Power Mage

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Power Mage Page 21

by Hondo Jinx

  “It doesn’t matter what you call me,” Brawley said. “We’re bound. I’m going to love and protect you both forever.”

  “That makes me very happy,” Nina said. She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “And I will love and protect you—both of you—for the rest of my life.”

  Brawley grinned at her.

  “What?” Nina said. “I mean it.”

  “I know you do,” he said. “It’s just hard to take you seriously when you’re wearing that crazy hat.”

  “Aargh,” Nina said, clapping a hand over the tinfoil helmet, which remained in place due to the rubber band that Sage had stretched over the foil and under Nina’s chin before the big fight with Junior and his crew.

  They hadn’t talked much about what had happened back there. Maybe they would later. Or maybe they wouldn’t.

  Brawley didn’t need to talk. He already knew how he felt about it. They had killed five assholes who had tried to kill them. Simple math there. His only regret was not being able to kill the one who’d abandoned Junior.

  In time, he thought. In time.

  Because he was certain that he hadn’t seen the last of the psi mafia.

  Or the Order.

  Or a whole shit ton of other people who were coming for him now, just like Hazel said they would.

  Which all led to the same conclusion: Miami. And that was going to be a game changer. Big time.

  They had escaped Key West just in time. They’d only had time to scoop up two AKs, two bandoliers of AK magazines, and Junior’s assault shotgun. By the time they had thrown them into the RV and lifted Nina’s moped through the door, they could see the flashing lights of the first police cars arriving at the far end of the sprawling shopping center.

  They had driven behind the last strip of shops and picked up Sage, who cloaked them in darkness until they reached the end of the island. Then Sage had shifted the illusion, simply changing the color of the RV and giving onlookers the sense that the windshield was still in one piece.

  “Get me to Marathon so I can get a mind shield and ditch this stupid hat,” Nina said.

  “I don’t know,” Brawley said, showing her a cockeyed grin. “I’m getting kind of attached to it.”

  Sage laughed from the passenger seat. “A falsehood. Humorous in its juxtaposition to Nina’s ridiculous appearance.”

  Nina feigned shock. “Nina’s ridiculous appearance? The fuck, girlfriend? I thought we were tight. Besides,” she said, and struck a sexy pose, “I make tinfoil look hot.”

  Their laughter cut off when they rounded the corner and saw a wall of flashing lights stretching across the highway on both sides.

  Another roadblock.

  Brawley slowed to a stop behind the line of cars waiting to be checked.

  “You still good, girlfriend?” Nina asked.

  “Yes,” Sage said with a bright smile. “Just this morning, I never would have possessed the energy to do everything I’ve done, let alone to still feel this powerful.”

  “Excellent,” Brawley said. He, too, felt powerful. Killing Junior had given him a boost just like killing Marco had. “And soon, you’ll be even more powerful.”

  “Is that your Seeker side spitting prophecies,” Nina asked, “or an awkward segue into a confession about plans for adding women?”

  “These people aren’t going to stop hunting me,” Brawley said, easing the RV forward as another car passed through the roadblock. “The psi mafia, the Order, the fuggle cops, those government types you mentioned.”

  “The FPI,” Nina said with a shudder. “Once they catch your scent, they will pour everything into hunting you.”

  “While this truth distresses me,” Sage said, “you are correct, husband. Everyone will soon be chasing you. Those you have mentioned, all seven Orders, and a good portion of the Chaotics, as well. Across the Latticework, opinions are coalescing around the belief that a new power mage has arisen in Key West. Even now, various factions are heading this way from across the globe. Some will attempt to kill you. Others wish to study you. Many want to render you for energy.”

  “Some of them want to use you,” Nina sang.

  Brawley eased the RV forward. Just ahead, cops were poking around cars, examining interiors with flashlights. Brawley felt a flicker of unease, imagining the policemen coming onboard the RV, but then he squashed it. In for a penny, in for a pound. And he was in for the pound. Every last fucking ounce.

  “I’m going all in,” he said. “I’m going to open all seven strands and become a true power mage. And with every strand I open, you two will become more powerful, too.”

  “I must say that power is intoxicating,” Sage said. “I, for one, support this plan. It is the only logical way to proceed, so long as we are able to find five suitable teachers for you.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Nina said. “He’s a handsome cowboy with a nice ass, a big dick, and oh yeah… he’s a fucking power mage. I might not be a Seeker, but I’ll tell you right now, our guy will have no trouble scoring psi-babes.”

  “This shit is forever, though,” Brawley said, “so I’m not going to bond with just anybody.”

  “Oh boy,” Nina said, “we’re in the company of a diva.”

  “Our husband is wise to be discerning,” Sage said. “The bonds of a power mage are, indeed, everlasting. None of us wishes to be paired for eternity with a bad fit. And as you expressed, Nina, women will seek our husband. We must be very cautious in selecting our sister-wives.”

  Brawley laughed. This was surreal as fuck. Doubly so because they were inching ever closer to a roadblock manned by heavily armed police officers. “We have to be cautious? I’ll be choosing my wives, not you.”

