Witch Way To Jingle

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by Dawn Sullivan

  Witch Way To Jingle

  Magical Mojo Book 2

  Dawn Sullivan

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission from the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or featured names are assumed to be the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement of any of these terms used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or in part, mechanically or electronically, constitutes a copyright violation. Published in the United States of America in January 2021; Copyright 2021 by Dawn Sullivan. The right of the Author’s Name to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by them in accordance with The Copyright, Designs, and Patent Act of 1988.

  Published by Dawn Sullivan

  Cover Design: T. E. Black Designs

  Editors: Ryder Editing and Formatting

  Copyright 2021 © Author Dawn Sullivan

  Language: English


  Witch Way To Love

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Other Books By Dawn Sullivan

  A Note From The Author

  About the Author

  Witch Way To Love

  Willow Ryder is a strong, self-confident witch who is content to live her life just the way it is. Safe. She has her job as a prominent attorney with a well-known law firm and her coven. She doesn’t need anything else. Well, except maybe to have a little fun at her neighbor’s expense, the cheating bastard.

  Dominic Hamilton has known since he was a teenager that he was meant to live life alone. While it might be a lonely existence, he doesn’t believe he deserves love and happiness after what happened years ago. As long as his family is happy, that’s all he needs to make it through.

  When Dom and Willow’s paths cross one night, they both try to avoid a destiny that’s been decided for them. Fate may have chosen them to be together, but there is no way that is ever going to happen. The Goddess above has no idea what she is doing… or does she?

  When danger threatens the life Willow has made for herself and all the things that hold her heart, she comes to realize that it is time she must decide witch way to jingle.

  Chapter One

  Willow concentrated on the tree branches directly above the bright red wannabe sports car. A slow smile appeared when they began to shake and groan, before dumping what had to be a foot of snow on top of the vehicle. After a quick glance around, she began to mutter a low chant, watching in satisfaction as the snow started to melt over the car, and then freeze when she altered the words in the spell.

  Soon, the small car looked like it was encased in a huge ice cube, and Willow couldn’t stop the laughter that escaped as she grabbed the newspaper off her front steps and turned and went back into her house. Served the bastard right for cheating on his wife. There was no way they would be able to get the Mazda unthawed and out of there before the Mrs. came home from her night shift at the hospital in a couple of hours. She wished she could see the look on her husband’s face when he was caught with his pants down… in a manner of speaking.

  Willow paused in the entryway, cocking her head to the side, another burst of laughter hitting her. Maybe she could watch it all unfold. She was sure she could conjure a spell for that, and it just might be worth the time it would take to figure it out. Maybe she should call over a few of her coven sisters for some popcorn and to watch the show.

  Chuckling to herself, she made her way into the kitchen. Tossing the paper on the island, she wandered over to make some coffee, while she contemplated the wording she would need to use to pull up the scene that would soon be unravelling next door, and slap it on her big screen TV in the basement.

  Her Keurig was humming, the smell of French Vanilla filling the air, and Willow had just reached for her phone to call her best friend Desi, when it began to ring. Sighing, she glanced at the caller ID, expecting it to be the office, even though they’d promised her the next three weeks off. She’d been working like a damn dog the entire year, and just needed some time to unwind, but the partners she worked for at Johnson and Johnson Law Firm didn’t see it that way. They expected her to be at their beck and call, and she had been ever since she started there after passing the bar exam eight years ago. But if she didn’t get some time away from the place she was beginning to think of as ‘Hell’ soon, she was going to blow a gasket.

  Willow gritted her teeth together tightly when she was proven right, and one of the partner’s numbers flashed across the phone. Not just any partner, but the one who had been trying to get her into his bed for the past six months. She had managed to avoid his advances so far, but he was getting more and more persistent, and it was really starting to piss her off.

  She contemplated ignoring the call, but knew she couldn’t. She was on track to making partner in the company, hopefully within the next year. If she wanted that to happen, she needed to be available to them twenty-four seven, even on her days off. All three weeks of it.

  Cursing under her breath, she answered, “Willow Ryder.”

  There was a slight pause, and then Derek Johnson’s voice came over the line. “Sorry to interrupt your vacation, Willow.”

  Bullshit. The slimy bastard didn’t care at all what he was interrupting. As grandson to the owner of the law firm, he thought he was entitled to everyone’s time, no matter who it was.


  “I’m here.” That was all she gave him. She had no desire to speak with him, now or ever, but she would out of respect for his grandfather… and because she really wanted to make partner in the company.

  “Look, I was hoping you could come in and help out on a case of mine. I need to go out of town for a week or two.”

  What he really meant was that he was going on his yearly skiing trip in Colorado with his frat buddies from college. The same one he went on yearly since he graduated. She had to listen to the stories of his escapades every January when he returned—a man who was now in his forties, preying on women way younger than he was.

