A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Lady's Passion Knows No Distance: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 27

by Henrietta Harding

  “I can’t wait to see you married, as well. I know that Lord Sergio will return for you as soon as he can,” Caroline said.

  “I know it as well. But today, let’s not discuss my future but yours. I won’t be surprised that if by the time I am married, you already have a child of your own.” The women laughed again as Caroline was helped to her feet. After making sure that everything was in place, the maids picked up the train of her gown and helped her make her way down the stairs.

  “How beautiful,” Lady Murphy said as they came down the stairs.

  “Truly a vision,” Lord Murphy agreed. They were all dressed in their finest, and Caroline couldn’t help but smile broadly. She had been looking forward to this moment for so long that she was eager to reach the church and finally be married to William. She was so grateful to Lord and Lady Murphy doing so much for her. They were like true parents to her and she was glad to have them in her life.

  “Let’s head out to the carriage,” Gwendolen suggested. “Someone’s a bit excited for the day.”

  “My word, I can’t wait for all the festivities. I can’t wait to see Sir Roberts,” Caroline exclaimed.

  “All right, let’s be on our way,” Lord Murphy said with the chuckle. The butler opened the door for them, and the Earl led the way to the waiting carriage. Caroline was helped up into the carriage first since it took a little extra time to make sure her gown was completely taken care of. Once the other three were settled, Lord Murphy rapped his knuckles against the side of the carriage to signal to the driver that it was time to go.

  As the vehicle was drawn down the cobblestone road, Caroline was filled with all manner of excitement. She smiled brightly behind her veil, her eyes watching the town pass by.

  She couldn’t wait to get to the church and finally get to see William in all of his finery. She thought him a handsome man already, but was curious about what style he’d chosen for their wedding day. And, if Caroline was being completely honest with herself, she longed for the wedding night, as well.

  Caroline was surprised by the sheer number of people filing into the church as the carriage came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. The church bells rang, signalling that the wedding would soon begin. It thrilled Caroline to no end as the carriage door was opened and the ladies stepped out first. Once Lord Murphy had alighted, he turned back and helped Caroline down safely from the carriage, her gown flowing behind her as she stepped up the stairs of the church.

  “Your father would be proud of you today, Miss Caroline. I know I am,” Lord Murphy said as they climbed the stairs. Lady Murphy had hurried ahead of them to take their seats at the front of the chapel.

  “Thank you, Lord Murphy. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay all the kindness you have shown me. But I hope one day I can serve you and your family as you have done me,” Caroline said, fighting back the tears that pricked her eyes. She didn’t want to cry this day, though her body was filled with all sorts of strong emotions.

  As the Wedding March began, Caroline turned her eyes forward as Lord Murphy led her into the chapel. The pews seemed to be filled to the maximum number of occupants as everyone stood to watch her walk down the aisle. And though there were a vast number of guests, the only person Caroline focused on was William.

  He stood at the altar with the priest, his hair now longer than when she’d first seen William for the first time after so many years. He looked the same as when they’d first fallen in love. He wore a black jacket with embroidered lace throughout, the light reflecting off it. She thought he was so handsome in his wedding clothes, and she blushed at the idea of seeing those clothes on the floor of their bedchamber.

  “Who gives this woman to be this man’s wife?” asked the priest as they reached the altar, momentarily pulling Caroline’s attention to the man.

  “Her guardians do,” Lord Murphy said as he placed Caroline’s hand in William’s. He then went to sit down with Lady Murphy and Gwendolen as they occupied the front pew with William’s father and Grendel. She looked at them all for a moment, thinking it was good to have family and friends in her life.

  As the ceremony continued on, Caroline focused her eyes on William’s bright blue ones. They smiled at one another, becoming lost in their own little world. When it came to repeat their vows, they did so with slow, clear words. Caroline could feel every promise in William’s words as he spoke his vows to her. And she tried to do the same with hers.

  The ceremony seemed to pass so quickly. Before she knew it, William was lifting her veil and revealing her face so that he could lean down and kiss her when the priest finally said, “You may kiss your bride.” The embrace was gentle and sweet, a promise of things to come.

  As the congregation cheered, William placed her hand firmly on his arm and led her from the chapel. Everyone stood and clapped for him. Caroline had never smiled so much in her life as she waved to everyone before being led from the church and to the waiting carriage. They would then be transported to the dance hall for the wedding reception. But all Caroline could think was that she was finally officially married to William.

  “How are you feeling, my dear?” William asked once they were situated in the carriage, Caroline’s gown safely tucked into it as well.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in my life,” Caroline declared. “I’m just so relieved that we are finally married.”

