Elemental Faith

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Elemental Faith Page 12

by L. M. Somerton

  “Well, you remember when Gregory was telling you about the purpose of warlocks? I decided to do a bit of research. I’m beginning to wish I hadn’t. I know this isn’t particularly scientific, but there’s a list here of ten potential natural disasters that could happen at any time. Four of them are in North America.”

  Evrain took the seat on the other side of the fire. “I should lecture you about looking into things that might never happen, but I’m intrigued. What have you got?”

  “Well, there are a couple in Japan, another big earthquake with a tsunami and the possibility that Mount Fuji might erupt. There’s a volcano in Iceland, which is another place where the entire country seems to be bubbling with lava. A big earthquake off the coast of Chile, a huge tsunami in the Caribbean, solar storms…”

  “It sounds like we are all doomed,” Evrain said. “What about closer to home?”

  “Wildfires is the first thing. It seems that the season is going to get longer and fiercer. It says here that the Forestry Service has recorded that since 1999, the acreage burned by wildfires in the US has tripled annually. That’s scary, but inevitable with climate change, I suppose.”

  “There have been a few more of those back home in the UK with the recent dry summers,” Evrain said, staring into the dancing flames in the hearth. “I can’t imagine what it’s like to get caught in one.” Sparks spat from the fireplace.

  “Stop thinking about it or you’ll set this place alight.”

  “Sorry.” Evrain gave him a sheepish smile.

  “Some people seem to think that the east coast will eventually be underwater because the sea level is increasing, rising three or four times faster than anywhere else in the world.”

  “Then it’s a good job we don’t live in New York.”

  “Evrain! You of all people should take this more seriously. The next one is more obvious, the big one could arrive any time.”

  “Forgive me, what do you mean by the big one?”

  “An earthquake in California, somewhere on the San Andreas fault.”

  “It’s happened before, hasn’t it? So I suppose the chances of it happening again are quite high.”

  “Yes, the damage would be catastrophic, but that’s not the one on this list that worries me the most. It says here that it is likely an eight to nine magnitude earthquake and tsunami will occur off the coast of Oregon within the next fifty years. If it happens it could kill over ten thousand people and split apart portions of the west coast.”

  “Your hands are shaking.” Evrain launched from his chair to kneel in front of Dominic.

  “Do you think it’s a coincidence that Gregory arranged for you to live here?”

  “I don’t know, he’s never said anything specific. If something like that happened there’d be very little I could do about it.”

  “That’s not the point though, is it? Gregory said it’s not averting huge natural disasters that warlocks are here for, it’s about making their impact less disastrous.”

  “I don’t think it’s something you should be worrying about. There’s always a chance this kind of thing will happen—it’s happening all over the world every day, after all. There’s always some storm or eruption or flood… Warlocks aren’t like superheroes from films, rushing around saving lives. Though I’d look good in one of those costumes.” Diffusing the tension was the right thing to do because Dominic chuckled. He closed the lid of his laptop.

  “Who would you want to be? I’m not sure about the whole tights thing. But they all seem to go for skin-tight outfits.” He put his laptop on the floor.

  “Shift over.” Evrain pulled Dominic from the chair, took his place then settled him into his lap. “I don’t know, I think my personality is closest to Deadpool but I’m not sure about the red outfit.”

  “You’re certainly sarcastic enough. But I can see you all in black, so who would that be?”

  “Batman, or one of the X-Men?”

  “Yum! Lots of black leather and armor would definitely suit you.”

  “I didn’t know you had a leather fetish.” Evrain stroked a strand of hair away from Dominic’s cheek.

  “Everyone likes the smell of leather, don’t they? I love the smell of rubber as well. Put me in a tire shop and I’m happy.”

  “In that case, perhaps we should get a hot water bottle for the bed.”

  “I have you. I don’t need any other source of heat at night, that’s for sure.” Dominic nuzzled Evrain’s neck. “Have you seen Shadow? She usually appears when there’s a fire going but I haven’t seen her all day.”

  “I think she has a boyfriend,” Evrain replied. “She went out last night and when I went to call her in there was no sign of her. She wandered in this morning, scoffed her food then went upstairs to the spare room and she’s been there ever since. Sleeping off whatever it was she got up to.”

