Destined for Death

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Destined for Death Page 14

by Chris Green

  Seeing the intensity of the situation, Sue reversed the car and smashed off heading in the opposite direction.

  Drawing near the entrance of the home, a guard opened the door and caught the edge of Laylah’s knife through his navel. Cringing in pain, she leveled her pistol.


  The vicious slug ripped through the bottom of his chin causing him to crumble to the ground.

  As they advanced into the home, several gunshots rang out, missing Stone’s head by an inch.

  Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc!

  “I knew you would come Laylah,” Frost said as she stood in the living area aiming her pistol. While standing behind the wall across from Laylah, Stone tried to peek around the sharp corner. The bullets Frost sent next chiseled chunks out of the brick, giving him the indication not to try anything foolish.

  “You’re my sister, Laylah. We can handle this a little more discreetly.”

  Laylah stepped out from behind the wall with her pistols aimed. She stared at Frost with her trigger finger ready to release the entire clip. Her resemblance of their father was undeniable, she even possessed his same cold glare.

  “I knew this would end soon. I’ve waited a long time to see exactly how good you were,” she stated throwing her pistol to the floor.

  “Stone, find my sister,” Laylah said while placing her guns on the floor.

  Watching the two standoff, he knew that something above his lead was taking place. Gripping his assault rifle, he eased past them heading slowly up the stairs. The look Frost gave him sent chills down his spine as he left them in the living room.

  Frost wasted no time launching towards Laylah with the large blade she’d pulled from her pocket. Laylah Side stepped her attack and delivered a vicious elbow to the side of Frost’s rib cage and removed her own knife.

  Swinging the blade with extreme force, Laylah moved backwards trying her best to dodge the sharp point. With a high kick to Frost’s wrist, the knife sailed towards the wall, hitting the floor. Advancing forward, she aimed her steel towards the center of Frost’s throat. Her attempt missed allowing her sister to place her in a deadly chokehold.

  “You can’t beat me! Today will be your last time opening your eyes!” Frost said with malice in her heart as she tightened the firm lock on Laylah’s neck.


  After walking through three different rooms of the home, Stone stopped at the last door and entered with his gun raised. Hitting the light switch, he spotted Mariah bound to a thick chair. He started to cut the thick plastic wire that was wrapped around her body.

  Moving her feet in desperate need of help, Courtney made enough noise that Stone jerked his head up, looking into her pleading eyes.

  “What the fuck?’ he mumbled to himself wondering how she ended up in the same predicament.

  After cutting Mariah from the entrapment, he prepared to pick her up.

  “Don’t leave her, Stone,” Mariah whispered through her swollen lips. “It wouldn’t be right.”

  Looking back over at Courtney, the hatred still weighed heavy in his heart for her shooting him, but he knew that Mariah was right. Allah would never forgive him if he could have saved a life but chose not to.

  Rushing quickly over to her, he snatched the tape from her mouth, before cutting her loose.

  “Thank you so much. I promise”

  “Yeah, whatever. I’m still not letting that shit you did to me slide.” He said using the pistol on his waist to bust the handcuffs. “Let’s go!”

  Placing Mariah over his shoulders, they made their way out of the room.


  After beating Frost profusely with her fist, Laylah stood over her as she laid on the floor. Picking up her knife, she raised it ready to plunge it inside of her heart. The demons inside of her head were racing and her low, slanted, green eyes were filled with murder.

  Before she could end Frost’s life for good, one last henchman stepped around the corner pulling his trigger. The bullet slammed into Laylah forcing her to the floor, just as Stone and Courtney came down the steps with Mariah.

  Without hesitating, Courtney grabbed Stone’s pistol and released the entire clip into the man’s torso.

  Bloc! Bloc! Bloc! Bloc! Bloc! Bloc! Bloc! Bloc!

  Running to Laylah’s side she pulled up her shirt staring at the slug that was lodged into the bulletproof vest. Witnessing Laylah blink her eyes she helped her up slowly.