  “I feel the same. This is all like a dream come true. It was worth all the effort, and perhaps all the pain,” William said as he tucked an arm around her and held her close to his body. She rested her head on his shoulder, her hand on his chest.

  “I never want to part from you again,” Caroline murmured as the carriage was drawn towards the dance hall.

  “And never shall you ever be,” William promised. “I shall also make sure to uphold your father’s name. I’m sure Lord Murphy will teach me much about what it means to be an earl.”

  “I think we should return to the countryside when we can for the winter months. I look forward to actually returning home,” Caroline said.

  “If Grendel is up for the trip, I think it would be good to return home after all,” William agreed.

  Once they reached the dining hall, they took to the stairs towards the upper rooms. Caroline had a second gown to change into for the reception, since the train of her wedding gown was far too long to dance comfortably in. Caroline let go of William’s arm as she went towards her room to be changed, but was surprised when William followed her in and shut the door behind them, locking it tight.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Caroline asked with a raised brow.

  “Enjoying a few pleasures with my wife before the guests arrive,” William said in a husky voice.

  “You surely cannot be serious,” she replied as shivers ran all over her skin.

  “I’m confident I could help you out of that gown in no time,” William said as he approached her, wrapping his arms around her waist before pressing his lips against hers. Caroline giggled, putting her arms around his shoulders and feeling his hands pulling on the ties of her gown, loosening it bit by bit. Eventually, Caroline was able to step out of her flowing gown and stand before him in only her slip.

  “Your turn,” Caroline said as she worked at the buttons of his jacket before sliding it off his shoulders and allowing it to hit the ground as she turned her attention to her trousers. She noticed the large bulge in his trousers and worked quickly to free his manhood. Once they were both completely bare to one another, William led her over to a settee and guided her onto it so that her hands rested on the back, her knees on the cushions as William stood behind her.

  “I’ve dreamed of this moment since our time together on the beach,” William said. Caroline soon felt the head of his member pressing against her wet opening. She tilted her hips back, eager to feel him deep inside of her. With his hands placed on either side of her hips, he slowly inched his member into her core. Caroline knew that William was rather large from
their previous lovemaking. She forced herself to relax as William sunk into her, filling her completely.

  “Oh yes, William. I love you so much,” Caroline moaned as William started to thrust slowly in and out of her. She braced herself on the back of the settee, rocking her hips back to meet his.

  “I love you, too, Caroline. Every day that I can, I shall pleasure your body till you beg me to stop,” William said in a sultry voice, causing Caroline to shiver with delight.

  “I will hold you to your word. For I shall want you to pleasure me as dearly as I want to pleasure you,” Caroline said as she began to pant. William reached around her and used his fingers to start massaging her most sensitive nub. Caroline’s moans grew louder as he did so, the sound of flesh smacking together filling the air as William quickened his pace. Caroline could feel her inner wetness dripping down her thighs as she enjoyed the angle at which William was making love to her.

  “Oh yes, William! Don’t stop,” Caroline begged as she found herself reaching her peak rather quickly. As she crashed over the mountain of ecstasy, William grabbed her waist with both hands and plunged his member into her spasming core, filling her with his own seed as he climaxed as well.

  As they came down from the high together, they panted hard to catch their breaths. Eventually, William withdrew himself from her core and moved quickly to find a clean cloth and water from the basin.

  “You’re so considerate,” Caroline said as she allowed him to clean her.

  “I wouldn’t want the guests to get the wrong idea when they smelled our lovemaking on you,” William said with a chuckle. Once they were cleaned up, they took turns dressing one another. Caroline wore her second wedding gown, this one more fitting for a ball.

  Together, they descended the stairs towards the reception room. Already she could hear the chatter from the guests, and she blushed slightly as she wondered if any of them would be able to tell what she had just done with William. But after all they’d been through together, Caroline would never care what the Ton said about her or William. They were finally together, and that was all that mattered to her.


  Can't get enough of Caroline and William? Then make sure to check out the Extended Epilogue to find out…

  Whose arrival to England will make Gwendoline very happy?

  What kind of surprise will Caroline have for William?

  Which story from the past will Caroline choose to tell her son before he goes to bed?

  Click the link or enter it into your browser


  (After reading the Extended Epilogue, turn the page to read the first chapters from “Unmasked by a Captivating Lady”, my Amazon Best-Selling novel!)

  Unmasked by a Captivating Lady


  Miss Arabella Nott desires nothing more in life than to ride her beloved horse through the fields around her home in Dorset. Although her mother won’t stop pressuring Ara to think about eligible young men and marriage, she has vowed that she will never marry. But when she unexpectedly meets a handsome Duke, he ignites a fire inside her, in ways that she could never have imagined. Why is she suddenly thinking that marriage to the Duke might be just what she desires when she has always been so vehemently opposed to it?

