Are You Alone in the House

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Are You Alone in the House Page 11

by Travis Szablewski

  “Wow,” Ethan said as he felt his heart beat inside of his chest. Jillian followed his gaze to see…

  Jessie standing at the top of the stairs. Her long, wavy, dark locks draped down her shoulders. She was wearing a short, long sleeved black lace dress. The entire sleeves were a transparent black lace. She stepped down the stairs as her ankle high black heeled boots clicked along the wooden steps as she made her way down.

  “Honey, you look gorgeous!” Jillian squealed as she rushed to her daughter. Jessie smirked and rolled her eyes as she stepped off the last step. Jillian threw her arms around Jessie, hugging her tightly.

  “You look beautiful,” Ethan said, breathless as he swallowed hard. Jessie blushed as she stepped towards him.

  “Are those for me?”

  “What?” Ethan asked, breaking out of his trance. He then stared down at the roses in his hand. “Oh, yeah! Yeah, sorry,” Ethan laughed nervously as he handed the small bouquet of roses to Jessie.

  “You didn’t have to do this,” Jessie said softly as she brought the roses to her nose, inhaling the sweet aroma.

  “But I wanted to,” Ethan nodded. Jillian stepped to Jessie’s side as she handed her the roses.

  “Alright, well you kids have fun! Be safe and please keep in touch!” Jillian said as she patted Jessie’s back.

  “We will, mom. I love you,” Jessie said as Ethan pulled the front door open for her.

  “I love you, too,” Jillian smiled. Jessie stepped out through the front door and made her way towards Ethan’s car parked in the gravel driveway. Ethan turned, his eyes drifting to Jillian behind him. Jillian sent him a wink…as he nodded…stepped out onto the porch…and closed the door behind him.


  Jessie fiddled with the diamond anchor necklace that hanged from her neck as she stared through the windshield ahead. Ethan’s headlights beamed forward, cutting through the darkness as his car glided around the curvy, country roads that lead back into Woodland Hills.

  “You’re quiet over there,” Ethan said softly, his hands tight on the wheel.

  “I’m just…thinking,” Jessie shrugged as she looked to him, smiling.


  “My dad,” Jessie said softly as she stared down to her lap.

  “It’s been eight years, right?” Ethan asked sympathetically.

  “It will be in two weeks. It’s crazy. It still feels like yesterday,” Jessie said softly as she stared through the windshield, the lights of downtown Woodland Hills growing brighter and brighter. “I remember the last time I saw him. He was in the hospital. The cancer was…really taking its toll on him. I went into his room and I just saw all these tubes hooked up to him. At that age, I thought he was turning into a robot or something,” Jessie smirked. “Anyways, I walked up to him and he took my hand. He told me that no matter what happened, he’d always be here. And if I ever needed him…if I ever felt like I couldn’t talk to anyone; he told me to put my hand on my heart…and to know that he was there…inside of it. And until the end, he’d always be in there; whether he was with us or not,” Jessie said as she fought back her tears. Ethan reached to her with his right hand and grabbed hers tightly.

  “You miss him a lot, don’t you?” Ethan asked softly.

  “Every damn day. I mean, I hold it all in…like I do with everything. It’s easier that way…but I can’t do it anymore, Ethan,” Jessie said, her voice quivering. “If I keep doing what I’m doing, I’m going to go crazy. I don’t want to be this numb and emotionless person. I used to…because I felt like it was easier. But through all of this…I’ve learned that you can’t hide what you feel. Just like the last time I saw my father alive. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t cry. I didn’t tell him that I loved him. My whole life, my emotions have been…muted…turned off. At any second, anything can change…and I don’t want to take any more chances.”

  Ethan fought back his tears as he nodded, squeezing Jessie’s hand tightly. Her walls were tumbling down…and for once in her life…she was ready. She was eager to feel…and to never let those walls trap her ever again.


  Jillian stood at the counter beside the sink as she stuck the two metal mixing pongs of the handheld mixer into the cake batter that sat in a large bowl. She flipped the switch with her thumb as the mixing prongs spun rapidly, mixing the batter this way and that. She spun the bowl gently, letting the prongs whip through the batter that was caked onto the sides. She then pulled the cord of the handheld mixer from the outlet and tapped it against the bowl, shaking off the excess batter. She placed the handheld mixer onto the counter, the two caked metal prongs sticking up in the air.