  “Good for her, she should be out having fun. If she has some of Aggie’s spirit in her, Lord knows what she’s getting up to.” Dominic grinned.

  “Changing the subject completely, are you looking forward to everyone getting together for Thanksgiving?” Evrain asked.

  “Sure, we haven’t seen Damon and Nathaniel for a while. Where are we going to put them all?”

  “I should have told you,” Evrain said. “When Gregory called last night he said that he and Coryn are going to stay in that posh hotel they like in Portland, so Damon and Nate can stay here.”

  “That’s cool. I suppose in a pinch we could put an inflatable mattress down here to free up our room, but I’d rather we got to sleep in our own bed. I’m looking forward to doing all the cooking, it’s going to be fun.”

  “I suppose we’ll have to do a huge grocery run.” Evrain shuddered. “I hate supermarkets.”

  “I’ve done an online order, which will get delivered two days before. I want to do some of the preparation in advance so that I’m not stuck in the kitchen all day on the day itself.”

  “I’m impressed,” Evrain said. “That kind of organization deserves a reward.”

  “What kind of reward?”

  “Why do you sound so suspicious?”

  “Because I know you. Your idea of a reward usually involves me on my knees, calling you Sir.” He rolled his eyes comically.

  “I’m missing your point here.” Evrain flicked open the stud on Dominic’s waistband then slipped his hand down the front of his pants. “You’re hard.”

  Dominic laughed. “So are you, and you’ve been pushing that steel rod of yours into my ass since you sat me on your lap, so what do you expect?”

  “Submission. Obedience.”

  “Then your expectations exceed reality. I’m busy.” Despite his words, Dominic thrust into Evrain’s hand. “I have recipes to check, silverware to clean, the bathroom needs a scrub and I haven’t made up the guest room bed yet.”

  “Damon can do that when he gets here.”

  “I’m not having our guests making their own beds! And I want to dig some mulch into the new raised bed at the back of the house.”

  Evrain massaged Dominic’s cock. “If you can talk about mulch when I’m doing this, I must be doing it wrong.”

  “Sorry. I have a lot on my mind.” Dominic sucked in his breath.

  “And it’s my job to clear that busy head of yours. I want your focus on me for a while. Selfish, I know, but I don’t care.” Evrain dug his nail into Dominic’s slit. “I’m going to bind this nice and tight, tie your hands behind your back so you can’t touch.”

  “And?” Dominic’s voice was higher pitched than usual.

  “I think we should make more use of the spreader bar under the bed, don’t you? I’m going to spread you wide then play with your pretty hole for a while. Then…well, you’ll have to wait and see. I’m not giving away all my kinky secrets in one go.” He gave Dominic’s dick a final tug. “I’m going to get some water. You go upstairs, strip, then wait for me on the bed. Head down, ass up.”

  “Such a sweet talker.” Dominic cl
ambered off Evrain’s lap, his fly open, rigid dick jutting out. “Don’t be long or I might be tempted to get a head start.”

  “Touch my property and you’ll feel the kiss of my cane instead of my lips—and that’s not an idle threat.” He rose with deceptive languor.

  “I know…Sir.”

  Dominic took the stairs two at a time. Evrain went to the kitchen and filled a glass jug with water from the tap. He knocked a whole tray of ice cubes into it, grabbed a couple of tumblers then followed Dominic upstairs.

  The most perfect sight met him when he went into the bedroom. Dominic’s obedience was a thrill in itself, but his submissive pose was the cherry on a delicious, three-layer, fresh cream and strawberries cake. Evrain licked his lips. Fuck, I’m the luckiest warlock in the world. He was tempted to throw all his plans out of the window and fuck Dominic right away. However, drawing out their mutual pleasure might try his patience, but it was worth it to glimpse the expression on Dominic’s face when he was finally permitted to come.