  Grateful that she was okay Stone closed his eyes thanking Allah for his mercy.

  “We gotta get the fuck out of here!”


  As she sat in the car, Reeses couldn’t do anything but worry until she spotted them coming out of the driveway. Her energy was pumping so fast, she fumbled to get the car crunk. Starting the engine she pulled up and stopped directly in front of them.

  Placing Mariah in the backseat, Laylah climbed in beside her. Reeses eyes widened, seeing Courtney get in behind them. Pulling her 9mm in a flash she placed it to the center of her head.

  “What in the fuck is this bitch doing here?” she snarled with her finger gripping the trigger tightly.

  “Baby, stop! We found her with Mariah. She has nothing to do with this,” Stone said jumping in the front seat to grab ahold of her hand.

  “What makes you so sure of that? She’s the reason all of this shit is happening to us now.”

  Reeses was on the verge of tears for wanting to pull the trigger so bad. Her hands began to tremble as Stone eased the gun from her possession.

  Courtney sat there looking totally clueless as Reeses stared her down with hatred.

  “Reeses, we have to go,” Stone interjected, trying to get her to focus.

  Turning back around in her seat, she smashed on the gas pedal leaving the street full of smoke. The drive back down to Atlanta was awkwardly silent. Looking through her rearview, Reeses glanced at Laylah who held Mariah close to her as if she would disappear. Switching her vision over to Courtney, she slowed the car down on the expressway, hitting the hazard lights.

  Turning around, she looked at her with disgust, “Get the fuck out of my car. We’re fifteen minutes from Atlanta. Shouldn’t be that much of a walk,” she spat.

  “Reeses, we’re on the middle of the highway,” Stone said trying to show a little sympathy.

  “Are you fucking this bitch or something? She’s probably about to get me a life sentence in a few days. I said get the fuck out!”

  Nodding her head, Courtney opened the door and stepped out on the expressway. As the car pulled away, she couldn’t help but release all the tears she had held back through this entire ordeal. Her life had been seconds from ending and the ones who she was working against swooped in to her rescue. That was the last sign she needed to make her decision. There was nothing that would change her mind.

  Chapter 19


  As she stirred from her sleep, Reeses rolled over to find Tiffany sitting at the edge of her bed.

  “Hey baby girl,” she said with a warm tone.

  Moving the covers from her body, she wrapped her arms around her aunt hugging tightly.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” Reeses uttered with tears forming in her eyes. “Where’s Laylah and Mariah?”

  “I have to send them back home. I made a bad decision by letting them come up here. But I did accomplish one thing. Finding you,” she replied with a beautiful smile.

  “I hope you’re not mad at me. I never meant to put them into any danger. If I would’ve listened and left when they warned me the first time, I would have never been in this predicament.”

  Touching her cheek, Tiffany shook her head. “I could never be mad at you, Rinesha. You look so much like Jimmie, I’m so sorry I let you down. It may seem like things are hard for you but staying up here is not an option. After your court date, I expect you to be on the first flight to the islands. You have to come home with family, baby. It’s the only way I can sleep at night.”

  Nodding, she embraced
Tiffany in another hug. “I understand, Auntie.”

  Kissing her forehead, Tiffany moved past Stone, who stood by the room door and left quickly as she came. Observing the disturbed look on her face, he moved closer and took a seat beside Reeses.

  “Are you gonna be okay?” he asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

  Looking at him with sadness written on her expression, she faced him. “What are we going to do now?”

  Catching him off guard with the question he thought hard before answering. “We’re gonna do exactly what we suppose to. We’re going to handle your trial and I’m going to make sure you catch that flight to make it safely to your family.”

  What about you?’

  “I’ll be okay. I was actually thinking about going to law school and finishing college. My record was cleared last year, so it could actually be a new start for me.”

  Getting out of the bed, she opened her Saint Laurent purse, pulling out a small brown paper bag. Tossing it into his lap, she folded her arms.