  Jillian grabbed the bowel and carried it to a cake pan that sat on top of the stove. She tilted the bowel as she watched the yellow batter slowly spread through the small pan. She sat the bowl down, pulled the oven door open, and placed the cake inside.

  “God, I hope that’s at least edible,” Jillian smirked to herself as she shut the oven door and looked at the time on the microwave above the stove. “My God, it’s already seven,” Jillian sighed as she turned to the center island and grabbed her cellphone. She quickly dialed Burke’s number and brought it to her ear. Jillian turned to the bowl on the stove as she ran her finger along the edges, collecting a bit of batter onto her fingertip. She stuck her finger into her mouth, sucking the batter off as she listened to Burke’s voicemail.

  “Burke, where are you at? You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago to help me set up,” Jillian said as she sucked the remaining batter from her finger. “Just, please hurry,” Jillian begged as she ended the call and sat her phone onto the kitchen island. “I swear you can’t count on that boy for anything.”

  Jillian sighed in annoyance as she made her way towards the backdoor in the corner. Jillian pulled the door open as she stepped out onto the back porch. She made her way down the creaky wooden steps and towards the two-car garage ahead.

  Jillian wrapped her arms around her body as the cold wind whipped around her. She reached the side door of the garage, pushed it open, and rushed inside.

  Jillian blew warm air into her hands and rubbed them together rapidly as her eyes scanned the dark garage. She stepped to the driver’s side backseat door and pulled it open. She reached inside and grabbed a shopping bag filled with bags of chips and candy. She stepped back from the door and swung her hip to the right and against the door, slamming it shut. Jillian then moved her way towards the back of her SUV and towards the trunk. Jillian sat the heavy bag down onto the cold concrete floor as she pulled the trunk door open.

  Jillian’s eyes then widened as she let out a scream into her cold, frigid hands.

  Sheriff Ronald Taylor’s body was sprawled out in her trunk on top of the shopping bags beneath him. His head…completely smashed open. His face covered in blood and tissue.

  “Ah!” Jillian cried out as she quickly backed away from the horrific scene inside of her trunk. “Oh, my God!” Jillian cried as she ran from her car and towards the garage door ahead.

  Jillian sped across the grass and towards the house ahead. Her short hair plastered against her face as the cold wind danced around her. She had to get inside! She had to get to her phone! Jillian dashed up the back-porch steps and shoved the back door open. She quickly ran inside…and slammed the back door shut behind her. She quickly turned the deadbolt as she backed away, her entire body trembling in terror.

  Jillian spun around and rushed into the kitchen as tears streamed down her red face. Jillian rushed to the center island as her eyes scanned it for her phone. Where the hell was it? It was here! It was just here! Jillian spun around as she made her way to the counter beside the sink. She pushed the handheld mixer to the side as she searched frantically for her cellphone.

  “Damn it!” Jillian cried out as she slammed her right hand onto the counter in anger. She then looked to her right…as she saw the cloaked figure standing next to her, their baby doll mask staring back at her. The figure ro
se their knife and stabbed it down…as the long, sharp blade sliced through the center of Jillian’s hand. Jillian cried out in agony as the figure released the knife handle. The bowie knife stuck out from the center of her hand that was now pinned onto the counter. “Please, don’t kill me!” Jillian cried out as the masked figure stepped around her…and grabbed the cord of the handheld mixer. Jillian tugged onto her right hand that was pinned by the knife as her watering eyes watched the figure. “Please! Stop!” Jillian begged as she watched the figure plug the handheld mixer back into the outlet. Jillian’s wide eyes stared down at the mixer in front of her; the long, metal prongs began to spin rapidly in the air. “Please! Just stop! Please!” Jillian cried out.

  The figure then grabbed the back of Jillian’s head…and applied pressure…forcing her face down towards the spinning prongs of the handheld mixer on the counter.

  “Please! Stop! Somebody help me! Please God!” Jillian cried. She struggled to lift her head against the figure’s pressure…as her face inched down towards the spinning metal prongs…closer and closer. “Please!”