  In London, Lord Miles Comerford, younger brother to the Duke of Lancaster, places a bet with his brother. He will pretend to be the Duke, to prove that all the young ladies are only attracted to his brother’s title. Even though he has vowed that he will never let another woman touch his heart again, it is a good wager, and Miles is confident that he shall collect the winnings. But when the first young lady he meets is the delectable and fiery Miss Arabella Nott, he finds that the bet might be more of a liability than an asset…When his heart beats faster every time he thinks about her, will he be able to risk it all and reveal the truth?

  As the ball approaches, choices must be made, by both of them. Will they deepen the desire that burns between them? Or will the Duke’s trickery make a mockery of the burgeoning love, before it has even started to blossom?

  Chapter 1

  Arabella Nott gazed back over the wide, rolling hills of Dorset, which were spreading out as far as the eye could see. From this vantage point, high on the cliff, she could clearly see the green countryside behind and the sparkling grey-blue sea ahead.

  The horse beneath her stirred, stamping his hooves restlessly. She leaned down, stroking his chestnut flank. “It is quite alright, Pem,” she whispered reassuringly to the horse. “I am not about to lead you down the cliff face.”

  She sighed deeply. The brownish-golden sand of the beach below beckoned to her, stirring her blood. She knew that it was out of bounds – her parents were very insistent that she ride only so far beyond the grounds of Rudwick House, their country estate. A young lady of one and twenty had to show propriety and restraint. A young lady had to restrain her wild impulses to ride as far and as fast as she wanted to.

  Ara sighed again, still gazing longingly at the beach. Sometimes it was just so boring being a well brought up lady. There were so many rules and regulations. Petty rules and regulations, in her book.

  If only I had been born a boy, she thought longingly. Then I could ride as wildly and as far as I wished, and no one would question me.

  She had already broken a golden rule this morning, just by saddling Pem and coming here. She had not bothered to tell her father or her mother. She knew that her mother had earmarked this morning for a fitting with the dressmaker, who was travelling from Frasby, the local village, to Rudwick House. New gowns for their upcoming London season were needed, and Mrs. Grace Nott was determined that they all look the part.

  “We must not look like country bumpkins,” her mother had declared huffily. “If we do not have gowns made in the latest fashion, we shall all look as if we have just stepped down from the hay cart.” She had paused significantly, staring at Ara. “And then we shall never hope to land a good husband for you, daughter.”

  Ara stirred restlessly in the saddle, remembering her mother’s words and her pointed look. Mama never stopped going on about finding a husband for her. It had been her life’s mission since her sixteenth birthday, and the disappointment of having a daughter still unwed at one and twenty was sour for her.

  I am so bored with it all, she thought darkly. Why must I find a husband? Why can’t I just head out, riding Pem, and when at home stay in the stables all day, for the rest of my life?

  She kept gazing over the sparkling sea. The colour reminded her of one of her mother’s silk gowns. Her eyes lit up when she saw a solitary ship far out on the ocean, its impressive white sails blowing in the wind, as she imagined the wild adventures the sailors on board it must have. She had no desire herself to sail the seas, but the thought of the freedom was intoxicating.

  Her mind turned to Ruth, her cousin and closest friend, who had grown up alongside her as a sister at Rudwick House. Ruth didn’t think the way that she did. Ruth desired to marry well and loved socialising and new gowns. Ara thought that Ruth was the daughter that her parents desired, in their heart of hearts. Sometimes, she thought that they loved Ruth more than her, just a little bit. Her cousin was so sweetly compliant and genteel. Just the way a young lady should be.

  Ruth’s eyes had bulged dramatically when Ara had whispered to her at the breakfast table that she was taking Pem for a ride this morning.

  “Ara,” she had whispered back furtively. “You know that the dressmaker is coming today! My aunt shall have an apoplexy if Mrs. Gibbs arrives and you are nowhere to be found. London is only a week away, and we must have our gowns before we depart…”

  Ara had stared at her cousin levelly. How was it that she always did the right thing, without any seeming effort? Her eyes had trailed over Ruth’s perfectly coiffed brown hair and immaculate gown, with not a crease or a stain upon it. Her gaze had dropped to her own gown, where she had already managed to spill a tiny bit of marmalade, creating an
orangey stain that her mother would be sure to fuss over.

  But she knew that Ruth’s situation was one of the reasons she was so compliant. Her own parents were long dead, and she had been brought up at Rudwick House, as a charity, although her parents loved their niece. Miss Ruth Nott did not have any money of her own, and as a woman her situation would always be precarious until she found a good husband. Ruth had to toe the line.


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