Delayed Admission

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Delayed Admission Page 6

by Heather Renee

Desmond approached the glass with caution and laid one hand on the smooth surface. His mouth moved, but I couldn’t make sense of the low words he spoke. My eyes glanced around the room and noticed the door I had come through was no longer present.

  I was trapped in the cage.

  My chest rose and fell in rapid succession until Enzo appeared in my line of sight. His eyes swirled, the normal honey color mixed with a deeper brown that entranced me, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away. With each passing second that we remained locked in each other’s stare, my fear of being trapped eased. When he seemed satisfied I wasn’t going to absolutely lose my shit, he nodded his head and backed away so Desmond could continue.

  The interaction was something I probably needed to dissect, but then was not the time. Once I was fully settled down and Desmond finished whatever he had been doing, all four council members placed their hands on the glass like he had done. Enzo disappeared behind the group as Headmaster Stone moved in to join them.

  They began to chant in another language I didn’t understand, and the words rattled on so quickly that I couldn’t even guess at the pronunciations. My eyes grew heavy and my body weak. Whatever they were doing was quickly sucking my energy from me.

  Falling to my knees, I cringed at the echo my thud made and shielded my ears. Every sound was amplified, including the chant from the council around me. When covering my ears wasn’t enough, I curled into a ball and closed my eyes.

  Images flashed before my eyes of a man I had never seen before. His eyes were familiar, but his face was foreign to me. His hand pressed to my forehead and pain ricocheted through my body, both in the vision and in real time.

  My feet slammed against the glass as my hands still gripped my ears. A layer of skin felt like it was slowly being pulled away from me. When my eyes peeked open, everything around me glowed the teal color I was used to seeing on my hands, but this time, my whole body was lit up.

  Panic ceased within me as another emotion replaced it, and my muscles ached as if I’d hiked the tallest mountain. I stood up as rage grew within me like never before. I was angry, and I didn’t even know why. Magic flew from my hands as scales appeared on my arms and pain erupted in my back.

  I hunched over, my hands settling on my knees as my shoulder blades dislocated and barbed wings about six feet in length burst from my skin. They were a blood-red color and covered in the same scales as my arms, but the insides appeared soft like leather.

  “What the hell is happening to me?” I screamed, searching for anyone to help me understand.

  “Dragon.” The single word left Enzo’s mouth in fascination as he continued to stare from across the room.

  Minutes later, after I thought I’d lose my voice from all the screaming, the wings and scales disappeared, and what I presumed to be magic swirled all around me within the glass confinement. This time, the colors changed between white, teal, and burgundy. My eyes processed everything with a clarity I didn’t think possible until finally, a sense of peace swept over me.

  The magic began to disappear once I calmed and there was no pain or anger left within my body.

  The door reappeared and the council backed up, watching me with trepidation, most of all Desmond, who I could then identify as a sorcerer. Whatever just happened had given me the ability to instinctively know what type of creature each person in the room was. Alexander, the vampire. Fiona, the wolf shifter. Bennett, the elf, and Headmaster Stone, another sorcerer, much more powerful than Desmond.

  Enzo stepped forward, not seeming afraid at all. “How do you feel?”

  My fingers brushed my hair back and, before I could answer, gasps and snarls came from the council behind him.

  Enzo’s eyes lit up with excitement, which confirmed whatever had happened wasn’t good.

  “What?” I asked when nobody said anything.

  “Well, it appears as if you’re not a hybrid like we thought,” Headmaster Stone answered. “You have three races within you: witch, dragon shifter, and elf.”

  “How do you know?” I demanded.

  Enzo pointed to my face. “Your ears. When you pushed your hair back just now, it showcased the lovely points that now grace your ears. Welcome to the cool kids club, Raegan.”

  No, no, no. This wasn’t possible. Why couldn’t I just be a regular hybrid like Gemma?

  I didn’t want to be different.

  I wanted to blend in.

