Secret Dreams of a Fearless Governess: A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Novel

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Secret Dreams of a Fearless Governess: A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Novel Page 33

by Abby Ayles

  “Very well,” she sighed. “Why do you wish to marry me?”

  Alexander sat forward. “Because I believe you the ideal choice for me.”

  “Why?” Beatrice asked perplexed. “We barely know each other.”

  "Yet I have studied you, Miss Leeson. Very carefully. Ever since the day we first met.”

  Her brow wrinkled. “That was months ago.”

  "Yes, and even then, I considered you an ideal prospect. Before you ask the reason, I will tell you. It was your disposition toward marriage and your fondness for children."

  Beatrice looked at him blankly. He knew there was much more he needed to explain, but he was easing her into it. It was a lot to take in at once and he did not wish to frighten her.

  “My disposition?” she asked finally.

  “Yes. You are not sentimental, and quite frankly, I do not wish a sentimental wife. I do not desire romance Miss Leeson. I need a wife and an heir.”

  Beatrice remained silent.

  "You have on more than one occasion stated your view that marriage is best as an arrangement, one where your comforts are met, you can have your freedom and enjoy your children. I want nothing less or more than that."

  He got to his feet and began to walk slowly. It was a practice of his when expounding on a matter, and given the circumstances, he had much to explain.

  “If you will allow me to be frank Miss Leeson?” he asked.

  “By all means, Your Grace. I would very much appreciate your candor,” Beatrice replied.

  “I am the ninth Duke of Everdale,” he informed. “My family has held the seat of that county for nearly seven hundred years. I am my father’s only son and I have no heir. However, I do have a grasping and devious cousin, who wishes nothing more than to see the property, title, and wealth entailed away from my family’s line and to his own.”

  He paused and looked at Beatrice. She remained silent. Her eyes set on him quietly as he explained his proposal in complete detail.

  “My cousin has had no greater desire than taking my title since we were children. Now, his wife has given him a son, a ready heir to continue the family legacy.”

  “I understand,” Beatrice whispered as her eyes moved from him momentarily.

  “You see, Miss Leeson, I need a wife who will not desire love and affection that I cannot give. What I propose to you, is an agreement, between parties with needs which can be mutually satisfied by marriage. You want your own home and family. I can provide that. I need a wife who will not demand my attention but can provide me with an heir. That, I believe you can do.”

  He looked down at Beatrice. She remained seated and still, but Alexander could see that her mind was at work to process what he had shared with her.

  “I am not a romantic. Once, I was, but no longer. I have the responsibility of a county on my shoulders. A county my cousin would ravage should he ever gain the seat of it. I cannot allow that to happen.”

  He sat beside her. “I am not getting any younger, and my time to produce and raise an heir is diminishing daily. Ladies want love and the frilly feeling of romance, a subject on which I am deficient. You are the first lady who has not pursued me for title or romance. In fact, you have given me no consideration at all.”

  “And this is why you chose me?” Beatrice questioned calmly. “Because I fit your requirements?”

  “Yes,” Alexander admitted. “I know my intentions may seem callous and unfeeling, but I assure they are not. You will want for nothing. You do not even have to see me if you do not wish to. I will not demand nothing of you but this – an heir to continue my family line.”

  “And once you have your heir?” she questioned.

  “You can raise the child as you see fit. He will be your son and you will be his mother. I would never separate you, nor would I presume to dictate his life. He will be raised to be the next Duke of Everdale and afforded all that is necessary to assume the role when I am gone.”

  “Your Grace, this is a lot to take in,” Beatrice admitted.

  “I know, but I believe you are more than capable of understanding it all," Alexander stated calmly. "You are a very intelligent woman, Miss Leeson. Very capable. I have determined that from my observations as well as the comments of those around you."

  “Your Grace, you are flattering me.”

  “I wish I were, but I have no talent for flattery,” he admitted. “I am a man of business. A man who sees things clearly, as they are, and makes decisions given the information presented to him. I believe you are a woman of similar mind.”

  She looked at him calmly. "You seem to know a lot about me, Your Grace. I know nothing of you."

  “What do you wish to know?” he answered as he looked at her. Her expression had not changed since he had clearly set out the reasons behind his proposal. She seemed almost unaffected.

  “The Earl trusts you,” she stated. “I trust him. He praises you,” she explained.

  "He has known me a long time. He is more favorable to me than most."

  "We share that," Beatrice replied. "The Earl has known me my entire life, and his opinion is very important to me. What he says of you, I believe. I have no questions for you, Your Grace."

  He leaned forward. “Then do you have an answer for me?”

  She sighed. “Your Grace, would you allow me a few days to consider your proposal more thoroughly?”

  He nodded. “Though I had hoped for your answer today, I did not expect it. Take all the time you need, but I do need an answer.”

  Beatrice stood, and Alexander joined her. "Thank you for coming, Your Grace," she said with a curtsey.

  “It was my pleasure, Miss Leeson. I look forward to receiving your answer.”

  Alexander turned from her and walked from the room. The Viscountess was still outside the door when he opened it. He bowed to her before going on his way. He heard the parlor door close behind him as he made his way to the Earl's study as promised.

  If you want to know how the story continues, just Click on the link below

  Also by Abby Ayles

  ● The Lady, The Duke And The Gentleman

  ● A Broken Heart’s Redemption

  ● Falling for the Governess

  ● The Lady’s Gamble

  ● The Lady’s Patient

  ● Saving Lady Abigail

  ● Engaging Love

  ● A Cinderella for the Duke

  ● The Tales of Haskett’s Manor

  ● Portrait of Love

  ● A Mysterious Governess for the Reluctant Earl

  ● The Ladies’ Secrets

  ● Loving A Lady

  ● Redeeming Love for the Haunted Ladies

  ● The Secret to the Ladies’ Hearts

  ● Falling for the Hartfield Ladies

  ● Capturing the Viscount’s Heart

  ● The Odd Mystery of the Cursed Duke




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