Elemental Faith

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Elemental Faith Page 8

by L. M. Somerton

  “We don’t have much in the way of first aid supplies,” Dominic muttered. “Just a few bandages and some antiseptic cream. The wound on your upper arm is quite deep.”

  “Got stuck by a thorn,” Evrain said. “Don’t ask. Stick a plaster on it. I heal fast.” He dressed in a soft T-shirt and shorts.

  After dressing in similar attire, Dominic smoothed cream on all the open wounds he could find, covering any that still bled. He steered Evrain to an armchair and made sure he was comfortable before ordering room service. He didn’t dare let him lie down before he’d had something nourishing to eat.

  “Keep me awake,” Evrain mumbled. “Tell me how they got you away from me last night.”

  Dominic settled on the floor between Evrain’s legs. “Okay, though the more I think about it, the more idiotic I feel. I thought I was dreaming. I should have been more alert.”

  “Whatever happened wasn’t your fault.” Evrain twined his fingers into Dominic’s hair. “Got it?”

  Dominic rubbed his cheek against Evrain’s thigh. “I was having this amazing dream where we made love. You wanted to take a walk along the loch, in the moonlight—it sounded romantic. You had a picnic blanket and this look in your eyes…”

  “I am irresistible.”

  “And big-headed!”

  “Go on.”

  “I knew it was a dream because one minute you were there in the room, the next you weren’t. I could hear you calling from outside and I looked out of the window to see you standing on the shoreline. Um…you weren’t wearing any clothes.”

  “Good to know what kind of fantasies you have.”

  “I had to be with you, so I crept out of the hotel. Everything was sprinkled with fairy dust—all sparkling and silver. The moon was huge, swollen. None of it seemed real. I thought I was going to wake up at any moment. You kept moving further away from me and I ran to keep up. My feet got wet in the shallows.”

  “I would never run away from you.”

  “Dream, remember?” Dominic sighed. “There was a sting on my neck. I remember thinking it was an odd time for a bee to be out and about. Things got a bit hazy from then on, but there was a helicopter, the rotor blades whipping spray from the water. Someone caught me as I fell. I thought it was you.”

  Evrain massaged Dominic’s scalp in soothing motions.

  “I don’t remember anything clearly after that. The dream went on…something about fairy tales and dragons. You were there and you channeled again and again. It hurt and I tried to talk to you…I said…”

  “Fight fire with fire.”

  “Yes! I don’t know why that came into my head but I knew I had to let you know.”

  “You’re the only reason I passed the test, love. I was on the verge of giving up…it wouldn’t have occurred to me to use an element against itself.”

  There was a knock at the door. “That must be room service.” Pulling his robe around him, Dominic admitted the waiter who placed a heavy tray on the table next to Evrain. Once he was gone, Dominic pulled the covers from the dishes. “I ordered comfort food. French onion soup and lamb stew.” Aromatic scents wafted around the room.

  “Not turning veggie just yet then?”

  “Not tonight.”

  The warming meal had a soporific effect on both of them. Evrain’s eyes were closing as soon as his fork clattered onto the plate. Leaving the empty dishes where they lay, Dominic locked the door before helping Evrain into bed. For a while he lay next to him, listening to him breathe. No longer tired, he was content to keep watch, his fingers intertwined with Evrain’s. Though the test was over, Dominic couldn’t quite convince himself that they were safe. If that meant a few sleepless hours, then so be it.

  * * * *

  After a dreamless night, Evrain awoke feeling refreshed and wondered for a few moments if he’d imagined the events of the last twenty-four hours. The aches and pains when he moved let him know he wasn’t the victim of his own over-active imagination. He stifled a groan, not wishing to wake Dominic who was tucked close to his side, one arm flung across Evrain’s waist. Dominic gave a cute snuffle, nosing into the crook of Evrain’s arm. Evrain pushed a few strands of hair away from his face and Dominic’s lashes fluttered. They were the same dark, burnished red as his hair, glinting with hints of copper fire.

  “Good morning.” Evrain leaned down to plant a soft kiss on Dominic’s cheek.