  The figure pressed harder onto the back of her head…as Jillian’s strength gave out. The figure pressed Jillian’s head down onto the spinning prongs…as they stabbed into Jillian’s eyes.

  “Ah!” Jillian cried out in agony as the figure pressed harder onto the back of her head. The prongs spun deeper into her eye sockets as blood whipped through the air, covering the entire counter.

  The figure pressed down, again and again…as Jillian stopped screaming…and the sound of bone crunching filled the room. The figure ripped the cord from outlet as Jillian’s dead body fell to the floor; her right hand still pinned to the counter…and the handheld mixer…sticking out from her bloody, empty eye sockets.


  “Is there anything else I can get you two?” the bubbly waitress asked as she collected Jessie and Ethan’s plates and sat them onto her large tray.

  “How about it, Birthday girl? You want dessert?” Ethan asked with a smile.

  “God no!” Jessie smirked as she rubbed her full stomach. “Thank you.”

  The waitress nodded and smiled as she sat the bill onto the center of the circular table. Jessie’s eyes scanned the immaculate restaurant. She had never been anywhere like this in her entire life. A gigantic brick fireplace stood along the center of the wall. The dancing flames glimmered in her eyes as she looked to all the people sitting at their tables around them. Every single one of them…dressed in a suit and tie or a gorgeous dinner down. She felt underdressed. She was just happy with a basket of chips and bowl of queso. But this…this was luxury. The entire staff was dressed in bowties and all black apparel. A diamond chandelier hanged above each table. Each table dressed with a bright white table cloth and a candle in the center; the flickering flames danced along the tall, brick walls as a man in a suit played a soft melody on a grand piano in the corner.

  “Do you really want to know?” Jessie smirked as Ethan grabbed the bill from the table. Ethan turned the bill in his hands as his eyes widened.

  “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to go cut out my kidney…that should cover the rest of the bill,” Ethan giggled as Jessie smiled.

  “I told you we didn’t have to come here,” Jessie said softly as she picked at the white cloth napkin in her lap.

  “I wanted to do something nice for you. I wanted tonight to be special. With everything that’s happened…I wanted you to have a good time. I wanted you to forget about everything for a little while,” Ethan said softly as he sipped from his water glass. “Thank God we both got water, though,” Ethan smirked with Jessie.

  “If we got soda, I’d have to give them my kidney, too,” Jessie giggled. Ethan smiled softly as he reached across the table and grabbed her hand. Jessie’s eyes lifted, meeting Ethan’s as the candle light danced across his face.

  “I got some mail today,” Ethan said as he pulled a large envelope from his pocket and handed it to Jessie. She took the envelope in her hands as she opened it. She pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it. Her eyes widened as a big smile spread across her face.

  “You got in!” Jessie said as she looked up to Ethan across from her.

  “Yeah, I did,” Ethan nodded. “I guess we will be seeing each other around at Basler.”

  “I’d hope so,” Jessie nodded as she handed him the letter. “I’m so happy for you, Ethan. But I thought you already got accepted to Berkeley?”

  “Well, I did. But I guess…I guess being with you was more important,” Ethan smirked.

  “Ethan don’t do that. If you want to go to Berkeley, go to Berkeley,” Jessie said softly. “Don’t change your plans…your dreams…just for me.”

  “Jessie, I want to do this. I want to be with you. Basler is just as good as Berkeley, if not better,” Ethan said.

  “God, no it isn’t,” Jessie scoffed. “That’s like name brand verse generic.”

  “Well, at the end of the day…I don’t want to lose you. I always thought of going to Basler. I mean, it’s closer to home. It’s got a good business program. Why not have my cake and eat it too?” Ethan smiled. Jessie couldn’t help but smile as she felt the butterflies flutter inside of her stomach. Of course, she wanted Ethan to go to Basler with her, but not at the price of sacrificing his dreams. But he was a big boy…and that was his decision.

  “Well, I won’t say I’m not excited,” Jessie said.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” Ethan said as he tightened his grip on her hand…leaned forward…and placed a gentle kiss onto her lips.


  Ethan’s car came to a slow stop as the gravel of the Tanner driveway crunched under his tires. Jessie stared out through her window…as she spotted Burke’s Mustang parked right outside of the garage.

