Elemental Faith

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Elemental Faith Page 17

by L. M. Somerton

  Dominic licked a dribble of cum from the corner of his mouth. “You made yourself clear, love.” He reached for his aching cock only to have his hand slapped away.

  “Oh no. No fun for you. Not yet. When I say so, not before.”

  “You are feeling dommy this morning.”

  Evrain clambered off the bed. “I’m me.” He grabbed the collar, slipped it around Dominic’s neck. “Sit up so I can buckle this.”

  Cold at first, the leather soon warmed against his skin. It felt strange but not uncomfortable. The chain dangled against his chest, the links clinking.

  “Now for the good bit. Lie back.” Evrain pushed the covers down to Dominic’s ankles. The chain pulled taut as Evrain fastened the leather strap at its end around the base of Dominic’s cock and balls. “Very nice.” Evrain tugged on the chain. “Does anything pinch?”

  Dominic shook his head. “I’m not sure about this.”

  “I am. Hands and knees.”

  Sighing, Dominic got into position and the chain slackened. He rested his head on his arms. There was nothing to stop him unbuckling the collar. He only had to ask and Evrain would remove it, but that wasn’t what he wanted. The need to please Evrain overruled every other thought in his head. Slick fingers probed his hole, closely followed by the blunt end of a plug. Ridged marble penetrated his channel, filling him, the sensation keeping him erect. Evrain played with it a little, teasing him.

  “Will you stop already! It’s Christmas—you’re not supposed to be mean.”

  “This isn’t mean.” Evrain pushed the plug all the way in. “This is giving you, and me, a lot of pleasure.” He gave Dominic’s ass a smack. “Put your jeans on. I want to see what you look like.”

  “I’m gonna stay in bed all day.” A large part of Dominic wanted to hide.

  “You’re supposed to be baking. You promised me gingerbread men and you were going to make my mum’s spiced biscuit recipe.”

  “That was before.”

  “I’ll give you a choice. Either you can get up and bake me goodies with your jeans on, or I’ll keep you naked all day and edge you until you scream.”

  “Remind me why I love you?” Dominic reached for his pants.

  “No idea. It’s a complete mystery to me.” Evrain leaned in for a kiss. “You, me, eggnog and baked goods—it’s going to be a perfect day.”

  Dominic wasn’t so sure but he dressed in jeans and thick socks anyway, tucking his erection away with a pained sigh. When he stood straight, the chain attached to his collar tugged the strap around his balls. Every movement reminded him that he was bound for Evrain’s pleasure.

  “That looks hot as hell,” Evrain observed. “I love the hint of what’s going on that can’t be seen.”

  Dominic stomped down the stairs without commenting. He needed a distraction from the physical reactions of his body so he started pulling ingredients and utensils from cupboards and drawers. He had a tried and tested recipe for gingerbread so he intended to do that first. Once the figures had cooled he’d let Evrain do the decoration. It would keep him out of mischief.

  “Why are you smiling?” Evrain settled in a chair at the kitchen table, scanning the messages on his phone. “Gregory texted me a list of exercises to perfect but I filed them under ‘go away’.” He flicked his fingers at the fire and the flames roared higher. “Wouldn’t want you to get cold.”

  Dominic kept quiet. It wasn’t as if Evrain really expected an answer. He had a tendency to ramble when there was a lot going on his head.

  “Fuck. I want to bend you over the table right now.”

  Dominic shivered. “That wouldn’t be sanitary and besides, I’m busy.” He held up flour-coated hands. “And so should you be. Gregory will know you’ve been slacking.”

  “Spoilsport. Bake quicker, then you won’t have an excuse.”

  “Why don’t you make some more coffee?” Dominic suggested, flouring a board ready to roll out his dough. “It’s a bit early to start on the eggnog.” He watched Evrain move. Even something so simple as making a pot of coffee showed off his innate grace. He moved with more elegance than Shadow. Dominic’s cock jerked and he sighed—he should learn not to let his thoughts stray. He stamped out two baking sheets worth of gingerbread men then slid them into the oven. “Fifteen minutes and they’ll be done.”