  “Chill with the wife thing,” Nina said, giving his uninjured shoulder a squeeze. “And we obviously get a say in whom you choose.”

  “If you girls want to help me recruit women, that’s fine,” Brawley said, “but I already know which strand I’m opening next. We’re heading for Miami.”

  “I thought we were headed for Texas.”

  “Eventually,” he said, “but you girls said South Beach is Carnal Central, right?”

  They nodded.

  “Well, getting shot doesn’t tickle,” he said. A piece of buckshot had blown clean through his shoulder, leaving the back of his arm swollen and purple. “And I got a feeling people aren’t done trying to shoot me.”

  “You’re going to bond with a Carnal?” Nina said.

  “I am,” Brawley said. “You don’t sound thrilled. I thought you wanted me to open more strands.”

  “I do,” Nina said, “but ugh… I hate Carnals. They’re all hot and cocky and full of themselves. Why not start with someone else? I know a nice Beastie girl. She’s sweet as pie and super hot. You’d love her.”

  “I’m sure I will,” Brawley said, “but first, I need regeneration, so we’re heading to Miami.”

  “Fuck me Freddy,” Nina said. “This is all so goddamned crazy. Buckle in, Sage. We are in for a rough ride.”

  “Rough rides are the only ones worth taking,” Brawley said. “You can’t score 90 points on a timid bull.”

  “Don’t go muddling shit with your bull riding allusions,” Nina said. “Hey, fuzz at ten o’clock.”

  The officer reached up and rapped on Brawley’s window with his flashlight. A peel of unintelligible chatter squawked from the walkie-talkie at his hip.

  Brawley rolled down his window.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, ma’am,” the police officer said.

  Brawley grinned.


  So Sage did have a sense of humor. He just hoped that Sage had manipulated his voice, too, or this cop was in for a shock. “What’s the problem, officer?”

  “I can’t say much, ma’am,” the officer said, offering a polite frown, “but there was an incident in Key West tonight, and suspects fled the scene. We’re stopping all vehicles to make sure they don’t slip by. Would you mind if I took a quick look inside your vehi

  Sage leaned past Brawley and smiled at the cop. “Hello, officer. We are not the people you are looking for.”

  The policeman nodded.

  “But please do shine your flashlight around inside our vehicle,” Sage said.

  “Yes, ma’am,” the cop said, and swept his light back and forth. Settling its beam on Nina, he said, “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to sit down and fasten your seat belt.”

  It was all Brawley could do not to burst out laughing. Sage, you mischievous little Seeker.

  “Sorry, officer,” Nina said, taking a seat and pulling the shoulder belt across her body.

  “That’s okay, sir,” the policeman said. “Sorry to trouble you folks. You all have a nice night.”

  “Thanks,” Brawley said, and rolled through the stop point.

  Route 1 was the only road back to the mainland, a hundred-mile stretch of bridges and highway flanked on both sides by island towns and breathtaking ocean views.

  Now, however, darkness was upon them, and up ahead, enemies were getting into position, transforming this world-famous scenic drive into a deadly gauntlet.

  A rough ride indeed.

  So be it. Brawley was ready.

  “Sir?” Nina said incredulously as they picked up speed. “What the shit was that, Sage? You made me look like a man, didn’t you?” The seat belt stretched tightly across Nina’s body, pulling the skimpy half shirt down between her breasts and exposing the edge of her red bra, the swell of her incredible curves, and shadowy hollows of her alluring collarbones.

  And wouldn’t you fucking know it, Brawley had iron in his pants again.

  Seeing a turnoff ahead, he hit the blinker.

  There was a time to kill and a time to fuck, and he’d killed enough people for one day.

  They would stop, have some fun, and rest, which power all three of them up to max juice again.

  And God have mercy on anyone who tried to stop them.

  Thank you for reading Power Mage!

  If you enjoyed the book, please be awesome and leave a review. When you leave a review, even a short one, Amazon shows my book to more people. Thanks for your time and help.

  Brawley’s adventures continue in Power Mage 2. Are you ready for more power, more problems, and more women?

  Get your barbaric ass on my mailing list.

  Speaking of savages, special thanks to Tanner Linkins, whose feedback on an advance copy made this a better book. The first beer is on me, dude.

  Check out the Harem Lit Facebook group, where fans of the genre hang out and talk books. I look forward to meeting you there.

  Until then, don’t approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.

  Also by Hondo Jinx

  GOLD, GIRLS, AND GLORY - An epic four-book fantasy adventure series.

  Cut class. Kick ass. Save the frigging world.

  When Dan’s life blends with a tabletop RPG adventure, he grabs his talking two-handed sword and hits campus looking for girls, gold, and glory. Join Dan as he transforms from a half-stepping college student into a savage warlord who drinks from the skulls of his enemies.

  Warning: This series is intended for readers 18 and older. It includes explicit sex, profanity, graphic violence, and a harem of gorgeous ass-kicking women.

  Dan the Barbarian

  Dan the Adventurer

  Dan the Destroyer

  Dan the Warlord




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