Elemental Faith

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Elemental Faith Page 19

by L. M. Somerton

  Evrain coughed and his eyes flickered open. “Fuck, everything hurts. Did I get trampled by a passing water buffalo?”

  Dominic snorted his laughter, relieved that Evrain was able to see the funny side of the situation. “Actually, I think you just saved a lot of people from a terrible fate. No water buffaloes were involved.”

  “Indeed,” Gregory said. “And nobody outside the few of us will ever know about it.”

  “Can you make it to a chair?” Dominic asked, propping Evrain up little.

  “Why am I half naked?”

  “That’s where you’re going?” Dominic said. “Killian did some warlock first aid on you. You should be grateful.”

  Evrain probed at the wound across his chest. “I felt that happen. Thought I’d been sliced in half. Some kind of backlash.” He staggered to his feet and, with Dominic’s help, collapsed into the nearest chair. “Is that coffee?” Coryn pushed a mug toward him. “I think I deserve a brandy, but this will have to do.”

  “You were incredible tonight, Evrain,” Nathaniel said. “I’ve never seen so much power so finely controlled, and the scale of what you achieved was immense.”

  “I couldn’t have done it alone. It was a team effort.”

  “One that saved hundreds of thousands of people and billions of dollars,” Gregory said. “Not a bad night’s work.”

  Damon coughed, then moaned. “I’d rather take three of Nathaniel’s spankings than go through that ever again.”

  “You’ll take them anyway,” Nate growled. “You did good, brat.” He stroked Damon’s hair.

  “It hurt,” Damon whined. “Please, let’s not do this again anytime soon.”

  “I sincerely hope that won’t be necessary.”

  “Good.” Damon settled against Nate’s chest. “Oh, and happy Christmas everyone.”

  When Dominic checked his watch, it was two in the morning. “Happy Christmas.” They clinked mugs in an impromptu toast.

  There was a knock on the door and before anyone could react, it opened. Felix stood there, hands on hips. “I’d quite like to make it home before dawn if that suits you all.”

  “Felix, I told you to go home once you’d delivered Evrain and Dominic,” Nate said.

  “You did and I didn’t. Deal with it. The car is at the gate along with another chauffeur-driven limousine, so get your behinds in gear and move. How you imagined you’d find transport at this time on Christmas morning, I’ll never know. All brains and no common sense.”

  “Succinct as always, Felix,” Gregory said. “Though I for one greatly appreciate your disobedience.” There was a general murmur of agreement.

  “I love you, Felix,” Damon said, eyelids drooping.

  “Me too,” Eric echoed. “I was thinking we might have to hitchhike back to the city. It’s a shame warlocks can’t fly, or levitate, or do that thing like on Star Trek.”

  Killian cast a sharp glance at Felix, then to Nate.

  “It’s okay, Felix is fully aware of what we are, Killian,” Nate said. “Perhaps, if everyone can manage it, we should follow him before he gets impatient.”

  In the general move toward the door, Dominic took Evrain’s arm and much of his weight. “It’s not far, love, then you can rest.” He kissed him. “Merry Christmas.”

  He and Evrain brought up the rear of the procession back along the edge of the reservoir. It seemed so tranquil and, as Dominic gazed across the water, he could hardly believe that the scene hid such potential for catastrophe. A crisis had been averted while people slept peacefully or enjoyed their Christmas festivities. Midnight Mass had gone on undisturbed. A deep sense of accomplishment filled him. The worth of Evrain’s power became ever more evident and he was proud to be a small part of it.

  “What are you thinking about?” Evrain murmured.

  “Completely random things,” Dominic said. “Like how I grew sage for our turkey stuffing and now it won’t be used.”

  “Hmm, I don’t believe you for a minute but regardless, we’ll have our Christmas a day late when we get home. I have some more…inspiring gifts for you.”

  “I’ll bet you do.” Dominic gave Evrain’s ass a cheeky pat. “I’m sure Santa has delivered some interesting things for you too.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Evrain shifted in his seat, pulling the pile of blankets closer around him. It was a sharp, clear night and very cold, but this was how Dominic wanted to see in the New Year, so he’d have it no other way. The garden swing seat had been a Christmas gift from Gregory and Coryn, delivered not long after Evrain and Dominic had returned from California. Positioned at the back of the cottage, in the shelter of the eaves, it gave a view of a wide expanse of sky and tonight the celestial show was spectacular.

