Aunt Jane's Nieces on Vacation

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Aunt Jane's Nieces on Vacation Page 23

by L. Frank Baum



  Mr. Merrick told Thursday Smith, in an apologetic way, how he had hiredFogerty to unravel the mystery of his former life, and how the greatdetective had gone to work so intelligently and skillfully that, withthe aid of a sketch Hetty had once made of the pressman, and which Mr.Merrick sent on, he had been able to identify the man and unearth thedisagreeable details of his history.

  Thursday was too humble, by this time, and too grateful, besides, toresent Uncle John's interference. He admitted that, after all, it wasbetter he should know the truth.

  "I've nothing to bother me now but the future," he said, "and with God'shelp I mean to keep the name of Thursday Smith clean and free from anyreproach."

  After the interview he went about his duties as before and Hetty satdown at her desk and took the telegraphic news that came clicking overthe wire as if nothing important in her life had occurred. But the girljournalists were all excitement and already were beginning to plan thethings they might do to Make Hetty and Thursday happier. Cox and Boothhad gone away and Mr. Merrick thanked Fogerty for his skillful serviceand gave him a fat check.

  "It's a mighty interesting case, sir," declared the detective, "and I'mas glad as any of you that it has ended so comfortably. WhateverMelville might have been--and his record is a little worse than Irelated it--there's no doubt of Thursday Smith's honesty. He's a mightyfine fellow, and Fate played a proper trick when she blotted out hisunscrupulous mind and left him as innocent as an unborn babe. He will dowell in his new life, I'm sure, and that girl of his, Hetty Hewitt--I'veknow of her reckless ways for years--has also redeemed herself andturned out a regular brick! All of which, Mr. Merrick is unusual in reallife, more's the pity, and therefore it makes even a cold-bloodeddetective feel good to witness it."

  Mr. Merrick smiled benignantly and Fogerty drove over to the Junction tocatch his train.

  After luncheon, Patsy, while arranging her galley proofs, inquired ofLouise for the local column.

  "Hetty said she'd attend to it," was the reply; "but we are all upsetto-day and things are at sixes and sevens."

  "The column is all prepared, Miss Doyle," announced Hetty.

  "Where is it?"

  "Thursday has made it ready for the press. It's--illustrated," sheconfessed. "I'd rather you wouldn't see it until the paper is out, ifyou can trust me."

  "To be sure," said Patsy. "That's one responsibility I'm relieved of,anyhow."

  The paper was a bit uneven in appearance next morning, but when Patsycame down to breakfast she found both Uncle John and the major roaringwith laughter over Hetty's locals.

  The first item stated that "Mrs. Thorne took tea at Sam Cotting's lastevening," (the Cottings being notoriously inhospitable) and the pictureshowed Mrs. Thorne, a sour-faced woman, departing from the store with apackage of tea. Then came the announcement that "Eph Hildreth got shotat West's hardware store," and there was a picture of West weighing outa pound of buckshot for his customer. The next item said: "Ourdistinguished fellow citizen, Marshall Peggy McNutt, was discoveredunconscious on his front porch at 3 p.m." The drawing of McNutt was oneof the best of the series. It was his habit to "snooze" in an easy chairon his porch every afternoon, and Hetty depicted the little man withboth feet--meat and wood--on the rail, his mouth open and eyes shut,while lusty snores were indicated by radiating lines and exclamationpoints. The Widow Clark's cow occupied the next square, being tetheredto a stake while Skim approached the animal with pail and milking-stool.Below the drawing were the words: "Mr. Skimton Clark, cowward." A fewother local hits were concluded by a picture of Hon. Ojoy Boglin shakinghis fist at Mr. Skeelty, who held a package of money in his grasplabeled "insurance." Below was the simple legend: "O Joy!"

  The artist's cleverness became the subject of conversation at thebreakfast table, and Arthur remarked:

  "You won't be able to hold Hetty in Millville long. Her talent enablesher to draw big salaries in New York and it isn't likely she willconsent to bury herself in this little town."

  "I'm not so sure," said Patsy. "If we can hold Thursday Smith we canhold Hetty, you know."

