Destined for Death

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Destined for Death Page 2

by Chris Green

  “Who is this?” the voice asked speaking with a shaky tone.

  “Buzz me inside the fucking gate!”

  There was a slight pause after his words before the mechanical fence began to slide back, allowing him to enter.

  Pulling around towards the back, Shaun parked his car and headed up the stairs to the second floor. Walking through the breezeway of the extended stay he reached room two oh eight and knocked three times. There was small movements and sounds that could be heard on the other side before the door opened.

  Slick held his gun in hand and cautiously glanced back and forth before stepping to the side.

  “Are you sure you’re by yourself?” he asked with a paranoid ass expression like the entire top floor wasn’t empty.

  “Ain’t I’m the only fucking person you see?” Shaun replied moving past him swiftly.

  Looking around the room his eyes landed on Samantha. From the last time he saw her it looked as if her head gained sixty pounds. Her hair was beginning to thin and she obviously didn’t recognize he was in their presence because her attention was on the pure fish scale cocaine that was scattered in small piles on the wooden table.

  “I came to holla at you about the rest of my paper for that contract,” he said, getting straight to the point.

  “What? Nigga, that bitch is still breathing, right? How can I pay for a job that ain’t been handled, Shaun?”

  “First off, lower your fucking voice, I’m standing right here. Second, word around town is your niece had something to do with my sister being murdered.”

  “And what does that have to do with me?” Slick questioned with a hint of worry.

  “It has a lot to do with you when your family is involved, nigga. This is the beginning of a serious tragedy and it’s all about to fall down on your head.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “You’ve been sitting in this room getting so trashed by the dope that you haven’t even thought to look at the news. Your blood was on the scene of a dead detective from the Smyrna police department. You and my father have officially made public enemy number one,” Shaun replied with a sinister smile.

  Captain Myers flashed through his vision after hearing the remark slide into his ears swiftly like a Q-tip.

  “Son of a bitch. I guess yo pussy ass daddy sent you to murder me, huh?” Slick asked scooting closer to his handgun just in case things turned sour.

  “If I was here to kill you, I would’ve splattered your shit when you first opened the door, stupid ass nigga. I think the police want you more than my father. Besides, they just found his body burned alive inside an abandoned shed. He can’t do you any harm, but I can.”

  “What the fuck do you want from me, Shaun?”

  “First, I want the rest of my money from the contract you thought about running off on. Next, you’re going to help me catch this bitch and kill her.”

  “And if I choose to say fuck you and I refuse, then what?” Slick replied in an arrogant manner.

  Shaun smirked with a light chuckle, “Humph, then my sources will make sure you’re in a cell and a wheelchair for the rest of your miserable life. All you gotta do is say the word.”

  Slick’s mind began to register the threats that were being delivered to him on a silver platter. It was for sure that Shaun had a slimy motive, but it was unclear on what devilish plot rested in his brain. His instincts told him to pick up the gun and see which one of them had acquired the best aim, but the look that laid in the young killer’s eyes told him he wouldn’t be successful with his actions.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Good, I’ll be through at eight o’clock to scoop you. Try not to get any funny ideas,” he warned before walking out.


  Walking back and forth into the living room of Shakur’s home, Stone waited anxiously for Reeses to show up. The trip last week to the Virgin Islands turned extremely sour after he realized the wrong person was being followed. Mistaking another female for Reeses, he fell directly into a trap that nearly cost his life. It was indeed the mercy of Allah that Laylah stepped up and mentioned to her mother that he was a bodyguard for her cousin. Being held captive for two days by a house full of Jamaicans told him that something way out of his league was about to occur.

  “Ahk, I really don’t trust this bitch pulling up to our house. It’s like you trying to chase death, bro,” Salim said sitting on the couch in front of him.

  “I’m not chasing anything but the truth. Regardless of how you look at it. Justin needs to know what the fuck is going on. There’s more to this story that we haven’t read yet and I’m tired of it all being in the dark. She owes me an explanation,” he stated calmly while rubbing through his beard.

  “What more of an explanation do you need, Ahkie? You just almost got yo head severed off a few days ago by a gang full of Zoe Pounds. I think that’s clear enough,” Shakur added.

  Bang was posted against the wall quietly listening to the men speak back to back about the situation. Pointing towards the window at the black Tahoe pulling inside the driveway, they paused their conversation.

  “You’re going to get us all killed, my nigga. Certain shit is just meant to be left alone, Stone. We got too much on our plate and I’m starting to think this bitch is out to get us,” Salim said heading into the bedroom.

  Watching him with a curious eye, Stone opened the front door allowing everyone to enter.

  “Hold up, who the fuck is he? You can’t come in here, my nigga, but you can definitely wait on the front porch,” Shakur stated placing a hand on Knox’s chest.

  “He’s with me, these are my people. Relax,” Reeses commanded with a hint of aggravation.

  “I don’t give a fuck if he was with Donald Trump. We don’t know this motherfucker!”

  Laylah’s hand moved to the small of her back pulling a black and chrome Glock 9 that was placed between Shakur’s eyes.

