Destined for Death

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Destined for Death Page 5

by Chris Green

  Nodding in compliance Shakur straightened out his shirt. He knew his gangsta was just tested and he wanted to reply by placing a few hot ones into Slick’s chest. Instead of letting his anger decide, he vowed to catch him on a later day after all their business was settled.

  “I’ll get it done,” he stated before leaving out the door.

  Adjusting the locks back Slick turned around to find Rose fully dressed with her things in hand.

  “Where the fuck you think you going?” he spat with a menacing glare.

  “It’s starting to get dark and I need to make my way to work before I’m late again,” she replied just as her phone started to vibrate loudly.

  “Who is that? Your boss?” Slick asked with a skeptical look on his face.

  “Umm! No, it’s just a friend. I’ll call you when I get off.”

  As Rose reached for the doorknob, Slick grabbed her weave slinging her to the floor. Picking up the cell phone he stared at Reeses name on the front screen.

  “Just a friend, huh? Let me guess? You working with her too?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Slick. I’m not working with anyone on anything,” she cried while scooting across the floor.

  Rushing towards her he delivered a right fist to the side of her head. After she began to scream he ripped the thin tee shirt she was wearing and placed a strong hand around her throat, cutting off all ability to breathe.

  “I’m gonna show you exactly why I’m the wrong person to cross,” he said with demon like eyes before knocking her unconscious.



  “Stone, where are you taking me?” Reeses asked curiously. “I’ve got too much on my mind and too much business to handle to be playing a guessing game.”

  “Understandable and just like I told you, tonight will be the only night you can relax before it’s back to work in the morning. You’re straining yourself, you need a break,” he stated truthfully, not looking at her hypnotizing grey pupils.

  Shaking her head with a small smile, she began to scroll through her phone. After receiving the strange text from Rose earlier, she decided to give her a call. Before the line could ring twice, Stone grabbed it gently from her hands and placed inside his pocket.

  “No distractions, just relaxing,” he demanded while keeping his eyes on the road.

  After twenty minutes of driving he parked the car in front of a local restaurant and stepped out.

  “Boy, where the hell are we?”

  “You’re a very inquisitive girl,” Stone laughed before grabbing her hand and heading across the street.

  “Inqui- what?”

  “It means you’re very curious. In other words nosy as hell,” he smiled before walking inside.

  The smooth eatery looked more exquisite upon stepping in. The waiters moved about from table to table serving the guests, the small jazz band that sat on the stage performed a light tune and the dim lights set the mood for all the couples that entertained each other.

  “What is this place?” Reeses asked as Stone led her over to a small table.

  “It’s an under-rated restaurant for musicians to come and perform their music. No words, just instruments. My mom use to bring me here when I was younger because she said I talked too much and didn’t do enough listening. After coming a few times I understood her reasoning.”

  “And what was that?” Reeses asked with a raised brow.

  Crossing his arms he sat back looking before speaking, “Sometimes we spend our life listening to so many words and people that we can’t decipher what’s real from fake. We worry about the things that don’t matter instead of observing the things that are true. For instance, if that was a rap group on stage performing your favorite song, you would probably sing along with the crowd because that what you’re used to.”

  “And what if I just like the song?”

  “Exactly. You and the rest of the restaurant. Sometimes people will mimic, react and even try to relive certain things they hear in the mix of music. The same reasons you have children growing up wanting to be a kingpin or maybe even a killer. Words influence people in a way that we will never be able to understand. The most won’t catch on until something critical happens, like losing a family member or even worse, their own life. Music was never meant to produce words, only sound. When people began to add their thoughts to instruments they mixed in a few extra things that would change everything.”

  “A few extra things like what?”

  “Pain, emotions, lies, all the things that can pollute your mind to feel a certain way. These are now natural habits that people have adapted to. And it all leads back to hearing bullshit.”

  “I guess that does make sense,” she replied before the water arrived at the table.

  After ordering their meal they sat and conversed for the next hour about life goals and future moves to perfect the business. Reeses couldn’t help but smile, her heart felt so different at that time. It had been several months since she’d actually enjoyed herself. A lot of things were actually starting to become clear now. If you changed your thoughts you could change the world around you.

  “So, what do you think? Do you like it?” Stone asked finishing the last sip of champagne.

  “Absolutely, I truly appreciate this. I feel that it was much needed. I think I discovered another part of myself tonight, thanks to you, professor,” Reeses replied with a small giggle.

  “The innate power you possess to achieve your dreams is immeasurable. When you let go you create space for better things to come into your life, Rinesha.”

  Taking in his sincere words, she looked deeply into his eyes. “What is it you want from me, Stone?”

  “I want you to find happiness. It hurts me to sit back and witness a woman as beautiful as you struggle with people who mean you no good. I would like a chance to show you a better way. An opportunity to show that you are worth loving and that things don’t have to be so rough on you,” he replied matching her gaze.

