Elemental Faith

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Elemental Faith Page 2

by L. M. Somerton

  Dominic had seconds to draw breath before Evrain claimed him with a kiss, nipping at Dominic’s lower lip hard enough to sting.

  “You’re okay.”

  “Of course I am.” Dominic submitted to another punishing kiss, his cock plumping in response to Evrain’s aggression. “Agatha had enough wards around this place to keep an entire battalion of demons out and she said they’d last forever.”

  Evrain cupped Dominic’s cheek. “I worry about you.”

  “I know you do.” Dominic gave him a shy smile. “Which is why I thought you needed to see our new décor in person.” He gestured at the fireplace and Evrain turned to look.

  “What in the ever-loving hell is that?” Evrain stalked across to stand in front of the fireplace. He reached for the graffiti above the mantel, not quite touching.

  “It appeared just before I called you, not all at once but almost as if someone were painting it onto the wall. It smoked a little, then turned to that sooty color. Shadow wasn’t bothered so I assumed I wasn’t in imminent danger.” At the sound of her name, Shadow glanced around, gave Evrain a narrow-eyed glare then went back to eating.

  “That animal is nothing but a stomach on legs, but I trust her judgment where your safety is concerned.” Evrain stared at the markings. “There’s something about the symbol that’s familiar. I can’t quite place it.”

  Dominic joined him and Evrain clasped his hand, rubbing his thumb across Dominic’s palm.

  “It looks a bit Celtic to me. Are you going to call Gregory?” Dominic asked.

  Evrain gave a pained sigh. “I suppose I must. He and Coryn should be back from their cruise by now. He’ll insist on coming up here then he’ll find excuses for more training.”

  “When will he consider you done?” Dominic asked, keeping the amusement from his voice.

  “Knowing him, never. The man’s a sadist. He takes enormous pleasure in demonstrating how much of a novice I am.”

  “Takes one to know one. Sadist that is, not novice.”

  Evrain pulled Dominic to stand with his back pressed to Evrain’s chest. He slipped a hand down the front of Dominic’s pants, cupped his package and squeezed. “And you love that about me.”


  “I’ve neglected you this week.”

  “Shouldn’t you call Gregory straight away?” Despite his words, Dominic pushed back against the hard ridge of Evrain’s cock.

  “I’m entitled to a little rebellion now and again. I’ll email him a picture of it. In the meantime, I think you should strip.”

  “Evrain…are you sure we’re safe?”

  “I don’t sense anything evil about it at all. The wards are undisturbed and Shadow isn’t bothered. I’m as sure as I can be. Now, don’t make me tell you again, sweetheart. You’re well overdue some discipline thanks to the hours I’ve been working and I’d be more than happy to apply my hand to your backside.”

  Shadow made a beeline for the door. She gave Dominic a baleful glare then began to scratch at the wood. “Hey, don’t blame me.” Dominic wandered over to unlatch the door. “I’m not the one upsetting your delicate sensibilities.”

  Evrain snorted. “Delicate, my ass. She knows I’ll toss her voyeuristic, furry behind into the garden in a minute anyway. She’s anticipating the need to evacuate the premises.”

  Tail held high, Shadow sashayed out of the cottage. Shaking his head, Dominic closed then latched the door. Evrain was snapping a picture of the new wall art on his phone.

  “There. Knowing Gregory, he’ll have the sound turned off on his mobile and won’t notice the message for hours. Plenty of time for me to have my wicked way with you.” He leered. “Why are you still dressed?”

  Dominic shivered. He never failed to feel a frisson of excitement when Evrain was in a dominant mood. He still didn’t understand why submitting to another man turned him on the way it did but he had learned to accept it. Evrain was a force of nature, kneeling for him seemed natural to Dominic—the way things should be. He took off his shirt, leaving his pendant in place. Only Evrain was allowed to remove it—fastened with magic and imbued with protection spells, Dominic couldn’t take it off himself even if he wanted to. He touched the star-shaped black tourmaline wondering, as always, at its unnatural warmth.