  “Then sit with me and have coffee,” Evrain said. “I have dibs on the first gingerbread man.” Dominic went to take a seat but was pulled into Evrain’s lap. “I love the smell of baking.”

  “Cats and cakes make a place home—that’s what my great grandma used to say.”

  “You make this home, love. Wherever you are, I’m home.”

  “Soppy warlock.”

  “Must be the festive spirit taking hold.” Evrain pulled Dominic down for a kiss. “Or that I’m the luckiest man on the planet.” He pulled at the chain running from Dominic’s collar.

  Dominic gasped. “Stop that!”



  “Because what?”

  “Because you’re making me…”

  “Oh, I do hope so.”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “And you sound like my grandmother. She used that word a lot, often before smacking me around the head.”

  “Which I’m sure you deserved.”


  “Definitely.” Dominic leaned against Evrain’s chest. “You make me feel so…I don’t know. Loved isn’t the right word. Protected, cherished. I mean, I know you love me but it’s more than that. It makes me want to please you.”

  “And you do, all the time. You’re a submissive… Your faith in me is an honor. You trust me with your body and you give without hesitation. You’re part of me.”

  Dominic didn’t want to ruin the moment, but it was time to get his biscuits out of the oven. He slipped from Evrain’s lap, evading the grab Evrain made for him. “Once these have cooled you can decorate them.” Dominic took the cookie sheets from the oven then moved the gingerbread figures onto wire cooling racks. “I’m going to start your mum’s recipe now.” Evrain pouted. “Do you want biscuits or not?”

  “It’s a shame you can’t cook from my lap. You look sexy as hell and I want to play with you.”

  “Playing leads to burning and I’m not sure even your special skills can rescue charcoal biscuits. Besides, you should be practicing.”

  “Fine. Do you mind if I channel?”

  Dominic shook his head. “Of course not, go ahead.” He focused on the recipe, ignoring the aches in his muscles as Evrain got to work. He had four jars in front of him on the table, one half filled with earth, another with water. One seemed empty but obviously contained air and the last, a tea light, its flame sparking with excitement. Evrain’s green-gold eyes flashed and his fingers danced as he manipulated the contents of each jar in turn. Dominic could feel a slight vibration through the table and he watched, fascinated, as bubbles rose through water and the earth in the jar shaped itself into the figure of a cat, chasing its tail. The candle flame burned silver then blue and the jar of air rocked as a miniature whirlwind formed inside it.

  Dominic was entranced. He wanted to praise Evrain’s efforts, but didn’t dare break his concentration. He went back to baking, rolling his shoulders to ease the twinges. Once the trays were back in the oven, he sat quietly at the table, trying not to fidget as the plug inside him shifted. He knew the moment Evrain stopped channeling because the growing pain in his muscles subsided. The contents of the jars returned to their usual innocuous state and Evrain sighed.

  “That’s tougher than it looks.”

  “It was an impressive display,” Dominic said. “I could watch you for hours.”

  “Are you done baking, because I really want to make better use of this table?” Evrain got up, moving to stand behind Dominic. He massaged his shoulders, kneading away the tension. He slid a finger beneath Dominic’s collar then pulled his head back by the hair, leaning over him for
a kiss. A bolt of lightning shot through Dominic’s groin and he worked the plug with his inner muscles until Evrain released him.

  “Over the table. Now.”

  Dominic stood and Evrain dragged the chair away. He tore at Dominic’s jeans until they fell to the floor and he was able to kick them away. Evrain pushed him down onto the flour-covered table, holding Dominic’s hands behind his back in one hand. With the other he delivered two sharp smacks. Dominic spread his legs in blatant invitation.

  “Such a slut.”

  “For you, yes.”

