Head Over Heels: A Rock Star Fake Marriage (Southern Temptations Book 2)

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Head Over Heels: A Rock Star Fake Marriage (Southern Temptations Book 2) Page 13

by Roxy Wynn

  Eli hadn’t made any claims until now, it was obvious he was only fishing for child support, and Harris was convinced he could get the whole thing thrown out. I might end up having to submit to a small amount of supervised visitation, but there was no way Eli would get sole custody.

  If Harris could pull this off, I would never get pissed off at overzealous lawyer posters again.

  “Your honor, Mr. Shepard’s motivation for this trial is nothing more than a blatant cash grab for Ms. Taylor’s new-found financial stability. In five years he’s never called, written, texted, or even sent so much as a birthday card.”

  Eli, dressed in his Sunday’s best, stared at me with anger in his eyes. His wife, was also glaring, but in a more subdued ‘I want the judge to think I’m a proper lady’ type of way.

  Bless her heart.

  “Is that true Mr. Shepard?” The judge asked. A matronly woman, Judge Adams was heavy set and approaching her seventies. She reminded me of Annie Wilkes from Misery. Never said a bad word, but if you crossed her or killed off her favorite character, she would break your ankles with a rusty hatchet.

  And that is where my ex made his first mistake. He and his airhead wife assumed they could walk in, spin a sob story, and make out like bandits. I knew from my research, that wasn’t going to happen.

  “No, your honor. I called my boy all the time. It was that woman, who wouldn’t let him talk to me.” He pointed at me as if the identity of that woman, was up for debate.

  I looked at Eli in his ill-fitting suit, receding hair line, beer belly, and felt nothing but pity. For five years I resented him, but all of that was gone now. The guy was only twenty-five, how could his life had gone so wrong in just a few short years?

  “Your honor, that’s not true at all,” I said.

  “Bullshit!” Eli yelled. “You kept him from me and you know it!”

  Judge Adams was not amused.

  “Oh really?” I countered. “What’s my phone number?”

  Aimee’s eyes grew huge, and the gum she had been wrapping around her finger dropped to her lap while the courtroom awaited his response.

  “Well, I ain’t got it on me now…”

  “Of course not, Mr. Shepard. Assuming a man would have the mother of his child stored in his cell phone would be foolish. Moving on,” Adams said, turning her attention back to me. “It says in my notes you gave birth in your car in the hospital parking lot. Little guy couldn’t wait to get into this world, could he? I’m sure you are aware Mr. Shepard mentioned pursuing damages relating to cleaning costs for that delivery?”

  Just when I thought this couldn’t get any better.

  My jaw dropped. “No, I did not your honor. And I gave birth in the parking lot because I couldn’t tear Eli away from his football game.”

  “That’s not true! She didn’t even tell me she was in labor. Next thing I know she’s leaking all over my floor!”

  “Mr. Shepard, in my experience labor is rarely something that sneaks up on a woman. You mean to tell me she just forgot to mention the fact that she was having contractions?”

  “Yeah, she ain’t even say nothing about it until the game started. By then it was too late to bring her.” Judge Adams raised her brows in surprise.

  “Your honor, I did in fact tell him labor had begun. He just couldn’t be bothered to take me in.”

  “Well I would have if I hadn’t had my license revoked. You knew I couldn’t drive until after it was dark out. The police in Mont Clare knew me. They knew my record. I couldn’t risk getting caught again.”

  Harris had to cover his smirk with his hand. “I knew this would be easy, but I didn’t know it would be this easy,” he whispered.

  “Mr. Shepard, are you telling me you did not have a license at the time of the birth?”

  Aimee whispered in Eli’s ear, coaching him on how to respond. “That is correct, your honor. I got a DUI a few weeks earlier and didn’t think it was in my best interest to be driving anyone anywhere.”

  Adams tilted her head to the side, studying the moron in her courtroom. “Must have been tough, getting behind the wheel again after not driving for so long?” She asked with a twinkle in her eye. “I imagine, driving any distance would have been dangerous.”