  Dominic rounded the corner of the house, well-wrapped up in a down jacket, fleece-lined sweats and a woolen hat. His nose was pink and his cheeks flushed.

  “Here.” He handed over a mug of hot chocolate. “I thought this would be better for a toast than champagne.”

  “Are there marshmallows?” Evrain swirled a spoon through the rich mixture.

  “Do I ever leave them out?”

  A few pink blobs floated to the surface of Evrain’s drink. “Just checking.”

  Dominic snuggled beneath the blankets next to him, rearranging a few cushions to get more comfortable. He leaned against Evrain’s chest with a contented sigh.

  “I wish you didn’t have to go back to work tomorrow.”

  “But I do.” Evrain played with a lock of Dominic’s hair. “And we had a great Christmas, despite everything, didn’t we?”

  “We did. It was good of Nate to put us all up.”

  “It was fun.” Evrain had slept until late afternoon on Christmas day, as had the other warlocks, but Dominic, Damon, Coryn and Eric had recovered quicker and between them, produced a Christmas feast for that evening. “And you had a chance to get to know Eric better.”

  “He and I are going to keep in touch. He wants to start his own herb garden and I promised to help him.”

  “Killian wasn’t as bad as I expected him to be.”

  “Well, you didn’t meet under the best of circumstances, did you?”

  “He’s powerful. He worked miracles that night at the lake.”

  “But not as strong as you.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good thing.”

  “It is what it is. You can’t do anything about it so there’s no point worrying. Drink your chocolate.”

  Evrain smiled at the order. Dominic had been coddling him since Christmas day and Evrain had enjoyed being taken care of. Not that he needed it. He’d been tired to the point of exhaustion and the wound across his body had hurt more than he’d admitted but it had healed fast, leaving only a faint, silver line as a reminder.

  “It’s almost midnight.” He gazed at the stars—innumerable glittering pinpoints of light in a black velvet curtain. “This sky makes me feel small. It puts things in perspective.”

  “Yes, it does.” In the distance the church clock began to chime the hour. Evrain put his mug on the ground then guided Dominic’s head to get access to his lips.

  “Kiss me.” Dominic leaned in, lips parted. As the New Year arrived they were sealed together, everything else forgotten but the connection between them. Evrain let the kiss linger, not wanting to lose the contact, but Dominic pulled away. He wriggled from beneath the blankets then held out a hand.

  “Take me to bed.”

  “Sounds like a great way to welcome in the New Year.”

  Hornbeam Cottage was warm and cozy, the fire sparking as Evrain walked past. He calmed it with a word, the effort needed now so slight he hardly noticed what he was doing.

  “You’ve changed since that night,” Dominic said, leading the way up the stairs.

  Evrain could have argued but he knew it was true. “I think a little part of me had been resisting the power. I wanted to keep a piece of myself apart, but that night it wasn’t possible. There was no room for
barriers. It’s part of me and I have to accept it.”

  Shadow, who must have been sleeping on their bed, strolled by with a green-eyed glare.

  “That told us!” Dominic laughed. “You know, it didn’t hurt nearly as much as it should have done… I mean when you channeled that night. The power you had to use… I was prepared for it to be agonizing, but it wasn’t.”

  “I’m glad.” Evrain stripped Dominic slowly, relishing the reveal of every piece of bare skin. He wrapped his fingers around Dominic’s erection. “I’ll never tire of touching you.” He gathered a twist of air and used it to brush Dominic’s balls.

  “I should hope not.” Dominic rose on his toes. “Why are you still dressed?”

  “Because this way, you’re at my mercy.” He thickened more air, using it to push at Dominic’s hole. Dominic whimpered.

  “Stop that!”

  “I don’t think so.” Evrain gave Dominic a gentle shove, pushing him down onto the bed. “Keep your legs spread.”