  “I don’t want it to be morning. I wanna stay here and cuddle.” Dominic pouted, the jutting lower lip tempting Evrain to take a nip. He settled for shifting Dominic onto his back before sliding beneath the covers to find something even more irresistible.

  “Fuck!” Dominic’s hips jerked, pushing his cock to the back of Evrain’s throat. Evrain chuckled around his mouthful then proceeded to draw an interesting selection of curse words from Dominic. Dominic tasted of herbs and home. His shaft was thick enough to make Evrain’s jaw ache, but there was little he enjoyed more than bringing Dominic to a breath-holding precipice, only to push him back from the edge at the last possible moment. Doing the same thing whilst filling his ass was better, but this morning Evrain was happy to torment his lover with licks and swirls of his tongue.

  “Stop torturing me, you sadist!”

  Dominic’s plea had nothing to do with Evrain’s decision to bring him to completion. He wanted Dominic’s seed in his mouth, something of him that no one else would ever have. Evrain sucked hard, compressing the head of Dominic’s cock with his lips before plunging forward to take him deep to the back of his throat. He held still, enjoying the power of the moment before swallowing, wrenching a cry of release from Dominic’s throat. Dominic’s release coated Evrain’s tongue, the taste familiar and deeply satisfying. Evrain hummed his pleasure, licking Dominic clean before re-emerging from beneath the sheets. Dominic looked shell-shocked, his eyes glazed. He made an unintelligible sound that Evrain took as pleasure. Feeling smug, he pulled Dominic over so that his head laid on Evrain’s chest. Dominic wriggled downward but Evrain stopped him.

  “That was for you.”


  “No buts, I’m fine. I’ll have my wicked way with you again later.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “Yes.” Evrain stroked Dominic’s back, working lower until he could grab a handful of ass. He let his fingers wander between warm cheeks, pushing between Dominic’s thighs to tickle his balls. “I think we should show a face at breakfast—prove to the hotel staff that we’re still alive and not up to anything nefarious.” To mark the statement his stomach rumbled. “I need to call Gregory as well. Should have done that last night.”

  “I think you have a reasonable excuse, you were exhausted, and besides, I’ll bet he’s already heard the outcome of the test from one of his contacts. He seems to know everyone who’s anyone in warlock circles.”

  “Hmm…I’m still glad we’re on separate continents. I think I’m going to get an ear bashing of epic proportions.”

  “Why don’t you call him while I take a quick shower, then I don’t have to witness your humiliation. Give him and Coryn my love.”

  “Chicken.” Evrain tracked Dominic to the bathroom, licking his lips at the delicious sight of a gently swaying ass.

  “No, just sensible enough to know when hiding is the best option.” Dominic disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a decisive click.

  Evrain debated following him to make good on his earlier promise but decided that delaying would just result in increasing Gregory’s ire. He grabbed his phone, did a rough calculation of what the time would be in Oregon, then dialed anyway. Gregory picked up in seconds.


  Evrain swallowed. Gregory’s stern voice wasn’t fun. “Hi, Gregory.”

  “Good to know you’re alive. Finally.”

  “Sorry?” Evrain held the handset away from his ear as Gregory let rip with a tirade about disrespectful young warlocks with
no consideration for how worried their frail, infirm godparents might be. Evrain held back a snort at that statement. “Yes, sir.” He decided that was the only safe response.

  “That being said, well done, young man! I hear you had quite the rite of passage.”

  “Understatement of the millennium,” Evrain muttered.

  “What was that?”

  “It was tough, to say the least.”

  “Killian was impressed, as much as that curmudgeonly old bastard ever is. He said he threw everything at you.”

  “It was Dominic who beat him, not me.”

  “False modesty. I don’t doubt Dominic had a significant influence on the outcome, but you are the one with the power, Evrain. After that test, rumors about you will be circling the warlock community around the globe.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “They’ll think twice before messing with you, that’s for sure. The test has confirmed what I already knew—that you’re the most promising young warlock in generations. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should get a swollen head. You have a long way to go with your training.”

