Are You Alone in the House

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Are You Alone in the House Page 3

by Travis Szablewski

“I just…I feel…” Reese hesitated. “I feel like my dad is hiding stuff from me,” Reese said.

  “About what?” Burke asked.

  “About what happened to Riley. I mean, they classified it as an accident,” Reese said as she shook her head to herself.

  “Your dad is the sheriff, Reese. Why would he lie about anything? Especially to his own daughter,” Burke said as he grabbed her leg.

  “I don’t know. Maybe to protect me? I just feel like…there are so many unanswered questions,” Reese said softly as she wiped at her teary eyes. “But I really am sorry,” she added as her eyes moved to him.

  “For what?” Burke asked, confused.

  “For pushing you away…after it happened. I know you were just trying to be supportive. I know you were just trying to be there for me. But I just needed space. I needed to deal with it in my own way; and that meant being alone. I am so sorry if I hurt you,” Reese cried. Burke nodded as he gently wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. Reese rested her head onto the cold leather of his jacket as he ran his hand through her long hair.

  “Don’t be. I was pissed at first. But then I realized that I don’t even know how I’d react in this situation. I mean, everyone has to cope differently. I just wanted to let you know how much I loved you. But in the process, I crowded you. I pushed you away. And I’m sorry for that,” Burke nodded.

  Reese smiled as she looked up at him. She raised her hands, cupping his face, and pulled it to hers. Their lips met, soft and wet…as she wrapped her arms around him tightly. They laid back onto the bed…as Burke kissed her…hard and passionate. His hands ran up her thighs and towards her breast as she clawed at his back. She could feel herself…the cold numbness…slowly begin to melt as his mouth sucked on her tinder neck. Her eyes then fluttered open as reality set in.

  “OK, you’ve got to go,” Reese said as she sat up and giggled. Burke smiled softly as he stood.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I’d rather not have your mom’s foot up my ass,” Burke smirked. Burke leaned down and placed a kiss onto Reese’s forehead. “Goodnight,” he said.

  “Be safe,” Reese nodded. She watched as Burke crawled back through the bathroom window and out of sight. Reese turned…staring at her side table. There it stood. In a wooden picture frame. The last picture she and Riley ever took together. Their smiling, identical faces staring back at the camera. Reese slowly stood and made her way towards her bedroom door. She pulled it open and inched out into the dark hallway. She stopped…her eyes adjusting to the darkness to see the door right across from her own…

  Riley’s bedroom.

  Reese slowly inched closer. She raised her hand, running her finger along the sparkly letters glued to the door that spelt out Riley’s name. Her finger ran down the wooden frame…and towards the doorknob. Reese bit her lip nervously…as she grabbed the handle…

  Reese felt her stomach twist into knots as she released the handle and stepped back.

  It was too much.

  It was too soon.

  Reese quickly turned away from Riley’s bedroom door…rushed into her room…and slammed the door shut.


  Burke stared forward through the windshield as his headlights shimmered through the darkness. He finally got somewhere with Reese. The fact that she even talked to him put him on cloud nine. Maybe…just maybe…they could fix this horrible mess that both of them concocted.

  Red and blue lights then spun through the darkness behind his Mustang. His eyes drifted to the speedometer. He wasn’t speeding. What the hell were they pulling him over for? Burke slowed his car and came to a stop along the curb. He was only a block away from Reese’s house. What the hell could he have possibly done in one minute? Burke sighed as he dug his wallet out from his back pocket as he heard the footsteps of the officer grow closer.

  “What did I do this time?” Burke said as his eyes lifted to see…Sheriff Ronald Taylor…Reese’s father. Ronald rested his hands on the open window frame as he leaned down and stared at Burke from outside. “Oh, hey Mr. Taylor,” Burke said softly as he swallowed hard.

  “Evening, Mr. Collins. What brings you out on this cold night?” Ronald asked as he tilted his head.

  “Just driving around; getting my mind off things,” Burke lied as he motioned his license and registration towards Ronald. Ronald shook his head. This wasn’t a traffic stop. This was clearly personal.