  “I don’t think we had a chance to get acquainted either. My name is Laylah and this is Knox. We’re here for my cousin and her only. Any questions?” she asked in a sweet voice with a firm grip on her gun handle.

  Stepping between them, Stone raised his hands before things could spiral out of control.

  “Can everyone just calm down? Please! We don’t have time for this shit!”

  “You right, I’m calm,” Shakur spat with venom in his voice before walking out of the house.

  “Stone, this is my cousin, Laylah.”

  “Trust me, an introduction is not necessary.”

  Sensing that he was mad about the incident with her aunt Tiffany in the islands, she decided to skip the small talk.

  “Listen things are very hard to explain right now. I’m trying to piece shit together in my head, but there’s too much coming at me. I got a bad feeling that something terrible is about to happen if we don’t take care of these people right now.”

  “Reeses, I was under the impression that you knew consequences can arise from our actions. You pushed the button on this problem and now you can’t contain it. Now either you know something that I don’t or the people who claim to be your long lost family are playing you like a video game on easy mode.”

  “You wouldn’t understand right now. This is bigger than me, you, or Justin. We got one week to clean all of this up or we’re all going to be spending the rest of our lives in prison or even worse, dead. I can’t make you help me but I can ask you to trust me. I need your assistance with putting this to rest. You’re the only people I can trust right now besides them,” she said truthfully looking at Stone, Salim, and Bang.

  “What exactly are you trying to do, Reeses?”

  Taking in Stone’s question she pondered before answering.

  “I need to get rid of everyone we’ve dealt with within the past month, friends, clientele, everyone. It’s the only way we can guarantee that all of us will be safe. Starting with that snitching ass bitch, Camilla. I’m going to set up a meeting with Chi to grab one
last supply before we snatch up Justin and get the fuck out of here.”

  “Wait! Did you just say Chi?” Laylah asked, cutting her off before she could speak again.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Reeses, Chi is a Japanese pedophile. He turned into a Federal informant four years ago after one of his businesses was raided. He’s a worker for the DEA.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “Because my mom use to supply him with heroin before he was placed under a witness protection program by the authorities.”

  Feeling her anger start to rise, Sue’s face ran through her thoughts. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that she was probably being set up the entire time. Rubbing a hand throughout her jet black hair, she looked over at Laylah.

  “He needs to die first then. We can’t just jump out here moving sloppy trying to find out who crossed you when there are four or five different motherfuckers we after,” Salim added.

  “He’s right. We have too much on the line and one slip can cripple us all. We’ve moved Justin to three different hospitals within the past three days. Sooner or later people are going to start asking questions.”

  “To be honest it’s quite simple. People expect the obvious which is for her to come looking for them one by one. If we all spread around and move quietly… let’s just say you can’t touch”

  “What you can’t see,” Stone finished off her sentence.

  “I guess what’s understood doesn’t have to be explained. You might actually have a half decent team on your hands after all. Let’s just hope they can perform the same,” Laylah challenged before heading out the front door.

  Chapter 3

  Clayton County 7:48 pm

  The sun had just began to drop below the horizon as Reeses and Laylah cruised through the Clayton County city limits. The mission on their mind was quite simple. Eliminate all problems before her speedy trial that was in seven days. After the legal situation was cleared up Jason would be transferred to the best medical hospital in the islands and the girls would leave Atlanta in their rearview. The product Tiffany was pushing into the states was coming straight across the water from Cuba, Havana. It was only right to send the girls back into the city to re-stamp what was rightfully hers.

  Pulling the all black Navigator into the overcrowded parking lot, Laylah stopped the car and smirked at Reeses.

  “Showtime. Knox will you take the front seat, please,” she said before opening the driver’s door and getting out.

  Following her lead Reeses climbed out sporting a two thousand dollar silk Georgette dress. Her hair was hanging freely to the middle of her back and her feet was laced in a pair of black Jimmy Choo heels.

  “Remember all you here to do is dump the contents inside of his glass and the rest will work on its own.”

  “And what if he doesn’t accept anything to drink? Then what?” Reeses asked before making it to the entrance doors.

  “He’s a fucking pedophile. It shouldn’t be too hard,” she replied before opening the door and walking in.

  The energy inside the hookah bar, owned by Chi was live and almost packed to its full capacity. Couples lounged around making out and enjoying the taste of the loud marijuana that could be smelled from outside the building. Remembering Laylah’s instructions she scanned the room with her eyes before walking to the bar.

  “Wassup, pretty lady? What can me get for you?” The older Japanese woman asked with a sincere smile while wiping down the countertop.

  “I’ll take a small glass of water for now.”

  Nodding, she grabbed a bottle of Aquafina and placed it in front of her.

  “Do you know by any chance if the owner is here tonight?”

  “Who Chi? He’s always here. Do you have an appointment?”

  “Not really, I’m here to surprise him. He’s a very good friend of mine.”

  Winking her eye she smiled and held up one finger before coming from behind the bar station. Reeses sat quietly watching the woman disappear through an open door frame that led to the back.