  So. Damn. Bad.

  “One of her abilities needs to be stripped,” Fiona snapped. “We don’t know what she’ll be capable of otherwise. It’s not safe for the other students.”

  I flinched at the harshness she directed at me, like I was the devil reincarnate. I hadn’t done anything to anyone. I was just a girl trying to survive the shitty hand she was dealt, and a little understanding would have been nice.

  “You’re exactly right, Fiona. We don’t know what she’s capable of,” the headmaster mused. “Which means we don’t know whether this is a bad or good thing. It could be nothing, and she shouldn’t be punished for the unknown.”

  “This isn’t something to discuss with an audience, Alistair,” Bennett said, glancing at both me and Enzo before turning back to Headmaster Stone.

  “Yes, my old friend. You’re right. Enzo, will you take Raegan to the uniform area and get her whatever she needs? I’ll check in with you both this evening.”

  And just like that, we were dismissed while the old people chatted about my future.

  Super fucking awesome.

  Wrath began to build within me, and at the first signs of scales on my arm, Enzo shot a look at me that said I better get my shit under control before I proved them all right.

  When we were halfway down the hall, Enzo stopped me and brushed my hair back. His cool fingers skimmed over my ears, down my jawline, and to my chin where his forefinger and thumb stayed, gently holding my face in place. My breathing stopped momentarily as I waited for him to say something or, better yet, do something.

  “If they strip you of a race and give you the option of which, I’d be disappointed if you chose elf to lose.” He dropped his hand and kept walking, not waiting for me.

  Damn him and his sex appeal! My powers being unlocked wasn’t helping, either. The moment his skin touched mine, I wanted to jump him. Well, my body did. My head, on the other hand, still wanted to throat-punch him.

  I followed after him, and we went back downstairs to the main floor. He led me down two more hallways before we arrived at the uniform room. The men’s options were on the left side and on the right were the women’s.

  Men wore black slacks as their only bottom choice and white collared shirts or dress shirts for tops, each with the SVA logo embroidered on them. Ties hung on the end of the racks, and I cringed when I remembered the women had them as well, only thinner in width.

  Our shirts were similar to the men’s, but more form-fitted. Then, there were the bottoms. Skirts galore in all different lengths spanned at least ten feet across. It wasn’t fair that men could wear pants, but women couldn’t.

  I grabbed five shirts and a few ties, along with a sweater I found at the end. When I approached Enzo, who had stayed silent against the wall while I picked my items, he eyed my pile curiously.

  “You forgot something,” he said.

  I glanced down. “Nope. Pretty sure I got it all.”

  “You’re going to class without something to cover that pretty ass of yours? Not that I’m complaining, but the teachers might not appreciate the distraction.”

  “It looks like they’re out of women’s pants, so I’m just going to wear my black leather ones until they get more.” My chin lifted defiantly.

  “I think you’re confused. The girls all wear the skirts.”

  “I don’t believe in double standards. Until I see boys wearing skirts, then I’m wearing my pants.”

  His laugh wrapped around me like silk, drawing me toward him. “Oh, this is going to be interesting. Alright, let’s go then.”

sp; He led me back to my room and waited by the door. “Want to go grab some lunch?”

  “With you? In public? No offense, but not a chance in hell.”

  His hand grasped at his chest dramatically. “Oh, how you wound me. Why not?”

  “I doubt your girlfriend would appreciate that, and I’d rather not have her kind of drama in my life. So, let’s keep whatever relationship we need to have strictly school-related. It would be easier on everyone.”

  “Whatever you say, little dragon.”

  He pushed away from my door and strode down the hall like he didn’t have a care in the world. I, on the other hand, was about to lose my shit. Slamming my door shut, I waltzed over to the tablet where I could order food and found every bit of junk food available.

  After I ordered, I threw myself on the bed and screamed into the pillow. Sparks flew from my hands, and I ran to the mirror as soon as I remembered the pointy ears I needed to check out. Slowly, I pulled my hair back and inspected my new additions.

