Destined for Death

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Destined for Death Page 8

by Chris Green

  “You’re not the only one who’s grown,” he teased before diving headfirst on her pussy hole.

  Using his fingers to keep her lips apart, he snapped into a licking frenzy, as if it were his last feast. He knew that he was hitting the right spots after hearing Eva utter words in Spanish under her breath. His mind was so focused on making her cum that he never saw her pull the chrome 380 automatic from under the sheet.

  Bloc! The gun erupted loudly, sending a slug through the top of his head, killing him instantly.

  Wiping the blood from her face, she grabbed her cigarettes and sparked one. Exhaling, she stared down at his lifeless body.

  “Now that was some dangerous oral sex,” she said to herself before forcing a small laugh.

  Coming around the corner with her Glock 40 in hand, Frost stared at Eva who sat on top of the blood soaked sheets.

  “Hey, baby girl,” she said as if all was normal.

  Throwing on her robe, she stepped over Smith’s body until she was face to face with her niece.

  “You waited so patiently to play. Now the ball’s in your court, my princess,” Eva confirmed, while taking another pull of her nicotine.

  Wiping the small spots of blood from her forehead, she smiled and placed a kiss on her cheek.

  “Thank you, Auntie.”

  Chapter 11

  After making the decision to stay on the prowl for Slick and Shakur without Reeses being involved, Stone made it his business to quickly switch vehicles. He knew the only way to catch a rat was to be sneaky like one. Atlanta was filled with a lot of talkers and word was getting around that absurd drama was stirring up between the Muslim brothers.

  Getting the phone call from Wild twenty minutes ago, he was heading out to meet up. Even though Courtney was still well and alive, the media was still broadcasting his face and name on air as if he killed the President. What was even crazier to Stone was how they continued to portray that she was dead and reiterated to the world that Wild was a Muslim terrorist who was paid to perform the malicious act. In their mind that was called positive law, which was basically a ruling established by the government to do what the fuck they wanted.

  The worse part about it was many people actually quarreled with the idea of petitioning to get all who represented the Islamic religion out of the United States. Regardless of how much it bothered him, he was only one man with one speech and that just wasn’t enough when it came down to fighting the political society.

  Pulling down on Pryor St. in front of the Fulton County courthouse, he killed his lights and looked around nervously. It was kind of hard to believe Wild wanted to meet at that location when he was practically the most wanted in Atlanta.

  Looking through the rear-view Stone watched the bright headlights of a gray Range Rover pull in behind him and cut off the engine. Holding his pistol in hand, he relaxed after seeing his little brother step out of the vehicle and walk towards his car. Hitting the locks, Wild got in and closed the door behind him.

  “As-Salamu-laikum,” Stone greeted.

  “Wa-laikum as-Salam. How are you, big bro?” Wild asked with a brotherly handshake.

  “I’m trying to continue pushing day by day, little brother. Things have been extremely rough since you’ve been away. Salim was shot and he’s in the hospital barely functional.”

  “What the fuck happened?”

  “Shakur,” Stone replied, shaking his head.

  Rubbing a hand over his face, Wild fought to control his anger. “He was never supposed to be back around us from the jump, bro. The nigga’s a fucking dirty wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

  “Trust me, I’ve been pushing to expose that shit to everyone, Muslim or not. He harmed a brother for a slime ass cause. He can make as many prayers and dua’s that he desires. When I catch him, he’s gonna die, period. It’s even more urgent to get your brother Justin to realize what the fuck we’re saying,” Stone mentioned, while keeping an eye on their surroundings.

  “Speaking of the snake,” Wild said in more of a disappointed tone.

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  Handing Stone the large manila envelope, he pulled a rolled blunt from his ear.

  “Look for yourself.”