  Evrain fumbled with the plug, pulling it free then tossing it into one of the armchairs by the fire. “I’m developing a fetish for you in socks and nothing else, though this”—he tweaked the chain between Dominic’s collar and cock ring—“is suitable adornment.” The sound of a zipper, followed by some jerking and shuffling, told Dominic that Evrain had managed to get out of his pants. Seconds later, Evrain pushed inside him. The well-lubed plug had kept him slick but there was still an initial bite of pain.

  Evrain wasn’t gentle. He seemed barely under control as he pistoned his hips. His grip on Dominic’s wrists tightened and Dominic’s cheek rubbed against the well-worn wood of the table.

  “Evrain, please…I need to come. The strap…” Evrain groped beneath Dominic’s body. It took forever for him to undo the buckle, cursing as it refused to come free. A burst of power dissolved the metal and the strap fell away. He gripped Dominic’s aching shaft in one hand, held his wrists with other, then pushed deep into his body. Dominic came with a scream, sending pulses of cum into Evrain’s fist. Evrain let go of his wrists, grabbed a handful of hair then came, pulling Dominic’s head up from the table.

  “Fuck!” He pounded into him twice more before collapsing over him. “Feels like Christmas came already.”

  “I think we both came.” Dominic pushed up, hinting for Evrain to get off him. He was breathless, sweaty and happy. “I need to clean up, I have flour everywhere!” He shook his head, creating a white cloud. “I’m gonna take a shower.” He turned off the oven. “Would you take that last batch out of the oven for me? I’ve put out another wire rack for them to go on.”

  “Sure, though I can’t promise there won’t be a few missing by the time you get back.” Evrain stood, unbuckling the collar around Dominic’s neck.

  “No doubt.” Dominic grabbed his discarded pants and padded toward the stairs. He put an extra wiggle in his hips. “Leave some for me.” He ran when Evrain made a lunge for him.

  Dominic smiled and hummed through his shower. When he dressed he pulled on a soft pullover over his jeans. If Evrain wanted him half naked again he’d have to say so. Dominic hoped for cookies and cuddling in front of a movie, the glow of candlelight and the twinkle of fairy lights from their small Christmas tree. He chuckled at his romantic musings.

  When he got downstairs there was no sign of Evrain. The kitchen was full of the rich scent of melted chocolate, which Evrain had been using to decorate the gingerbread men. When he saw his efforts, Dominic burst out laughing. Each biscuit had been ‘dressed’ in various kinky outfits, including collars and cuffs, harnesses and thongs. “It’s a good thing these are just for us.”

  Evrain came through the door that led to the small snug-come-TV room, phone pressed to his ear, his expression a mixture of determination and frustration.

  “Yes. Yes, Gregory, we’ll be there. I know! You don’t have to remind me.” He disconnected then pressed the phone to his forehead. “Damn it. I’m so sorry, love. Christmas is canceled. We have to get to San Francisco.”

  “When? Why?”

  “Now I’m afraid. I’ll have to explain on the way.”


  “Just okay?”

  “If you say we have to go then we have to go. I’ll set up the automatic feeder for Shadow. Do you know how long we’ll be gone?”

  “A day or two at most, I hope. You sort things down here. I’ll go throw a few things in an overnight bag.” He took Dominic’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Together, remember. Whatever this is, we’re in it together.”

  Evrain kissed him, lingering as their lips met, the contact chaste but intimate.

  Dominic tried not to panic as he packed up cookies and organized food and water for Shadow, who appeared from the snug, parked on the hearth rug and licked a paw. She seemed utterly unconcerned by the flurry of activity.

  “I guess this is how it’s going to be, Shadow,” Dominic said. “Warlock business trumps Christmas festivities. I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “Me too.” Evrain dumped a holdall next to the table. “Are you ready?”

  “As soon as I get my coat and boots on.”

  “You’re being amazing about this.” Evrain frowned. “Today of all days.”

  “I don’t suppose the elements care that it’s Christmas Eve. They misbehave when they feel like it, not when it’s convenient.” Dominic shrugged into his warm coat.

  “Sounds like you,” Evrain said, grinning.

  Dominic rolled his eyes. “Cheeky warlock. Let’s go before my courage fails me.” He leaned into Evrain’s side and silently prayed that they would both make it home intact.