  Evrain groaned. “You have to be kidding me. I thought this was a marker that I didn’t need tuition anymore.”

  “Pah. Don’t be ridiculous. You’re still a baby, just out of diapers. However, that can wait until you return to the US. You and Dominic deserve a vacation. Have you contacted Lyssa yet?”

  “Not yet.” Evrain braced himself for another verbal spanking.

  “Well, I suggest delaying for a while otherwise she and James will expect you to go straight there. I’ll call her and lay the groundwork for why you can only make a brief stop. Take some time for the two of you first. You need to reconnect without the stress and trauma you’ve just been through. How are you feeling—and I don’t mean the cuts and bruises I know you must have?”

  “Drained. I don’t think I’ll be needing the bracelet for a while.”

  “You’ll recover quicker than you think but I’d suggest you don’t attempt to tap into your power for a few days at least.”

  “That won’t be a problem.” Just the thought of attempting to channel made Evrain yawn.

  “Call me again when you’re with the family. In the meantime, enjoy yourselves. All your expenses will be covered…within reason. Spoil Dominic.”

  “Thanks, Gregory, I will. I’ll talk to you soon—you know I appreciate your support.”

  “This was all you, Evrain. You’ve turned into a fine young man…even if you do need to improve your communications skills.” Gregory, always one to demand the final word, rang off before Evrain could think up a suitable retort. He flopped back against the pillows, rolling his eyes when Dominic peeked around the bathroom door.

  “Is it safe to come out yet?”

  Evrain examined the towel that barely covered Dominic’s interesting parts and the droplets glistening on his chest. “Safe…no, I don’t think you could call it safe out here. Drop that towel and I’ll show you just how dangerous it is.”

  Dominic’s eyes widened and color bloomed on his cheeks. He nibbled his lower lip. Evrain pushed the sheets down to expose his rigid erection. “Come here, love. Don’t make me ask you again.” Blinking, Dominic let the towel fall. “Breakfast can wait a little longer.”

  Chapter Eight

  It gave Evrain huge pleasure to show Dominic around the Highlands, especially the places he had loved as a child. Dominic wasn’t ashamed to be a tourist, clambering over castle ruins, gazing wide-eyed at mountain scenery and spending hours on the shore of Loch Ness trying to spot the monster. They hiked for miles, indulged in home-cooked meals in small country inns and stayed in luxurious boutique hotels. The rich food was soon worked off with all the fresh air and exercise. They got wet more often than not, but Dominic declared Scotland suited a dramatic, stormy atmosphere—nothing could dampen his spirits and his boundless enthusiasm lifted Evrain’s mood as he recovered from the ordeal of the testing. Cuts and bruises healed, but the psychological impact of what he had been through had left its mark. He didn’t sleep well, often waking in the middle of the night, sweat-soaked from nightmares that almost always involved Dominic getting hurt. The subject of his dreams was always there to comfort him, reassure him and love him back to sleep—but Evrain found it hard to shake his fears. He and Dominic grew ever closer and Evrain found it impossible to imagine what life would be like without Dominic at his side.

  With flights back to the States booked for the following day, they made their way to Evrain’s childhood home for a final dinner. Gregory had done as he’d promised and paved their way with excuses about the trip being for business, not pleasure, and that Evrain had done his best to squeeze in enough time to visit the family. Evrain guessed Gregory had probably gotten short shrift from Evrain’s mother, but he didn’t care. Much as he loved his family, the time he and Dominic had spent alone together had been precious. They had been through a dangerous, traumatic ordeal and needed to heal in peace.

  As Evrain parked the rental car outside his parents’ looming Victorian house, he turned to Dominic. “You’re looking a bit pale, sweetheart. Are you feeling all right?”

  “Sure. Just a little nervous is all.” Dominic fiddled with his collar. “Should I have worn a tie?”

  “If you showed up in a manure sack they’d be delighted,” Evrain said. “Honestly, you have nothing to worry about. It’s one dinner. My mum will attempt to stuff enough food into you to last at least a week. My dad will bore you with history lectures about everywhere we visited and my sisters will probably try to convince you that I’m nowhere near good enough for you. Of course, they’re right.” He brushed a lock of hair away from Dominic’s eyes, then kissed him. He was half considering turning the car around and heading for the hotel so that he could strip Dominic naked and do wicked things to him when there was a rap at the window, which made him jump out of his skin.