  "We won't need to hold either of them for long," observed Beth; "for inanother three weeks or so we must leave here and return to the city,when of course the _Millville Daily Tribune_ must suspend publication."

  "I've been thinking of that," said Uncle John.

  "So have I," declared Patsy. "For a long time I was puzzled what to do,for I hated dreadfully to kill our dear _Tribune_ after we've made itsuch a nice paper. Yet I knew very well we couldn't stay here all winterand run it. But last night I had an inspiration. Thursday will marryHetty, I suppose, and they can both stay here and run the Tribune. Theyare doing most of the work now. If Uncle John agrees, we will sell outto them on 'easy terms.'"

  "Good gracious, Patsy!" chuckled the major, "wherever can the poorthings borrow money to keep going? Do you want to load onto an innocentbride an' groom the necessity of meeting a deficit of a couple ofhundred dollars every week?"

  Patsy's face fell.

  "They have no money, I know," she said, "except what they earn."

  "And their wages'll be cut off when they begin hiring themselves," addedthe major. "No; you can't decently thrust such an incubus on Hetty andThursday--or on anyone else. You've been willing to pay the piper forthe sake of the dance, but no one else would do it."

  "Quite true," agreed Arthur. "The days of the _Millville Tribune_ arenumbered."

  "Let us not settle that question just yet," proposed Mr. Merrick, whohad been deep in thought. "I'll consider Patsy's proposition for awhileand then talk with Thursday. The paper belongs to the girls, but theoutfit is mine, and I suppose I may do what I please with it when mynieces retire from journalism."

  Even the major could not demur at this statement and so the conversationdropped. During the next few days Uncle John visited the printing officeseveral times and looked over the complete little plant with speculativeeyes. Then one day he made a trip to Malvern, thirty miles up therailway line from the Junction, where a successful weekly paper had longbeen published. He interviewed the editor, examined the outfitcritically, and after asking numerous questions returned to Millville inexcellent spirits.

  Then he invited Thursday Smith and Hetty to dine at the farm on Saturdayevening, which was the one evening in the week they were free, therebeing no Sunday morning paper. Thursday had bought a new suit of clothessince he came to the _Tribune_, and Hetty, after much urging, finallyprevailed upon him to accept the invitation. When the young man appearedat the farm he wore his new suit with an air of perfect ease thatdisguised its cheapness, and it was noticed that he seemed quite at homein the handsome living-room, where the party assembled after dinner.

  "I am in search of information, Thursday," said Uncle John in hispleasant way. "Will you permit me to question you a bit?"

  "Certainly, sir."

  "And you, Hetty?"

  "Ask anything you like, sir."

  "Thank you. To begin with, what are your future plans? I understand, ofcourse, you are to be married; but--afterward?"

  "We haven't considered that as yet, sir," replied Thursday thoughtfully."Of course we shall stay with the _Tribune_ as long as you care toemploy our services; but--"


  "I have been given to understand the young ladies plan to return to NewYork at the end of September, and in that case of course the paper willsuspend."

  "My nieces will be obliged to abandon journalism, to be sure," said Mr.Merrick; "but I see no reason why the paper should suspend. How wouldyou and Hetty like to remain in Millville and run it?"

  Both Thursday and Hetty smiled, but it was the man who answered;

  "We cannot afford such a luxury, sir."

  "Would you care to make your future home in Millville?"

  "Oh, yes!" exclaimed Hetty. "I love the quaint little town dearly, andthe villagers are all my friends. I'm sure Thursday doesn't care to goback to New
York, where--where Harold Melville once lived. But, as hetruly says, we couldn't make a living with the _Tribune_, even if yougave us the use of the plant."

  "Let us see about that," said Uncle John. "I will admit, in advance,that a daily paper in such a place is absurd. None of us quiteunderstood that when we established the _Tribune_. My nieces thought adaily the only satisfactory sort of newspaper, because they were used tosuch, but it did not take long to convince me--and perhaps them--that inspite of all our efforts the _Millville Daily Tribune_ would neverthrive. It is too expensive to pay its own way and requires too muchwork to be a pleasant plaything. Only unbounded enthusiasm and energyhave enabled my clever nieces to avoid being swamped by the monstertheir ambition created."