  Chapter Seventeen

  From a small, private airport outside Portland to San Francisco by private plane, with no delays, took less than ninety minutes. When Evrain and Dominic deplaned, Nathaniel’s driver, Felix, was waiting for them, the car parked on the taxiway.

  “Gregory must have pulled some strings to arrange all this,” Dominic observed, climbing into the back seat of the car. Evrain got into the front next to Felix.

  “Actually, I imagine Nate has more pull around these parts.” He twisted to make sure Dominic was settled.

  “And you’d be right,” Felix said, pulling away. “Mr. Alberich has a lot of powerful friends. It’s good to see you both, albeit not under the best of circumstances.”

  “You too, Felix. Still keeping Nate and Damon in order?”

  “Mr. Alberich is manageable. Young Damon, however, has ‘brat’ tattooed on his backside.” He sounded fond despite his words.

  “He is unique, that’s for sure,” Evrain said.

  “That’s one way of putting it,” Dominic added. “So where are you taking us, Felix? Gregory only gave Evrain the scantest information over the phone.”

  “I’ll leave Mr. Alberich to explain, but we’re heading south of the city along Highway 280 to San Andreas Lake.”

  “San Andreas…should I read anything into that?” Evrain’s stomach knotted.

  “I wouldn’t like to say, but the others are already there. You two are the last to arrive.”


  “Mr. Alberich and Damon, Gregory and Coryn, Killian Archambault and Eric.”

  “Killian, why is that name familiar?” Something niggled at the back of Evrain’s mind.

  “The test. He was the warlock on Skye,” Dominic said.

  “What the hell is he doing here? I hoped I’d never have to set eyes on him again.”

  “All I know is that Mr. Alberich was relieved when he found out he was in the country. We’ll be there soon.”

  Evrain scowled. He hated not knowing what was going on. “Has there been much earthquake activity in the area recently?”

  “The usual rumbles,” Felix said. “But there were a couple of bigger shakes yesterday. A way off shore, but enough to bring in a small tsunami. Nothing to cause significant damage.”

  Evrain closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. He had a feeling he was going to need all his strength in the coming hours. Dominic leaned over the seat to squeeze his shoulder and he placed his hand over Dominic’s. His fingers were cold despite the warmth of the car.

  Felix turned down an access road and the ride got rougher. It was already dark, and hard to see much of the surrounding scenery.

  “The lake isn’t open to the public because it’s part of San Francisco’s domestic
water supply, connected by aqueduct to our water source in the Sierra Nevada near Yosemite,” Felix said, expertly guiding the car down the narrow track. The lights and noise of the highway faded into silence as he followed the fence line to a set of high gates topped by razor wire.

  “Here’s where I leave you. Mr. Alberich told me to drop you off then drive home, but I’m staying. I won’t be far away. I’d prefer you don’t mention that to him.”

  “Deal.” Evrain shook Felix’s hand before getting out of the car.

  “The gates are open. Good luck.”

  Dominic came to stand next to Evrain and they both watched as Felix reversed the car down the track. When the lights disappeared, they turned to the gate and Evrain took Dominic’s hand. He opened the huge gate just wide enough to admit them then closed it. “No point in drawing attention to our presence, I suppose, though I doubt anyone would be coming out here on Christmas Eve in the middle of the night.”

  Dominic squeezed his hand. “Where do you suppose the others are?”

  “No idea, but there’s only one path and it has to lead somewhere.” They began to walk, treading carefully in the darkness. “Dom, if whatever this is goes wrong…”

  “Don’t say anything else. It’s not going to go wrong.”

  “But if it does.” Evrain pressed a finger to Dominic’s lips to stop his protests. “You will do whatever it takes to be safe. Do you understand? I need to know that you’ll do what I ask.” He replaced his finger with his lips, giving Dominic a gentle kiss. Dominic’s full-body shudder perked Evrain’s dick into action. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to Dominic’s. “This is the most ridiculous time to get excited.”


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