  The spreader bar had been pulled from beneath the bed but left on the floor. Evrain tapped the inside of Dominic’s bare leg, encouraging him to spread a little wider. He positioned the bar between his legs before fastening each of the leather cuffs on the ends around Dominic’s ankles. Dominic gave the sweetest whimper, fisting the bed clothes, already worked up. The prospect of bondage always did that to him—something that Evrain loved. He found a pair of soft, Velcro-fastening cuffs, using them to bind Dominic’s hands behind his back. It put him in an awkward position, fighting for balance. Evrain made sure there wasn’t too much strain on Dominic’s neck and that the pillow under his face wasn’t suffocating him.



  “Excited?” Evrain didn’t get a response. “I can see you are.” He reached beneath Dominic’s body to grasp his cock. “This is a giveaway.”

  Dominic squirmed as best he was able, attempting to get away from Evrain’s grip.

  “Now, now. Keep still or you’ll fall off the bed and I don’t want you damaging anything important.”

  “You’re so considerate.”

  “I know.” Evrain stripped to his underwear, enjoying the cool air on his heated skin. He was just as worked up as Dominic. He grabbed lube from the dresser, coated two fingers then pressed them to Dominic’s hole. A few whispered words heated the slick and his fingers slid into Dominic’s body.

  “So warm.” Dominic’s inner muscles gripped him. “What did you do to the lube?”

  “Just a little heat.”

  “I like it.”

  Evrain moved his fingers, probing, stretching.

  “Oh God.” Dominic’s breath hitched. “More. So good.”

  Evrain added a third finger, shifting them back and forth fast enough to sensitize Dominic’s passage but not fast enough to make him come untouched. “Love being inside you, fingers or cock, touching where no one else gets to touch.” He gave Dominic’s ass a sharp smack before pulling clear. Dominic’s breath came in sharp, rapid gasps, his fingers furled and unfurled, grasping at the air.

  “Come back! What are you doing?”

  “It’s a surprise.” Evrain slipped his hand into the jug of iced water. He grabbed one slippery cube then, without warning, pressed it to Dominic’s entrance.

  “Holy fuck!” Dominic twisted, in a vain attempt to see what Evrain was doing. “You bastard.”

  “That’s ‘you bastard, Sir.’” He pushed the melting cube inside Dominic’s body. Water dripped, rolling in shimmering lines down Dominic’s thighs. Evrain stroked them away, warming his fingers on Dominic’s skin. “First heat, then ice. Fire and water, two of my favorite elements.” He released Dominic’s wrists, concerned that the strain on his shoulders might be too much as his muscles flexed in response to the shock. He pushed up on his arms, making a bridge. The side of his face that Evrain could see was flushed pink. “Looks like you need cooling down a bit more.” He fished for another cube of ice then reached beneath Dominic’s body to rub it over his nipples.

  Dominic keened and attempted to hump the bed but with his legs forcibly spread it wasn’t possible. Evrain chuckled but fun as it was to see Dominic struggle, getting inside him was the main goal. The last time Evrain had tried to fuck Dominic while he was attached to the spreader bar, Evrain had ended up with bruised knees. He wasn’t going to make that mistake again, so he worked the buckles free.

  “Nobody explains that bondage can be a real cock blocker. You get all worked up playing with ropes and chains but then find you’ve restricted your own access.”

  “Stop talking about yourself in the second person and fuck me,” Dominic grunted. “You’ve had your fun. I think I deserve mine. Sir.”

  “Such insubordination. For that I should make you wait.”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  Evrain pressed the tip of his lube-slicked cock to Dominic’s hole. “Just want you to know it’s a possibility.” He pushed inside Dominic’s channel then stilled. “Jesus, that’s cold!”

  Dominic fell about laughing and Evrain slipped free of his body. “Laugh it up, green fingers. What did you expect?”

  Dominic had a fit of the giggles and couldn’t stop.

  “Keep still or I’ll amuse myself jacking off.” Evrain gave his cock a few rubs, warming it. He repositioned himself and tried again. This time, the cold wasn’t unexpected. It still took a while to get used to the difference from Dominic’s usual welcoming warmth. I need to rethink my timing if I use ice again, maybe follow up with some ginger. Beneath him, Dominic whimpered. Evrain flipped him over, wanting to look into his eyes as Dominic came. He moved slowly, taking his time, wringing every ounce of pleasure out of each movement. He bent Dominic’s leg back, changing his angle to get deeper.