  The points weren’t significant like the pure elf students I had already seen, but they were there, nonetheless. Thankfully, my hair was short, and I had no reason to pull it back. I just needed to keep my hands away from that area and maybe I could keep what we learned to myself. If Enzo valued his life, he’d do the same.

  A ding came from the magical butler box, and my mouth began to drool at the thought of hot fudge brownies and vanilla ice cream. If my day was going to be ruined, I was at least going to get dessert. Lots and lots of dessert.

  Tomorrow was soon enough to figure out what to do next. For the time being, I was having a pity party for one and didn’t give a single damn.

  Chapter 7

  The first Monday in September was the start of school. Having less than a week to prepare for the new world I had been thrown into was not enough, but Gemma and her two friends did everything they could to help me through it.

  I rarely left my room. Learning how to manage the butler box, as I had officially named the thing that brought me food, was amazing. Gemma insisted it was a mini-fridge, but it was nothing like the ones I was used to, so it got a new name. It was capable of providing me almost everything I needed except fresh air, and I was beginning to believe natural air was overrated.

  I hated drama, and Enzo was only going to bring me assloads of it, so I was avoiding him like a plague.

  Yet, I couldn’t stop thinking about the way his eyes held mine captive while I was locked in the glass box, or how his presence had been the only thing to calm me down when I was so close to absolutely losing my shit.

  He was equally infuriating and intriguing at the same time.

  I had casually inquired about his bitchface of a girlfriend and wondered if they were truly back together, considering he hadn’t denied it when I called her his girlfriend the week before. Finley mentioned she hadn’t seen much of either of them, but apparently, that wasn’t abnormal since there had been so few days left of freedom. Not many people were hanging around the school.

  As I dressed in my uniform for the first time, my stomach knotted and threatened to throw up the delicious fruit parfait I had eaten for breakfast. I still insisted on the pants instead of the skirt, even though Gemma also advised me it was a bad idea. The people around me were learning quickly that I was rather stubborn.

  Once my crisp white shirt was buttoned, I slipped the tie around my neck. This I had no problem putting on as far as the technical part went, but the memories of watching my mom do the same act for my dad and then her teaching me were the hardest to overcome.

  It made me want to call my Aunt Jules and see how she was coping with everything. She might not have been blood, but our shared grief was real, and she was now alone unless she had gone back to New Orleans. I hadn’t received word from her yet, but I hoped I would this week.

  When I was fully dressed, I took a long look in the mirror. My burgundy hair stood out most in contrast to my fair skin and the white dress shirt, the ends resting just at my shoulders. My fingers traced over the emblem embroidered just above my left breast before gliding along the silk teal tie.

  Glancing down at my black leather pants and boots, I smirked. This was what they got for ripping me from everything I knew, even if it wasn’t much of a life to be living.

  A knock sounded at my door, and I rushed to open it, fully expecting Gemma to be on the other side, but the smile on my face swiftly fell as I met the swirling honey eyes of Enzo.

  “Hello, little dragon.” His eyes ran down my body, causing a shiver to come over me that I hopefully hid from him.

  “What are you doing here?” I snapped.

  “I’m your mentor. It’s my duty to show you the ropes on the first day and give you your schedule. Aren’t you excited?” Sarcasm dripped from his words, and I couldn’t tell if he was enjoying this or was as equally disdained as me.

  It was my first day, and if I was going to have to be at Shadow Veil for three more years, I really wanted to make the best of it. I decided to choose my battles wisely, and this was not one of them. If Enzo was my means to remaining a second-year student and not being behind, then so be it.

  “You know what? I am excited. Let me grab my bag and we can go.”

  Before I turned away, I saw the shock that flashed across his chiseled face. Good. The more I could surprise him, the sooner he would learn I wasn’t going to be messed with.