  “I’m getting impatient, sweetheart.” The endearment didn’t fool Dominic. Evrain’s steel-edged tone held the promise of unavoidable punishment. “Raise your hands.”

  Dominic glanced up. There was an ancient iron meat hook embedded in the gnarled beam above his head, a loop of rough hemp rope hanging from it. As he watched, the rope unknotted in a sinuous slide and the vague ache he always experienced when Evrain channeled his power enveloped his body. He gave Evrain a narrow-eyed stare but lifted his arms, stretching his fingers toward the ceiling. In a snake-like dance, the rope wound around his wrists and the hook, tightening until he was forced to lift his heels from the floor. His cock hardened in response to his vulnerable position.

  “You should have obeyed me quicker, love. I’m not good at waiting for what I want, you know that.” Evrain circled him, tracing the lines of Dominic’s muscles with the tip of his finger. He paused to unfasten Dominic’s jeans, easing the zipper down with care. Dominic had forgone underwear that morning at Evrain’s insistence. Now he whimpered as his aching cock bounced free.

  “So beautiful.”

  Once past his thighs, the garment dropped to the floor.

  “Step out of them.”

  Dominic shook the denim from his feet.

  “I’ll allow you to keep the socks on. The floor’s cold and besides, they look cute.”

  Dominic rolled his eyes, but he was glad of the thick woolen socks. Flagstones suited the cottage, but the bits of exposed stone between faded rugs were always cold regardless of the season. He gasped and rose higher on his toes when Evrain gripped his cock.

  “Nice and hard for me. Stay that way.”

  As if I have a choice.

  “Any numbness or tingling in your hands?”

  “No…Sir.” Dominic flexed his fingers. The rope dug into his wrists but he didn’t care—he craved the marks that would be left behind. Addressing Evrain with the honorific also helped put him in a submissive mindset, settling him in his skin.

  “Good.” Evrain ran his palm over the curve of Dominic’s backside. “You’ll tell me if anything hurts that shouldn’t.” The whimper that escaped Dominic’s lips was involuntary. “Time to fill you up. You want that, don’t you?”

  “Please, Sir.”

  A shelf set in the side of the fireplace held Evrain’s ever-growing collection of plugs and dildos. Gregory insisted that he practice manipulating natural materials and Evrain found it amusing to fashion stone and wood into tactile sex toys. Stone was much more difficult to work with than wood but so far Evrain had succeeded with quartz, polished granite and marble. He chose the quartz, his favorite, and the biggest of the bunch. Dominic’s pulse sped up as Evrain coated the plug with a thick layer of lube, taking his time, making sure Dominic saw everything.

  “You’re enjoying this far too much.” Dominic shivered in anticipation.

  “What’s not to enjoy? You’re at my mercy—my favorite position for you. You’re naked, the state I prefer you in, and I’m about to make you scream, which is always pleasurable.” Evrain pressed the tip of the plug to Dominic’s hole.



  “Bossy warlock.”

  “Any chance you had of coming today is rapidly diminishing.” Evrain pushed the smooth quartz rod into Dominic’s channel. The stretch was accompanied by a mild burn that soon gave way to pleasure as Evrain nudged his prostate.

  “Please. Please… Sir…”

  “I love to hear you beg, sweetheart. Tell me what you want.”

  A small part of Dominic wanted to resist, a far larger part wanted to give Evrain whatever he demanded. “Touch me.” The lack of friction on his cock was torment. “Touch
me, Evrain, please… You’re driving me mad.” In response, Evrain pushed the plug in and out of Dominic’s body, varying his pace and rhythm. “More. I need more.” Dominic yanked on his bonds, attempting to push back so that Evrain would drive the plug deeper.

  “Who’s in control here?” Evrain withdrew the quartz rod to its tip.

  “You are! Evrain… Sir… You, always you.”

  “That’s right. Don’t forget it. I decide what to give you, I decide between pleasure and pain.” He thrust the plug deep into Dominic’s channel. “You’ll keep this inside you.”

  Dominic moaned. The plug was heavy, slippery—he clenched his ass muscles around the invader. In front of him, Evrain dropped to his knees. He swiped the end of Dominic’s leaking cock with his tongue.