  “Just driving around, huh? Is that why your car was parked two houses down from my daughter’s?” Ronald asked, his tone sharp and stern.

  “Sir, I know that…” Burke began.

  “No, you don’t know, Mr. Collins. You really don’t. I don’t know how many times I have to say this to you; stay away from Reese. How many times am I going to have to say it before it sinks into that greasy fucking head of yours?” Ronald snapped.

  “Reese is a big girl, Sheriff. Whatever grudge you have against me…is getting really old,” Burke insisted.

  “I don’t have a grudge against you. I just know my fucking daughter tends to make bad decisions when she’s with you; like going to a party, for example.”

  “Well, maybe that has less to do with me and more with you, sir,” Burke snarled.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh, you know what it means. Maybe if you would have manned up and stuck beside your family, then your daughter wouldn’t be making questionable decisions,” Burke said sternly.

  “That’s rich coming from a kid who was dropped off on somebody’s doorstep. A kid that nobody wanted…that nobody gave two shits about. You’re the last person that should be giving anyone family advice…and that’s a damn fact,” Ronald spat. Ronald ripped a ticket from his book and handed it to Burke.

  Burke grabbed the ticket as Ronald smiled down at him.

  “What the hell is this for?” Burke yelled.

  “You’ve got a taillight out, son,” Ronald said as he made his way back towards his squad car parked behind Burke’s.

  “No, I don’t!” Burke yelled as he leaned forward, staring out through his open window.

  Ronald brought his flashlight out from his belt and slammed the end into Burke’s left taillight. The glass shattered as the bulb inside busted into pieces.

  “You do now.”


  Reese adjusted her backpack on her shoulder as she made her way down the walkway of her house and towards Quinn’s SUV that was parked ahead beside the curb. The morning sunlight shimmered down as she pulled the front passenger side door open and hopped inside.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” Quinn smiled and threw in a wink as she put her car into drive. Reese smirked softly, her eyes widened, shocked at Quinn’s pleasurable tone this early in the morning.

  “Trust me, I already asked if she got some last night. You’re probably just as confused as I am back here,” Jessie giggled from the backseat.

  “What? I can’t be in a good mood?” Quinn asked as she drove her car down the road, snapping a selfie as her eyes darted up to the road and back down to the screen of her phone quickly.

  “Not this damn earlier in the morning; it just really isn’t natural,” Reese laughed, shaking her head. Ever since she had dumped Blake, Quinn had turned into a totally different person. She just seemed freer…happier and more pleased with just existing…with just going with the flow of everything and being on her own; no one to answer to. It was liberating.

  “Well, I was in a shitty mood when I woke up, but I thought, what the hell…might as well make today great,” Quinn said with a smile.

  “Please, tell us why you woke up in a shitty mood so you can return back to reality with us common folk,” Jessie snorted.

  “Blake texted me last night,” Quinn said, rolling her eyes as she turned the wheel, turning the SUV to the right.

  “Again? That’s the eighth time this week…and it’s only Wednesday,” Reese said.

  “I know. He just keeps telling me how much he mis
ses me and how he’s changed. It’s honestly just words to me. I mean, he lied to me for so long. I’m just…numb to it anymore. I always went running back. I always just forgave and forgot,” Quinn said with a shrug.

  “There isn’t even a tiny part of you that misses him?” Reese asked as she shoved a few books into her backpack that sat onto her lap.

  “It’s really weird. I mean, I don’t miss him, per say. I miss…I miss that connection. I mean, him and me were together for so long. I can’t lie, it’s weird seeing him around without me on his arm. I just can’t go back to that space. I can’t go back to just being Blake Brantley’s girlfriend, again. I’m finding myself…for once in my life I’m actually OK with just being me,” Quinn nodded.

  “My God, somebody call Oprah,” Jessie laughed sarcastically as she placed her hand to her chest.

  “Shut up!” Quinn giggled. “Oh, by the way, I have to pick up Ethan. Reese’s eyes widened as she glanced back to Jessie in the backseat.

  “What? Why?” Jessie snapped, leaning forward onto the center console.