  While he took off his clothes, Evrain played with the air, caressing every sensitive spot Dominic possessed. When he was bare, he knelt over him, engulfing Dominic’s cock with his mouth. Dominic bucked and Evrain narrowly avoided bruised lips. He licked and sucked until he had Dominic writhing beneath him, begging for release.

  “No. I want you to come while I’m inside you.” He lifted Dominic’s calves onto his shoulders. “Damn…lube.”

  Dominic groped beneath the pillows, extracting a half-empty tube. Evrain grabbed it. He slicked his cock with economic movements—too much pressure and he’d come.


  “Patience, love.”

  “You’re a wicked tease. There’s air doing Lord knows what to my ass and I’d much rather it be you up there.”

  Chuckling, Evrain pressed the head of his cock to Dominic’s hole. A thought sent a spiral of air around Dominic’s shaft, constricting the base. “I’m as impatient as you are…” He thrust home with a grunt, marveling at the heat of Dominic’s body. “Every time is new. Never the same.” He jacked his hips, unable to move slowly. Need overtook him.

  “Harder… Won’t break…” Dominic’s voice cracked. He raised his arms over his head to grasp the headboard.

  Evrain took Dominic at his word. He gripped his hips and gave his desire free rein. The rush of emotion that always came when he made love to Dominic threatened to overwhelm him. He threw his head back and cried out as he came, shuddering threw his orgasm. Belatedly he released his mental grasp of the air, allowing Dominic to follow him with a cry. He grabbed Dominic’s cock, pulling him through his release with a few swift jerks.

  Evrain collapsed next to Dominic and for a few minutes they both lay there, breathing heavily. “That was a perfect start to the New Year,” Evrain said, reaching for some tissues to clean them both up. He pulled the covers over them. “In the morning I’m going to lock you in the new chastity tube I got you for Christmas—it’ll give me something to dream about all day at work.”

  “You got that thing for you, not me.” Dominic snuggled close, throwing a leg over Evrain’s thighs. “I’ll just have to make sure you’re so late in the morning you won’t have time to think about it.”

  “What do you have planned for the day while I’m slaving over a hot drawing board?”

  “To have a think about the year ahead in the garden. It’s too cold to do much else but the larger greenhouse needs cleaning out and I’d enjoy the exercise.”

  “Now you’ve got me thinking about you, all hot and sweaty, streaked with dirt…yum.” Evrain pulled Dominic on top of him. He knelt, the covers falling from his shoulders. “Ride me.”

  “How are you good to go again already?” Dominic batted at Evrain’s cock, making it sway.

  “Elemental warlock, remember. The body is over fifty percent water.” Evrain grinned. “And my control has improved exponentially.”

  Dominic leaned down for a kiss. He abandoned Evrain’s lips for his chest, kissing his way the length of Evrain’s scar. “How about we make this the year when you don’t get damaged? I don’t want to be afraid for you all the time.”

  “I wish I could make that promise,” Evrain said, winding his fingers into Dominic’s hair. “But I can’t. Let’s be satisfied that we can be happy now. In this moment. Even I can’t control what the future brings, however much I might want to.” He tugged Dominic’s head up. “Okay?”

  “Yes.” Dominic smiled. “With any luck we’ll have a drama-free year.”

  As he settled himself onto Evrain’s cock, Evrain smiled. He doubted it would be the case but, for now, being joined to the man he loved was enough.

  Want to see more from this author? Here’s a taster for you to enjoy!

  The Retreat: Serving Him

  L.M. Somerton


  “Who’d have thought there would be so many applicants for a role where the job description includes nudity and a willingness to get your arse whipped?” Carey Hoffman leafed through the pile of paperwork in front of him. “This is a lot harder than recruiting for club servers.”

  “Relax, Sir. It’s important we find the right people. The more applicants we get, the better chance we have of finding someone perfect.” Alistair Easton, Carey’s submissive, kneaded his Master’s shoulders. “Our first paying client deserves the best.”

  “That’s so good.” The tension melted from Carey’s shoulders as Alistair loosened knotted muscles. “Maybe we should go upstairs for an hour so that you can relieve other parts of my anatomy.”