  Looking down with a speculative glance he opened it and poured the contents into his hand. Staring at the two pregnancy sticks that read positive, he raised his head to meet her stern gaze.

  Getting up he moved towards her with open arms. “It’s alright, ma. I’m right here, no matter what. We’re going to be just fine,” he assured, placing a smooch on her forehead.


  Cobb County Courtroom

  “This woman’s innocent looks is only a disguise, Judge Franklin. She’s trying to disentangle herself from the critical problem that’s upon her and I’m afraid it’s too late. We have criminal charges of conspiracy that she is facing. It’s sad say that a woman at this age could even devise a plan that’s involved innocent people who weren’t aware of her actions to take over the Smyrna and Atlanta Georgia area with drugs and murder. We cannot pacify her in this situation just because she’s nineteen years old, looks can be very deceiving. Don’t let her beguile you to believe that she couldn’t pull off a scheme so brilliant.” The Assistant District Attorney said to the jury.

  “Mr. Harvey, you may proceed.”

  “Thank you, your Honor I would like to start off first by stating that my client doesn’t have any criminal record what so ever. The state is literally trying to use her father’s history against her to build a case and that’s ridiculous. Now we’ve heard every story in the book to discredit Ms. Rivers on her innocence, but we haven’t seen any physical proof, yet.”

  “I object your Honor, we have two federal witnesses that are present here today.”

  Hearing the statement made Reeses' flesh crawl. She knew that trusting Courtney was a big mistake and now she regretted not pulling the trigger when she had the chance. Her mind still couldn’t stomach the fact of her own brother, the one she cherished was ready to give her up so he wouldn’t have to suffer anymore prison time.

  “Well, hearing the facts of the case I would have to side with Mr. Harvey for now. Even though you stated that we have witnesses, we still haven’t seen any tangible or physical evidence that shows Ms. Rivers being a criminal. Now I’ve been a judge for over twenty four years and I understand that you can never judge a book by its cover, but her record speaks for a lot. Everything the State has placed against her is only accusations of things her family has committed in the past. One or two apples doesn’t spoil the entire bunch, so I think that you may need to proceed with getting the witnesses on the stand to paint a more vivid picture of what we have going on in this court room at the time, Mr. Paulk.”

  “Right away, Your Honor. The State would like to call Agent Courtney Myers to the stand.”

  Sitting in the crowd, blending in with the civilians, Stone watched as she made her way inside the court room. Her nervous look said that she was very uncomfortable with what was taking place as she made her way to the front.

  “Ms. Myers, do you swear to state the truth, nothing else but the truth within this case?” The DA questioned holding the Holy Bible in front of her.

  Placing her hand on top of it, she took a deep breath and let her eyes roam towards the jury.

  “I do.”

  Gripping the pen in her hand tightly, Reeses sat back with murderous thoughts running vividly through her brain. As if he sensed the tension, Harvey placed a hand on Reeses shoulder and encouraged her to relax.

  “Very well, can you please inform the courtroom on your job description?” Paulk asked with a curious stare.

  “I’m an agent for the DEA and my job is to investigate notorious drug dealers and leak their operations.”

  “Okay and can you tell us how Ms. Rivers fits into this subject?”

  “I don’t know,” she lied with a straight face.

  Snapping his head around quickly, he adjusted his tie. “Let me rephrase that question for you so we can get a better understanding. What form of evidence have you obtained on the defendant since you’ve began your investigation.”

  “Nothing,” Courtney replied in a dry tone while looking at Reeses.

  “Agent Myers, do you hear what you’re saying?” the attorney asked in an angry tone.

  “Objection your honor he can’t antagonize the witness to say what he wants,” Harvey stated standing to his feet.

  Looking into Courtney’s eyes Reeses cracked a smile.

  “Paulk! Keep it clean,” Judge Franklin said sternly.