  Pulling the thick bundles of paper out, he eyes landed on a picture of Reeses. Slowly reading the small amount of information, Stone started to turn pages, observing the photographs of himself and the rest of their crew. He stopped on Justin’s background report. Blinking his eyes repeatedly, he looked back at the paper to make sure he wasn’t tripping. The words Federal Informant sat above his picture in bold letters.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  “Exactly what it says. That nigga Justin’s a fucking rat. The documents are attached to the back.”

  Flipping the page, Stone began to read the statements.

  “Before he was released from the Feds, they indicted him on a murder charge for a woman named Margaret Myers. Obviously he knew they weren’t bullshitting because he worked a deal with the DEA to help build a case against Reeses. Now it started to make sense why the nigga was always nervous on being around the bitch Courtney. Not only did he know the hoe from when they were younger, she came to see the nigga before he got out to ensure that he would comply with the case. He knew that he couldn’t just move around in the streets alone with his sister selling work. So, he needed some fall guys and that’s when we came into play. He’s been setting us up the entire time, bro,” Wild stated while inhaling the weed.

  Stone couldn’t even feel his heartbeat as his brother filled him in on the critical information. All the love and trust that he carried inside for Justin was officially ripped out and was washed away. Not only was he plotting on the men he called his brothers, but he was working to see his own sister’s demise.

  “Where did you find this?”

  “It was in the back of the bitch’s trunk. I just so happen to go through it before I stripped her shit down and sold it. I don’t know what everybody else is planning to do, but I’m about to get the fuck back out of the state of Georgia until y’all make it to another location. I hate to see shit go down like this, but I came way up here to deliver this so you can put that girl on point. I know y’all close and it’s none of my business. I just feel that you’re the only one who can break this to her. If you ask me, he shouldn’t be walking the earth the next time I meet up with you guys,” Wild said, stepping out of the car.

  Thinking to himself, Stone truly wondered what would drive a person to cross the same people that would lay down and die for them. He knew that there were no limitations to greed and someone who desiring to be on top, but looking down at Justin’s statements it didn’t add up to either of the two. No matter what his intentions were, it was a guarantee that he wouldn’t live long enough to see it happen.


  Southside of Atlanta

  Cleveland Ave. 11:45 pm

  Standing inside the double wide trailer park home, Torez held the huge machete across his shoulder as he stood in the unrecognizable man’s face. The man's hands were chained behind his back and his body was posted against a thick block of wood that was mounted in the center of the floor.

  “Where is my money, Vato?”

  “Torez, I never cross you, man. You know I would never disrespect our friendship. On my daughter’s life,” the man pleaded as he breathed harshly.

  “Your daughter is like my daughter. I pay for her Christmas, I have picked her up on weekends and spent thousands on her shopping. I even make sure she gets home from school safely. I’ve been good to you, man,” he said with wide eyes, lowering the machete.

  “Please, Torez! You have to believe me, man.”

  Stuffing the dirty sock into the man’s mouth, he shook his head.

  “I go with my instincts, senor. Unfortunately I don’t agree,” he said, before grabbing his right hand and disconnecting it from his body.

  Even though his horrific screams were being contained by the cloth, the v
eins that protruded from his face and neck showed the pain that was surging through his body.

  Turning around to face the heavily armed men who stood behind him, he tossed the severed hand on the floor.

  “The entire trailer park belongs to me. I feed every last one of you daily and all I ask is that my money is correct when I come to collect it, homes. Stealing is above breaking the rules, so I shouldn’t have to be here when the problem needs to be handled. Does everybody fucking understand?”

  As the men nodded in unison, a sharp knock on the door erupted. Moving quickly, one of the guards opened it allowing the men to enter.

  “Hey, Torez, somebody is here to speak with you,” the Mexican announced before Shakur stepped in the trailer.

  “You got some big fucking nuts coming out here anyway,” Torez said with death in his eyes.

  His henchmen wasted no time aiming their AK-47s at the center of Shakur’s head.

  “Please, Torez, I promise whatever you’ve been hearing isn’t true. It’s the reason why I came to explain what happened myself,” he replied in a fearful tone with his hands in the air.