  “His car is in the shop and he needs a ride! Is that problem?” Quinn asked.

  “Do you even have to ask?” Jessie snapped as she sighed and leaned back into her seat. “You could have told me! I could have just walked!”

  “No! You and him need to talk, Jessie! It’s been three damn months!” Quinn yelled over her shoulder, her eyes glued to the road.

  “I don’t give a shit if it’s been three damn years! There is nothing I have to say to him,” Jessie scowled as she watched Quinn’s SUV slowly stop outside of Ethan’s house…Ethan, waiting on the curb.

  “Thank you for the ride, Quinn,” Ethan began as he pulled the drivers side backseat door open. His eyes widened as he spotted Jessie sitting on the opposite side. Her eyes glued to her window…not even daring to look his way.

  “It’s fine, Ethan. Just get in. We’re already late enough as it is,” Quinn said. Ethan nodded as he settled into the backseat beside Jessie. The car lunged forward as Quinn sped down the pristine, quiet suburban street.

  “So, what happened to your car, Ethan?” Reese asked, slicing through the silence.

  “Just my alternator. It should be out of the shop by the end of the day,” Ethan said. He kept his eyes through the window next to him, watching the trees and houses whip by.

  “Damn, well it’s too bad somebody didn’t cut your break line,” Jessie growled, her eyes still staring through her window. Quinn’s eyes glared into the rearview mirror at Jessie as she turned her car to the left, pulling into the gravel parking lot of Woodland Hills High School. Her SUV came to a stop as Reese and Quinn stepped out of the car, slamming their doors closed behind them.

  Jessie grabbed her door handle and tugged…as Ethan’s hand reached out…grabbing her arm. Jessie’s eyes darted his way as she yanked her arm from him.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Jessie asked, her voice sharp and stern.

  “Can we talk?” Ethan asked softly. “Please, Jessie? Please,” Ethan begged. Jessie sighed sharply as she slammed the door shut and turned towards him in the backseat.

  “You’ve got two minutes,” Jessie said as she checked the time on her phone.

  “I don’t even know where to start,” Ethan sighed as he stared down at his lap, his leg bouncing up and down nervously.

  “One minute and fifty-six seconds,” Jessie sighed as she stared out through her window at the parking lot, uninterested.

  “I know that no matter what I say, it’s not going to take away the fact that I did what I did that night, Jessie. Yes, I liked Riley and I’m not going to lie about that; because I’m done lying…I’m done…I’m done hiding, Jessie. But for years, I had a thing for you. That night…I felt…I felt like it was just you and me on that dance floor. I didn’t see Riley. I didn’t see anyone else…but you. And when you freaked out after I kissed you…I panicked. I just…I ran. I was running scared because I knew that if you didn’t feel the same then that meant that our friendship would never ever be the same. Because what I felt was out in the open and it could never be put back. But when I came back…I was looking for you. That’s when Riley came over. She said she just wanted to talk. She said she had some things on her mind and that she just wanted someone…anybody to talk to. Then, the next thing I knew…she kissed me. I wanted to stop her, Jessie. I wanted to so badly,” Ethan said as he fought back the tears forming in his eyes, his voice trembling. “I knew that I made the biggest mistake of my life in that moment. And every second…of every God damn day…I regret it. I relive that moment over and over and if I could ask God for just one damn thing, it would be to take that moment back; to fight harder for you. To push her off me and to chase you down and to tell you that…that I love you. To tell you that I care about you so much and I can’t imagine my life without you in my life; as a friend or as my girlfriend. Just the thought of that killed me inside,” Ethan said as he took a hard gulp, his eyes glued to Jessie. Jessie wiped at the tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked down at her lap.

  “I’ve felt the exact same way about you for years, Ethan. I was just…terrified. I was terrified of ruining what we had. Me and you, we’ve known each other for so long. It scared to me to even risk losing that connection that we already had. But you can’t fight what you want. I tried, and I tried, and I tried. But when I saw you with Riley, I just…collapsed. This huge, gigantic wall that I had built up just came crashing down. That’s when I knew…that I loved you. Because I’ve never cared that much about anyone…ever in my entire life. And I realized…when I was walking into that house…to find you…that I didn’t care. I didn’t care if we crashed and burned…because even if we could set what we had on fire for just a moment…that’d I could live knowing that we tried. And we didn’t let the fears or the worries or second guesses stand in our way. I was done pretending,” Jessie cried.