  “Love this. Love you.” Evrain clasped one of Dominic’s hands, lacing their fingers together. As his orgasm built, he moved faster, watching Dominic’s expression. Dominic’s lips parted and Evrain couldn’t resist leaning in for a kiss. Pleasure built and he groaned. “Together?”

  Dominic blinked. “Soon. Can’t wait…”

  They were so well matched, Dominic’s body so familiar, Evrain knew exactly when Dominic reached the point of no return. Shuddering, he came, reaching for his cock to draw out the orgasm. Evrain knocked his hand away.

  “That’s mine.” The sensation of Dominic’s pulsing shaft locked in a cage of his fingers was enough to bring Evrain to climax. With a final, powerful thrust, he came. A strange sensation of falling overwhelmed him. He went with it, accepted it, barely aware of his body other than where he and Dominic were joined, intimately and hand in hand. His vision blurred. Sated, he collapsed onto Dominic, smearing his skin with Dominic’s release.

  “I…” He couldn’t find words. Engaging his brain to come up with connected sentences was too much of a challenge. He settled for moving to the side so that he wouldn’t crush Dominic, pulling him close so they were touching as much as possible. For now, words were unnecessary. All the communication they needed was in their touch.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “What in the world possessed us to host Thanksgiving here?” Dominic ran flour-dusted fingers through his already tangled hair. “They’ll be arriving soon and I’m nowhere near ready.”

  Evrain, deciding that self-preservation was an imperative, didn’t remind Dominic that it had been his idea. “And when they do, you’ll have an army of helpers. None of them are the kind of people to sit around watching you do all the work.” He pressed against Dominic’s back, encircling him with his arms. “Relax. This is supposed to be a fun, laid-back day with friends. There’s no need to get stressed.” He gave Dominic’s ass a squeeze.

  “I want everything to be perfect.” Dominic pushed back against him.

  “And it will be.” Evrain planted a few nibbling kisses on Dominic’s neck. “The smells alone tell me that. Now, what can I do to help?”

  “Stop molesting me for a start.”

nbsp; “But that’s the fun part.” Evrain slipped a hand up Dominic’s shirt until he found a nipple to pinch. “I should have put clamps on these while you cooked.”

  “Uh, no, you shouldn’t. I wouldn’t have been able to focus enough to read Aggie’s recipes, let alone pull them all together.”

  “True. My stomach would never forgive me.”

  “You can mash the potatoes while I mix the honey sesame dressing for the carrots. I have an insulated dish waiting for the mash. The butter’s out and I already chopped the parsley to stir into it.”

  Evrain let him go with some reluctance. “Nate and Damon are bringing dessert, right?”

  “Yes. I left it up to them what they brought. Gregory and Coryn are bringing wine. You can carve the turkey at the table. All the vegetables are ready, cranberry sauce is in the fridge. What have I forgotten?” He spun around the kitchen, pulling open doors and checking dishes. “Bread sauce!”

  “That’s a last-minute thing, though… It can wait,” Evrain said. “These spuds are done.”

  “Thanks. Can you check the table?”

  The dark red tablecloth Dominic had found at the back of the linen closet set off the white crockery and antique silverware perfectly. He’d pulled together a spray of evergreen foliage from the garden, adding color with some holly berries and late salvia. Mats were set out ready for the hot dishes along with strategically placed serving spoons.

  “Just salt and pepper missing, I think.” Evrain fetched the cruet set from a cupboard. The cottage was warm enough but he tweaked the fire anyway, creating a shower of sparks and earning a glare from Shadow, who had been snoozing on the rug.

  “Fat, lazy mammal. I can’t believe you ate all those giblets in one go.” He bent to give her a stroke and she rolled onto her back, exposing her ample belly. Evrain obliged by getting down on his knees to pet her. “You’re so spoiled.” Rumbling purrs sent vibrations through his hand until she rolled away.

  As he got to his feet there was a knock at the door. He gave Dominic a reassuring grin and went to open it. All four of their guests piled in at once, bringing a blast of frigid air with them. Bags, bottles and boxes were dumped on every surface so that hugs could be delivered and received.


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