  “Find someone else.”

  “Ah, Willow, come on. There isn’t anyone as good as you, and this case is going to be difficult.”

  A part of her was intrigued at the word difficult, but not enough to take the bait. Not this time.

  “I’m sure Brandon or Christopher can handle it.”

  “They aren’t you,” Derek said, in a wheedling tone that grated on her nerves. “And they have their own cases going right now.”

  “Not my problem,” Willow snapped before she could control herself, and instantly regretted letting her anger take over. Inhaling deeply, she calmed herself before saying, “Look, Derek, I was promised a full three weeks off with no phone calls and no cases. I intend to take those three weeks. If you need to call to get my opinion on something, or you have a question relating to one of my cases, I would be happy to help. Otherwise, I would appreciate being able to take the time I was given without interruption.”

  There was silence, and then… “You could always come with me.”

  “What?” Go with him and his loser college buddies? Was he crazy?

  “Come on, Willow,” Derek said smoothly, an
d she could picture that slimy smile of his crossing his face. “Come with me. We’ll do some skiing during the day, have candlelight dinners at night, and talk about our future.”

  Willow’s eyebrows arched so high at the last sentence; she was surprised they were still on her forehead. “Tell me, Derek, just what future might that be?”

  “One that includes the two of us spending the rest of our lives together.”

  Willow’s hand tightened on the phone, her mouth opening in shock. Was he seriously hinting at what she thought he was? No way in hell was she spending her life with a player like Derek Johnson. That man would never settle down. She would end up like the sad story that was taking place across the street. Not going to happen. She didn’t need a man, especially not one like him.

  A pair of striking blue eyes flashed through her mind, along with a strong curve of a jaw and a dimple that appeared when a sexy, wicked grin crossed his face. Dominic Hamilton, the one person who the Goddess had supposedly chosen for her—if she was to believe the stories Desi had told her about how she and Drake had been drawn to each other. Dominic was the man Willow had been avoiding as much as possible since the night they’d met.

  Willow firmly shut the door on those thoughts, bringing her attention back to the man who was currently spewing what he thought was convincing words in her ear. Running a hand through her thick hair, she interrupted him. “Derek, I don’t know what you think is going on between us but let me reiterate what I have already told you several times. I am not now, nor will I ever be, interested in anything more from you than a working relationship. I do not fraternize with anyone outside of the workplace, no matter who it is. I keep my work life separate from my private life. So, that being said, thank you for the invitation, but I am going to politely decline. Now, I’m going back to my vacation. Have a nice day.”

  Ignoring his sputtering, she hung up the phone, praying she hadn’t ruined any chances of further advancement in the company. Unfortunately, it had come to a point where she might have to choose her sanity over her job. She honestly didn’t know if she could handle another case right now, no matter what it was. The eighty hours a week she’d been working since the beginning of the year was taking a toll on her, and her stress level was through the roof. She was on edge constantly, losing control of the rage that had been building inside her for months now, and doing stupid things like popping the neighbor’s tires on his car the other day before he could leave for work, and encasing his tramp’s car in ice that morning. Although she amused herself by doing those things, it was also spurred by her anger.

  No sooner had the thought crossed Willow’s mind, than she saw his wife’s SUV making its way down the street out of the edge of her kitchen window. She was home early!

  Grabbing her coffee, she rushed through the kitchen to get a better view out of the huge picture window in her living room. Willow took her first sip of the lifesaving brew in her hands as she watched the scene begin to unfold outside. The wife didn’t have to go in the house to find out what a cheating bastard her husband was. He was outside, dressed only in his bathrobe and a pair of snow boots with his tramp of a girlfriend, frantically trying to beat the ice off her little Miata. Ice that wasn’t budging. It looked like she wasn’t going to have to conjure a spell to watch it on her television after all. It was going to take place right outside in front of her house.

  The wife pulled slowly into the driveway, opened the garage door, and drove in. Soon, she was stalking out toward them, halting a few feet away and crossing her arms over her chest as she glared at her husband. He stopped what he was doing to look over at her, guilt all over his face.

  Holding out his arms in a placating manner, he started to plead his case. Willow took another sip of her coffee as she watched the woman arch an eyebrow while she listened. She couldn’t hear what was being said, but that was almost better, because she could imagine her own commentary in her mind. Right now, she was thinking that the husband was begging for one more try. The side hoe had stopped banging on her car and was now staring at him, a mutinous look on her face. She was pissed off and looked like she was about to put her two cents' worth in.

  The wife waited a moment, letting him say his piece, and then unfolded her arms, took a step forward, and kneed him in the junk. Willow choked on her coffee when the man fell to the ground in pain, moaning as he cupped his crotch in his hands. His wife showed no compassion, turning and leaving him and the other woman where they were as she went inside the house, slamming the door behind her.