  “Do tell,” Torez motioned for his guard to close the door.


  Grady Memorial Hospital 8:30am

  “Are you sure this is the right one?” Frost asked Eva’s personal bodyguard as he sat in the driver’s seat.

  “Yes ma’am, I’m positive. It’s the same guy from the pictures,” he confirmed in a dark and raspy tone.

  “Good. How do I look?” she asked with a sinister smile, while smoothing out the white nursing scrubs.

  “You look like a professional doctor, boss,” he replied knowing what she wanted to hear.

  Observing herself in the mirror once more, Frost stepped out of the black Suburban and headed towards the entrance. Placing her honey blonde hair into a ponytail, she finished off her appearance with a pair of clear lens Ray-Bans.

  Judging from the way she moved you would think that she was a jolly Harvard University graduate instead of a psychopathic killer. After taking a look at the guide map, she headed up to the third floor. Her mind was focused on the mission that was ahead of her until a hand reached out and grabbed her shoulder.

  Instincts said to reach for the pistol that rested on the small of her back until she turned to face a man wearing a white overcoat.

  “Hi, I’m Doctor Cooper. And you are?” he asked holding out his hand.

  Catching her off guard she stumbled over her words trying to think of a response.

  “Wait, let me think. You’re the new intern from Michigan, right?”

  “Yes! How did you just guess that?” she asked slashing a fake, cheesy smile.

  “It’s normal. Anyway, I’m the lead doctor over the hospital. New students have a class on the first floor that starts at ten. I’ll see you there,” he said, with a wink before walking off.

  Moving along she rushed to make her way through the double doors. Her mind was grateful for having patience because if the doctor said the wrong thing his brains would’ve been plastered on the hallway walls and her entire mission would’ve been ruined.

  The busy area full of nurses gave the perfect distraction as she walked room to room, glaring inside. Just as she thought that Eva’s incompetent guard had given her the wrong information, she peeped through the next window and spotted Salim laying peacefully on the hospital bed.

  Looking behind her, Frost entered the room letting the door close behind her. The only sounds that lingered in the air were the monitor showing his heartbeat and blood pressure. Walking towards him, she placed her hand on his leg, sliding it slowly up to his crotch.

  “It always tingles my pussy to kill a good looking man like yourself. Just for the record, this has nothing to do with you, it’s just family business,” she whispered into his ear before pulling the syringe out of her pocket.

  Bending down she removed the top and slid the needle full of toxic poison inside of the IV tube that was connected to his arm. Watching his chest heave in an upward motion she quickly pushed the fluids into his system.

  Stepping back she looked at the uncomfortable expression spread across his face. Placing the small note at the bottom of his bed his heart rate monitor began to alarm.

  “Don’t fight it, boy, you can’t cheat death,” she said coldly before leaving out of the room.

  Making her way back to the elevator, she knew her job was completed after hearing the code sound off through the intercom. Seeing the nurses run down the hall, she headed to cause torment on her next victim.

  Chapter 12

  Stepping through the hotel room door, Stone carried the hot breakfast plates in his hand as he walked towards the large bed. Looking down at Reeses sleep, he couldn’t help but smile. There was something about the fascinating woman before him that he couldn’t get enough of. Her long black hair, the light chocolate skin that always glowed to perfection, her deep and attractive grey eyes that always seem to wrap him in a trance, all these things held his heart.

  Sitting the food on the bed, he leaned over her amazing body and planted a kiss on her cheek.

  “Good morning and happy birthday,” he whispered before placing another on her soft lips.

  Smiling, she leaned up staring down at the bags that sat at her feet.

  “What is all this?”

  Pulling a medium size jewelry box from the bag, he handed it to her and stood back in silence. Looking at him with a curious face she opened it slowly and gasped.

  After picking up the sparkling diamond bracelet, she stared down at the heart that was once split into two pieces.

  “I thought I lost it,” Reeses mumbled nearly dropping tears.