  "That," said Patsy, with a laugh, "is very clearly and concisely put, mydear Uncle."

  "It was never intended to be a permanent thing, anyhow," continued Mr.Merrick; "yet I must express my admiration for the courage and talent mynieces have displayed in forcing a temporary success where failure wasthe logical conclusion. Shortly, however, they intend to retiregracefully from the field of journalism, leaving me with a model countrynewspaper plant on my hands. Therefore it is I, Thursday and Hetty, andnot my nieces, who have a proposition to place before you.

  "While a daily paper is not appropriate in Millville, a weekly paper,distributed throughout Chazy County, would not only be desirable butcould be made to pay an excellent yearly profit. Through the enterpriseof Joe Wegg, Millville is destined to grow rapidly from this time on,and Chazy County is populous enough to support a good weekly paper, inany event. Therefore, my proposition is this: To turn the plant over toMr. and Mrs. Thursday Smith, who will change the name to the _MillvilleWeekly Tribune_ and run it as a permanent institution. Your only expensefor labor will be one assistant to set type and do odd jobs, since youare so competent that you can attend to all else yourselves. We will cutout the expensive news service we have heretofore indulged in anddispense with the private telegraph wire. Joe Wegg says he'll furnishyou with what power you need free of all charge, because the paper willboost Millville's interests, with which his own interests areidentified. Now, then, tell me what you think of my proposal."

  Hetty and Thursday had listened attentively and their faces proved theywere enthusiastic over the idea. They said at once they would be glad toundertake the proposition.

  "However," said Thursday, after a little reflection, "there are twothings that might render our acceptance impossible. I suppose you willrequire rent for the outfit; but for a time, until we get well started,we could not afford to pay as much as you have a right to demand."

  "I have settled on my demands," replied Mr. Merrick, "and hope you willagree to them. You must pay me for the use of the outfit twenty per centof your net profits, over and above all your operating and livingexpenses. When this sum has reimbursed me for my investment, the outfitwill belong to you."

  Thursday Smith looked his amazement.

  "That seems hardly business-like, sir," he protested.

  "You are right; but this isn't entirely a business deal. You are savingmy nieces the humiliation of suspending the paper they established andhave labored on so lovingly. Moreover, I regard you and Hetty as friendswhom I am glad to put in the way of a modest but--I venture topredict--a successful business career. What is your second objection?"

  "I heard Mr. West say the other day that he would soon need the buildingwe occupy to store his farm machinery in."

  "True; but I have anticipated that. I have completed plans for theerection of a new building for the newspaper, which will be located onthe vacant lot next to the hotel. I purchased the lot a long time ago.The new building, for which the lumber is already ordered, will be abetter one than the shed we are now in, and on the second floor I intendto have a cozy suite of rooms where you and Hetty can make a home ofyour own. Eh? How does that strike you, my children?"

  Their faces were full of wonder and delight.

  "The new building goes with the outfit, on the same terms," continuedMr. Merrick. "That is I take one-fifth of your net profits for the wholething."

  "But, sir," suggested Thursday, "suppose no profits materialize?"

  "Then I have induced you to undertake a poor venture and must suffer theconsequences, which to me will be no hardship at all. In that case Iwill agree to find some better business for you, but I am quite positiveyou will make a go of the _Millville Weekly Tribune_."

  "I think so, too, Mr. Merrick, or I would not accept your generousoffer," replied Smith.

  "What do you think, Hetty?"

  "The idea pleases me immensely," she declared. "It is a splendidopportunity for us, and will enable us to live here quietly and forgetthe big outside world. New York has had a bad influence on both you andme, Thursday, and here we can begin a new life of absoluterespectability."

  "When do you intend to be married?" asked Patsy.

  "We have scarcely thought of that, as yet, for until this evening we didnot know what the future held in store for us."

  "Couldn't you arrange the wedding before we leave?" asked Beth. "Itwould delight us so much to be present at the ceremony."

  "I think we owe the young ladies that much, Thursday," said Hetty, aftera brief hesitation.

  "Nothing could please me better," he asserted eagerly.

