all the social gatherings, all the outings. You are barely lively anymore, and this birthday celebration seems to be your last effort to prove that you can have a normal life like all the other girls,” Lord Canton said, stepping closer to her. “Why do you think you’ve never received any other offer? Why men paw at you but never take you seriously?”

  Caroline stared up into his eyes, confounded by how much he knew about her. It was an unsettling feeling, one that made her think that perhaps she really didn’t know Lord Canton at all and his ability to get what he desired.

  “Are you saying that for my last three Seasons you’ve kept good, eligible gentlemen away from me?” Caroline asked, her anger steadily rising.

  “Of course I did, my dear. I couldn’t have anyone thinking you were available. Instead, I let you have a little bit of fun. You were able to experience life and socialize. But now I grow tired of our game and wish to finally bring you home with me.”

  “Our marriage would be a sham. I would never love you,” Caroline promised him, growing desperate. There had to be something she could say that would cause Lord Canton to give up on her.

  “I don’t really care, Caroline. All that is important to me is that we marry and you bear my children. What you do with your time is up to you, as long as you stay out of my way with my business deals and other pleasures in life,” Lord Canton said, so casually that at first she thought the man was joking. Could he seriously only want her for a show piece instead of a loving wife?

  “I suppose I have no other choice. It doesn’t seem like I will be receiving any other offers,” Caroline admitted, feeling completely defeated. Lord Canton smiled at her then as he closed the space between them and leaned down towards her.

  “I told you that one day you’d come to realize that I am your future,” he said before he pressed his lips against hers with such a needy force that she couldn’t stop herself from raising her hand and slapping him hard. He reared back, a low growl coming from his chest as he stumbled a couple steps back. He rubbed his jaw and turned back towards her, his eyes filled with anger.

  “I so do look forward to our wedding night, Caroline. I will take great pleasure in taming your wild soul,” he said, his voice almost crazed. She was so startled by the sudden transformation in his demeanour and voice that all she could think to do was stand there and stare at him in shock. Yet, eventually, he lowered his hand from his face, straightened his jacket, and smoothed back his hair.

  “Now, let us return to the ball and announce our engagement,” Lord Canton said as he came close to her and offered her his arm.

  “I only have one request,” Caroline said, trying to muster up the last of her courage. “I want to be married in town, and I wish to return right away. Miss Gwendolen has invited me to stay with her and her family for a small time. Come the end of summer, we can then be married.”

  “Time is of no consequence to me,” Lord Canton said with a nod. “I shall write the papers in the morning to announce our engagement with a wedding date for the end of the summer. I’m sure your parents will agree to returning to town for the wedding. After all, we’ll remain afterwards because I prefer the social atmosphere to the bore of the country.”

  “But then my parents will be alone,” Caroline reasoned.

  “That is their choice,” Lord Canton said with a sigh as he led her back into the ballroom. The dancing had come to an end and all eyes seemed to turn towards her as she was led in by the Earl. They made their way through the crowd until they came upon her parents. But this time, Lord Canton didn’t allow her hand to fall from his arm as he hugged her hand to his side, trapping her to him. In many ways, it was the truth—she was trapped with nowhere to run this time.

  “Lord and Lady Goldman. It’s my great pleasure to announce that Miss Caroline has finally accepted my proposal of marriage,” Lord Canton said cheerfully.

  Caroline remained emotionless at his side, unable to muster even a happy expression. Her parents were both shocked for a moment, but eventually her mother started to clap excitedly as she rose from her chair and was quick to embrace Caroline.

  Only then did Lord Canton let go of her hand, allowing Caroline to return her mother’s embrace. It was her father then that raised his voice over all the other chatter and declared the engagement for all to hear. The ballroom exploded with celebrational clapping and congratulations.

  Caroline stood amongst the throng of well-wishers, receiving their congratulations. She tried her best to smile at everyone, to not look completely miserable. But when Gwendolen finally reached her through the masses, Caroline could no longer keep up the act. Her smile fell as her friend embraced her.

  “Why is this happening?” Gwendolen whispered into her ear. “We both know you don’t love him.”

  “I had no other choice,” she replied softly into her friend’s curly black hair. “But he has agreed to let me go with you to town, that we won’t be married till the end of summer.”

  “Good. We will prepare our journey straight away and allow everyone to catch up with us later. My parents are eager to return to town and don’t very much care for the heat of the country.” Gwendolen let go of Caroline and gave her a weak smile before making her way towards her parents.