  “Ms. Rivers is on your caseload, Agent Myers? Is there anything you can tell us about this investigation?” he pleaded in a sincere tone.

  “I was assigned to investigate her. I have accumulated no evidence for my own eyes to say that she is distributing anything. This case has caused a physical and mental disturbance upon me and I’m afraid that I can’t come up here to fabricate a story to help you with your job, sir. My time is up,” she said glaring at the courtroom.

  “Ms. Meyers, what are you saying?” Judge Franklin asked pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose up.

  “Removing her badge, she laid it on top of the flat surface in front of her. “I quit, may I step down now?”

  “You’re free to leave, Ms. Myers,” the judge confirmed.

  “Your Honor, I’m not too good with telling stories, but it seems as if this is coming to a close. My client is tired and I think this case is starting to become a little confusing.”

  “We still have another witness,” the DA butted in with hostility in his tone.

  “My patience is running thin,” Franklin replied.

  “Can we please bring the next witness in?”

  Watching the State’s assistant walk over to Paulk. She whispered in his ear and stepped back with an awkward frown.

  “Your Honor, I was just informed that the Federal witness has fled the courthouse. If you could give us a two hour recess we can locate him to wrap this case up.”

  “Overruled. I will not continue to hold the jury up with your tainted methods and insufficient evidence. Does the jury need to deliberate or do we already have a verdict?” the judge asked looking at the twelve seated members.

  A white man dressed in a two piece suit stood to his feet.

  “We do your honor. We the jury find, Rinesha Rivers on count one of drug trafficking. Not guilty.”

  Looking back at Stone, Reeses winked her eye.

  The jury continued to read off on the next seven charges and all but the last came to her satisfaction.

  “We the jury find Rinesha Rivers on the count of conspiracy to manipulate a drug operation. Guilty.”

  “Shit!” she cursed lowering her head.

  “Their only doing this because of what Agent Myers stated at your preliminary hearing. It was no way around it, just let me talk to the judge,” Harvey said standing to his feet.

  “Your Honor, my client has discovered that she is pregnant. In the next seven in a half months she would be preparing to give birth to her first child, she has no criminal history. Is there any way that we can bring this down to five years on paper?”

“I object, your Honor. She’s guilty of this charge and it carries anywhere from five to ten years, probation is out of the question,” Paulk said with authority.

  “I’m at liberty to agree with Mr. Paulk on this Harvey. I will not be able to grant the probation. Young lady, this is serious situation and I hope that you understand how important your life is especially when you speak about bringing a child into this world. I have a daughter that’s older than you. I’m going to sentence you to a five serve two. We will make sure you have the proper procedure for your child’s birth and I wish you the best of luck.”

  “I’ll try to have you out in one,” Harvey said as the bailiff approached Reeses to place her in cuffs.

  Turning around to look at Stone one last time. He mumbled the words ‘I love you’ before she was escorted to the back. Her mind couldn’t help but think about the move Courtney and Justin pulled in the end. She knew that the River’s name would always stay on top no matter what occurred. It was natural to be in their blood. The same ambition that she knew would pump through her child’s veins.

  Placing her in a holding tank, the officers closed the door as she sat down. Thinking about her major scheme she couldn’t help but smile and wait for her release.

  Chapter 20

  Alto Women’s Facility

  One month later

  After reading Stone’s sweet letter, Reeses placed it back inside the envelope and sat it on the edge of her bed. Adjusting to prison was a little difficult, especially when she was carrying a child with her. The support of loved ones was the best thing she could ask for while doing her time. Her commissary books were overloaded and visitation every week definitely kept a wide smile on her face. Word through a reliable source told her that Justin and Courtney were on the run for refusing to cooperate during the trial. Mariah was doing everything in her power to get her out within the next few months but hit a rocky road with every turn she took and Laylah made it her business to show up to every visitation along with Stone. Within the past four weeks, Stone established three businesses including a nice pizza and pasta eatery that sat in the middle of downtown Atlanta.


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