  Clever girl.

  “Not really your honor, I drove all the time. I was perfectly safe behind the wheel, those cops just had it out for me.”

  “So you drove with a suspended license all the time?” She asked.

  “Yes, ma’am. I have been driving since I was eight years old. Drunk, stoned, I can drive anywhere at any time. Ain’t no one a better driver than me.” He looked over at me and winked, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest in victory.

  The judge looked from Eli to myself and back again. “Mr. Shepard, I’m going to go easy on you because you clearly do not have the intellectual function to grasp the fact that children need sober, responsible parents. I believe it’s in the best interest of Bailey that he stays with his mother, Sarah Taylor full time.”

  “What? Why? Your honor we are having a baby of our own. You can’t just take it’s big brother away,” Aimee said, confused how none of this went according to plan.

  “If only parenting required licensing, there would be far less unwanted and uncared for children in this world,” the judge answered. “Mr. Shepard, if you can get your act together, come back, and we can try this again at a later date. For now, I am granting a temporary twice monthly supervised visit between yourself and your son Bailey. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, your honor,” he said, ignoring Aimee’s pleas.

  Judge Adams began collecting her paperwork and putting everything together in her file. As she began to stand up, Aimee decided she needed to speak her peace.

  “No. No way, Jose! That is not fair. She was supposed to pay us child support!”

  The judge stared at them dumbfounded, before shrugging and taking her seat again.

  “Well, now that we mention child support, Ms. Taylor, you have never requested anything from Mr. Shepard, is that correct?”

  “That’s correct,” I answered.

  “I see. Well, Mr. Shepard based on your W-2 and job history, I am going to make a determination in Ms. Taylor’s favor for you to begin child support immediately.”

  Eli went ballistic. He jumped up, pounding his fists on the table. “That’s not fair your honor. She is a lying bitch!” He began to stalk toward me when the security guard caught his arm and twisted it behind his back. “That’s not fair, you’re not getting a god-damned cent from me!”

  Judge Adams was gleeful at that point. “Mr. Shepard, please behave yourself in a court of law. My judgement is final. Court is adjourned.”

  I leaned back in my seat, unable to wipe the smirk from my face. That couldn’t have gone any better if he burst into flames mid hearing. The fact that his dim witted wife decided to demand child support was the icing on the cake.

  “That was the easiest two hours of my life,” Harris said, shaking my hand and escorting me from the room. If I had known just how stupid he was I would have suggested you save Alfie the money and just go it alone.”

  “Aww, that’s kind of you, but who would have believed me if I hadn’t had you here to see how much of a shit show that was?”

  He laughed. “I’ve seen people do and say a lot of stupid things, but outright admitting to driving under the influence during a child custody dispute, takes the cake.”

  “Thanks again for your help,” I said when we got outside. “I know you only took this on as a favor, but if you’re ever in the area and need some sweets, feel free to drop by Ruby’s, we’ll hook you up with the best baked goods this side of the Mississippi.”

  “Will do. Alfie has told me great things about your shop. And congratulations on the tour.”

  I stopped walking and looked at him confused. “The tour?”

  “Yeah. I sent the contract over to Oliver this morning. You and Bailey have passports, right?�

  I smiled and nodded, but on the inside I was confused. “Oh, yeah… of course. Thank you again.”

  I made my way to my car contemplating the logistics of a world tour and what it would mean for the weird situation I had gotten myself into. If Harris assumed we were going, did that mean Alfie had already made the arrangements?

  And what the hell was he thinking making such a big decision without me?

  He was thinking that you are just a woman he’s marrying for a green card. He has no obligation to you, sex or not.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I couldn’t drive to the newly named Pavlova, fast enough. The official reason for today’s meeting was to touch base with the new chefs and to make sure every loose end had been tied. I didn’t need to be there, Jax had it handled, but I had a feeling Chrissy would tag along whether he wanted her to or not.