  So they canvassed the wedding, and Patsy proposed they transfer thepaper to Thursday and Hetty--to become a weekly instead of a daily--ina week's time, and celebrate the wedding immediately after the secondissue, so as to give the bridal couple a brief vacation before gettingto work again. Neither of them wished to take a wedding trip, and Mr.Merrick promised to rush the work on the new building so they could moveinto their new rooms in the course of a few weeks.



  "We would like to ask your advice about one thing, sir," said ThursdaySmith to Mr. Merrick, a little later that same evening. "Would it belegal for me to marry under the name of Thursday Smith, or must I use myreal name--Harold Melville?"

  Uncle John could not answer this question, nor could the major orArthur. Hetty and her fianc? had both decided to cling to the name ofThursday Smith thereafter, and they disliked to be married under anyother--especially the detestable one of Harold Melville.

  "An act of legislature would render your new name legal, I believe,"said Mr. Merrick; "but such an act could not be passed until after thedate you have planned to be married."

  "But if it was made legal afterward it wouldn't matter greatly,"suggested the major.

  "I do not think it matters at all," asserted Hetty. "It's the man I'mmarrying, not his name. I don't much care what he calls himself."

  "Oh, but it must be legal, you know!" exclaimed Patsy. "You don't carenow, perhaps, but you might in the future. We cannot be certain, youknow, that Thursday is entirely free from his former connection withHarold Melville."

  "Quite true," agreed the major.

  "Then," said Smith, with evident disappointment, "I must use the hatefulname of Melville for the wedding, and afterward abandon it for as longas possible."

  The nieces were greatly pleased with Uncle John's arrangement, whichrelieved them of the newspaper and also furnished Thursday and Hetty, ofwhom they had grown really fond, with a means of gaining a livelihood.

  Millville accepted the new arrangement with little adverse comment, thevillagers being quite satisfied with a weekly paper, which would costthem far less than the daily had done. Everyone was pleased to knowThursday Smith had acquired the business, for both he and Hetty had wonthe cordial friendship of the simple-hearted people and were a littlenearer to them than "the nabob's girls" could ever be.

  Preparations were speedily pushed forward for the wedding, which thenieces undertook to manage themselves, the prospective bride and groombeing too busy at the newspaper office to devote much attention to thepreliminaries of the great event.

  The ceremony was to take place at the farmhouse of Mr. Merrick, andevery inhabi
tant of Millville was invited to be present. The ministerwould drive over from Hooker's Falls, and the ceremony was to befollowed by a grand feast, for which delicacies were to be imported fromNew York.

  The girls provided a complete trousseau for Hetty, as their weddingpresent, while Arthur and the major undertook to furnish the newapartments, which were already under construction. Uncle John's gift wasa substantial check that would furnish the newly married couple withmodest capital to promote their business or which they could use in caseof emergencies.

  It was the very day before the wedding that Fogerty gave them so greatand agreeable a surprise that Uncle John called it "Fogerty's WeddingPresent" ever afterward. In its physical form it was merely a telegram,but in its spiritual and moral aspect it proved the greatest giftThursday and Hetty were destined to receive. The telegram was dated fromNew York and read as follows:

  "Harold Melville just arrested here for passing a bogus check under anassumed name. Have interviewed him and find he is really Melville, soThursday Smith must be some one else, and doubtless a more respectablecharacter. Shall I undertake to discover his real identity?"

  Uncle John let Thursday and Hetty answer this question, and their replywas a positive "no!"

  "The great Fogerty made such a blunder the first time," said Hetty, whowas overjoyed at the glorious news, "that he might give poor Thursdayanother dreadful scare if he tackled the job again. Let the mysteryremain unfathomable."

  "But, on the contrary, my dear, Fogerty might discover that Thursday wassome eminent and good man--as I am firmly convinced is the truth,"suggested Mr. Merrick.

  "He's that right now," asserted Hetty. "For my part, I prefer to knownothing of his former history, and Thursday says the present situationthoroughly contents him."

  "I am more than contented," said Thursday, with a happy smile. "Hettyhas cured me of my desire to wander, and no matter what I might havebeen in the past I am satisfied to remain hereafter a country editor."


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