  Ethan lunged forward as he pulled Jessie close. His thin arms wrapped tightly around her as he smashed his lips into hers. Their eyes shut tightly as they kissed, hard and passionate. Jessie cupped his face, pulling him closer as she kissed him…the tears still streaming down her face as the school bell sounded off…echoing through the deserted school parking lot.


  Blake Brantley gathered his books from inside his locker as Burke made his way towards him, pushing through the crowded school hallway. Burke leaned against the set of lockers, a toothpick hanging from his mouth.

  “So, are you still stalking Quinn?” Burke smirked as he gnawed on the wooden stick.

  “I’m not stalking her, you dickweed. I’m just…” Blake said as he sighed and slammed his locker shut.

  “Stalking her…” Burke giggled. “Why do you even want her back, man? You were gonna break up with her anyways,” Burke asked, confused.

  “I guess it’s true when they say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone,” Blake said, defeated as he turned and walked through the hallway beside Burke.

  “Has she called you back?”

  “Nope. Not a text. Not a call. Zip,” Blake said. “I’ve tried everything.”

  “Well, I can talk to her for you,” Burke said, nudging Blake’s arm. “Put in a good word.”

  “Please. You can’t even get your own damn girl back,” Blake laughed, rolling his eyes.

  “Oh, yeah?” Burke said as he stopped and smiled to Blake coyly.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Blake said, a smile spreading across his face. “Dude, you got Reese back? That’s awesome, man!” Blake said as he high fived Burke.

  “Trust me; I’m just as shocked as you are. I just…I had to be honest with her,” Burke said.

  “Yeah…but about everything?” Blake asked, his eyes narrowing onto Burke in front of him.

  “No…but what she doesn’t know won’t kill her…”


  Reese stared forward at the kitty cat poster mounted in the corner of Mrs. Melissa Newman’s offic
e. Its wide eyes staring back at the camera; its tiny paw clenched onto the bold “H” of the phrase “Just Hold On” in big, curvy writing.


  Melissa’s soft voice echoed through Reese’s ears as she broke from her trance.

  “What? I’m sorry,” Reese asked softly.

  “I asked how your relationship with your mother and father were coming along,” Melissa smiled. She sat across from Reese in a large, purple lounge chair. A note pad on her lap. Melissa combed her long red hair behind her ears as she waited patiently for an answer. Her thin, pale finger clicking the black pen in her hand…again and again.

  “I don’t really know,” Reese said as she looked down to the floor.

  “What do you mean?” Melissa asked as she leaned forward.

  “Mrs. Newman…” Reese began.

  “Reese, we talked about this. In here, I’m Melissa. First name basis. It creates a more open and welcoming environment,” Melissa smiled.

  “Melissa…” Reese began. “Have you ever felt like your parents lied to you? I mean, not about Santa Clause or the Easter bunny or anything like that. I mean…something bigger,” Reese said as she bit her thumb nail nervously.

  “No…but is that how you’re feeling? Are you feeling like they’re keeping something from you?

  “Yeah,” Reese nodded as she folded her legs in, sitting Indian style in the large lounge chair. “I’m scared to even say it out loud. I’ll sound crazy,” Reese giggled nervously.

  “Just say it. I won’t judge you,” Melissa said, her voice calm and soothing.

  “I think someone pushed Riley that night,” Reese spat out. She couldn’t hold it in. She had to get this out…before it drove her even more crazy than she already felt. Melissa’s eyebrows arched as she leaned back into her chair, scribbling notes onto her notepad.

  “What makes you think that?” Melissa asked. “Why would your parents hide such a thing from you?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe to protect me? I mean, I already lost my twin sister. Maybe they figured the case details would really shove me over the edge,” Reese said with a shrug.


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