  “Thank god you’re here,” she bellowed from her booth in the corner. “Jax was talking about construction and menus.”


  I shot a look at Jax who had been standing next to her. “Dude, you know she can’t be trusted with any of that. We have Nadine and Eddie now.”

  Our new chefs sat at the bar, trying to avoid eye contact. Presumably regretting their decision to work with us crazy people.

  “I know, but she was so upset sitting at home by herself.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I’m sorry, sweet buns, but I don’t think you are sane anymore.” When he gave her a second kiss, she cuddled up to him, completely oblivious of the fact that he just insinuated her brain no longer functioned.

  I smiled at Nadine and Eddie, admiring them for not running screaming from their new bosses yet. “Hey guys, how is the menu costing going? Did you make your small wares wish list?”

  “Yes. The wish list is done and the costing is just about complete,” Nadine answered. “We still need to hire the prep cooks, but I’m confident with the round of interviews we’re conducting this week we’ll find some good candidates.”


  Eddie nodded, staring down at his notes. “I wanted to talk to you about expanding the menu to include a few more savory… ”

  “I thought we decided to hold off on that for now,” Nadine said, cutting him off.

  “You agreed to that, I didn’t,” he answered. “I think it would be stupid not to have something salty on the menu if we’re serving alcohol.”

  I backed away slowly. “I think savory bites are a good idea, but if Nadine wants to hold off for now, I support her in that decision.”

  Nadine gave Eddie a smirk while he fumed, gathering his notes. “I’ll be on my computer compiling our first food order.” Without saying anything else, he abruptly relocated to an empty booth.

  I wondered what the hell that was all about, but decided to let it go for the time being. Restaurant openings were hectic, and feelings were often hurt in the process. If he had resentment about Nadine getting the chef job, I didn’t blame him, but until one of them voiced their concerns to me, I would let them work it out together.

  She looked around to make sure he was out of earshot before asking what was really on her mind. “Are you SO excited for your wedding?”

  My stomach clenched. If she asked me yesterday, I would have answered, yes, without even thinking about it. Today, I wasn’t so sure. I didn’t know how to feel about what Alfie and I were up to, the whole situation was weird.

  I plastered on my best fake smile. “Of course, what kind of silly question is that?”

  She looked at Jax and blushed. “It’s just… I knew you were getting married, I just didn’t know it was to Alfie Lane. That’s so cool. You guys are lucky!”

  I laughed. “Well, to me he’s just plain old Alfie, maker of messes,” I answered.

  “Does he ever sing to you?” She asked, clutching her notebook to her chest like a dreamy preteen.

  “Sometimes,” I answered. “But let’s focus on business now. We can gush about wedding stuff another time.”

  “I told you,” Eddie yelled from his seat.

  Later, in our office, Chrissy wasn’t as placated by my answer as Nadine. “What’s up? You aren’t glowing today like you have been for the past few weeks. You won your custody case, and you’re sleeping with Alfie. We should be celebrating.”

  If celebrating meant quietly hiding in our office, I was all for it.

  “I know, but things have just been weird lately between the two of us. First he like, ditched me when I thought we were going to bone, then I find out he’s going on some elaborate tour.”

  She leaned back in her chair and drew a little heart on her due date on the calendar. “He didn’t mention a tour?” She asked over her shoulder.

  “No. I knew it was a far off possibility, but now it’s happening.” I sat down in the chair and rubbed my temples. “I just thought we had a connection or something. But now he’s just taking off.”

  “It’s probably a misunderstanding.”

  “Or maybe I jumped into bed with him when I knew it was wrong, and now I have the feels. I knew this would happen.”

  “Don’t do that to yourself. You like him, and he likes you. It may not work out, but that doesn’t mean it was wrong.”

  I scoffed. “It does when there’s a kid involved. He’s going to be heartbroken if Alfie takes off for six months.”