  Stuttering with her words, she blushed. “People are always sure what they want until they actually have it in their possession, Stone. It’s natural for humans to be attracted to each other, but I’m tired of just being a grey-eyed, big booty, young girl with money. My life has navigated towards success whether it was wrong or right decisions I made to see it happen. Love didn’t play a position in that and most bitches will only ride with who they think is a winner. I discovered one trait that will be inside of me no matter what. Hustling! Money makes me cum. Control of a multi-million dollar business sends chills through my pussy on a hot and sweaty night. That’s a natural love that a woman should feel no matter what.”

  Standing to her feet, Reeses moved close to him and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. “I think it’s time to leave.”

  Smiling, Stone placed two one hundred dollar bills on the table and moved along her side. His head couldn’t wrap around the fact that the woman before him was so young, but filled with tons of knowledge. Her energy along with the amazing beauty she carried was a plus that made him crave for her even more. Regardless of her feelings now, he wasn’t going to stop until she was laying in his arms with a ring on her finger.

  Chapter 7

  Opening his eyes slowly, the sun blurred his vision. His chest felt as if it was on fire and the headache that pumped through his forehead was like a gorilla trying to be released from its cage.

  “Salim! Salim, are you okay?” Stone asked as he gradually came to his senses.

  Licking his dehydrated lips, he stared at Reeses, Bang and Knox who stood over him with a look of worry.

  “Where am I?” he uttered in a dry tone.

  “You’re in the hospital, Ahkie, you were shot. What the fuck happened?” Stone questioned with anger written all over his face.

  Breathing heavily, he closed his eyes. His mind flashed back to Shakur putting the pistol to his face. The threatening words he guaranteed to make happen, the loud bang and bright flash from the gun
before everything went black.

  “Shakur!” he mumbled.

  “I told you he had something to do with this, Stone. You should have never brought him along with us. He’s a fucking snake,” Reeses raged while looking down at Salim’s helpless face.

  “Me not want to step in ya business, boss man, but de pussyhole slides on his belly. Him all ova de place. Dead de boy on brush who all behind him,” Knox said speaking for the first time.

  Pulling out his phone, Stone prepared to dial his number. Grabbing his hand Reeses stopped him quickly.

  “There’s no more room for talking. We need to find him and end this shit.”

  “Rent a room and text me where you are. If it’s not me, Laylah or Mariah, don’t answer,” he said before motioning his hand for Knox and Bang to follow him.


  Super 8 Motel

  Snorting another line of cocaine, Slick looked over at Rose’s dead body sitting in the corner. The blood from the gruesome slit across her throat had dried and the stench of her released bowels were starting to spread throughout the room.

  Watching his phone vibrate, he picked it up and answered, “Who the fuck is this?” he asked with a discombobulating slur.

  “It’s the woman who’s gonna hang you from a tree by your neck in the back of my yard for fucking decoration. I asked you to bring me the girls and it’s been almost three days with no word, Mr. Rivers. Is there a problem?” Eva questioned through the receiver.

  “Oh, Ms. Deblanco, sorry that things haven’t been working on the normal speed that you are used to. I guess I’m too busy worrying about catching a bullet to the face while trying to handle your dirty work.”

  “You’ll be catching more than just a bullet if the deal is not completed, you stupid monkey! I spared your life, a favor for a favor!”

  “Sorry, bitch, but the favors have finally run out. I’m a walking death date with or without you. So fuck you and catch me when you can!” he yelled smashing the cell phone into the wall.

  The voices of Jimmie and his mother were starting to roam through his head causing him to place his hands over his ears.

  “Shut the fuck up talking to me,” he screamed, picking up his pistol.

  The sound of Rose’s phone ringing caused him to jump in a panic. Picking it up from the floor he watched Reeses name flicker across the screen. Licking his lips with a psychotic expression, he answered. Silence spread through the line before she spoke.

  “I know it’s you, Slick!” I can smell you from anywhere!”

  “You just won’t stop until I kill everyone you’re associated with. I knew she was working with you. So, before I slit her throat I shoved my dick in her ass to make sure you think before sending another one of your friends to set me up, bitch.”

  He moved the phone from his ear when Reeses began to laugh loudly.

  “Rose was never my friend, idiot, she was only a pawn. You’re a rapist, your weakness is women. So all that wonderful time you spent butt fucking her corpse will be the reason you die within the next few seconds,” she stated with a small chuckle.

  Rising to his feet, he quickly gravitated to the door an opened it. The two bullets that flew past his head into the room forced him to hit the floor instantly. Pushing back inside, Slick steadied his weapon before running out and releasing bullets like a mad man.

  Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc!

  Moving closer to the breezeway of the motel, he fired two more reckless shots before taking cover behind a broken soda machine.

  The bullets that Bang released from the semi-automatic carbon 15 shredded throughout the thin medal. The slug that ripped a chunk out of his thigh next is what caused him to yell in tremendous pain before hitting the ground.


  Wishing for a blessing, Slick caught his break as an Atlanta patrol car swerved into the parking lot.

  Bang wasted no time pushing as many bullets as possible through the driver’s side door of the cop car.