  Alistair giggled. “Not a good idea if you want to invite people in for interviews this week. We have work to do.”

  Scowling, Carey turned to his friend and bar manager Harry Croft. “What’s a Dom to do, Harry, when his sub takes charge?”

  “Generally,” Harry replied, “I find it’s best to do what I’m told.” He ruffled his sub’s hair. Kai Smithson was seated on the floor between Harry’s legs. “You can always spank him later, but for now, Alistair is right. We have to get through all these applications this evening. We only have one post left to fill, don’t we?”

  Alistair knelt at Carey’s side, hands folded in his lap, his serenity in complete contrast to the noise and activity going on all around them. The Underground was always busy, but Friday nights tended to be hectic. Carey had sequestered a quiet corner for their discussion. A low table held paperwork and drinks, and cushions softened the floor for Alistair’s knees and Kai’s backside. Carey still found it hard to concentrate. He blamed Alistair for looking so tempting in leather trousers and a sheer silk shirt. He imagined removing the shirt, exposing Alistair’s smooth skin inch by inch, then watching his lover wriggle out of the trousers…

  “Carey?” Harry brought him out of his daydream.

  “Sorry, I got a bit distracted. Where were we?”

  “The last vacancy—if you can keep your mind on recruitment and off whatever it is you’re planning to do to Alistair?” He shared a conspiratorial grin.

  “Oh, yes. Right. Well, I’m thankful Mr. Wilder’s requirements are not too onerous. Tor Halvorsen will act as executive chef. He cooked for Joe and Heath when they had their taster weekend with Olly and Aiden and their reviews of his cooking were first rate. Olly said, and I’m quoting here, that Tor’s double chocolate brownies were better than an orgasm after two days in chastity.”

  Alistair and Kai both burst out laughing.

  Harry rolled his eyes. “Olly would be proud. He can create chaos even when he’s hundreds of miles away. That’s two extra strokes for you tonight, young man.” He gave Kai’s hair a gentle tug. Kai sucked on his lower lip but his eyes sparkled and he rubbed his cheek against Harry’s thigh.

  “Tor has recruited two kitchen assistants, both, I might add, stolen from here at The Underground,” Carey said. “As Mr. Wilder is traveling alone, Tor says that will be more than adequate to cover his stay and allow for days off for each of them. Tor intends to work through and take s
ome time off in between clients. He’ll also take on training Benjy and Frank. Going forward, I think we should consider rotating the junior kitchen staff through The Retreat. Then they’ll all get experience of different kinds of catering.”

  “That’s a great idea. At least they won’t be shocked by anything they see at The Retreat.” Harry grinned. “Right. Goran has sorted all the drink supplies, so Mr. Wilder won’t starve or go thirsty.” Goran was Harry’s very capable deputy bar manager. “He can always take a quick trip down there if Tor needs him for anything. It’s always possible that the client will want to throw a party while he’s staying. Goran’s already offered to run the bar for events like that.”

  Carey nodded. “Excellent. Then we have Luke Redding as general manager. He’s ex-forces, like Tor.”

  “The Retreat is going to be run like a military campaign,” Harry said. “Tell me about Luke. I know he’s a member here but not much else.”

  “He’s a well-respected Dom. Kept up his membership even when he was overseas on active duty.”

  “Well, you do give service personnel an excellent discount.”

  “I do, and they deserve it. Whereas Tor was in the army, Luke is ex-Navy. Served fifteen years then took an honorable discharge to care for his father who died last year. Mother passed when he was a child so his dad brought him up. He told me at the interview that he gave himself to his career, then to his father, now it’s his time. He was very open. He doesn’t have to work for the money but needs a purpose. He’s a very experienced manager and won’t take shit from anyone. He’ll be perfect for mentoring the young men that will be working at The Retreat, as well as the contractors. Management of the house and garden staff as well as all the arrangements related to housekeeping and maintenance will sit with him, and if our guests want any training in a particular technique, Luke can either handle it himself or bring someone in from the club if he doesn’t feel qualified. He knows the area well too—he was based at Portsmouth for many years and the New Forest was a favorite daytrip destination.”


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