  “Love the way you taste… Of herbs and green things, fresh like spring rain.”

  “Your Scottish accent turns me on.”

  “What accent?”

  Dominic regretted saying anything if it kept Evrain’s attention away from his cock. “When you’re excited, or angry, you start rolling your ‘r’s… It makes me picture you in a kilt.”

  “I have one. The family tartan is very dark.”

  “Why doesn’t that…oh!”

  Evrain sucked the end of Dominic’s cock, making it impossible to think until he pulled off with a pop. “You were saying?”

  “You’re evil.”

  “When it comes to torturing you, yes. Hundreds of years ago the family name was Brooke. Not sure where the ‘s’ came from. So we use the Brooke tartan, which is mainly dark green and black.” Mouthing Dominic’s balls, Evrain hummed, sending vibrations through Dominic’s body. He stopped again. “Would you like to see me in my kilt? I don’t wear anything under it.” He grinned.

  “Can we save this conversation for later? Interesting though it is.” Dominic worked his muscles around the plug.

  “Or I could give you a potted history of tartan making. Did you know that one of the earliest examples of tartan found in Scotland dates back to the third century AD?”


  “A small sample was found used as a stopper in an earthenware pot to protect a treasure trove of silver coins buried close to the Antonine Wall near Falkirk.”


  “So impatient.” Evrain took Dominic’s cock deep into his throat. He sucked hard and there was nothing Dominic could do to stop the orgasm that seared through him. Evrain sucked and swallowed until Dominic’s skin was so sensitive he couldn’t stand it any longer. He sobbed for mercy.

  “Enough…please, Sir!”

  Standing, Evrain gave Dominic’s ass a sharp smack, jostling the plug. “I don’t think I gave you permission to come.”

  “You’re unbelievable.” Dominic was glad of the bindings because he didn’t think his legs would hold him up without the additional support.

  “I am.” Dominic shuddered as Evrain fondled his ass. “Unbelievably good to you, considering your lack of respect for my authority.”

  “Your…you arrogant…fuck me!” Dominic howled. “Stop that.” Evrain played with the plug some more.

  “Once I’m done fucking you into unconsciousness, this is going back in. Gonna keep my seed inside you for the rest for the day.”

  “No! I…”

  “You don’t want me to fuck you?” Evrain feigned hurt.

  “I didn’t say that.” Dominic whined. “I have to work.”

  “All you have to do is submit to my will.” There was a rustle of fabric then the messy heap of Evrain’s pants slid into view. He pulled the plug free and before Dominic could manage a yelp, pressed the head of his cock to Dominic’s hole. “All stretched and ready for me. Nice and slick.”

  Dominic gripped the ropes holding him in place in an attempt to keep his body still but Evrain placed a hand on each hip, digging his fingers in hard enough to leave marks, keeping him steady. Dominic shivered then sighed his relief as Evrain pushed inside his body. The heat, the pressure, the fullness were all familiar and welcome. He floated on a wave of deep satisfaction. Evrain muttered and sparks tingled inside Dominic’s body, as if Evrain’s cock was coated with fireflies. Dominic gasped and danced from foot to foot.

  “Be still.” Evrain gripped him harder, ramming home his claim. Dominic gave in and let Evrain take control, not that he had much choice. Evrain nailed his gland over and over, sending him into a spiral of desperate need and acute pleasure.

  “I love it when you give me everything,” Evrain said, nibbling the nape of Dominic’s neck. “Your powers of recuperation are remarkable.” He licked Dominic’s shoulder before pressing his teeth into the flesh just hard enough to sting.

  “Evrain! Don’t stop… Harder…”

  For once Evrain didn’t argue. He pounded Dominic’s ass without mercy.

  “I need…”

  “You need what I give you.” Evrain reached around Dominic’s body to grasp his aching cock. He squeezed, harder than was strictly necessary, and Dominic came with a yell, his vision blanking. The sensations in his body were so overwhelming that his awareness of Evrain diminished to the point where they were joined and no more.