  One of the few times I ventured out of my room after my magic had been unlocked was to grab the last of my school supplies. Gemma helped me pick out a bag and tablet. Apparently, there were no books, but we still needed bags for our magical possessions. I had simply nodded in agreement when she explained that, even though I had no idea what it meant.

  With my black messenger bag strapped over my shoulder, I double-checked my tablet was still in it. When the cool metal touched my fingertips, I knew there was nothing more I could do to prepare for whatever I was about to experience.

  “All set?” Enzo asked cheerfully.

  “Yep. Unless I need something more than the bag and tablet.”

  “You also need a handsome mentor, so good thing I’m here or you’d be sorely lacking.” He winked as I closed my door, waiting to hear the lock engage before walking away.

  Other students were also leaving, their eyes on us as we moved through the crowd. Nerves slammed into me. I didn’t want to be noticed, and I was already failing at that before I even got to my first class. Enzo was going to be the death of me.

  “We need to stop by the office and have your schedule downloaded to your tablet,” Enzo mentioned. “Once it’s synced up, you’ll receive notifications for class times and the quickest route to get there, depending on your current location. I highly advise using that until you’ve learned your way around the school. I won’t always be with you, and there are some places you don’t want to accidentally stumble upon.”

  For once, his voice was serious, as if he actually cared about what happened to me. It threw me off balance, but when I really thought about it, I shouldn’t have been so surprised.

  Our first encounter had been him saving me, then him calming me down, followed by not objecting to helping me catch up with my peers. There were many layers to Enzo, and the twisted part of me was looking forward to peeling them back and finding out who he really was, as well as myself.

  That was if I didn’t kill him first for causing me added grief.

  “What are you doing with the mutt?” a high-pitched voice sneered as we turned left off the stairs.

  I didn’t bother turning around. I knew who it was, and she was Enzo’s problem, not mine.

  “Lyssa.” Enzo’s voice hardened as he twisted around. “If you want any sort of relationship with me, then you’ll choose your next words carefully.”

  I couldn’t see her face, because I refused to give her any of my attention, but my ears picked up the tremor in her voice.

  “But you said that we…”

  “I know what I said, but I wo
n’t tolerate anyone being put down. She’s not a mutt, and I’m her mentor for the year. You’re going to have to deal with it.”

  Before she could respond, Enzo grasped my arm and pulled me along. I ached to turn around and see the look on her face, but I knew better. If she was pure elf, then from what I had already learned from my friends, I didn’t want to mess with her until I knew how to defend myself.

  My poor attempts at practicing my magic with Gemma, Finley, and Peyton had been disastrous, and I was actually excited for classes, so I could learn how to manage it all.

  When we arrived in the main office to get my list of classes, the scheduler lady frowned. “I’m sorry, Ms. Keyes. You don’t have a schedule yet. It says here that you’re to report directly to Headmaster Stone this morning. Alone.”

  Fuck me.

  “Are you sure it says alone?” Enzo asked rather rudely.

  She turned her screen. “I’m not senile, young man.”

  I grinned at her smartass comment, then glanced at her desk, looking for a name. “Thank you, Louise. I’ll head there now.”

  Spinning on my heel, I strode out of the door without waiting for Enzo. He caught up to me within seconds, though. “Wait a minute. Have you spoken with the headmaster at all since last week?”

  “No, so it’s not really surprising he wants to see me. Previously, I was going on the assumption that no news was good news in this scenario. Now, it’s time to find out if I was right.”

  Last week, when I found out that I had not two, but three races running through my blood, I went back to my room and lost my shit a little bit. Okay, a lot, but after I had some time to process it, I didn’t dwell on it. One of my parents had to be a hybrid and the other a pure. I happened to get all three genes. There was no big deal. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself over the last few days.

  I couldn’t even turn into a full dragon that I knew of. Just some badass scales and wings had appeared before, so it wasn’t like I was going to take over the world with the extra abilities. Hopefully, the headmaster had been able to convince the rest of the council of that.


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