  “I know how important your mother was to you so I figured, why not piece them together so they could never separate again,” he mentioned before clamping it on her wrist.

  “Thank you, I love it,” she confirmed, hugging his neck tightly.

  “You’re very welcome. Now you need to eat before your breakfast gets cold. You got steak, scrambled cheese eggs, omelets and hot caramel coffee,” he spoke in a funny voice while pulling everything out of the bags.

  “Why you being so nice to me? Is this something you really doing from your heart or is it just because I got some good booty?” she giggled with her arms folded.

  “Of course it’s from my heart, ma and no it’s not just because you got some good nooky. This little time we’ve spent going through these differences in the street has pulled me so close to you. I don’t know it feels like I was meant to find you. A man can easily run around and have relations with numerous of women and it still carries no significance. I’m right here because I truly want to be,” he assured flashing his perfect thirty-two.

  Hearing the knock on the room door, Stone made his way over to answer it. Opening it up, Laylah made her way inside with a huge smile.

  “It’s your birthday, bitch! Where are we going? Museum, Fern Bank, Aquarium?”

  “The Fern Bank?” Reeses repeated before laughing. “I was thinking more on the border line of sticking to the business we need to handle. I know it’s supposed to be a so called special day, but if I don’t get these priorities in order I’ll be spending the next ten birthdays in a prison cell,” she said standing out of the bed.

  “That’s only if we allow it to happen. You’re starting to sound too much like Mariah.”

  “Tell me about it. It’s like her power struck voice is stuck inside of my fucking head.”

  Hearing his cell phone ring, Stone pulled it out of his pocket and stepped out on the balcony.

  “Look, forget what everyone else is saying. If you want this handled we’re gonna have to get out there and do it ourselves. No one can magically predict where these assholes will be but you. The longer we sit here and wait will be the reason we receive nothing but excuses on why they aren’t dead yet.”

  “Try telling your sister that,” Reeses said, shaking her head.

  “Listen, when it co
mes to things I have to handle, I lend an ear to Mariah’s words and keep it pushing. She doesn’t know everything. Everybody’s agenda isn’t the same, Rinesha. When you start trying to handle situations like the next person instead of yourself, you lose track of your own purpose.”

  Before she could reply, Stone walked back into the room with a distraught look on his face.

  “Salim is gone,” he uttered in a hurt tone.

  “What? What do you mean he’s gone?” Reeses asked, feeling her body stiffen.

  “The doctors at Grady said he died this morning.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense, Stone. The doctors just told us that he would be okay.”

  “It’s definitely strange. If it was a possibility that he wouldn’t make it, you guys would’ve been the first to know. Something doesn’t sound right about that,” Laylah said.

  “Justin is not going to be able to handle this. We may need to move him.”

  “He’s not going to care,” Stone said with his head down. His heart was still locked on being the best brother he could but the betrayal from Justin was a secret he refused to hold back from her.

  “What the hell would make you say something so stupid? Justin loves Salim, just as much as you do,” Reeses said with anger flowing through her body.

  Instead of replying to her, Stone moved over to the couch and pulled the manila envelope from under his jacket. It was never his intention to pit a sister against her brother, but his hands were tied. Either she would know the truth or continue to have love in her heart for rat.

  Stone walked over to Reeses, he placed it directly into her hands.

  Glaring at him with hostility in her eyes, she pulled the thick bundle of papers from the folder. Standing up, Laylah came to stand beside her as she looked at the picture of Ghost.

  “That’s my dad. Where did you get this?” Reeses asked staring at Stone.

  Keeping his silence, the girls continued to fumble through the paperwork in amazement. Reeses heart crumbled when she got to Justin’s profile. Although she believed the words Federal Informant had to be wrong, she began to read the pages that followed. After scanning through half of the papers, her hands began to tremble. Reeses watery eyes told the hurt she felt inside as she viewed the statements of Justin willing to turn her in for his own freedom.


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