  “What the hell is Burke doing here?” Jessie asked, confused, as she looked to Ethan. Ethan sighed as he put his car into park and turned the engine off.

  “Well, he was supposed to park in back,” Ethan growled as he eyed Burke’s car.

  “Why is he here? What the hell is going on?” Jessie demanded.

  “If I tell you, you better act surprised when we go in there,” Ethan said softly.

  “Oh, God. Did my mom really plan a surprise party? Jessie groaned as she looked to her house.

  “She just wanted to do something nice for you is all. It’s just us and Burke. No family or nothing. She just wanted to do something small,” Ethan shrugged. “I mean, with everything that has happened…she figured you could use a little cheering up.”

  “You’re a jerk,” Jessie smirked as she playfully shoved Ethan beside her.

  “Oh, come on! I had to go along with it! I’m trying to score some mom points here,” Ethan giggled as Jessie laughed.

  “Come on…let’s get this shit over with,” Jessie said as she rolled her eyes and pushed the passenger door open. Jessie stepped out of Ethan’s car as she made her way towards the front porch ahead, the gravel crunching beneath her heeled boots.

  “Remember to please act surprised,” Ethan begged as he walked beside Jessie and towards the front porch ahead.

  “I will. Trust me, I’m good at faking it,” Jessie smirked. Ethan stopped…his wide eyes staring back at her. “God, I’m kidding!” Jessie giggled as she grabbed Ethan’s hand and lead him up the front porch steps.

  Jessie stepped to the front door, grabbed the handle, and turned. Ethan followed Jessie inside as they stepped into the dark and deserted foyer. Ethan shut the door tightly behind him…as his eyes scanned the foyer in confusion.

  “Am I early to my own surprise party?” Jessie asked as Ethan stepped forward.

  “Where the hell are they? Your mom said to be here by eight,” Ethan said nervously.

  “Looks like I dodged a bullet,” Jessie smirked as Ethan made his way towards the stairs. “Where the hell are you going?”

  “Just stay down here. Maybe they’re upstairs. You check down here,” Ethan said as he w
alked up the staircase.

  “Yes, master,” Jessie said playfully as she saluted him. Ethan smirked as he rolled his eyes and made his way up the stairs. Jessie walked towards the swinging door ahead that led to the kitchen. “Mom? Are you here?”

  Jessie pushed the swinging door open…and stepped into the kitchen. Her eyes widened…as she stared ahead in shock and terror. The blood splatters covering the counter…and the puddle of blood spreading across the tile floor from behind the kitchen island.

  “Mom!” Jessie cried out as she ran around the kitchen island…and stopped in her tracks…as she stared down at her dead mother lying on the floor. The handheld mixer still sticking out from her eye sockets. “Oh, my God! No! No!” Jessie cried out as she knelt beside her mother. “Mommy, please! Please!”

  Jessie grabbed her mother’s bloody hand and squeezed it tightly as she sobbed uncontrollably. “Mommy!” Jessie cried out as she slowly stood up. Her eyes widened as she felt the sour vomit rise in her throat. Jessie spun around, throwing her head into the sink as the vomit spewed through her lips. She heaved and heaved as more puke poured from her mouth, covering the inside of the sink. Jessie sat up straight as she ran her wrist over her lips. Jessie struggled to breath as she slowly backed away from her mother’s dead body and towards the door behind her.

  She had to find Ethan…

  Before the killer did.


  Jessie threw her hands forward, shoving the swinging door of the kitchen open. Her mother…dead. The last person she had left in this world was gone…taken by the sick, twisted bastard that concocted this horrific and deadly plan. She had to find Ethan…before she lost him, too. Warm tears streamed down her red face as she ran through the foyer, running along the staircase beside her.

  “Ethan! Ethan!” Jessie cried out as she rounded the banister and began to make her way up the stairs. “The killer is here!” Jessie screamed. Her eyes drifted up to the top of the staircase…to see the black cloaked figure standing at the top…the bowie knife in their hand. “Ah!” Jessie screamed as the figure charged down the stairs towards her. Jessie spun around, dashing down the stairs. She had to lure the killer out. She had to keep Ethan safe!


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