  Looking around, her eyes landed on two guards who walked through the spacious area observing all movements. Judging from the girls that maneuvered with different men to the back, flavored tobacco and marijuana wasn’t the only thing Chi was into selling.

  It was about five minutes later when the woman reappeared motioning for Reeses to follow her. Spotting Laylah sitting in the corner she assured with a smirk that everything was okay.

  Walking through the rear of the hookah bar the scenery switched from a smooth lounge to a midnight strip joint. Women moved about giving massages and foot rubs while the waiters delivered drinks and fruit to different stations. Stepping through a private section of the area Chi sat on a large red silk rug surrounded by four Asian women.

  “Sir, your guest is here,” the woman said grabbing his attention.

  Raising his head his eyes locked in on Reeses and scanned her body up and down with a sly smile. Standing to his feet he moved towards her with open arms.

  “To what do I owe for this surprise visit?” he asked in a low voice.

  Embracing him in a firm hug, her lips grazed his ear before speaking.

  “Just a drink and conversation.”

  Mumbling something in his native tongue the half- naked women began to leave. Smoothing out his Dolce & Gabbana shirt he checked the time on his Hublot and led Reeses over to a circular suede couch to take a seat. Grabbing two champagne flutes, he picked up the bottle of Rhum Clement X.O and sat beside her.

  “Is there a reason you didn’t complete our deal? I was expecting business to be in effect by now,” he stated filling the glasses to the rim and placing them on the table.

  The ringing of his cell phone interrupted their conversation causing him to answer it quickly. It was all the time that she needed to drop the clear substance into his flute without being noticed. Hoping it dissolved before he ended the call she crossed her legs and waited patiently.

  “I’m very sorry, darling, that was an important issue that had to be handled. Where were we?” he asked placing his phone on silent.

  “About the business,” she replied showing off her smooth, thick legs.

  Allowing his eyes to roam down her petite curves and body, he placed a hand on her thigh.

  “All you have to do is tell me what you need and you can have it if you truly desire it.”

  “Is that right?” Reeses questioned, grabbing the champagne.

  “In Japan being right means to guarantee. I’ve always been a man of my word,” he bragged before downing his drink.

  “Okay, I guess since we have an understanding, I can cut to the chase. Things have been said that shouldn’t of been mentioned and the heat is falling down on my team. Someone is talking and if we are going to do business in any kind of way I need to know that I won’t crumble from anything coming from your end.”

  Rubbing the center of his chest, his heart began to pump forcefully sending a sharp pain through his body.

  “Excuse me,” he paused, coughing loudly thinking it was the expensive liquor they'd just consumed.

  “Are you okay?” she asked not truly concerned.

  “Yes, please continue.”

  Before she could speak, another cough erupted violently, causing him to kneel over. His vision began to blur slightly as the pace of his heart thumped at an awkward rhythm. Standing up Reeses took a step back and began to giggle.

  “I knew I would have to find Sue before I could come to you, Chi.”

  “What have you done to me?” he cringed in pain while holding his stomach.

  “I’m afraid it’s what you’ve done to yourself. The DEA wasn’t mentioned in our agreement, Chi. Neither was me being a young sex slave for you like Sue. I guess we have to aim high for what we truly want, huh?”

  “You stupid little bitch,” he mumbled, feeling his life fade in and out.

  Strutting to the entrance she paused before leaving out.

  “My Aunt Tiff
any sends her love.”

  The name was the last thing Chi heard before his heart collapsed, killing him instantly.

  Moving swiftly back to the front of the hookah bar, Laylah took her position behind Reeses and left smoothly out of the front door.

  “Who’s next?” Laylah asked knowing without a doubt that the hit was successful.

  “The sickest person I’ve ever met in my life,” Mariah replied before hopping in the car and leaving the scene a complete mystery.


  It had been almost two weeks since Wild left them behind in Atlanta. Being on the run made every place feel like it was closing in on him. It was hard to keep a low profile without having anyone to move for you. Especially in an unfamiliar state where cops roamed daily. Every news station in Georgia was broadcasting his face for the so-called murder of Courtney Myers and according to the reporters the man hunt wouldn’t stop until he was in custody or deceased.

  Driving inside the Rent-a-Room complex, he pulled into the back and killed the ignition. It was a fact that Memphis was a little too active and the time limit on sitting still was officially up. After stripping the car for parts to sell for extra cash, he opened the trunk and found a small gray handbag inside. Things seemed to be normal until he unzipped the tote revealing the contents. Picking up a large stack of brown files his nerves grew uneasy after viewing the letters F.B.I. on the first folder. Opening the documents his eyes fell on a black and white photo of a mysterious man. ‘Extremely dangerous’ was boldly printed at the bottom of his brief profile and the thick packet of papers that sat behind it was guaranteed details on how and why.

  After scanning through half of the files Wild couldn’t believe the information he held in his hands. Quickly moving up to his rented room he grabbed the burner cell phone that was purchased a few days prior and dialed Stone’s number.



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