  Evrain sank his fingertips into Dominic’s hips, holding him close, sealing their bodies together as he came shouting Dominic’s name. The gush of extra heat inside him made Dominic shake, his body attempting to come again even though it was impossible. He sagged in his bonds until the ropes slithered away from his wrists and he dropped into Evrain’s secure hold.

  “One of these days you’re going to kill me with pleasure.”

  “Best to make sure that doesn’t happen,” Evrain muttered, half carrying Dominic to one of the armchairs next to the fire where he settled him onto his lap. “Because I intend to do that again and again and again.”

  “I should clean up.”

  “You should stay right where you are and besides, I’m going to plug you again before you shower—with something big, to keep you well stretched for me.”

  Dominic groaned. “Do you know how hard it is to work with one of those things inside you?”

  “I don’t have first-hand experience, so no.” Dominic could feel Evrain vibrating with laughter.

  “You’re such an evil bastard. I thought it was part of the Dom rulebook that you had to try everything you do to me first?”

  “I like to be the exception to most rules, sweetheart, as you’ve probably worked out by now.” Evrain pulled Dominic close, fondling his softened dick. “I should cage this, keep it safe for me.”

  “What do you mean?” Dominic sat up, imagining all kinds of horrific scenarios.

  “Chastity, my love. I could get hard just thinking about your sweet dick locked in metal for me. You would only be able to get hard when I permit it. I’d be the only person able to grant you release.”

  “No. Just no.” Dominic’s traitorous cock made an attempt to harden.

  “You say no, but your body seems to be agreeing with me.”

  “I…” Dominic had no idea what to say. He couldn’t deny that Evrain’s words were turning him on, against his better judgment. His rambling thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a phone. He slumped against Evrain’s chest. “Saved by the bell. Does Gregory know that you have the theme from The Godfather as his ring tone?”

  Evrain shrugged. “I hope not.” He reached for his cell. “Gregory, thanks for calling back. Did you and Coryn have a fun trip?”

  “I think we can dispense with the niceties, Evrain. I can’t leave you alone for ten minutes, can I?”

  “What did I do?” Evrain rolled his eyes at Dominic. “I wasn’t even here when the symbol appeared, I was at work.”

  “Well, you’ll be glad to know it’s benign. Nothing to worry about. In fact it will start to fade soon.”

  “I guessed as much because Shadow wasn’t spooked. Dominic was here alone when it happened and that fur ball is more protective of him than I am.”

  Gregory snorted. “I doubt that.
Regardless, I need to see you in person. Coryn and I will fly out today. We’ll be there this evening and stay in your guest room.”

  “Why, what’s up?”

  “It’s not something I can talk about over the phone, Evrain. We’ll discuss it later, but for now I suggest you and Dominic check that your passports are in order.” He rang off before Evrain could say anything further.

  “What’s going on?” Dominic wiggled into a more comfortable position.

  “Apparently we’ll find out later. In the meantime, I’m going to plug you, then we’ll take a shower and start thinking about some dinner because we’re going to have guests. Do you have a passport?”

  “What?” Dominic was finding it hard to keep up. His mind had stalled on ‘plug’. Evrain lifted him to his feet, giving his ass a pat. “I have you, sweetheart. Everything is going to be fine.”

  “Don’t patronize me, Evrain. I’m a grown-up and quite capable of hearing the truth.”

  “The fact is I don’t know any more than you do, other than Gregory said we will need passports. There’s no point in worrying until he and Coryn get here and tell us what’s going on. In the meantime, I can think of several interesting ways to take your mind off everything but me.” Evrain stroked the curve of Dominic’s backside, pushing his fingers between Dominic’s cheeks to graze his hole.

  “No chastity. No plug.” Dominic glared at him even as his cock jerked.

  “I don’t hear your safe word, my love.” Evrain took his hand and tugged him toward the stairs.

  Chapter Two

  When Gregory, Coryn and Shadow crowded through the door of Hornbeam Cottage at eight that evening, the kitchen was the source of a wonderful, savory aroma. Evrain breathed in the smell, hoping that it might placate his growling stomach for a few more minutes. He nuzzled Dominic’s neck before turning toward their guests.


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