  Caroline was at least grateful to have one good friend amongst so many who only saw her for her father’s wealth. A part of her even wanted to trust Gwendolen completely. For now, Caroline simply stood next to her intended, wishing she was anywhere else but there beside him, receiving the compliments of everyone else. How could they all not see what a sham this was?

  Chapter 10

  William knew that eventually it would happen. After almost three years since he’d last seen Caroline, he knew the day would come when he’d either receive word from his father or see it from himself in the London papers. And now, before him, was the morning paper with the announcement written in large letters. It seemed Lord Canton wasn’t going to be subtle. He was letting all of town know that he was soon to be married to Miss Caroline Goldman at the end of the summer.

  “Seems like he finally got her,” Daniel said as William folded over the paper and slid it across his mahogany desk towards his business partner. Daniel picked up the paper and read the announcement before setting it back down on the desk. “What are you going to do now?”

  “I’m going to do what I wish I could have done years ago,” William said, running his fingers through his golden hair. It had finally started to grow out again after he’d had to keep it cut short to his scalp while he was a sailor. Now, with everything he’d been able to claim as his own, he could finally grow out his hair and start dressing like a true gentleman.

  “Do you think she is still in love with you, though?” Daniel asked. William eyed him carefully. It always unnerved him how much he and Daniel looked alike. It was more like seeing into a looking glass than observing a person before him. It had been at the docks that the two had discovered one another, about a year after William first moved to town with his father and Grendel.

  “I have to keep believing she’s still in love with me. It’s the only thing that keeps me going each day. After all, the engagement has only just happened. It’s proof that she’s still in love with me, if she was willing to wait so long.”

  “Or do you think Lord Canton finally caught on to what you’ve really been up to all these years?” Daniel asked. William grinned, feeling proud of his many accomplishments without the Earl ever finding out.

  “I doubt he has been able to figure things out. With you here and me working, no one was able to tell the difference.”

  “Even your own father keeps getting us confused,” Daniel agreed with a smile.

  “The man may do as he pleases now that he is healed. He’s so much like his own self that I know for the rest of my life I shall be indebted to you,” William said as he stood and held out his hand to him.

  “I feel the same way, William. You gave me a chance to be with my mother before she passed when I was needed out at sea. Seems you’ve made a real name for me,” Daniel said as he stood and accepted William’s handshake.

  “But William Ryan is still a nobody.” The men let go of each other and William sighed. “I hate to see you go.”

  “I’ve been on dry land for too long, and you’ve gone and done this deed for me. May you enjoy the spoils of your success while I live a very quiet life. Perhaps one day I’ll marry for love, too.”

  “When you are in port, please call on me. All that I am and have is because of you. You must also enjoy it as well,” William said, coming around the desk to walk with Daniel as he left the townhouse.

  “I will want to meet this Caroline one day. After all, she’s the only thing you and your father seem to talk about. Even with all the other women that have thrown themselves at you or will no doubt try to get into your bed sheets with your new fame.”

  “There is no woman besides Caroline. Now that she is engaged, I must fulfil a promise I made to her a long time ago,” William said, nodding to his butler as they reached the foyer of the modest townhouse. William was still getting used to his fortune and wealth and knew that it would be ideal for him to decorate his home more. But he wasn’t worried about all of that quite yet. He simply wanted to bid his dear friend farewell.

  “Take care, Sir Roberts. May the fates smile upon you,” Daniel said with a dip of his head.

  “And to you, too, Daniel. I look forward to the day we meet again.” William stood at the doorway after it had been opened and Daniel stepped out with his wetbag upon his back. He carried just enough to stay warm and dry aboard the ship that would be leaving in a few hours. William owed everything he now had to Daniel. If it hadn’t been for their arrangement, he wouldn’t be the man he was today.

  Eventually, William stepped back inside the house, allowing the butler to close the door behind him. He was still getting used to the idea of having servants. It came with the rank and status in town, and with a townhouse so large to take care of, it was nice to have servants to give him a hand. Though, Grendel still tried to keep things tidy herself. Well off in age, she had started to make him worried about her health, now that his father was completely healed.

  William made his way into the dining room to greet everyone while they enjoyed their breakfast. Grendel smiled up at him, dressed in an elegant day gown. No longer were her clothes dirty or tattered. She looked to be a proper lady now, with her nice gowns and hair pulled up in braids. Her lady’s maid was really taking good care of her.

  “Was that Daniel leaving now?” his father asked as he sat down at the table and allowed his footman to serve him.


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