  Deciding she’d had enough fun for the day, Willow concentrated on the car and began to whisper softly. Soon, the ice was gone as if it had never been there. The girlfriend was yelling at the poor asshole who was now crying as he held his dick. But, as soon as she saw her car was miraculously free of ice, she shut up, her gaze going around the area nervously. Willow knew the moment when the woman saw her but couldn’t find it in herself to care.

  After one last look, Willow raised her hand and waved her fingers at the couple who were now both staring in open-mouthed shock at her, before turning and walking away from the window. They might think she had something to do with what had just happened, but they would never know for sure. She liked the thought of keeping them wondering. And maybe, just maybe, they were both a little terrified of her now. She shrugged. Oh well. If they were, they deserved it.

  Chapter Two

  Two weeks. It had been two long weeks since he last saw her. Two weeks and five days, if you wanted to be exact. He was so damn tired. He couldn’t sleep. Every time he tried to get some rest; her image filled his mind. Those beautiful, dark green eyes that flashed fire when she was irritated, which she almost always was around him. Her pert little nose, and those full, luscious lips that she loved to paint dark red. That long, bright blue hair that on anyone else, he would think looked ridiculous, but not on her. No, his Willow could pull off any color of hair.

  Fuck, his Willow.

  He didn’t want a woman to claim as his own. Didn’t deserve one. Not after what happened so long ago. Shame filled him, grief swamping him at the thought of everything he’d lost that night. Because of his own stupid actions. His two best friends, gone.

  He just wanted to live his life in peace. Alone. But, for some reason, the Goddess had chosen him, thinking he was worthy of someone as strong and beautiful as Willow. She was wrong. He wasn’t even close to her equal. She was so much better than he would ever be.

  Dominic groaned, rubbing his hand over the place where his heart beat erratically in his chest. It physically hurt to be separated from his witch. It was an empty, aching feeling, as if he wasn’t complete without Willow in his life.

  Why the hell had the Goddess chosen them to be together?


  Dominic looked up to see his grandmother standing in front of him, his brow furrowing as he wondered how long she’d been there. Raking a hand through his hair, he looked around in confusion. He sat in one of the chairs in their large living room that his mother had clearly picked out by looks, and not how comfortable they were. The lights were off, and the heavy drapes were shut tightly, so he had no idea what time it was.

  “It’s only going to get worse.”

  Rubbing a hand over his face, he asked gruffly, “What do you mean, Grandma?”

  “Until you wake up and accept your fate, things are only going to get worse.”

  Dominic met her gaze, shaking his head. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t do it.

  Before he could reply, Victoria held up her hand. “Stop, right now, Dominic Roland Hamilton. Lie to yourself if you want to, but do not lie to me. Ever.”

  Dominic bowed his head in shame, his eyes closing in exhaustion. “Sorry, Grandma.”

  Victoria was quiet for a long time, before she asked softly, “Do you not want the woman the Goddess has chosen for you, Dom? Is that it?”

  He didn’t want to talk about this to anyone, not even his grandmother. It hurt too much. All of i

  “You know the Goddess doesn’t make mistakes.”

  “She did this time,” he muttered.

  “Give it some time,” Victoria suggested, placing a hand gently on his shoulder. “Get to know Willow. She may be headstrong and… feisty…”

  Dominic snorted. His witch was definitely those things, and so much more. Then what his grandmother said sank in. His head snapped up, his eyes narrowing on her. “How did you know?”

  “That Willow holds the other half of your heart?”

  “No one holds my heart,” he said gruffly, unable to stop the glare he sent her way.

  “That her magic calls to yours?” his grandmother went on, ignoring his response. “That your souls call to one another?”

  “My soul, heart, and magic belong to me alone.”

  Victoria’s eyes widened, then darkened in anger. “You would deny her? Leave her alone for the rest of her life? For eternity?”

  Dominic frowned, shaking his head. “It’s not like she’s in a hurry to claim me either, Grandma.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t want to jump on the Dom train right now either, the way you’ve been acting,” Desi said, as she strode into the room, giving Victoria a quick smile.

  “Seriously?” Drake was right behind her, where he always was. The two were hardly ever apart anymore. “Did you seriously just say the Dom train?”

  Desi shrugged, glancing back at him. “You can’t argue with me. He’s had several chances to talk to Willow but hasn’t done more than say stupid shit to antagonize her since they met.”

  “Wait,” Dominic said, holding up a hand as he tried to keep up with the conversation. His eyes were blurring, his head pounding, and he was finding it hard to pay attention. “You told me to stay away from her. You don’t want me near her.”


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