  As Slick watched him dismember the car piece by piece he took the opportunity and fled towards the back side steps. The blood that was spilling out of him caused his leg to go in and out as he stumbled to keep his balance. Making his way to the Jeep Cherokee, he got inside and shook nervously as he started the engine. Swerving out of the parking space he headed to the front of the motel and spotted Bang aiming the rifle in the street.

  “Come on motherfucker!” Slick yelled as he accelerated on the gas pedal and sped directly towards Bang.

  Diving out of the way, Bang jumped back to his feet with the quickness and emptied the rest of his clip until the car was out of sight. Bang spat on the ground, his mind was in a rage that he’d actually missed his target. Hotel occupants glared out of their windows and the nearby police sirens forced him to abandon the car and make his way through the woods for a clean getaway. One thing was for sure the next time the two met, Slick wouldn’t be so lucky.


  Northside Hospital 1:30 pm

  “I never said I didn’t believe you, Stone! But this is our brother you’re talking about here. I just can’t see him doing something like this without a reason behind it, Ahk,” Justin said slowly, sitting up in his bed.

  “Reasons like greed, money, hate. You mean shit like that, right? It’s Alhamdulilah that you love your brother but he tried to kill Salim and that shit is not about to slide with me.”

  “So what, you’re the executioner now? You’re not Allah, nigga! Have any one of you approached the brother or asked what happened from his side of the story or is everyone just moving off their own emotions?”

  “Emotions? This dirty ass nigga disappeared into thin air and miraculously your brother ends up shot in this man's living room and you see nothing wrong with that? Are you starting to distrust my word or something? What the fuck is going on with you?” Stone asked with a suspicious eye.

  Staring out the glass window, he smirked, “I’ve been the same person since you met me in prison. I brought y’all into this because I had no choice. I had no one else. Now I’m starting to think I made the wrong decision. All I wanted to do was keep my little sister safe.”

  “By bringing her into a life of evil? You misled her, Justin. You stood by her side and encouraged her to be the woman she’s become and it’s finally falling back on you. Maybe you need to evaluate yourself on your own agenda and come back to the light of what we truly believe in, Ahkie.”

  “What do we believe in, Stone? Because the last time I checked you were the same brother slaying niggas in the street just because. You put on an act as if things have been forgotten, but they aren’t. You took people lives for a living and you were proud of that. No one judged you, no one criticized that choice and now you sit in my face and portray yourself to be the best Muslim you can be.”

  “I’m starting to sense now that this goes beyond our religion, Justin. I’ve showed you more support than anyone of your fake ass mad dogs could’ve ever shown. See the problem isn’t with everyone else, it’s with yourself. You’re stuck with the way things are going and you’re trying to blame us all for the fumble.”

  “Nigga, I made myself,” he spat, leaning up.

  “And that’s something that you have to deal with,” Stone shot back with a matching attitude.

  “Liberty Point,” Justin mumbled before crossing his arms.

  Hearing the information he needed, Stone made his way out of the hospital room. All his mind could focus on at the time was getting his hands on Shakur.

  After turning on the hall towards the elevator, Agent Myers stepped out of the waiting room with her hat pulled low over her eyes. Moving swiftly to Justin’s room, she took a deep breath before walking inside and shutting the door behind her.

  Chapter 8

  Liberty Point Apts. 7:15pm

  Before killing the lights to the car Stone grabbed his 45 automatic and Glock 19 from under the driver’s seat. His eyes observed the scenery of the quiet complex before he stepped out of the
vehicle. While moving swiftly up the sidewalk Stone clutched the guns behind his back as he trailed up the flight of stairs.


  “Boy, I’m letting you know right now, Shakur, you can’t be laying up in here running from them police. This the only time you show yo ass up to my house when you in some damn trouble. All that good ass money you be spending, shoulda been through with paying for a damn mansion by now,” the young woman stated, walking into the kitchen.

  “Auntie, all I need is a few days and I’m gone. Look at all this illegal shit you got going on in here. Ain’t no way you finna start tripping on me,” he pointed looking at the four men who gambled in the living room.

  Hearing the knock on the front door grabbed his aunt’s attention long enough for him to slide to the restroom. Her intentions were to quiet everyone down before opening the door until the barrel of Stone’s gun shoved inside of her mouth. Pushing inside of the apartment, he placed a slug into the first man’s skull that stood to his feet.


  Watching the young hustler’s brain splatter caused all movements to pause.

  “Please don’t make me get rid of everyone who’s sitting inside this home,” Stone said in a quiet and humble manner. “I’m looking for Shakur.”

  Shaking in fear, the woman looked into Stone’s eyes and lied, “I haven’t seen him in weeks. He called me yesterday and said that he was in some type of trouble and he would come see me when things were handled. I’m just his aunt,” she mumbled in a low voice with tears running down her cheekbones.

  Looking around the room at all the silent faces, he tilted his head before opening his mouth. “Your nephew is in very deep trouble. The line that he’s crossed could’ve gotten everyone who is sitting in front of me killed tonight. If you hear from him, if you see him, let it be known that Stone is looking for him and when we cross paths he will die. Do you understand?”


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