  “Cut it out, you two. Mum says if you don’t come inside in the next two minutes she’ll be out here herself, and I don’t think you want her to witness the two of you snogging, do you?”

  “Charming as always, Jenna,” Evrain yelled through the window. “One of my sisters,” Evrain explained to Dominic, who was doing his best to disappear into his seat. “Time to face the inquisition, love.”

  Evrain clambered out of the car to be engulfed in hugs from both his younger sisters.

  “Did you bring us presents?”

  “We haven’t been traveling around shopping for you, Julia.” Evrain pushed them away to arm’s-length so he could take a proper look. “Looking good, demon spawn.” He tugged Jenna’s hair and prodded Julia’s shoulder. They both pounced on him, pummeling him into submission. “All right, all right, enough! You’re scaring Dominic.”

  Dominic edged around the car, hands thrust deep in his pockets, head down, nibbling on his lower lip.

  “Oh my Lord, big brother, where did you find this one? He’s perfect.” Jenna launched herself at Dominic, closely followed by her sister. Dominic had no choice but to open his arms for a hug. He mouthed ‘help me’ at Evrain, staring at him wild eyed from above the girls’ heads. Before Evrain could do anything, Jenna and Julia took one of Dominic’s hands each and towed him toward the house. Evrain fetched the bag of gifts from the back of the car then locked it and followed, chuckling.

  When he reached the hall he found Dominic already shaking hands with his father. The girls’ laughter could be heard coming from the direction of the kitchen, where they were no doubt regaling their mother with tales of Evrain’s arrival and his misbehavior in the car.

  “Hello, son.” James Brookes was a shade under Evrain’s height, but his broad shoulders made him seem taller somehow.

  “Dad. Great to see you.” Evrain walked into an easy hug. His dad had never been the kind of man to shy away from affection.

  “You look pale, tired. I hope Gregory isn’t working you too hard?”

  “Not at all,” Evrain said. “I love the j
ob at ThInk and the opportunity to come over here was brilliant. I’m glad we managed to fit in a visit.”

  “If you hadn’t, your mother would have hunted you down and subjected you to the kind of embarrassment that would go down in family history. Hello, Dominic, it’s nice to finally meet you in person. Shout if you need somewhere quiet to hide—this place is a zoo at the best of times. You’d better get yourselves into the kitchen or I’ll be accused of keeping you to myself. Go say hello, then join me in the lounge for a drink.”

  Evrain took Dominic’s hand and led him to the back of the house and the heart of the Brookes’ home, the kitchen. His mother was putting the finishing touches to an enormous pie while the girls had been put to work at the sink, washing and drying a mountain of dishes. Evrain took a long look at his mum. There was flour on her chin and in her hair. She hadn’t changed a bit, still looking ten years younger than her actual age.

  “Hey, Mum, this is Dominic.”

  Lyssa Brookes looked up with a smile. “Here you both are at last.” She gave Evrain a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “And, Dominic, I’ve seen pictures of course, but I never imagined…” She drew Dominic into her arms. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Evrain suspected that his mum was close to tears—her eyes were certainly brighter than usual. “Dad said there would be drinks in the lounge, so we’ll leave you to it, unless there’s anything we can do?”

  “Go and relax,” Lyssa said. “There will be time enough over dinner for me to ask all the questions I want to ask of both of you. A weekly phone call just isn’t enough. The first course is ready so tell your father to go on through to the dining room, you can take your drinks in there. Once he gets settled in that sofa it takes a crane to get him out again.”

  Evrain nodded, glaring at his sisters, who were giggling and grabbing quick looks at Dominic over their shoulders. He guided Dominic back to the lounge where his father was pouring a deep red wine into the best lead crystal goblets. Evrain seized the one he was offered and took a long swallow. “Very nice. Has Mum broken out the best china too?”


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