  She rolled her chair toward me, and grabbed my hand. “Listen, once there was a time, when you told me, ‘get your head out of your ass and tell him you love him, you giant, bleached blonde Amazon’, do you remember that?”

  I laughed, nodding. “Yeah, I have a way with words, don’t I?”

  “Yeah, you do. And what happened? I took your advice. You’re the smartest person I know, and I trusted you.”

  “It was easy with Jax though, he was obviously crazy about you.”

  Through the door, we could see him chatting up Eddie. Probably telling dad jokes. Every time he looked at Chrissy, he smiled. Anyone with eyes could see how happy they were together, I just gave them a tiny push. But I had trouble figuring out if the same would be true for Alfie. He was handsome, an amazing musician, and was great with Bailey. But did any of that make him right for me?

  I looked up at her, wincing. “I think I’m in love with him, Chris.”

  She squealed, and pinned me in an awkward chair hug. “I am so happy for you!”

  I tried wheeling away, but she had backed me into a corner. “Don’t congratulate me yet. I don’t know if he feels the same. He might have just signed up for a world tour to get away from me.”

  She sighed. “I’m sure he feels the same way. He has to. Look at you! You have gorgeous hair, you run every day willingly, and your ass is amazing.”

  “You know that’s from the running, right?”

  “Don’t sass me. If you love him, you need to tell him how you feel.”

  “I can’t do that,” I said, shaking my head. “If he doesn’t reciprocate, everything will change. I don’t want to ruin what we do have.”

  As bad as our current situation was, the very real chance I could make things worse terrified me. I didn’t want to lay everything on the line only to have him tell me it was just sex to him. It would crush me.

  She folded her arms over her chest, not backing down. “So you want to keep pining for him while he goes on a big tour? That’s stupid.”

  “I didn’t say that… “

  “Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, he feels the same, but he’s a bigger chicken shit than you? You have custody, you don’t need to marry him anymore, but if you want to, you should tell him. You have nothing to lose.”

  I shook my head, but didn’t answer. I had everything to lose, and Chrissy knew it.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  By the time I got home, I was ravenous, and couldn’t wait to let my hair down. Business casual was not my preferred look when I had a closet full of cute clothes just
begging to be worn.

  Kicking my shoes off by the door, I continued to my room, ready to rip off everything and relax. Today had been a doozy.

  While I changed, I listened for music, assuming the boys were busy with their afternoon lesson. Something that once again, made my insides go squishy.

  Thinking of the two of them together made me go full love struck teenager, and it turned Alfie into the most attractive man on the planet. Each time he taught Bailey a new chord, another little piece of my personal wall crumbled. I loved how close they were.

  Stepping into the closet, I grabbed the first fun dress I could find, a red cotton maxi dress with a v-neck, and buttons that ran all the way down the front. Taking off my stuffy court clothes, I slipped the new dress over my head, and checked myself out in the mirror. The outfit was flirty, and fun, but hopefully not too over the top sexy.

  I wanted to have a serious talk to the Alfie, not jump his bones immediately.

  Stepping into my favorite flat sandals, I retraced my steps back to the front door, picking up toys and assorted clothing that hadn’t made their way into the hamper when I realized the house was silent. As a mom, my senses were instantly on high alert.

  “Bailey? Alfie?”

  When no one replied, I headed to the back yard, expecting them to be playing in the tree house, but the back yard was empty. The jungle gym sat silent and still.

  Where the hell are they?

  I tried to stay calm. Alfie wouldn’t take Bailey out of the house without telling me. He knows it’s a no, no. Walking back through the house again, I searched each room, opening closets and checking under beds. The boys weren’t here.

  “Alright, calm down,” I told myself.

  They probably just walked down to the playground down the street. A popular nanny hangout, the playground was usually swarmed with rich kids. Alfie had never taken him there before, but it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. I would be pissed he didn’t at least leave a note, but it wasn’t the worst thing that could happen.


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